Netflix's Hystrix latency and fault tolerance library, for Go


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Hystrix is a great project from Netflix.

Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is inevitable.

I think the Hystrix patterns of programmer-defined fallbacks and adaptive health monitoring are good for any distributed system. Go routines and channels are great concurrency primitives, but don't directly help our application stay available during failures.

hystrix-go aims to allow Go programmers to easily build applications with similar execution semantics of the Java-based Hystrix library.

For more about how Hystrix works, refer to the Java Hystrix wiki

For API documentation, refer to GoDoc

How to use

import ""

Execute code as a Hystrix command

Define your application logic which relies on external systems, passing your function to hystrix.Go. When that system is healthy this will be the only thing which executes.

hystrix.Go("my_command", func() error {
	// talk to other services
	return nil
}, nil)

Defining fallback behavior

If you want code to execute during a service outage, pass in a second function to hystrix.Go. Ideally, the logic here will allow your application to gracefully handle external services being unavailable.

This triggers when your code returns an error, or whenever it is unable to complete based on a variety of health checks.

hystrix.Go("my_command", func() error {
	// talk to other services
	return nil
}, func(err error) error {
	// do this when services are down
	return nil

Waiting for output

Calling hystrix.Go is like launching a goroutine, except you receive a channel of errors you can choose to monitor.

output := make(chan bool, 1)
errors := hystrix.Go("my_command", func() error {
	// talk to other services
	output <- true
	return nil
}, nil)

select {
case out := <-output:
	// success
case err := <-errors:
	// failure

Synchronous API

Since calling a command and immediately waiting for it to finish is a common pattern, a synchronous API is available with the hystrix.Do function which returns a single error.

err := hystrix.Do("my_command", func() error {
	// talk to other services
	return nil
}, nil)

Configure settings

During application boot, you can call hystrix.ConfigureCommand() to tweak the settings for each command.

hystrix.ConfigureCommand("my_command", hystrix.CommandConfig{
	Timeout:               1000,
	MaxConcurrentRequests: 100,
	ErrorPercentThreshold: 25,

You can also use hystrix.Configure() which accepts a map[string]CommandConfig.

Enable dashboard metrics

In your main.go, register the event stream HTTP handler on a port and launch it in a goroutine. Once you configure turbine for your Hystrix Dashboard to start streaming events, your commands will automatically begin appearing.

hystrixStreamHandler := hystrix.NewStreamHandler()
go http.ListenAndServe(net.JoinHostPort("", "81"), hystrixStreamHandler)

Send circuit metrics to Statsd

c, err := plugins.InitializeStatsdCollector(&plugins.StatsdCollectorConfig{
	StatsdAddr: "localhost:8125",
	Prefix:     "myapp.hystrix",
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("could not initialize statsd client: %v", err)



What happens if my run function panics? Does hystrix-go trigger the fallback?

No. hystrix-go does not use recover() so panics will kill the process like normal.

Build and Test

  • Install vagrant and VirtualBox
  • Clone the hystrix-go repository
  • Inside the hystrix-go directory, run vagrant up, then vagrant ssh
  • cd /go/src/
  • go test ./...
  • Possible regression in 5b79165

    Possible regression in 5b79165

    I'm using hystrix-go in go-kit, as one of the circuit breaker implementations. Thank you for your good work!

    On a recent CI run, I noticed an error. I've reproduced the unit test as a single executable. Consider this program. When I checkout revision be7b59e, I get this output:

    ugh ~/tmp/hystr rm -rf $GOPATH/pkg/darwin_amd64/ ; go run example.go
    priming with 40 successful requests
    switching to errors...
    now the next few requests should give us our error: kaboom
    got expected error 1
    got expected error 2
    the circuit should have opened by now
    hystrix-go: opening circuit my-endpoint
    got expected error: hystrix: circuit open
    got expected error: hystrix: circuit open
    got expected error: hystrix: circuit open
    got expected error: hystrix: circuit open
    got expected error: hystrix: circuit open
    everything works as expected

    When I checkout revision 5b79165, I get this output:

    ugh ~/tmp/hystr rm -rf $GOPATH/pkg/darwin_amd64/ ; go run example.go
    priming with 40 successful requests
    switching to errors...
    now the next few requests should give us our error: kaboom
    got expected error 1
    got expected error 2
    the circuit should have opened by now
    got unexpected error at request 1: kaboom
    exit status 1

    If there's a bug in my unit test, I suspect it's to do with the shouldPass statement. Can you find a problem, or is this a regression?

  • Goroutine leak?

    Goroutine leak?

    Hi! If a function times out, ala:

    Then this would block, causing a leaked goroutine:


  • Export isOpen() and metrics

    Export isOpen() and metrics

    We have a need to check if a circuit is open. Is there an easy way to do that? Also, we want to send some status to our metrics server and the only way I can think of is to hack the HTTP streamer. An example here (to stdout):

    // This is  used to output the Hystrix stream to stdout and only used for debugging
    // circuit stats
    type outputResponseStdout struct {
        HeaderMap http.Header
    func (o *outputResponseStdout) Header() http.Header {
        m := o.HeaderMap
        if m == nil {
            m = make(http.Header)
            o.HeaderMap = m
        return m
    func (o *outputResponseStdout) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
        return os.Stdout.Write(buf)
    func (o *outputResponseStdout) WriteHeader(c int) {
        fmt.Println("HTTP code: ", c)
    func OutputHystrixEvents() {
        s := hystrix.NewStreamHandler()
        rh := &outputResponseStdout{}
        req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
        if err != nil {
        s.ServeHTTP(rh, req)
  • tickets may not be returned to the pool and isTimeout race condition

    tickets may not be returned to the pool and isTimeout race condition

    In Go(), the original logic is one task goroutine acquires a ticket and then another timer goroutine returns it. Albeit it's unlikely, there's a chance that a ticket may never be returned when timer tries to return a ticket before task acquires one.

  • Added support for CloseNotify in the event stream

    Added support for CloseNotify in the event stream

    StreamHandlers were hanging around after clients disconnected and creating noise. I suppose with enough hits to ServeHTTP it could have eventually impacted legitimate clients via port exhaustion, etc.

  • Reduced the number of times a lock is acquired.

    Reduced the number of times a lock is acquired.

    There was a race condition in getCurrentBucket which is removed. The codepaths that went down the getCurrentBucket path would sometimes acquire the same lock as many as 3 times. Given that increment and set max would eventually have to acquire an exclusive lock, I just acquire that lock off the bat. Added some benchmarks to state the case: Current master: BenchmarkRollingNumberIncrement-8 10000000 204 ns/op BenchmarkRollingNumberUpdateMax-8 10000000 209 ns/op

    This branch: BenchmarkRollingNumberIncrement-8 10000000 147 ns/op BenchmarkRollingNumberUpdateMax-8 20000000 149 ns/op

  • Closing error channel can panic

    Closing error channel can panic

    If the callback returns an error (without having a fallback) an error is sent here:

    If a timeout in timer.C occurs, an error will be sent here:

    Both errors can be triggered on the same call (i.e. if a timeout occurs and later the callback returns an error without a fallback function). If the error channel is closed after the caller receives the first error, the second error won't be able to be sent on a closed channel and panic. If this is expected behavior, should we document it here: ? The workaround is not to close the channel and let it GC the second error.

  • Go() hangs if you only check for errors

    Go() hangs if you only check for errors

    Given the following code hystrix will permanently hang a go routine:

    errors := hystrix.Go("foo", func() error {
           fmt.Println("Just checking if success/failure")
        return nil
    }, nil)
    err := <- errors
    return err
  • support context and ignore circuit metrics for canceled contexts

    support context and ignore circuit metrics for canceled contexts

    This is an attempt to appropriately support context in hystrix-go.

    It adds to new functions to the hystrix package: GoC and DoC which behave the same as Go and Do but take context as the first parameter.

    It keeps backwards compatibility by adapting Go and Do and calling GoC and DoC with context.Background().

    The most controversial choice is how I've chosen to deal with contexts. I've chosen to treat context errors separately from command errors. That is -- if the context passed in is canceled or deadline exceeded, we won't modify any circuit breaker metrics. The command in this case did not fail, just the computation is no longer relevant.

    This has the side effect of not triggering any 'Attempt' metrics in the case of context cancelation, which seems wrong, but avoids a mismatch between attempts and other failure conditions. We could consider adding a new metric 'cancels' and trigger 'attempts' and 'cancels' in the case we detect context canceled.

  • Fix default metric collector data race

    Fix default metric collector data race

    Fix for this race:

    Write by goroutine 3233:*DefaultMetricCollector).Reset()
          /build/Godeps/_workspace/src/ +0xe76*metricExchange).Reset()
          /build/Godeps/_workspace/src/ +0x11a*CircuitBreaker).setClose()
          /build/Godeps/_workspace/src/ +0x1a6*CircuitBreaker).ReportEvent()
          /build/Godeps/_workspace/src/ +0xa9·002()
          /build/Godeps/_workspace/src/ +0x779
    Previous read by goroutine 33:*StreamHandler).publishMetrics()
          /build/Godeps/_workspace/src/ +0x766*StreamHandler).loop()
          /build/Godeps/_workspace/src/ +0x1a0
  • support go module

    support go module

    • support go module to control the package dependencies
    • migrate to the v5
      • is not supported go module.

    Getting this error when executing go mod tidy. module found (v3.2.1+incompatible), but does not contain package
  • add concurrencyInUse metric to graphite

    add concurrencyInUse metric to graphite

    • Today to set maxConcurrency metric for an edge client we need to calculate using a complex formula and may not be correct
    • Hystrix go has a metric concurrencyInUse that depicts the number of concurrent requests per host. This can be used to mitigate short circuits.
  • Prometheus support for metric collection

    Prometheus support for metric collection

    I want to check if there are there any plans for supporting Prometheus metrics export? If no one is working on it I can also try and raise a PR for the same.

  • Incorrect build instructions

    Incorrect build instructions

    Problem description

    With the current "Build and test" instructions in the readme:

    • there is an error on vagrant up because the package now needs Go 1.13 (for errors.Is but the VM provides Go 1.9
    • the go test ./... instructions don't work because /go is root:root but the VM guest user id vagrant:vagrant so the go tool can't download the dependencies
    • when adding a such chown -R vagrant:vagrant /go the go tool downloads success, but the build fails because of dependency on Go 1.13 again.

    Suggested changes

    • In the short term, upgrade to Go 1.17 since this is the current version
    • In the longer term convert to docker for ease of use/speed.
  • Integrate with go-leak library and fix leaks

    Integrate with go-leak library and fix leaks


    | PR Status | Type | Impact level | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Ready | Bug | Medium |


    • Integrates with a Goleak detection library.
    • Fixed ~26 identified leaks in tests
  • method executed within hystrix behaving weiredly

    method executed within hystrix behaving weiredly


    Sample code:

    	payload io.Reader) (bool, int) {
    	//build request
    	request, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, payload)
    	if err != nil {
    		log.Printf("failed in request build %s %s \n", url, err.Error())
    		return false, 0
    	//make request
    	response, err := h.HttpExecute(request)
    	if err != nil {
    		log.Println("HttpCommand=Error  URL=", url, " Error=", err)
    		return false, 0
    	} else {
    		log.Println("HttpCommand=Success  response=", response, " error=", err)
    		io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, response.Body)
    		defer response.Body.Close()
    		return true, response.StatusCode
    func (h *HTTPSink) HttpExecute(input *http.Request) (response *http.Response, err error){
    	if err := hystrix.Do("http", func() (err error) {
    		response, err = h.client.Do(input)
    		return err
    	}, nil); err != nil {
    		return nil, err
    	return response, nil

    In the above code response, err := h.HttpExecute(request) is behaving in non deterministic fashion. While running in debug mode err is coming as nil although destination server failed (4xx) but while executing the same line second time getting correct error

    First invocation result

    Screenshot 2021-07-23 at 3 53 44 PM

    Second Invoction Result

    Screenshot 2021-07-23 at 3 53 56 PM
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