Cogger is a standalone binary and a golang library that reads an internally tiled geotiff


Go Reference License

Cogger is a standalone binary and a golang library that reads an internally tiled geotiff (optionally with overviews and masks) and rewrites it as a Cloud Optimized Geotiff (COG). This process being a reshuffling of the original geotiff's bytes, it should run as fast as the underlying disk or network i/o.

Cogger does not do any pixel manipulation on the provided image, it is up to you to provide an input geotiff which can be suitably transformed to a COG, namely:

  • it must be internally tiled
  • it should be compressed with one of the standard supported tiff compression mechanisms
  • it should contain overviews



We publish the cogger binaries for the major platforms/cpus, which you can grab from our releases

From source

The library version of cogger can be used in go code with:

import ""

The cogger binary can be installed directly to your $GOPATH/bin with:

go install



gdal_translate -of GTIFF -co BIGTIFF=YES -co TILED=YES -co COMPRESS=ZSTD -co NUM_THREADS=4 input.file geotif.tif
gdaladdo --config GDAL_NUM_THREADS 4 geotif.tif 2 4 8 16 32
cogger -output mycog.tif geotif.tif


The cogger API consists of a single function:

func Rewrite(out io.Writer, readers ...tiff.ReadAtReadSeeker) error

with the reader allowing random read access to the input file, i.e. implementing

Read(buf []byte) (int,error)
ReatAt(buf []byte, offset int64) (int,error)
Seek(off int64, whence int) (int64,error)

The writer is a plain io.Writer which means that the output cog can be directly streamed to http/cloud storage without having to be stored in an intermediate file.

For an full example of library usage, see the main.go file in cmd/cogger.


Cogger is able to assemble a single COG from a main tif file and overviews that have been computed in distinct files. This may be useful as gdaladdo is missing some features to fine tune the options of each individual overview.

gdal_translate -of GTIFF -co BIGTIFF=YES -co TILED=YES -co COMPRESS=ZSTD -co NUM_THREADS=4 input.file geotif.tif
# compute first overview
gdal_translate -of GTIFF -outsize 50% 50% -co BLOCKXSIZE=128 -co TILED=YES -co COMPRESS=ZSTD -co NUM_THREADS=4  geotif.tif ovr.tif.1
# compute second overview
gdal_translate -of GTIFF -outsize 50% 50% -co BLOCKXSIZE=256 -co TILED=YES -co COMPRESS=ZSTD -co NUM_THREADS=4  ovr.tif.1 ovr.tif.2
# compute third overview
gdal_translate -of GTIFF -outsize 50% 50% -co BLOCKXSIZE=512 -co TILED=YES -co COMPRESS=ZSTD -co NUM_THREADS=4  ovr.tif.2 ovr.tif.3
# compute COG from geotif.tif and ovr.tif.* overviews
cogger -output mycog.tif geotif.tif ovr.tif.1 ovr.tif.2 ovr.tif.3


Contributions are welcome. Please read the contribution guidelines before submitting fixes or enhancements.


Cogger is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.

  • ENH idea: emit header ghost area and tile header and trailer bytes

    ENH idea: emit header ghost area and tile header and trailer bytes

    For really huge COGs (let's say 1 million pixel x 1 million pixel), the size of the TileByteCount and TileOffsets values can be quite big (several tens of MB). If one knows that the tiles are ordered in a top-to-bottom, left-to-right order in the file, then a smart reader can possibly only use TileOffsets, and that's what GDAL does, to save a GET request. To do so, one must write the header ghost area per and add a 4-byte header before each tile data and a 4-byte trailer after it (, whose purpose is to check that a writer hasn't modified tile content since the COG generation, which would make the optimization no longer valid.

  • Overviews: optional or not?

    Overviews: optional or not?

    The read me says both "internally tiled geotiff (optionally with overviews" and "it should contain overviews". The statements are at odds with each other. Which is the more correct meaning?

  • Support of the separated mask *.msk file ?

    Support of the separated mask *.msk file ?


    Thanks a lot for this amazing tool ! I have just converted a 15Go ECW to GeoTiff with GDAL. To be able to use the YCBCR jpeg optimization, I have been "forced" to remove the 4th transparency band of the ECW. I used the -mask 4 to keep the transparency and avoid to have a big black rectangle.

    gdalinfo against the ecw gives:

    My use of gdal_translate & gdaladdo:

    # convert ecw to tif
    gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:2154 -r nearest -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co JPEG_QUALITY=60 --config INTERLEAVE PIXEL -co PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -mask 4 -co TILED=YES -co BIGTIFF=YES -co BLOCKXSIZE=512 -co BLOCKYSIZE=512 --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 500 --config GDAL_MAX_DATASET_POOL_SIZE 1014 -co NUM_THREADS=2 -of GTiff orthophoto.ecw orthophoto.tif
    # pyramids
    gdaladdo -r average -ro --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG --config JPEG_QUALITY_OVERVIEW 60--config INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW PIXEL --config PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW YCBCR --config TILED_OVERVIEW YES --config GDAL_TIFF_OVR_BLOCKSIZE 512 --config BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW YES --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 500 --config GDAL_MAX_DATASET_POOL_SIZE 1014 -co NUM_THREADS=2 orthophoto.tif 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256

    The output Geotiff is exactly what I expected, but with this -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -mask 4 technique, I have four files: orthophoto.tif, orthophoto.tif.ovr, orthophoto.tif.msk, orthophoto.tif.msk.ovr

    Then I wanted to use cogger with

    ./cogger -output orthophoto.cog.tif orthophoto.tif orthophoto.tif.ovr

    I get the expected orthophoto.cog.tif file, but the mask has not been "integrated" into the cog, so I get the black rectangle around the data, for example when viewing this COG file inside QGIS.

    Do I need to create a new COG file from the orthophoto.tif.msk and orthophoto.tif.msk.ovr files, or is there a better way ?

  • Add advanced usage options/functionality (API only)

    Add advanced usage options/functionality (API only)

    • The gdal ghost area optimisations can be disabled, and will not be emitted for PlanarConfiguration=Separate, as it is not supported by gdal. Fixes #8
    • Each IFD may now reference only a single mask
    • The IFD structure is now exported and can be used to hand-craft an expected COG from dynamic data
    • Encoding (little vs. big endian) is now configurable
    • For PlanarConfiguration=Separate files, it is possible to fine tune the layout/interlacing of each plane's tiles and mask tiles, supporting tile orders like r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2 (the default), or r1,r2...g1,g2...b1,b2 or even r1,g1,r2,g2,...rn,gn,b1,b2
  • Remove gdal ghost area for planarconfiguration=separate

    Remove gdal ghost area for planarconfiguration=separate

    planarconfiguration=separate is not an officially recognized configuration for COGs, which is an oversight as the same principles as for planarconfiguration=contig also apply in this case. cogger should probably not emit a ghost area for those type of files so as not to confuse a parser using that information. c.f. opengeospatial/CloudOptimizedGeoTIFF#3 and OSGEO/gdal#4931

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