Modern Job Scheduler


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Kala is a simplistic, modern, and performant job scheduler written in Go. Features:

  • Single binary
  • No dependencies
  • JSON over HTTP API
  • Job Stats
  • Configurable Retries
  • Scheduling with ISO 8601 Date and Interval notation
  • Dependent Jobs
  • Persistent with several database drivers
  • Web UI

Note that it is not battle-tested. Use at your own risk.

Kala was inspired by the desire for a simpler Chronos (developed by Airbnb). Kala is Chronos for the rest of us.

If you need fault tolerance, distributed features, massive scale, then I recommend checking out Chronos. This is designed to be the Chronos for start-ups.

Installing Kala

Kala uses Go Modules

  1. Get Kala

    go get
  2. Run Kala

    kala serve

Getting Started

Once you have installed Kala onto the machine you would like to use, you can follow the below steps to start using it.

To run Kala as a server:

$ kala serve
INFO[0000] Preparing cache
INFO[0000] Starting server on port :8000

$ kala serve -p 2222
INFO[0000] Preparing cache
INFO[0000] Starting server on port :2222

Kala uses BoltDB by default for the job database by using jobdb and boltpath params:

kala serve --jobdb=boltdb --boltpath=/path/to/dir

use Redis by using the jobdb and jobdb-address params:

kala serve --jobdb=redis --jobdb-address=

use Consul by using the jobdb and jobdb-address params:

kala serve --jobdb=consul --jobdb-address=

use Mongo by using the jobdb, jobdb-address, jobdb-username, and jobdb-password params:

kala serve --jobdb=mongo, --jobdb-username=admin --jobdb-password=password

use Postgres by using the jobdb, jobdb-address params:

kala serve --jobdb=postgres --jobdb-username=admin --jobdb-password=password

use MariaDB, MySQL by using the jobdb, jobdb-address, jobdb-tls-capath, jobdbTlsCertPath, jobdb-tls-keypath, jobdb-tls-servername params:

kala serve --jobdb=mariadb --jobdb-address=( --jobdb-username=admin --jobdb-password=password

kala serve --jobdb=mysql --jobdb-address="tcp(" --jobdb-username=admin --jobdb-password=password --jobdb-tls-capath=/path/to/server-ca.pem --jobdbTlsCertPath=/path/to/client-cert.pem --jobdb-tls-keypath=/path/to/client-key.pem

Kala runs on by default. You can easily test it out by curling the metrics path.

$ curl

Once it's up in running, you can utilize curl or the official go client to interact with Kala. Also check out the examples directory.

Examples of Usage

There are more examples in the examples directory within this repo. Currently its pretty messy. Feel free to submit a new example if you have one.



After installing supervisord, open its config file (/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf is the default usually) and add something like:

command=kala serve


If you have docker installed, you can build the dockerfile in this directory with docker build -t kala . and run it as a daemon with: docker run -it -d -p 8000:8000 kala

API v1 Docs

All routes have a prefix of /api/v1

Client Libraries



  • Node.js

    npm install kala-node
  • Python

    pip install git+

Job Data Struct

Docs can be found here

Things to Note

  • If schedule is omitted, the job will run immediately.

Job JSON Example

        "command":"bash /home/ajvb/gocode/src/",

Breakdown of schedule string. (ISO 8601 Notation)

Example schedule string:


This string can be split into three parts:

Number of times to repeat/Start Datetime/Interval Between Runs

Number of times to repeat

This is designated with a number, prefixed with an R. Leave out the number if it should repeat forever.


  • R - Will repeat forever
  • R1 - Will repeat once
  • R231 - Will repeat 231 times.

Start Datetime

This is the datetime for the first time the job should run.

Kala will return an error if the start datetime has already passed.


  • 2017-06-04T19:25:16
  • 2017-06-04T19:25:16.828696
  • 2017-06-04T19:25:16.828696-07:00
  • 2017-06-04T19:25:16-07:00

To Note: It is recommended to include a timezone within your schedule parameter.

Interval Between Runs

This is defined by the ISO8601 Interval Notation.

It starts with a P, then you can specify years, months, or days, then a T, preceded by hours, minutes, and seconds.

Lets break down a long interval: P1Y2M10DT2H30M15S

  • P - Starts the notation
  • 1Y - One year
  • 2M - Two months
  • 10D - Ten days
  • T - Starts the time second
  • 2H - Two hours
  • 30M - Thirty minutes
  • 15S - Fifteen seconds

Now, there is one alternative. You can optionally use just weeks. When you use the week operator, you only get that. An example of using the week operator for an interval of every two weeks is P2W.


  • P1DT1M - Interval of one day and one minute
  • P1W - Interval of one week
  • PT1H - Interval of one hour.

More Information on ISO8601

Overview of routes

Task Method Route
Creating a Job POST /api/v1/job/
Getting a list of all Jobs GET /api/v1/job/
Getting a Job GET /api/v1/job/{id}/
Deleting a Job DELETE /api/v1/job/{id}/
Deleting all Jobs DELETE /api/v1/job/all/
Getting metrics about a certain Job GET /api/v1/job/stats/{id}/
Starting a Job manually POST /api/v1/job/start/{id}/
Disabling a Job POST /api/v1/job/disable/{id}/
Enabling a Job POST /api/v1/job/enable/{id}/
Getting app-level metrics GET /api/v1/stats/


This route accepts both a GET and a POST. Performing a GET request will return a list of all currently running jobs. Performing a POST (with the correct JSON) will create a new Job.

Note: When creating a Job, the only fields that are required are the Name and the Command field. But, if you omit the Schedule field, the job will be ran immediately.


$ curl
$ curl -d '{"epsilon": "PT5S", "command": "bash /home/ajvb/gocode/src/", "name": "test_job", "schedule": "R2/2017-06-04T19:25:16.828696-07:00/PT10S"}'
$ curl
            "command":"bash /home/ajvb/gocode/src/",


This route accepts both a GET and a DELETE, and is based off of the id of the Job. Performing a GET request will return a full JSON object describing the Job. Performing a DELETE will delete the Job.


$ curl
{"job":{"name":"test_job","id":"93b65499-b211-49ce-57e0-19e735cc5abd","command":"bash /home/ajvb/gocode/src/","owner":"","disabled":false,"dependent_jobs":null,"parent_jobs":null,"schedule":"R2/2017-06-04T19:25:16.828696-07:00/PT10S","retries":0,"epsilon":"PT5S","success_count":0,"last_success":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","error_count":0,"last_error":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","last_attempted_run":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","next_run_at":"2017-06-04T19:25:16.828737931-07:00"}}
$ curl -X DELETE
$ curl



$ curl



$ curl -X POST



$ curl -X POST



$ curl -X POST



$ curl

Debugging Jobs

There is a command within Kala called run which will immediately run a command as Kala would run it live, and then gives you a response on whether it was successful or not. Allows for easier and quicker debugging of commands.

$ kala run "ruby /home/user/ruby/my_ruby_script.rb"
Command Succeeded!
$ kala run "ruby /home/user/other_dir/broken_script.rb"
FATA[0000] Command Failed with err: exit status 1

Dependent Jobs

How to add a dependent job

Check out this example for how to add dependent jobs within a python script.

Notes on Dependent Jobs

  • Dependent jobs follow a rule of First In First Out
  • A child will always have to wait until a parent job finishes before it runs
  • A child will not run if its parent job does not.
  • If a child job is disabled, it's parent job will still run, but it will not.
  • If a child job is deleted, it's parent job will continue to stay around.
  • If a parent job is deleted, unless its child jobs have another parent, they will be deleted as well.

Original Contributors and Contact

Original Author and Core Maintainer:

Original Reviewers:


Flattr this git repo

AJ Bahnken
Security @mozilla / @mozilla-services
AJ Bahnken
  • Prevent deleted job to run

    Prevent deleted job to run

    This PR solving #237

    As you can see in the original code: first job run, then checked Is It exists in the cache. We don't do anything if the job deleted: neither try to run nor reschedule it.

  • Remote support

    Remote support

    Added support for jobType as discussed in #73 with a remote job type

    basically it adds the following support:

    if user passed job_type: 1 in the create job json, it allows her/him to specify remote_properties:

    • url, allows to configure to what url to send the request
    • method, specifying the method to use
    • body, allows adding a body to the http request
    • headers, a list of headers as jsons ({"key": "k", "value": "v"}
    • timeout, after how long to declare the request as failure if there is no response
    • expected_response_codes, a list of ints to specify which response codes are declared as success

    all params have default values and all except for url are optional

  • Prevent deleted job to run (with test)

    Prevent deleted job to run (with test)

    Following with comments in this PR has cherry-pick the code and adding test (and now with merged) should pass (the lint)

  • Feature/storage consul

    Feature/storage consul

    Added a storage option for consul. I probably do need some more thorough testing with exceptions, and had a couple issues with godeps dependencies. Please let me know what additional changes need to be done! Thanks

  • config file implementation

    config file implementation

    • Switched from codegangster/cli to spf13/cobra and spf13/viper.
    • Remove deprecated Godep/_workspaces folder in favor to vendor/ folder.
    • Added gulpfile to faster golang environment
  • cannot work on windows && raspberry pi 3b

    cannot work on windows && raspberry pi 3b

    i have run kala with cmd

    kala run --port="8091"

    then create new job with

    $ curl -H "'Content-Type':'application/json'" -d '{"schedule":"R/2020-01-31T23:05:35/PT5M","name":"start_ebookdownloader_job","command":"/home/pi/gowork/src/ --bookid=91_91911 --txt --mobi"}' -X POST

    got the crash

    ERRO[0454] Error occured when unmarshalling data: invalid character 's' looking for beginning of object key string 
    [negroni] PANIC: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    goroutine 100 [running]:*Recovery).ServeHTTP.func1(0x6632f048, 0x24cf9c0, 0x24d6460)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/recovery.go:34 +0x9c
    panic(0x4c22a0, 0x8e5480)
            /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:679 +0x194
    runtime/internal/atomic.goXadd64(0x24d8654, 0x1, 0x0, 0x24c6d01, 0xe5)
            /usr/local/go/src/runtime/internal/atomic/atomic_arm.go:103 +0x1c*List).insertAt(0x24d8650, 0x24cfc80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/list.go:129 +0x7c*List).AddOrUpdate(0x24d8650, 0x24cfc80, 0x0, 0x24c6d60)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/list.go:65 +0x118*HashMap).insertListElement(0x24d8660, 0x24cfc80, 0xa5072301, 0x73aec6a8)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/hashmap.go:152 +0x64*HashMap).Set(0x24d8660, 0x4a60c0, 0x24d2690, 0x257a580)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/hashmap.go:131 +0xa4*LockFreeJobCache).Set(0x2538140, 0x257a580, 0x24, 0x661800e0)
            /home/pi/gowork/src/ +0x50*Job).Init(0x257a580, 0x5e4dc0, 0x2538140, 0x0, 0x0)
            /home/pi/gowork/src/ +0x184, 0x24cf9c0, 0x25b6000)
            /home/pi/gowork/src/ +0xa4
    net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0x24ce300, 0x6632f048, 0x24cf9c0, 0x25b6000)
            /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2007 +0x34*Router).ServeHTTP(0x24d0150, 0x6632f048, 0x24cf9c0, 0x25b6000)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/mux.go:100 +0x23c, 0x24cf9c0, 0x25b6000, 0x24d6550)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/negroni.go:41 +0x3c, 0x6632f048, 0x24cf9c0, 0x25b6000, 0x24d6550)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/negroni.go:24 +0x3c, 0x24d64b0, 0x24d64e0, 0x6632f048, 0x24cf9c0, 0x25b6000)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/negroni.go:33 +0x84*Logger).ServeHTTP(0x255db00, 0x6632f048, 0x24cf9c0, 0x25b6000, 0x24d6540)
            /home/pi/gowork/src/ +0xe0, 0x255db00, 0x24d64d0, 0x6632f048, 0x24cf9c0, 0x25b6000)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/negroni.go:33 +0x84*Recovery).ServeHTTP(0x24d6460, 0x6632f048, 0x24cf9c0, 0x25b6000, 0x24d6530)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/recovery.go:45 +0x70, 0x24d6460, 0x24d64c0, 0x6632f048, 0x24cf9c0, 0x25b6000)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/negroni.go:33 +0x84*Negroni).ServeHTTP(0x24ced60, 0x5e3688, 0x2552120, 0x25b6000)
            /home/pi/gowork/pkg/mod/[email protected]/negroni.go:73 +0xc4
    net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP(0x2552090, 0x5e3688, 0x2552120, 0x25b6000)
            /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2802 +0x88
    net/http.(*conn).serve(0x248c4e0, 0x5e4148, 0x25a4480)
            /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1890 +0x7e0
    created by net/http.(*Server).Serve
            /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2927 +0x2f0
  • Create a more generic

    Create a more generic "JobRunner" that will allow for different job types.

    Need to flush this out more.

    Basic idea is that Kala should be able to support different Job Types, but all of them must be able to be passed to Kala via JSON over HTTP.

    A good example of such (taken from Chronos) is the ability to run a container as a job.

    Some notes:

    Make JobRunner more generic

    1. Change JobRunner.runCmd() ( ) to something more generic that inspects the Job to figure out what Job type it should run.
    2. Add in JobRunner.runDocker()

    Add needed fields to Job

    Needed Fields:

    • job_type as proposed by @falschparker82 within #96
    • container similar to the field of the same name within Chronos -
  • Repetition count in schedule string should be decremented by 1

    Repetition count in schedule string should be decremented by 1

    Looking on your readme, on che schedule string section, is written that R1 - Will repeat once.

    So I was expecting just one run on the job that I scheduled with R1 repetition, but it happened twice. Then I investigated and I noticed that basically every job that was scheduled with a fixed repetition count has been executed 1 time more than expected.

    How to reproduce the problem: Those are two examples that I run to figure out the problem: 1 - I set up a job to run with 1 repetition

    curl -d '{"command": "bash echo A >> ~/Desktop/tmp_log_kala", "name": "test_job2", "schedule": "R1/2016-05-03T15:00:00+01:00/PT10S"}'

    and this is the response from kala: {"id":"8affc3e9-2837-415f-4aa0-0ef601611b16"} But looking at the GET job API after the end of the execution, I found two execution of it:

       "job" : {
          "next_run_at" : "2016-05-03T15:00:10.002875991+01:00",
          "parent_jobs" : null,
          "retries" : 0,
          "schedule" : "R1/2016-05-03T15:00:00+01:00/PT10S",
          "epsilon" : "",
          "metadata" : {
             "last_error" : "2016-05-03T15:00:10.016369805+01:00",
             "last_success" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
             "error_count" : 2,
             "success_count" : 0,
             "last_attempted_run" : "2016-05-03T15:00:10.008073338+01:00"
          "disabled" : false,
          "id" : "8affc3e9-2837-415f-4aa0-0ef601611b16",
          "owner" : "",
          "command" : "bash echo A >> ~/Desktop/tmp_log_kala",
          "name" : "test_job2",
          "stats" : [
                "number_of_retries" : 0,
                "job_id" : "8affc3e9-2837-415f-4aa0-0ef601611b16",
                "ran_at" : "2016-05-03T15:00:00.002876963+01:00",
                "execution_duration" : 11777780,
                "success" : false
                "success" : false,
                "job_id" : "8affc3e9-2837-415f-4aa0-0ef601611b16",
                "execution_duration" : 8295465,
                "ran_at" : "2016-05-03T15:00:10.00807454+01:00",
                "number_of_retries" : 0
          "dependent_jobs" : null

    2 - Then I tried forcing a 0 repetition for my job (that in theory has no sense)

    curl -d '{"command": "bash echo A >> ~/Desktop/tmp_log_kala", "name": "test_job2", "schedule": "R0/2016-05-03T15:00:00+01:00/PT10S"}'

    and the response was a job created correctly {"id":"f44e86bf-feb3-4e4d-5580-d9850583d623"} But looking at the execution I found that was executed once:

       "job" : {
          "owner" : "",
          "metadata" : {
             "last_success" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
             "last_attempted_run" : "2016-05-03T15:00:00.002873922+01:00",
             "success_count" : 0,
             "error_count" : 1,
             "last_error" : "2016-05-03T15:00:00.013881925+01:00"
          "schedule" : "R0/2016-05-03T15:00:00+01:00/PT10S",
          "parent_jobs" : null,
          "retries" : 0,
          "id" : "f44e86bf-feb3-4e4d-5580-d9850583d623",
          "next_run_at" : "2016-05-03T15:00:00.00000066+01:00",
          "stats" : [
                "ran_at" : "2016-05-03T15:00:00.002874753+01:00",
                "number_of_retries" : 0,
                "execution_duration" : 11007273,
                "job_id" : "f44e86bf-feb3-4e4d-5580-d9850583d623",
                "success" : false
          "command" : "bash echo A >> ~/Desktop/tmp_log_kala",
          "epsilon" : "",
          "dependent_jobs" : null,
          "disabled" : false,
          "name" : "test_job2"

    Is the documentation that is wrong or is kala itself? At the moment I'm forcing my jobs to be repeated n-1 times, but I'd like to know if I have to revert this hack in the future or not...

    Regards, Marco

  • JobStats cleanup

    JobStats cleanup

    I have a job that scheduled to run every 5 mins. After few weeks of job executions, the job stats get accumulated quite a few of entries, it caused the API api/v1/job/{id} to return lot of data. I am looking for ways to clean up these stats since I am only interested in checking for the last running job status. I am thinking about changing kala code in db.go to add few more methods for cleaning up the old stats entries (e.g. removing items greater than 1 weeks old). I need some pointers to see if this is the right thing to do. I can contribute the code back once I am done. Please let me know. Thanks, -Quan

  • This fix issue #118

    This fix issue #118

    Fixing bug on job without repetition and interval specified that causes panic if its time has passed when kala was off. Issue #118

    Added control on GetWaitDuration() function and test

  • Fix postgres persistence and upgrade bolt library

    Fix postgres persistence and upgrade bolt library

    Hi, first thanks for developing and sharing this project.

    We are using with postgres 10.6, and we notice some problems

    • First when trying to delete (don't have now the message) it's fail because "job -> 'id'" has documented here '{"a": {"b":"foo"}}'::json->'a' gives {"b":"foo"} and we need filter by the id of the job... '{"a":1,"b":2}'::json->>'b' that give 2. We replace > with >> in get and delete
    • Second, save need check if exist, to update either to insert (as diferent as mysql where can use replace, hear postgres/json)

    If i have more time, i'll make another PR with for testing.

    Thanks again

  • update lib/pq version to v1.10.6

    update lib/pq version to v1.10.6

    Updated the lib/pq version, since the old lib/pq version is not supporting SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication (feature made available from Postgres 10 onwards)

  • Wrong unmarshalNewJob when create a remote job by webui build-in

    Wrong unmarshalNewJob when create a remote job by webui build-in

    i create a remote job by webui like this


    and i got error log below.

    INFO[0000] Job test-create-job-by-web-ui-001:6a57c82e-45e9-40fc-5029-e3bcfd08ad7c added to cache. 
    INFO[0000] Starting server on port :8000                
    INFO[0028] {"name":"test023","type":1,"owner":"[email protected]","schedule":"R/2022-10-12T20:12:16.828696-08:00/PT10S","retries":0,"url":"","method":"GET","headers":{},"body":"{}","timeout":0,"expected_response_codes":[]} 
    ERRO[0028] Invalid Remote Job. Job's must contain a Name and a url field 
    ERRO[0028] Error occurred when initializing the job: Invalid Remote Job. Job's must contain a Name and a url field 
    ERRO[0029] Error occurred when trying to get the job you requested. 

    the struct of json sent by webui dosen't match the struct of Job below,

    type Job struct {
            Name string `json:"name"`
            Id   string `json:"id"`
            // Command to run
            // e.g. "bash /path/to/my/"
            Command string `json:"command"`
            // Email of the owner of this job
            // e.g. "[email protected]"
            Owner string `json:"owner"`
            // Is this job disabled?
            Disabled bool `json:"disabled"`
            // Jobs that are dependent upon this one will be run after this job runs.
            DependentJobs []string `json:"dependent_jobs"`
            // List of ids of jobs that this job is dependent upon.
            ParentJobs []string `json:"parent_jobs"`
            // Job that gets run after all retries have failed consecutively
            OnFailureJob string `json:"on_failure_job"`
            // ISO 8601 String
            // e.g. "R/2014-03-08T20:00:00.000Z/PT2H"
            Schedule     string `json:"schedule"`
            scheduleTime time.Time
            // ISO 8601 Duration struct, used for scheduling
            // job after each run.
            delayDuration *iso8601.Duration
            // Number of times to schedule this job after the
            // first run.
            timesToRepeat int64
            // Number of times to retry on failed attempt for each run.
            Retries uint `json:"retries"`
            // Duration in which it is safe to retry the Job.
            Epsilon         string `json:"epsilon"`
            epsilonDuration *iso8601.Duration
            jobTimer  clock.Timer
            NextRunAt time.Time `json:"next_run_at"`
            // Templating delimiters, the left & right separated by space,
            // for example `{{ }}` or `${ }`.
            // If this field is non-empty, then each time this
            // job is executed, Kala will template its main
            // content as a Go Template with the job itself as data.
            // The Command is templated for local jobs,
            // and Url and Body in RemoteProperties.
            TemplateDelimiters string
            // The clock for this job; used to mock time during tests.
            clk Clock
            // If the job is disabled (or the system inoperative) and we pass
            // the scheduled run point, when the job becomes active again,
            // normally the job will run immediately.
            // With this setting on, it will not run immediately, but will wait
            // until the next scheduled run time comes along.
            ResumeAtNextScheduledTime bool `json:"resume_at_next_scheduled_time"`
            // Meta data about successful and failed runs.
            Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"`
            // Type of the job
            JobType jobType `json:"type"`
            // Custom properties for the remote job type
            RemoteProperties RemoteProperties `json:"remote_properties"`
            // Collection of Job Stats
            Stats []*JobStat `json:"stats"`
            lock sync.RWMutex
            // Says if a job has been executed right numbers of time
            // and should not been executed again in the future
            IsDone bool `json:"is_done"`
            // The job will send on this channel when it's done running; used for tests.
            // Note that if the job should be rescheduled, it will send on this channel
            // when it's done rescheduling rather than when the job is done running.
            // That's most useful for testing the scheduling aspect of jobs.
            ranChan chan struct{}
            // Used for testing schedules.
            succeedInstantly bool
    // RemoteProperties Custom properties for the remote job type
    type RemoteProperties struct {
            Url    string `json:"url"`
            Method string `json:"method"`
            // A body to attach to the http request
            Body string `json:"body"`
            // A list of headers to add to http request (e.g. [{"key": "charset", "value": "UTF-8"}])
            Headers http.Header `json:"headers"`
            // A timeout property for the http request in seconds
            Timeout int `json:"timeout"`
            // A list of expected response codes (e.g. [200, 201])
            ExpectedResponseCodes []int `json:"expected_response_codes"`

    json of remote job should looks like this

    {"name":"test023","type":1,"owner":"[email protected]","schedule":"R/2022-10-12T20:12:16.828696-08:00/PT10S","retries":0,"remote_properties":{"url":"","method":"GET","headers":{},"body":"{}","timeout":0,"expected_response_codes":[]}} 
  • Health points for kubernetes deployment (liveness & readyness)

    Health points for kubernetes deployment (liveness & readyness)

    If you could consider interesting, we could implement 2 endpoints

    1. liveness only to check the servicess is up
    2. readyness check the database connection is up and running

    What do you think?

  • Add Sample Schedule Strings to Docs

    Add Sample Schedule Strings to Docs

    More documentation is needed, in general.

    More specifically, there should be samples of schedule strings. For example, a job with no schedule will run immediately, but a one-off job would look like this:


    A list of examples should be drawn up to show various scenarios in a concise fashion.

  • Upgrade MySQL

    Upgrade MySQL "Real" Mocks

    Currently the MySQL storage driver uses to perform some test with a real database (in addition to the fully mocked ones provided by the datadog library).

    However, the lestrrat library is a frequent source of troubles. A potential replacement is


A batch scheduler of kubernetes for high performance workload, e.g. AI/ML, BigData, HPC
A batch scheduler of kubernetes for high performance workload, e.g. AI/ML, BigData, HPC

kube-batch kube-batch is a batch scheduler for Kubernetes, providing mechanisms for applications which would like to run batch jobs leveraging Kuberne

Jan 6, 2023
A web-based simulator for the Kubernetes scheduler
A web-based simulator for the Kubernetes scheduler

Web-based Kubernetes scheduler simulator Hello world. Here is web-based Kubernetes scheduler simulator. On the simulator, you can create/edit/delete t

Dec 22, 2022
scenario system to check the behavior of kube-scheduler

kube-scheduler-simulator-cli: Kubernetes Scheduler simulator on CLI and scenario system. Hello world. This repository is scenario system for kube-sche

Jan 25, 2022
OpenAIOS vGPU scheduler for Kubernetes is originated from the OpenAIOS project to virtualize GPU device memory.
OpenAIOS vGPU scheduler for Kubernetes is originated from the OpenAIOS project to virtualize GPU device memory.

OpenAIOS vGPU scheduler for Kubernetes English version|中文版 Introduction 4paradigm k8s vGPU scheduler is an "all in one" chart to manage your GPU in k8

Jan 3, 2023
Kueue: Kubernetes-native Job Queueing

Kueue Kueue is a set of APIs and controller for job queueing. It is a job-level

Jan 2, 2023
:rocket: Modern cross-platform HTTP load-testing tool written in Go
:rocket: Modern cross-platform HTTP load-testing tool written in Go

English | 中文 Cassowary is a modern HTTP/S, intuitive & cross-platform load testing tool built in Go for developers, testers and sysadmins. Cassowary d

Dec 29, 2022
Resilient, scalable Brainf*ck, in the spirit of modern systems design

Brainf*ck-as-a-Service A little BF interpreter, inspired by modern systems design trends. How to run it? docker-compose up -d bash # Should p

Nov 22, 2022
k6 is a modern load testing tool for developers and testers in the DevOps era.
k6 is a modern load testing tool for developers and testers in the DevOps era.

k6 is a modern load testing tool, building on our years of experience in the load and performance testing industry. It provides a clean, approachable scripting API, local and cloud execution, and flexible configuration.

Jan 8, 2023
The smart virtual machines manager. A modern CLI for Vagrant Boxes.
The smart virtual machines manager.  A modern CLI for Vagrant Boxes.

The smart virtual machines manager Table of Contents: What is Vermin Install Vermin Usage Contributors TODO What is Vermin Vermin is a smart, simple a

Dec 22, 2022
Go library providing algorithms optimized to leverage the characteristics of modern CPUs

asm Go library providing algorithms optimized to leverage the characteristics of modern CPUs. Motivation With the development of Cloud technologies, a

Dec 29, 2022
💧 Visual Data Preparation (VDP) is an open-source tool to seamlessly integrate Vision AI with the modern data stack
💧 Visual Data Preparation (VDP) is an open-source tool to seamlessly integrate Vision AI with the modern data stack

Website | Community | Blog Get Early Access Visual Data Preparation (VDP) is an open-source tool to streamline the end-to-end visual data processing p

Jan 5, 2023
Tigris is a modern, scalable backend for building real-time websites and apps.

Tigris Data Getting started These instructions will get you through setting up Tigris Data locally as Docker containers. Prerequisites Make sure that

Dec 27, 2022
Modern Job Scheduler
Modern Job Scheduler

Kala Kala is a simplistic, modern, and performant job scheduler written in Go. Features: Single binary No dependencies JSON over HTTP API Job Stats Co

Dec 21, 2022
nano-gpu-scheduler is a Kubernetes scheduler extender for GPU resources scheduling.
nano-gpu-scheduler is a Kubernetes scheduler extender for GPU resources scheduling.

Nano GPU Scheduler About This Project With the continuous evolution of cloud native AI scenarios, more and more users run AI tasks on Kubernetes, whic

Dec 29, 2022
Statefulset-scheduler (aka sfs-scheduler)

statefulset-scheduler (aka sfs-scheduler) Installation I already upload docker i

Dec 19, 2021
Scheduler: the scheduler of distbuild written in Golang

scheduler Introduction scheduler is the scheduler of distbuild written in Go. Pr

Feb 9, 2022
Scheduler - Scheduler package is a zero-dependency scheduling library for Go

Scheduler Scheduler package is a zero-dependency scheduling library for Go Insta

Jan 14, 2022
K8s-scheduler-extender - Scheduler extender for thpa

k8s-scheduler-extender-example This is an example of Kubernetes Scheduler Extend

Feb 6, 2022
Linstor-scheduler-extender - LINSTOR scheduler extender plugin for Kubernetes

linstor-scheduler-extender LINSTOR scheduler extender plugin for Kubernetes whic

Dec 30, 2022
Crane scheduler is a Kubernetes scheduler which can schedule pod based on actual node load.

Crane-scheduler Overview Crane-scheduler is a collection of scheduler plugins based on scheduler framework, including: Dynamic scheuler: a load-aware

Dec 29, 2022