.NET LINQ capabilities in Go

go-linq GoDoc Build Status Coverage Status Go Report Card

A powerful language integrated query (LINQ) library for Go.

  • Written in vanilla Go, no dependencies!
  • Complete lazy evaluation with iterator pattern
  • Safe for concurrent use
  • Supports generic functions to make your code cleaner and free of type assertions
  • Supports arrays, slices, maps, strings, channels and custom collections


When used with Go modules, use the following import path:

go get github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/v3

Older versions of Go using different dependency management tools can use the following import path to prevent breaking API changes:

go get gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3


Usage is as easy as chaining methods like:

From(slice) .Where(predicate) .Select(selector) .Union(data)

Example 1: Find all owners of cars manufactured after 2015

import . "github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/v3"

type Car struct {
    year int
    owner, model string


var owners []string

From(cars).Where(func(c interface{}) bool {
	return c.(Car).year >= 2015
}).Select(func(c interface{}) interface{} {
	return c.(Car).owner

Or, you can use generic functions, like WhereT and SelectT to simplify your code (at a performance penalty):

var owners []string

From(cars).WhereT(func(c Car) bool {
	return c.year >= 2015
}).SelectT(func(c Car) string {
	return c.owner

Example 2: Find the author who has written the most books

import . "github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/v3"

type Book struct {
	id      int
	title   string
	authors []string

author := From(books).SelectMany( // make a flat array of authors
	func(book interface{}) Query {
		return From(book.(Book).authors)
	}).GroupBy( // group by author
	func(author interface{}) interface{} {
		return author // author as key
	}, func(author interface{}) interface{} {
		return author // author as value
	}).OrderByDescending( // sort groups by its length
	func(group interface{}) interface{} {
		return len(group.(Group).Group)
	}).Select( // get authors out of groups
	func(group interface{}) interface{} {
		return group.(Group).Key
	}).First() // take the first author

Example 3: Implement a custom method that leaves only values greater than the specified threshold

type MyQuery Query

func (q MyQuery) GreaterThan(threshold int) Query {
	return Query{
		Iterate: func() Iterator {
			next := q.Iterate()

			return func() (item interface{}, ok bool) {
				for item, ok = next(); ok; item, ok = next() {
					if item.(int) > threshold {


result := MyQuery(Range(1,10)).GreaterThan(5).Results()

Generic Functions

Although Go doesn't implement generics, with some reflection tricks, you can use go-linq without typing interface{}s and type assertions. This will introduce a performance penalty (5x-10x slower) but will yield in a cleaner and more readable code.

Methods with T suffix (such as WhereT) accept functions with generic types. So instead of

.Select(func(v interface{}) interface{} {...})

you can type:

.SelectT(func(v YourType) YourOtherType {...})

This will make your code free of interface{} and type assertions.

Example 4: "MapReduce" in a slice of string sentences to list the top 5 most used words using generic functions

var results []string

	// split sentences to words
	SelectManyT(func(sentence string) Query {
		return From(strings.Split(sentence, " "))
	// group the words
		func(word string) string { return word },
		func(word string) string { return word },
	// order by count
	OrderByDescendingT(func(wordGroup Group) int {
		return len(wordGroup.Group)
	// order by the word
	ThenByT(func(wordGroup Group) string {
		return wordGroup.Key.(string)
	Take(5).  // take the top 5
	// project the words using the index as rank
	SelectIndexedT(func(index int, wordGroup Group) string {
		return fmt.Sprintf("Rank: #%d, Word: %s, Counts: %d", index+1, wordGroup.Key, len(wordGroup.Group))

More examples can be found in the documentation.

Release Notes

v3.2.0 (2020-12-29)
* Added FromChannelT().
* Added DefaultIfEmpty().

v3.1.0 (2019-07-09)
* Support for Go modules
* Added IndexOf()/IndexOfT().

v3.0.0 (2017-01-10)
* Breaking change: ToSlice() now overwrites existing slice starting
  from index 0 and grows/reslices it as needed.
* Generic methods support (thanks @cleitonmarx!)
  - Accepting parametrized functions was originally proposed in #26
  - You can now avoid type assertions and interface{}s
  - Functions with generic methods are named as "MethodNameT" and
    signature for the existing LINQ methods are unchanged.
* Added ForEach(), ForEachIndexed() and AggregateWithSeedBy().

v2.0.0 (2016-09-02)
* IMPORTANT: This release is a BREAKING CHANGE. The old version
  is archived at the 'archive/0.9' branch or the 0.9 tags.
* A COMPLETE REWRITE of go-linq with better performance and memory
  efficiency. (thanks @kalaninja!)
* API has significantly changed. Most notably:
  - linq.T removed in favor of interface{}
  - library methods no longer return errors
  - PLINQ removed for now (see channels support)
  - support for channels, custom collections and comparables

* GroupBy()

* bugfix: All() iterating over values instead of indices

* bugfix: modifying result slice affects subsequent query methods

* removed FirstOrNil, LastOrNil, ElementAtOrNil methods

* slice-accepting methods accept slices of any type with reflections

* parallel linq (plinq) implemented
* Queryable separated into Query & ParallelQuery
* fixed early termination for All

* many linq methods are implemented
* methods have error handling support
* type assertion limitations are unresolved
* travis-ci.org build integrated
* open sourced on github, master & dev branches
Ahmet Alp Balkan
Senior software engineer at Google Cloud, on cloud-native technologies: Kubernetes/GKE and Cloud Run.
Ahmet Alp Balkan
  • [WIP] Generic functions proposal

    [WIP] Generic functions proposal

    Hey guys,

    This is just a proposal, I'd love to hear some feedback.



    var r []person
    From(listPerson).WhereT(func(i person) bool {
          return i.Age > 18
  • Production use?

    Production use?

    Really a huge fan of LINQ. I use it all the time in the front-end (map, reduce are basically the same ideas). Would love to use this package but the one question I have is---"Is this used in production by anyone?"

  • ToSlice dose not re-empty the dist slice

    ToSlice dose not re-empty the dist slice


    func main() {
    	l := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}


    [foo bar baz foo bar baz]

    go-linq version:

    - name: github.com/ahmetalpbalkan/go-linq
      version: 8985ec99e11a8bff7eb19dd0a0b2187770dab23a

    I don't know whether this is a bug or a feature, but if this is a feature, I think it's better to have this behavior documented on ToSlice's API doc.

  • Updated travis and added go mod.

    Updated travis and added go mod.

    This is an attempt at adding go mod to this library.

    @ahmetb I'm not sure if you had any plans on adding this, but I've started the process to migrate some of my projects from dep to go mod and thought I'd add this too.

    Should resolve #77

  • runtime error: hash of unhashable type map[string]interface {}

    runtime error: hash of unhashable type map[string]interface {}

    Unable to perform group by query on the following dataset

    rows := []map[string]interface{}{
    	{"name": "Mostain", "salary": 30000, "ShipmentTag": "b001"},
    	{"name": "Sanzida", "salary": 20000, "ShipmentTag": "b001"},
    	{"name": "Riaz", "salary": 21000, "ShipmentTag": "b002"},
    	{"name": "Pallobi", "salary": 30000, "ShipmentTag": "b001"},
    	{"name": "Moaz", "salary": 20000, "ShipmentTag": "b001"},
    	{"name": "Tareq", "salary": 21000, "ShipmentTag": "b002"},
    	data := From(rows).Where(func(c interface{}) bool {
    		cmap := c.(map[string]interface{})
    		return len(cmap["name"].(string)) > 0
    	}).GroupBy(func(ShipmentTag interface{}) interface{} {
    		return ShipmentTag
    	}, func(ShipmentTag interface{}) interface{} {
    		return ShipmentTag

    Error details:

    goroutine 1 [running]: github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/v3.Query.GroupBy.func1() E:/GOLANG/pkg/mod/github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/[email protected]/groupby.go:21 +0x15f github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/v3.Query.First({0x5f0aa0?}) E:/GOLANG/pkg/mod/github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/[email protected]/result.go:188 +0x1a main.main()

  • v2.0


    Hi there, I've managed to deal with all my "busy man" problems. So, back online and ready for some opensource.

    Here is the PR for v2.0. It doesn't have a readme file yet, because I am unaware about the links to godoc, travis, etc. I assume that if we tag the new commit with as "v2.0", the link to godoc would be smth like https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/ahmetalpbalkan/go-linq.v2.0 and it seems that tha branch for travis and coveralls can be specified at their urls. Is it correct? Should I tag it myself?

  • question: usage with KV store.

    question: usage with KV store.

    this sounds like a good match with boltdb, in terms of doing queries in memory.

    i currently use boltdb and also riak. i kind of hate riak but am stuck with it still. i was wondering if you think that linq would help me for writing many queries i need to do on top of boltdb ?

  • bug in WhereIndexed

    bug in WhereIndexed

    I believe WhereIndexed doesn't work as design:


    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	r := linq.Range(1, 10).
    		WhereIndexed(func(i int, _ interface{}) bool {
    			return i%3 == 0

    output of the code above is [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] instead of [3 6 9]

    maybe the bug is here



  • How to implement complex SQL functions

    How to implement complex SQL functions

    How to implement complex SQL functions similar to the following

    type TransactionRecord struct {
    	ID        uint64
    	AccountID string
    	TCode     string
    	TDate     string
    	TType     uint8
    	Amount    float64
    var tds []TransactionRecord
    t1 := TransactionRecord{ID: 1, AccountID: "A001", TCode: "161700", TDate: "2020-08-01", TType: 17, Amount: 23.0}
    t2 := TransactionRecord{ID: 2, AccountID: "A001", TCode: "161700", TDate: "2020-08-01", TType: 17, Amount: 99.0}
    t3 := TransactionRecord{ID: 3, AccountID: "A001", TCode: "161700", TDate: "2020-08-01", TType: 17, Amount: 25.0}
    t4 := TransactionRecord{ID: 1, AccountID: "A001", TCode: "161700", TDate: "2020-08-01", TType: 24, Amount: 13.0}
    t5 := TransactionRecord{ID: 2, AccountID: "A001", TCode: "161700", TDate: "2020-08-01", TType: 24, Amount: 69.0}
    t6 := TransactionRecord{ID: 3, AccountID: "A001", TCode: "161700", TDate: "2020-08-01", TType: 24, Amount: 85.0}
    t7 := TransactionRecord{ID: 4, AccountID: "A001", TCode: "161700", TDate: "2020-08-02", TType: 17, Amount: 11.0}
    t8 := TransactionRecord{ID: 5, AccountID: "A001", TCode: "161700", TDate: "2020-08-02", TType: 17, Amount: 33.0}
    t9 := TransactionRecord{ID: 6, AccountID: "A001", TCode: "161700", TDate: "2020-08-02", TType: 17, Amount: 57.0}
    tds = append(tds, t1)
    tds = append(tds, t2)
    tds = append(tds, t3)
    tds = append(tds, t4)
    tds = append(tds, t5)
    tds = append(tds, t6)
    tds = append(tds, t7)
    tds = append(tds, t8)
    tds = append(tds, t9)

    I want to implement the following SQL functions, how to write code with go-linq package

    select AccountID,TCode, TDate,TType, sum(Amount)  as am from TransactionDetails where TType = 17 or TType = 24 GROUP BY AccountID, TCode,TDate, TType ORDER BY AccountID, TCode,TDate, TType;
  • gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3: gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3@v3.1.0: parsing go.mod:         module declares its path as: github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/v3 but was required as: gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3

    gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3: gopkg.in/ahmetb/[email protected]: parsing go.mod: module declares its path as: github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/v3 but was required as: gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3

    I am trying to do create go.mod in my project. And this error arrives what should I do. I have imported gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3 this package in my project files

  • Typed channels support

    Typed channels support

    • introduced a new method FromTypedChannel()
    • From() calls FromChannel() if channel is of type chan interface{} and FromTypedChannel for all other channels
    • benchmark for FromTypedChannel() and FromChannel() performance comparison
  • Unit test ExampleOrderedQuery_ThenByDescending fails on golang-1.19.2

    Unit test ExampleOrderedQuery_ThenByDescending fails on golang-1.19.2

          testing: github.com/ahmetb/go-linq
    --- FAIL: ExampleOrderedQuery_ThenByDescending (0.00s)
    exit status 1
    FAIL	github.com/ahmetb/go-linq	0.021s
  • Add Generics to go-linq

    Add Generics to go-linq

    Hey guys, I like go-linq very much and I'd like to add generics support for this lib long ago, this weekend I've tried.

    The trickiest part is how to create parameterized method since golang cannot do that, for example we cannot declare the following method:

    func (QueryG[TOut]) GroupJoin[TOut, TInner, TKey, TResult any](inner QueryG[TInner],
    	outerKeySelector func(TOut) TKey,
    	innerKeySelector func(TInner) TKey,
    	resultSelector func(outer TOut, inners []TInner) TResult) QueryG[TResult]

    My way is declare some Expander type to do that. For this GroupJoin example:

    func TestGroupJoinG(t *testing.T) {
    	outer := []int{0, 1, 2}
    	inner := []uint{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
    	want := []KeyValueG[int, []uint]{
    		{0, []uint{2, 4, 6, 8}},
    		{1, []uint{1, 3, 5, 7, 9}},
    		{2, []uint{}},
    	actual := FromSliceG(outer).Expend4(To4[int, uint, int, KeyValueG[int, []uint]]()).(*Expended4[int, uint, int, KeyValueG[int, []uint]]).GroupJoin(
    		func(i int) int { return i },
    		func(ui uint) int { return int(ui) % 2 },
    		func(outer int, inners []uint) KeyValueG[int, []uint] {
    			return KeyValueG[int, []uint]{outer, inners}
    	assert.Equal(t, want, actual)

    We can declare an Expander object to capture the extended type parameters we need, then cast the type immediately, then we decalre these type extended method on these Expander type. The only potential risk point that have no protection from the compiler is this type casting, but they're so close so I think the risk is limited.

    This pr is composed to learn go's generics and thanks to @ahmetb I had a lot of fun.

  • Try out the new Go generics proposal with go-linq

    Try out the new Go generics proposal with go-linq

    Go now has a prototype of generics implementation. Here are some resources:

    • https://blog.golang.org/generics-next-step
    • https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/refs/heads/master/design/go2draft-type-parameters.md
    • https://rakyll.org/generics-proposal/

    This potentially could give a severe performance boost to go-linq, as well as actually make this library useful.

    I haven't taken a closer look at how we would do this yet. For example, we might still end up having to do some type assertions. However, it might help us redesign the package and release a v4 if the generics proposal is adopted.

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