A Form Encoding & Decoding Package for Go


A Form Encoding & Decoding Package for Go, written by Alvaro J. Genial.

Build Status GoDoc


This library is designed to allow seamless, high-fidelity encoding and decoding of arbitrary data in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format and as url.Values. It is intended to be useful primarily in dealing with web forms and URI query strings, both of which natively employ said format.

Unsurprisingly, form is modeled after other Go encoding packages, in particular encoding/json, and follows the same conventions (see below for more.) It aims to automatically handle any kind of concrete Go data value (i.e., not functions, channels, etc.) while providing mechanisms for custom behavior.


The implementation is in usable shape and is fairly well tested with its accompanying test suite. The API is unlikely to change much, but still may. Lastly, the code has not yet undergone a security review to ensure it is free of vulnerabilities. Please file an issue or send a pull request for fixes & improvements.


The only requirement is Go 1.2 or later.


import "github.com/ajg/form"
// or: "gopkg.in/ajg/form.v1"

Given a type like the following...

type User struct {
	Name         string            `form:"name"`
	Email        string            `form:"email"`
	Joined       time.Time         `form:"joined,omitempty"`
	Posts        []int             `form:"posts"`
	Preferences  map[string]string `form:"prefs"`
	Avatar       []byte            `form:"avatar"`
	PasswordHash int64             `form:"-"`

...it is easy to encode data of that type...

func PostUser(url string, u User) error {
	var c http.Client
	_, err := c.PostForm(url, form.EncodeToValues(u))
	return err

...as well as decode it...

func Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	var u User

	d := form.NewDecoder(r.Body)
	if err := d.Decode(&u); err != nil {
		http.Error(w, "Form could not be decoded", http.StatusBadRequest)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Decoded: %#v", u)

...without having to do any grunt work.

Field Tags

Like other encoding packages, form supports the following options for fields:

  • `form:"-"`: Causes the field to be ignored during encoding and decoding.
  • `form:"<name>"`: Overrides the field's name; useful especially when dealing with external identifiers in camelCase, as are commonly found on the web.
  • `form:",omitempty"`: Elides the field during encoding if it is empty (typically meaning equal to the type's zero value.)
  • `form:"<name>,omitempty"`: The way to combine the two options above.


Simple Values

Values of the following types are all considered simple:

  • bool
  • int, int8, int16, int32, int64, rune
  • uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, byte
  • float32, float64
  • complex64, complex128
  • string
  • []byte (see note)
  • time.Time
  • url.URL
  • An alias of any of the above
  • A pointer to any of the above

Composite Values

A composite value is one that can contain other values. Values of the following kinds...

  • Maps
  • Slices; except []byte (see note)
  • Structs; except time.Time and url.URL
  • Arrays
  • An alias of any of the above
  • A pointer to any of the above

...are considered composites in general, unless they implement custom marshaling/unmarshaling. Composite values are encoded as a flat mapping of paths to values, where the paths are constructed by joining the parent and child paths with a period (.).

(Note: a byte slice is treated as a string by default because it's more efficient, but can also be decoded as a slice—i.e., with indexes.)

Untyped Values

While encouraged, it is not necessary to define a type (e.g. a struct) in order to use form, since it is able to encode and decode untyped data generically using the following rules:

  • Simple values will be treated as a string.
  • Composite values will be treated as a map[string]interface{}, itself able to contain nested values (both scalar and compound) ad infinitum.
  • However, if there is a value (of any supported type) already present in a map for a given key, then it will be used when possible, rather than being replaced with a generic value as specified above; this makes it possible to handle partially typed, dynamic or schema-less values.

Zero Values

By default, and without custom marshaling, zero values (also known as empty/default values) are encoded as the empty string. To disable this behavior, meaning to keep zero values in their literal form (e.g. 0 for integral types), Encoder offers a KeepZeros setter method, which will do just that when set to true.

Unsupported Values

Values of the following kinds aren't supported and, if present, must be ignored.

  • Channel
  • Function
  • Unsafe pointer
  • An alias of any of the above
  • A pointer to any of the above

Custom Marshaling

There is a default (generally lossless) marshaling & unmarshaling scheme for any concrete data value in Go, which is good enough in most cases. However, it is possible to override it and use a custom scheme. For instance, a "binary" field could be marshaled more efficiently using base64 to prevent it from being percent-escaped during serialization to application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.

Because form provides support for encoding.TextMarshaler and encoding.TextUnmarshaler it is easy to do that; for instance, like this:

import "encoding"

type Binary []byte

var (
	_ encoding.TextMarshaler   = &Binary{}
	_ encoding.TextUnmarshaler = &Binary{}

func (b Binary) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
	return []byte(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(b))), nil

func (b *Binary) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
	bs, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(string(text))
	if err == nil {
		*b = Binary(bs)
	return err

Now any value with type Binary will automatically be encoded using the URL variant of base64. It is left as an exercise to the reader to improve upon this scheme by eliminating the need for padding (which, besides being superfluous, uses =, a character that will end up percent-escaped.)


In theory any value can be a key as long as it has a string representation. However, by default, periods have special meaning to form, and thus, under the hood (i.e. in encoded form) they are transparently escaped using a preceding backslash (\). Backslashes within keys, themselves, are also escaped in this manner (e.g. as \\) in order to permit representing \. itself (as \\\.).

(Note: it is normally unnecessary to deal with this issue unless keys are being constructed manually—e.g. literally embedded in HTML or in a URI.)

The default delimiter and escape characters used for encoding and decoding composite keys can be changed using the DelimitWith and EscapeWith setter methods of Encoder and Decoder, respectively. For example...

package main

import (


func main() {
	type B struct {
		Qux string `form:"qux"`
	type A struct {
		FooBar B `form:"foo.bar"`
	a := A{FooBar: B{"XYZ"}}
	os.Stdout.WriteString("Default: ")
	os.Stdout.WriteString("\nCustom:  ")

...will produce...

Default: foo%5C.bar.qux=XYZ
Custom:  foo.bar%2Fqux=XYZ

(%5C and %2F represent \ and /, respectively.)


  • Circular (self-referential) values are untested.

Future Work

The following items would be nice to have in the future—though they are not being worked on yet:

  • An option to treat all values as if they had been tagged with omitempty.
  • An option to automatically treat all field names in camelCase or underscore_case.
  • Built-in support for the types in math/big.
  • Built-in support for the types in image/color.
  • Improve encoding/decoding by reading/writing directly from/to the io.Reader/io.Writer when possible, rather than going through an intermediate representation (i.e. node) which requires more memory.

(Feel free to implement any of these and then send a pull request.)

Related Work


This library is distributed under a BSD-style LICENSE.

Alvaro J. Genial
Alvaro J. Genial
  • Intentional special casing of periods in form keys limits real-world usage

    Intentional special casing of periods in form keys limits real-world usage

    Due to the intentional special casing of periods within form, any API which uses periods in a form field cannot be interacted with without some hacks. For example, the fastly API utilizes periods in their form fields: https://docs.fastly.com/api/config#settings_9740ff4ac0c1777f455274c4850ece23

    The go-fastly library attempted to work around this by manually ripping out the generated escapes, but that leads to other things being unintentionally ripped out, as noted in this case: https://github.com/sethvargo/go-fastly/issues/11

    Is there any workaround for interacting with forms which have periods in their form keys?

  • keys with periods in them

    keys with periods in them

    A particular third-party API I wish to contact used periods in the key names. I have the keys in my structs labelled as such:

    type whatever struct { CleanupReturnCleaned bool form:"cleanup.returnCleaned" }

    but when I run form.EncodeToString() I get: cleanup%5C.returnCleaned=true

    I've read the documentation in the Readme and have tried escaping the period with a back slash but that doesnt seem to have the desired effect. Am I misreading the readme, or is this not possible using ajg/form?


  • Behavior of isEmptyValue

    Behavior of isEmptyValue

    The implementation of isEmptyValue makes encoding certain structs a bit non-intuitive. Similar to the discussion here, I am trying to encode a 0 in a request.

    I would expect the following code to result in "num=0&name=test" but instead I end up with "num=&name=test" even though my value does "exist".

    package main
    import (
    type Thing struct {
        String  string `form:"name,omitempty"`
        Integer *uint  `form:"num,omitempty"`
    func main() {
        a_num := uint(0)
        u := Thing{"test", &a_num}
        buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
        if err := form.NewEncoder(buf).DelimitWith('|').Encode(u); err != nil {
            log.Printf("[ERR] %s", err)
        body := buf.String()
        log.Printf("[DEBUG] %s", body)
  • Possibility of not indicate the index in the form html

    Possibility of not indicate the index in the form html

    Hi, I have this: type Film struct { Genres []string Topics []string }

    I am obliged to indicate the index of slice in the input form:

    Is possible NOT indicate the index and only leave "Topics"? With gorilla/schema it is possible, but gorilla/schema, in general, is much more limited...


    Best, Emilio

  • Feature Request: File uploads

    Feature Request: File uploads

    It would be nice to have the ability to encode files in the form data.

    For example, we could have a special struct tag that indicates this field represents a file path.

  • Proposal: Support for Reset

    Proposal: Support for Reset

    It would be useful for my use case if both the encoder and decoder structs exposed a Reset method which allowed changing the underlying io.Writer or io.Reader without having to create new instances. This makes it possible to use sync.Pool for example to manage a set of instances. The implementation would be trivial given that they don't have state other than the writer or reader. Would you consider a PR that added these? I'm thinking something like:

    in decode.go:

    func (d *decoder) Reset(r io.Reader) {
        d.r = r

    in encode.go

    func (e *encoder) Reset(w io.Writer) {
        e.w = w
  • Proposal: Produce efficient errors instead raw panic message

    Proposal: Produce efficient errors instead raw panic message

    I always like to check my form fields to see if their values are convertible to needed types and if not then inform the user about invalid fields. form produces *errors.errorString and this is not useful when generating error responses for this purpose.

    What about defining a new error type such as below to give more control over them


    type Error []Field
    func (e Error) Error() string {
      return "todo"
    type Field struct {
      Name string // tag name e.g. time from form:"time"
      Message string // original error message 
      Type reflect.Type // point out the expected type so we can generate even more graceful error messages by checking this e.g. "time must be a UTC date"
      SliceIndex int // point out the index if an invalid Type placed in a slice except []byte

    A dummy usage:

    type Post struct {
      Time time.Time `form:"time"`
    var p Post
    err := form.DecodeValues(&p, url.Values{"time", []string{"AnInvalidDate"}})
    if (err.(form.Error))[0].Type == form.TimeType {
     // so I can response a nice error message to user like:
     // HTTP 400
     // {"message": "Invalid Form Data", fields: {"time": "must be UTC formatted"}}

    I'd like to implement this if you'll consider accepting the PR

  • two features

    two features

    EncodeToString, remain 'null' value:

    {“test1”: 0, “test2”: false} EncodeToString
    change to

    fieldInfo: using 'json' tag as second choice: using 'form' as default tag, using 'json' tag when there's no 'form' tag.

  • Add flags to ignore case and ignore unknown keys

    Add flags to ignore case and ignore unknown keys

    This pull request adds two methods to the decoder{} struct: IgnoreUnknownKeys(bool) and IgnoreCase(true).

    The idea of IgnoreUnknownKeys is similar to the method with the same name in gorilla/schema: https://github.com/gorilla/schema/blob/master/decoder.go#L53 Also, setting it to true makes this lib more similar to how encoding/json handle unknown keys.

    IgnoreCase will allow matching struct fields with case insensitive names. This is only used as a fallback, if an exact match exists in the struct it will be given priority over a case insensitive match.

    To allow using these flags with DecodeValues and DecodeString I decided to add them as methods to the decoder struct, the reader is ignored if they are called. The still also exist as package functions and so this change shouldn't break anyone using this library.

    Please let me know if there's anything you'd like me to change on this PR.

  • Can decode/encode anonymous fields

    Can decode/encode anonymous fields

    Hi! In the app that I created found a problem. I use a lot of this library, it allow so much fields but not anonymous fields. For example, i have in my project a two structs:

    type Length struct {
        Title        map[string]string `json:"title"`
        Release  map[string]string `json:"release,omitempty"`
        Genres   Genre                  `json:"genres"`
        Topics    []string                 `json:"genres"`
    type FilmBasedEpisodes struct {
        Channel  Channel
        Seasons  []Season

    But when I want do this:

    dataFormHTML := r.Form
    film := FilmBasedEpisodes{}
    err := form.DecodeValues(&film, dataFormHTML)

    The content of dataFormHTML is, for example, like this:

    "Title.US":"Six Feet Under", "Title.ES": "A dos metros bajo tierra", "Channel.Original":"HBO"

    The error from ajg.form in go compiler is : Title doesn't exist in struct main.FilmBasedEpisodes

    I understand that the library not is compatible with anonymous fields, right? If I wrong, then, how I do it?

    Best, Emilio

  • Fix empty struct checks after change in Go 1.16

    Fix empty struct checks after change in Go 1.16

    The previous verification for empty structs was invalid and only worked by chance for structs with no fields. After the change in Go 1.16 described in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/43993 this verification stopped working.

    This PR changes how empty structs are handled and also adds new test cases to ensure that this behavior is now consistent.

  • Tests are failing on Go 1.17:

    Tests are failing on Go 1.17: "invalid semicolon separator in query"

    It looks like the tests are failing on Go 1.17 and up around parsing semicolons.

    There are a couple ways to resolve - one of them is using the Go handler: https://pkg.go.dev/net/http#AllowQuerySemicolons

    Other suggestions: https://golangshowcase.com/question/invalid-semicolon-separator-in-query-after-go-1-17

    ➜  form git:(master) ✗ go test ./...
    --- FAIL: TestDecodeString (0.00s)
        decode_test.go:17: DecodeString(";C=42%2B6.6i;A.0=x;M.Bar=8;F=6.6;A.1=y;R=8734;A.2=z;Zs.0.Qp=33_44;B=true;M.Foo=7;T=2013-10-01T07:05:34.000000088Z;E.Bytes1=%00%01%02;Bytes2=%03%04%05;Zs.0.Q=11_22;Zs.0.Z=2006-12-01;M.Qux=9;life=42;S=Hello,+there.;P\\.D\\\\Q\\.B.A=P/D;P\\.D\\\\Q\\.B.B=Q-B;U=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.org%2Ffoo%23bar;"): invalid semicolon separator in query
        decode_test.go:17: DecodeString(";C=42%2B6.6i;A.0=x;M.Bar=8;F=6.6;A.1=y;R=8734;A.2=z;Zs.0.Qp=33_44;B=true;M.Foo=7;T=2013-10-01T07:05:34.000000088Z;E.Bytes1=%00%01%02;Bytes2=%03%04%05;Zs.0.Q=11_22;Zs.0.Z=2006-12-01;M.Qux=9;life=42;S=Hello,+there.;P\\.D\\\\Q\\.B.A=P/D;P\\.D\\\\Q\\.B.B=Q-B;U=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.org%2Ffoo%23bar;"): invalid semicolon separator in query
        decode_test.go:17: DecodeString(";C=42%2B6.6i;A.0=x;M.Bar=8;F=6.6;A.1=y;R=8734;A.2=z;Zs.0.Qp=33_44;B=true;M.Foo=7;T=2013-10-01T07:05:34.000000088Z;E.Bytes1=%00%01%02;Bytes2=%03%04%05;Zs.0.Q=11_22;Zs.0.Z=2006-12-01;M.Qux=9;life=42;S=Hello,+there.;P\\.D\\\\Q\\.B.A=P/D;P\\.D\\\\Q\\.B.B=Q-B;U=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.org%2Ffoo%23bar;"): invalid semicolon separator in query
    --- FAIL: TestDecodeValues (0.00s)
    panic: invalid semicolon separator in query [recovered]
            panic: invalid semicolon separator in query
  • Serialize composite []string with empty square brackets

    Serialize composite []string with empty square brackets

    👋🏻 I have an API that expects data to be sent like so:


    How can I achieve this?

    Currently the default behaviour appears to number each element within the slice.

    I see there's a DelimitWith method but that doesn't quite achieve what I need (e.g. DelimitWith('|')):


    Is there a custom unmarshal method I can define that might help encode the data how I need it?


  • Remove test cases that are no longer valid with go 1.17

    Remove test cases that are no longer valid with go 1.17

    As of go 1.17, the net/http and net/url packages no longer accept ';' as a valid separator. See https://golang.org/doc/go1.17#semicolons for more information.

    In order to build this package with go 1.17 and keep it in Ubuntu, the test cases that use ';' as a separator should be removed.

  • Adding Power support(ppc64le) with continuous integration/testing so that project stays architecture independent.

    Adding Power support(ppc64le) with continuous integration/testing so that project stays architecture independent.

    Please review and merge the changes ,This is part of the Ubuntu distribution for ppc64le. This helps us simplify testing later when distributions are re-building and re-releasing. For more info tag @gerrith3.

  • Fails to decode struct if field is missing

    Fails to decode struct if field is missing

    The library fails to decode a struct if field is missing.

    E.g. I do have a struct

    type TokenExchange struct {
      Type string `form:"grant_type"`
      Code string `form:"code"`

    The input string to parse


    The library fails to decode string with an error

    client_id doesn't exist in main.TokenExchange

    I would expect that library skips client_id.

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