A music programming language for musicians. :notes:

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Alda is a text-based programming language for music composition. It allows you to compose and play back music using only your text editor and the command line.

  g8 a b > c d e f+ g | a b > c d e f+ g4
  g8 f+ e d c < b a g | f+ e d c < b a g4
  << g1/>g/>g/b/>d/g

For more examples, see these example scores.

The language's design equally favors aesthetics, flexibility and ease of use.

(Why compose music this way instead of in a graphical sheet music notation program? See this blog post for a brief history and rationale.)


  • Easy to understand, markup-like syntax.
  • Designed for musicians who don't know how to program, as well as programmers who don't know how to music.
  • A score is a text file that can be played using the alda command-line tool.
  • Interactive REPL lets you enter Alda code and hear the results in real time.
  • Supports writing music programmatically (for algorithmic composition, live coding, etc.)
  • Create MIDI music using any of the instruments in the General MIDI Sound Set


If you'd like to help, come on in -- the water's fine!


See the official website for instructions to install the latest release of Alda.


For an overview of available commands and options:

alda --help

To play a file containing Alda code:

alda play --file examples/bach_cello_suite_no_1.alda

To play arbitrary code at the command line:

alda play --code "piano: c6 d12 e6 g12~4"

To start an interactive Alda REPL session:

alda repl


Alda's documentation can be found here.


We'd love your help -- Pull Requests welcome!

For a top-level overview of things we're talking about and working on, check out the Alda GitHub Project board.

For more details on how you can contribute to Alda, see CONTRIBUTING.md.

Another way you can contribute is by sponsoring Dave in the future development of Alda.

Support, Discussion, Camaraderie

Slack: Joining the Alda Slack group is quick and painless. Come say hi!

Reddit: Subscribe to the /r/alda subreddit, where you can discuss all things Alda and share your Alda scores!


Copyright © 2012-2021 Dave Yarwood et al

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 2.0.

A music programming language for musicians.
  • Alda not starting workers in some cases

    Alda not starting workers in some cases

    Forked from the comments of https://github.com/alda-lang/alda/issues/266#issuecomment-248302194

    Since upgrading to rc41 from rc31, alda doesn't spawn workers on my windows machine:

    λ alda up
    [27713] Starting Alda server...
    [27713] Server up ?
    [27713] Starting worker processes...
    [ this hangs, I waited for 5 minutes ]
    λ alda status
    [27713] Server up (0/2 workers available)
  • Improve instance/group assignment +

    Improve instance/group assignment + "." group-member operator

    Consider the following code:

    piano "piano1":
    piano: o4 c d e f g a b > c
    piano1: o4 e f g a b > c d e

    When played, it plays normally. However, if I switch the declaration of the instruments at the top

    piano "piano1":
    piano: o4 c d e f g a b > c
    piano1: o4 e f g a b > c d e

    piano1 does not start playing until piano has finished its melody. The order of the melodies at the bottom does not matter, so

    piano "piano1":
    piano1: o4 e f g a b > c d e
    piano: o4 c d e f g a b > c

    will play piano1 first and then play piano.

    And if they're both named, there is no problem. both of the scores below play normally.

    piano "piano1":
    piano "piano2":
    piano1: o4 c d e f g a b > c
    piano2: o4 e f g a b > c d e
    piano "piano2":
    piano "piano1":
    piano1: o4 c d e f g a b > c
    piano2: o4 e f g a b > c d e
  • Javascript implementation of REPL + Web Audio API

    Javascript implementation of REPL + Web Audio API

    I am loosely aware of the ability, via clojurescript, to get clojure running in native javascript. If it's possible for the parser to be ported to javascript I would be happy to build the website that surrounds it and plug in the web audio API so folks can aldajam in the browser.

    Any idea what would be involved in porting the parser to JS?

  • Refining variables

    Refining variables

    I noticed that variables were finally implemented in the latest release of alda. However with the new note spacing rules I find that writing is much more restrictive. Thus, I suggest a literal for variables; that way the note spacing rules can be more relaxed, however variables would still be clearly marked. A single quote literal '<variable>' is a possibility, as well as having something like a character before a variable '<variable> to indicate that it is one (similar to markers), however I would like to hear other suggestions.

  • Refine and document Alda installation/usage on Windows

    Refine and document Alda installation/usage on Windows

    A large handful of people have noted experiencing problems installing and running Alda in a Windows environment. #47 is a good example of an error that at least 2 other people have noted running into.

    Open questions:

    • Is it possible to run a standalone executable Boot script in Windows?

      The alda executable does start with #!/usr/bin/env boot. On OS X, I am able to run alda globally by making this file executable and copying it a directory in my $PATH. I am also able to run it by running boot ~/Code/alda/bin/alda. I can reproduce the "No such task (alda)" issue by cd-ing into ~/Code/alda/bin and trying to run boot alda, probably because Boot can't know if alda is supposed to be a task or a file. Clarifying that it's a file by running boot ./alda fixes it.

    • Can a Windows user simply copy the alda executable script into a directory in their path and be able to run alda from any directory?

      Subquestion: Does a file need to be a .exe in order to be added to the path?

    • Why doesn't running boot D:\path\to\alda (with boot.exe on the user's path) work?

      ... Does it work?

    Would greatly appreciate any insight from Windows power users, or better yet, Windows users familiar with running Boot. I am a Windows n00b.

  • Run Alda in the browser

    Run Alda in the browser

    My primary motivation is to have a "Try It" area on the Alda website, similar to what you find on the Haskell website, where you can enter snippets of Alda code, press a "play" button and hear the result.

    There was also a request (#391) for playable demos of the example code in the Alda documentation, which I think is a great idea.

    I've been thinking about either compiling the Alda client (written in Go) to WebAssembly, or using GopherJS to compile it to JavaScript. That should allow us to parse Alda scores in the browser and hopefully send OSC messages.

    We'll also need to implement the player process (written in Kotlin) in the browser. It looks like it's possible to compile Kotlin to JavaScript, so maybe that will help. Although, I used Java inter-op quite heavily, both to use the JVM MIDI synthesizer/sequencer and to do sophisticated things with concurrency. So, I suspect that it might be challenging to try to reuse the same code base to generate a player process in JS. We might end up needing to write a port in JavaScript from scratch instead, which wouldn't be the end of the world. Ideally, we could use the same code base, though, so that we can avoid the two implementations drifting apart over time.

  • Massive CPU usage

    Massive CPU usage

    I tried the latest version of alda today (alda update), and found that running alda up maxed out my machine's CPU and basically locked it up with loadaverages over 80(!).

    Here are the offending threads:


    What's happened in the last 10 days? My machine is very powerful, and more importantly didn't used to have this problem.

    My version:

    $ alda repl
    Sep 16, 2016 1:25:00 PM com.jsyn.engine.SynthesisEngine start
    INFO: Pure Java JSyn from www.softsynth.com, rate = 44100, RT, V16.7.3 (build 457, 2014-12-25)
    Preparing MIDI system... done.
     █████╗ ██╗     ██████╗  █████╗ 
    ██╔══██╗██║     ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗
    ███████║██║     ██║  ██║███████║
    ██╔══██║██║     ██║  ██║██╔══██║
    ██║  ██║███████╗██████╔╝██║  ██║
    ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝
             repl session

    My machine:

    $ uname -a
    Linux T420 4.7.2-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Aug 20 23:02:56 CEST 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    My jvm:

    $ java -version
    java version "1.8.0_102"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_102-b14)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.102-b14, mixed mode)
  • MIDI audio is delayed after suspending the server

    MIDI audio is delayed after suspending the server

    I get pretty much immediate responses from the server* after first running it, but after leaving the server running for a while (e.g. if I leave my computer and come back hours later), it may take several seconds or more before I hear anything. Restarting the server fixes it.

    *meaning, if I run alda play -r -c 'piano: c', I hear the note immediately

    No idea what the issue is at this point, but figured I would report it in case anyone has any ideas.

  • Inline Clojure code

    Inline Clojure code

    Closes #94.

    This introduces a major change to alda.parser -- anything between parentheses is now interpreted as a Clojure expression and evaluated with the help of a custom reader that will attempt to resolve symbols in the alda.lisp namespace whenever possible. There is also some regex hackery that allows things like (volume 50, tempo 120) to still work by splitting on commas and semicolons (intelligently*) and turning them into separate S-expressions like (do (volume 50) (tempo 120)).

    *Commas and semicolons inside strings and as character literals still function as they normally do in Clojure.

    As a side effect of this, (* the old (and not so great) long comment syntax *) had to be deprecated. R.I.P.

    For full backwards compatibility, I've also extended the defattribute macro so that it defines more functions for use in the alda.lisp namespace (and by extension, in Alda code) -- you can now call any alias of an attribute as a function (e.g. (vol 50) instead of having to do (set-attribute :vol 50)), and you can set global attributes by appending a ! after the function name (e.g. (vol! 50) instead of (global-attribute :vol 50))

    I also happened to notice a bug with the :play function not fully resetting instruments' attributes (octave, volume, etc.) before playing a score from the beginning, leading to inconsistent playback. I'm including a fix for that in this PR as well.

  • Support

    Support "from" and "to" for playing

    Not quite done with this yet, but perhaps ready for feedback.

    There are some performance-oriented things here, like making some functions lazy, a lower-overhead trick than (doall (pmap ..)) and using transducers in some places.

    Will be back this evening to finish this off - supporting labels, typing in with CLI and REPL commands, and adding tests

  • Make

    Make "final product" less(/not) reliant on Boot

    I added boot.properties before Clojure 1.7.0 became the default Clojure version in Boot 2.2.0, as a way of enforcing that Clojure 1.7.0 be used when running Alda boot tasks, which used to be how you would run alda's play, parse and repl tasks, pre-alda.cli (i.e. instead of using the alda executable, you would cd into the Alda project directory and run boot play --file /some/file.alda, or boot alda-repl, etc.)

    Since then, the latest versions of Boot (since 2.2.0) have made Clojure 1.7.0 the default BOOT_CLOJURE_VERSION, and the usage instructions for Alda has moved from cloning the repo and running Boot tasks to copying a provided executable Boot script (bin/alda) to your $PATH and using the alda command as an entrypoint into the tasks defined in the alda.cli namespace.

    Bearing this in mind, does it make sense for us to still have a boot.properties file? With Boot steadily evolving and improving, I'm not sure I like the idea of pinning the Alda project to a specific version of Boot, when really all we want to enforce is Clojure 1.7.0 as a dependency.

  • Add check for extra rest duration

    Add check for extra rest duration

    Patch to fix issue #421 . Checks the ending duration of what is sent to the client matches the PartOffset in the Score object. If there is a mismatch (as in the case with a trailing rest), extra duration is appended to the last note.

  • open /tmp/alda-doctor1917232005/1666820313.mid: no such file or directory

    open /tmp/alda-doctor1917232005/1666820313.mid: no such file or directory

    🐞 Bug report 🐞


    Fresh download, new user. After problems with the 101 tutorial (alda repl), I tried alda doctor. It errs out at "Export score as MIDI" after hanging a couple of seconds, and after it errs out, I hear an upward broken major chord and see a persisting java process of alda-player.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Download current alda and alda-player, make executable and put on PATH
    2. Execute alda doctor

    I am using Gentoo Linux an a laptop with an external soundcard (USB) that does not seem to be used. I have both Pipewire and ALSA installed.

    Expected Behavior

    I would hope that the self-test passes. Furthermore, I would not expect remaining Java background processes after exit of the command I launched.

    Actual Behavior

    It errs out at "Export score as MIDI" after hanging a couple of seconds, and after it errs out, I hear an upward broken major chord and see a persisting java process of alda-player.


    Operating system and version: Gentoo Linux, rolling.

    Alda version:

    $ alda version
    alda 2.2.3
    $ alda-player info
    alda-player 2.2.3
    log path: /home/seb/.cache/alda/logs

    Health check:

    $ alda doctor
    OK  Parse source code
    OK  Generate score model
    OK  Ensure that there are no stale player processes
    OK  Find an open port
    OK  Send and receive OSC messages
    OK  Locate alda-player executable on PATH
    OK  Check alda-player version
    OK  Spawn a player process
    OK  Ping player process
    OK  Play score
    ERR Export score as MIDI
    Oops! Something went wrong:
      open /tmp/alda-doctor1917232005/1666820313.mid: no such file or directory
    This might be a bug. For help, consider filing an issue at:
    Or come chat with us on Slack:


    gip INFO  2022-10-26 23:38:33 StateManager.cleanUpStaleStateFiles:72 - Cleaning up stale files in /home/seb/.cache/alda/state/players...
    gip INFO  2022-10-26 23:38:33 StateManager.cleanUpStaleStateFiles:72 - Cleaning up stale files in /home/seb/.cache/alda/state/repl-servers...
    gip INFO  2022-10-26 23:38:33 Main.run:77 - Starting receiver, listening on port 37209...
    gip INFO  2022-10-26 23:38:54 MidiEngine.<init>:276 - Initializing MIDI sequencer...
    gip INFO  2022-10-26 23:38:54 MidiEngine.<init>:281 - Initializing MIDI synthesizer...
    gip INFO  2022-10-26 23:38:56 Main.run:90 - Starting player...
    gip DEBUG 2022-10-26 23:38:56 Parser.parse:238 - received ping
    gip DEBUG 2022-10-26 23:38:56 Player.invoke:346 - TRACK 1: startOffset is 0
    gip DEBUG 2022-10-26 23:38:56 Player.invoke:349 - eraBefore: 0; eraAfter: 0
    gip DEBUG 2022-10-26 23:38:57 MidiEngine.meta:334 - Received Set Tempo meta event
    gip DEBUG 2022-10-26 23:38:59 MidiEngine.meta:291 - Received CONTINUE meta event
    gip DEBUG 2022-10-26 23:39:00 MidiEngine.meta:291 - Received CONTINUE meta event
    gip DEBUG 2022-10-26 23:39:01 MidiEngine.meta:291 - Received CONTINUE meta event
    gip DEBUG 2022-10-26 23:39:02 MidiEngine.meta:291 - Received CONTINUE meta event
    gip DEBUG 2022-10-26 23:39:03 MidiEngine.meta:291 - Received CONTINUE meta event


    $ ps aux | grep alda
    seb      20347 10.3  0.6 4566324 106200 pts/2  Sl   23:38   0:02 /usr/lib64/icedtea8/bin/java -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100 -Xmx1024m -Xms256m -DlogPath=tmplog -jar /home/seb/bin/alda-player -v run -p 37209
    seb      20387  0.0  0.0   7648  2284 pts/2    S+   23:38   0:00 grep --colour=auto alda
  • Alda REPL

    Alda REPL "skips" rests at the end of a line

    🐞 Bug report 🐞


    @litan on Alda Slack observed that if you run the following command twice in succession:

    alda repl \
      --client \
      --port 43009 \
      --message '{"op": "eval-and-play", "code": "percussion: o2 (tempo 240) c4 r4 c4 r4 | c4 r4 c4 r4 | c4 r4 c4 r4 | c4 r4 d4 r4"}'

    It appends the two together as expected, however, the r4 at the end gets stripped off, so the c4 at the beginning of the second command ends up happening a quarter note too soon.

    I was also able to reproduce this in an interactive Alda REPL session.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Run alda repl to start a REPL session.
    2. Enter percussion: o2 (tempo 240) c4 r4 c4 r4 | c4 r4 c4 r4 | c4 r4 c4 r4 | c4 r4 d4 r4 and press Enter.
    3. Before that line finishes playing, press Up arrow, Enter to enter the same line again.

    Expected Behavior

    The notes you hear are all spaced apart by quarter note rests.

    Actual Behavior

    It sounds like the r4 quarter note rest at the end of the first line is omitted, and there is a "hiccup" where the second line starts a quarter note too early.


    Operating system and version: Ubuntu 20.04

    Alda version: 2.2.3

  • CLI wonky with readline fix

    CLI wonky with readline fix

    Reference Issues/PRs

    Addresses #405

    What does this implement/fix? Explain your changes.

    • Changed the color library for client to support windows by using the "github.com/gookit/color" library
    • Changed the readline library for client to support windows and prevent background changes, replaced with "github.com/peterh/liner"
    • Added tempfile ".alda_history" in temp directory for handling previous inputs, and reverseSearch added.


    • need to connect zerolog with the new liner library to handle Stderrs
    • need to test multiLine mode, and to understand how it works ... to make playing instruments easier.
  • Exiting Alda REPL in

    Exiting Alda REPL in "server only" mode kills all player processes

    🐞 Bug report 🐞


    Player processes are supposed to outlive the execution of the Alda client, and they generally do, except, for some reason, in the case of running an Alda REPL in "server only" mode.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. In a separate terminal, monitor the state of the player processes by running watch alda ps.
    2. Start from a clean state by running alda shutdown to shut down all current player processes.
    3. Run alda repl -s to start a REPL server.
    4. Interrupt the process.

    Expected Behavior

    • The REPL server process disappears from the alda ps output.
    • The player processes remain alive and continue to be present in the alda ps output.

    Actual Behavior

    All of the processes die and disappear from the alda ps output.


    Operating system and version: Ubuntu 20.04

    Alda version:

    $ alda version
    alda 2.2.1
    $ alda-player info
    alda-player 2.2.1
    log path: /home/dave/.cache/alda/logs

    Health check:

    $ alda doctor
    (all passing)
  • Alda REPL server sometimes

    Alda REPL server sometimes "claims" more than 1 player on startup

    🐞 Bug report 🐞


    When starting an Alda REPL session, the REPL server finds an available player process (i.e. one in the "ready" state) and "claims" it by sending it a ping message. This puts the player process into the "active" state, which makes Alda more eager to spawn new player processes in order to have them readily available.

    This works reliably, but it seems to be a little too reliable in that, for some reason, two player processes seem to go from "ready" to "active" when the REPL server starts.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. In a separate terminal, monitor the state of the player processes by running watch alda ps.
    2. Start from a clean state by running alda shutdown to shut down all current player processes.
    3. Run alda -v2 repl to start a REPL session in verbose mode.
    4. Exit the session and start a new one.
    5. Repeat step 4.

    Expected Behavior

    Each time a REPL session is started, only 1 of the players in the "ready" state goes into the "active" state.

    Alda spawns more player processes as needed, but it shouldn't need to do that too much, because only one process becomes unavailable for each REPL session.

    Actual Behavior

    The first time I start a REPL server session, I see 5 players in the "ready" state and 1 player in the "active" state. The REPL server output shows that it is using the 1 player in the "active" state.

    When I exit that session and start another one, 2 of the players that were in the "ready" state go into the "active" state. One of them is the one that this new REPL session is using. We are now down to 3 players in the "ready" state.

    If I keep going, exiting and starting new REPL sessions, more and more player processes are spawned to ensure that there are always player processes available in the "ready" state.


    Operating system and version: Ubuntu 20.04

    Alda version:

    $ alda version
    alda 2.2.1
    $ alda-player info
    alda-player 2.2.1
    log path: /home/dave/.cache/alda/logs

    Health check:

    $ alda doctor
    (all passing)
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