A suite of tools for NFT generative art.


A suite of tools for NFT generative art.


  • Traits/Attributes/Properties Generation
    • Configure custom rarity
    • Generate collection attributes configuration file
    • Merge collections
    • Shuffle collection
    • Find collisions between collections
  • Image Generation
    • Generate images from collection description
    • Generate images in parallel
  • Rarity
    • Generate traits rarity
    • Generate collection rarity
  • Provenance
    • Generate provenance


Homebrew on Macos

brew install alephao/formulae/nftool

Using Go

go install github.com/alephao/nftool@latest

Or clone the repository, change to the root folder and run go install.


Download the binary from the releases page and move it to your bin path like /usr/local/bin.

Getting Started

To get started, install nftool following the instructions above and cd to the examples folder in this repo.

First generate the configuration file from the layers folders.

mkdir -p out
nftool traits dump --layers ./layers --out ./out/config.yaml

You can open config.yaml and play around with the rarity weights, and optional configuration.

Then generate a collection from the config.yaml

nftool traits make --amount 10 --config ./out/config.yaml --out ./out/collection.json

Now we can use the collection.json to generate the images. Run the following commands:

mkdir -p ./out/images
nftool img gen --width 300 --height 300 --collection ./out/collection.json --config ./out/config.yaml --out ./out/images

We can also generate rarity reports for traits (which trait is more rare and how many times it shows up) and the collection rarity rank.

# Generate traits rarity report
nftool rarity traits --collection ./out/collection.json --out ./out/traits_rarity.json

# Generate collection rarity rank report
nftool rarity collection --collection ./out/collection.json --out ./out/collection_rarity.json

To generate the provenance for this collection it's easy:

nftool provenance --images ./out/images --out ./out/provenance.json --startingIndex 2

Note: the startingIndex should be a number smaller than the total amount of items in the collection and it's usually generated on-chain.


  • For requests and questions, please open an issue.
  • PRs accepted.


MIT © Aleph Retamal

Aleph Retamal
writing software for fun and profit
Aleph Retamal
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    Hi, First I have to say, this is a pretty cool tool! Thanks for that.

    I have an issue with the file size of the png images. They are about 25 MB and they should be about 40 kB. Is there a solution for this? I've been messing about with the imgen.go file and put in BestCompression but this doesn't solve the file size.

    Looking forward to hear from you!

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    ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Hi, I was trying to generate arts with the exact weights, finally, I found this module and tried. But I was a bit surprised because I didn't see the result that I wanted.

    Layer Structure

            |- 1.blue.png
            |- 2.white.png
            |- 3.green.png
            |- 1-maroon.png
            |- 2-nut.png
            |- 3-standard.png
            |- 4-yellow.png
            |- 1-dot.png
            |- 2-std_lord.png
            |- 3-standard.png


    name: 'My Collection #{id}'
    description: An awesome collection
    external_link: https://myexternallink.com
    image: ipfs://myHash/{id}
    - trait_type: Background
      - value: blue
        weight: 1
      - value: white
        weight: 2
      - value: green
        weight: 3
      is_optional: false
      optional_weight: 1
    - trait_type: Body
      - value: maroon
        weight: 1
      - value: nut
        weight: 2
      - value: standard
        weight: 3
      - value: yellow
        weight: 4
      is_optional: false
      optional_weight: 1
    - trait_type: Expressions
      - value: dot
        weight: 1
      - value: std_lord
        weight: 2
      - value: standard
        weight: 3
      is_optional: false
      optional_weight: 1
      Background/blue: ./layers/00-Background/1-blue.png
      Background/green: ./layers/00-Background/3-green.png
      Background/white: ./layers/00-Background/2-white.png
      Body/maroon: ./layers/01-Body/1-maroon.png
      Body/nut: ./layers/01-Body/2-nut.png
      Body/standard: ./layers/01-Body/3-standard.png
      Body/yellow: ./layers/01-Body/4-yellow.png
      Expressions/dot: ./layers/02-Expressions/1-dot.png
      Expressions/standard: ./layers/02-Expressions/3-standard.png
      Expressions/std_lord: ./layers/02-Expressions/2-std_lord.png


        "total": 30,
        "traits": {
          "Background": {
            "blue": { "Total": 9, "Percentage": 0.3 },  //  Origin: 5               
            "green": { "Total": 10, "Percentage": 0.3333333333333333 }, // Origin: 10
            "white": { "Total": 11, "Percentage": 0.36666666666666664 } // Origin: 15
          "Body": {
            "maroon": { "Total": 4, "Percentage": 0.13333333333333333 },  //  Origin: 3
            "nut": { "Total": 9, "Percentage": 0.3 }, //  Origin: 6
            "standard": { "Total": 8, "Percentage": 0.26666666666666666 },  //  Origin: 9
            "yellow": { "Total": 9, "Percentage": 0.3 } //  Origin: 12
          "Expressions": {
            "dot": { "Total": 10, "Percentage": 0.3333333333333333 }, //  Origin: 5
            "standard": { "Total": 11, "Percentage": 0.36666666666666664 }, //  Origin: 10  
            "std_lord": { "Total": 9, "Percentage": 0.3 } //  Origin: 15

    🙋‍♂️ Please let me know what I made a mistake, and how I can solve this problem perfectly.

    🙏 Thanks.

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