A template to build dynamic web apps quickly using Go, html/template and javascript


A modest template to build dynamic web apps in Go, HTML and sprinkles and spots of javascript.

Why ?

  • Build dynamic websites using the tools you already know(Go, HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript) for the most part.
  • Use bulma components to speed up prototyping a responsive and good-looking UI.
  • Use turbo & stimulusjs for most of the interactivity.
  • For really complex interactivity use Svelte for a single div in a few spots.
  • Lightweight and productive. Fast development cycle.
  • Easy to start, easy to maintain.

For a more complete implementation using this technique please see gomodest-starter.



brew install gh
gh repo create myapp --template adnaan/gomodest-template
cd myapp
git pull origin main
make install
goreplace gomodest-template -r myapp
make watch

gomodest tempalte home


Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

Folder Structure

  • templates/

    • layouts/
    • partials/
    • list of view files
  • assets/

    • images/

    • src/

      • components/
      • controllers/
      • index.js
      • styles.scss
  • templates is the root directory where all html/templates assets are found.

  • layouts contains the layout files. Layout is a container for partials and view files

  • partials contains the partial files. Partial is a reusable html template which can be used in one of two ways:

    • Included in a layout file: {{include "partials/header"}}

    • Included in a view file: {{template "main" .}}. When used in a view file, a partial must be enclosed in a define tag:

          {{define "main"}}
            Hello {{.hello}}
  • view files are put in the root of the templates directory. They are contained within a layout must be enclosed in a define content tag:

        {{define "content"}}
            App's {{.dashboard}}

    View is rendered within a layout:

        indexLayout, err := rl.New(
    	rl.DefaultHandler(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (rl.M, error) {
    		return rl.M{
    			"app_name": "gomdest-template",
    		}, nil
        r.Get("/", indexLayout.Handle("home",
    	func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (rl.M, error) {
    		return rl.M{
    			"hello": "world",
    		}, nil

    Here the view: home is rendered within the index layout.

Please see the templates directory.

Views using html templates

There are three kinds of html/template files in this project.

  • layout: defines the base structure of a web page.
  • partial: reusable snippets of html. It can be of two types: layout partials & view partials.
  • view: the main container for the web page logic contained within a layout. It must be enclosed in a define content template definition. It can use view partials.

Step 1: Add a layout partial

Create header.html file in templates/partials.

... ">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="description" content="A modest way to build golang web apps">
<meta name="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">

Step 2: Add a layout

Create index.html file in templates/layouts and use the above partial.

{{.app_name}} {{include "partials/header"}} ... ">

<html lang="en">
    {{include "partials/header"}}
<body ...>

Step 4: Add a view partial

Create main.html in templates/partials

Hello {{.hello}}

{{end}} ">
{{define "main"}}
        <div class="columns is-centered is-vcentered is-mobile py-5">
            <div class="column is-narrow" style="width: 70%">
                <h1 class="has-text-centered title">Hello {{.hello}}h1>

This is a different from the layout partial since it's closed in a define tag.

Step 5: Add a view

Create home.html in templates and use the above partial.

{{template "main" .}}
{{end}} ">
{{define "content"}}
<div class="columns is-mobile is-centered">
    <div class="column is-half-desktop">
        {{template "main" .}}

Notice that a view is always enclosed in define content template definition.

Step 6: Render view

To render the view with data we use a wrapper over the html/template package.

r.Get("/", indexLayout.Handle("home",
    func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (rl.M, error) {
        return rl.M{
            "hello": "world",
    }, nil

To learn more about html/template, please look into this amazing cheatsheet.


  • templates/layout/index.html
  • templates/partials/header.html
  • templates/partials/main.html
  • templates/home.html
  • main.go

Interactivity using Javascript

For client-side interactivity we use a bit of javascript.

Stimulus Controllers

A stimulus controller is a snippet of javascript which handles a single aspect of interactivity. To add a new svelte component:

Step 1: Add a controller

Create a file with suffix: _controller.js


import { Controller } from "stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {



        if (e.currentTarget.dataset.goto){
            window.location = e.currentTarget.dataset.goto;



See complete implementation in assets/src/controller/util_controller.js. To understand how stimulus works, please see the handbook.

Step 2: Add data attributes to the target div

... ">
<body data-controller="util svelte"
      data-action="keydown@window->util#keyDown "
  <button class="button"

Here we are attaching two controllers to the body itself since they are used often. Later we can add action and data attributes to use them.


  • templates/layout/index.html
  • templates/404.html
  • assets/src/controllers/util_controller.js

Svelte Components

A svelte component is loaded into the targeted div by a stimulujs controller: controllers/svelte_controller.js. This is hooked by declaring data attributes on the div which is to be contain the svelte component:

  • data-svelte-target: Value is required to be component. It's used for identifying the divs as targets for the svelte_controller.

  • data-component-name: The name of the component as exported in src/components/index.js

      import app from "./App.svelte"
      // export other components here.
      export default {
          app: app,
  • data-component-props: A string map object which is passed as initial props to the svelte component.

To add a new svelte component:

Step 1: Add data attributes to the target div.

{{end}} ">
{{define "content"}}
<div class="columns is-mobile is-centered">
 <div class="column is-half-desktop">

Step 2: Create and export svelte component

  • Create a new svelte component in src/components and export it in src/components/index.js
import app from "./App.svelte"

// export other components here.
export default {
    app: app,

The controllers/svelte_controller.js controller loads the svelte component in to the div with the required data attributes shown in step 1.

Step 3: Hydrate initial props from the server

It's possible to hydrate initial props from the server and pass onto the component. This is done by templating a string data object into the data-component-props attribute.

r.Get("/app", indexLayout.Handle("app",
    func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (rl.M, error) {
      appData := struct {
      Title string `json:"title"`
      Title: "Hello from server for the svelte component",
      d, err := json.Marshal(&appData)
      if err != nil {
      return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", err, fmt.Errorf("encoding failed"))
      return rl.M{
      "Data": string(d), // notice struct data is converted into a string
      }, nil


  • templates/app.html
  • src/controllers/svelte_controller.js
  • src/components/*
  • main.go

Styling and Images

Bulma is included by default. Bulma is a productive css framework with prebuilt components and helper utilities.

  • assets/src/styles.scss: to override default bulma variables. webpack bundles and copies css assets to `public/assets/css.
  • assets/images: put image assets here. it will be auto-copied to public/assets/images by webpack.


Go to localhost:3000/samples to a list of sample views. Copy-paste at will from the templates/samples directory.


Adnaan Badr
Devops, Go, Kubernetes, Docker. Ex-Android Framework Engineer. Worked on a linux server, a tablet, a phone and a smartwatch. Reducing cloud native complexity.
Adnaan Badr
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