K8s cluster simulator for workload scheduling.


Go Report Card workflow build



Open-Simulator 是 K8s 下的仿真调度组件。用户准备一批待创建 Workload 资源,Workload 资源指定好资源配额、绑核规则、亲和性规则、优先级等,通过 Open-Simulator 的仿真调度能力可判断当前集群是否能够满足 Workload 资源,以及添加多少资源可保证资源部署成功。

原生 Kubernetes 缺少仿真调度能力,且社区并没有相关项目供参考。Open-Simulator 可解决资源规划问题,通过Workload 调度要求计算出最少物理资源数量,进而提高资源使用率,为用户节省物理成本和运维成本。

Use Case


  • 交付前:评估产品最少物理资源,通过仿真系统计算出交付需要的特定规格节点数量、磁盘数量(类似朱雀系统);
  • 运行时:用户新建 or 扩容 Workload,仿真调度系统会给出当前集群物理资源是否满足,并给出集群扩容建议(详细到扩容节点数)





./simon apply --kubeconfig=[kubeconfig文件目录] -f [Yaml文件夹目录]


  • Deployment yamls
  • Statefulset yamls
  • Node yaml


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: simulator-plan
  namespace: kube-system
  Deployment: '{"vivo-test-namespace/suppress-memcache-lsr":["simulator-node1","simulator-node1","node3","node2"],"vivo-test-namespace/suppress-memcache-be":["simulator-node1","simulator-node1","node3","node2"]}'
  StatefulSet: '{"vivo-test-namespace/suppress-memcache-lsr":["simulator-node1","simulator-node1","node3","node2"],"vivo-test-namespace/suppress-memcache-be":["simulator-node1","simulator-node1","node3","node2"]}'



以 MacBook 为例


# 克隆项目
mkdir $(GOPATH)/github.com/alibaba
cd $(GOPATH)/github.com/alibaba
git clone https://github.com/alibaba/open-simulator.git
cd open-simulator

# 安装minikube并运行
minikube start

# 拷贝 kubeconfig 文件到项目目录
cp ~/.kube/config  ./kubeconfig

# 项目编译及运行
bin/simon apply --kubeconfig=./kubeconfig -f ./example/simple_example_by_huizhi
Alibaba Open Source
  • If there is a built-in variable referencing kubernetes in chart's Manifest, parsing will report an error

    If there is a built-in variable referencing kubernetes in chart's Manifest, parsing will report an error

    Ⅰ. Issue Description


    Ⅱ. Describe what happened

    Ⅲ. Describe what you expected to happen

    Ⅳ. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)

    Ⅴ. Anything else we need to know?

  • Added en guide and fix link

    Added en guide and fix link

    Sorry for double pull request. My CLA is error because of typos in my email address. Same as before I added user manual using machine translation and fixed some link for english user on main README file.

  • add scheduling support for gpu share

    add scheduling support for gpu share

    1. Add pkg/simulator/plugin/open-gpu-share.go, which is the main extra plugin that supports the scheduling of GPU-sharing pods, including Filter, Score, Reserve, and Bind plugins.
    2. Extend pkg/apply/apply.go to support GPU-related outputs. The output format is open to discussion.
    3. Restructure the example. Putting old newnode to newnode/demo_1, thus revising simon-config.yaml accordingly.

    Most utilization functions and data structures are defined in github.com/alibaba/open-gpu-share v0.1.0, which is redirected to https://github.com/qzweng/open-gpu-share for now.

  • [Demo]第一期实现内容:集群资源规划




    • 模拟拉起 Kubernetes 集群:节点规格(CPU、内存、硬盘)、节点数通过Yaml文件指定。集群包含如下节点:
      • master节点
      • 普通worker节点
      • 专用节点
    • 准备用户的 Helm Chart 文件(可以是 web server / nginx / mysql / redis 类应用)
      • Chart 中包含 K8s 标准的 Workload 文件,Workload中指定了不同的资源配额、调度规则(亲和、反亲和特性,包含应用之间以及应用-节点间亲和规则)、副本数
      • Chart 中包含自定义 CR 资源
      • 有多个 Chart 文件,Chart 之间有依赖关系
    • Open-Simulator 读取 Helm Chart,并给出如下结果:
      • 当前模拟集群是否可以一次性部署上述所有应用;若不满足,给出推荐的集群规模。
      • 显示应用部署之后的集群资源分配率
      • 显示应用部署之后的集群调度拓扑情况
  • fix: `make build` failed

    fix: `make build` failed

    Fix make build failed:

    ⚡ make build
    GO111MODULE=off GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=darwin CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-X 'github.com/alibaba/open-simulator/cmd/version.VERSION=dev' -X 'github.com/alibaba/open-simulator/cmd/version.COMMITID=09b779c'" -v -o ./bin/simon ./cmd
    cmd/main.go:6:2: cannot find package "github.com/alibaba/open-simulator/cmd/simon" in any of:
    	/usr/local/go/src/github.com/alibaba/open-simulator/cmd/simon (from $GOROOT)
    	/Users/thearas/go/src/github.com/alibaba/open-simulator/cmd/simon (from $GOPATH)
    cmd/main.go:7:2: cannot find package "github.com/pterm/pterm" in any of:
    	/usr/local/go/src/github.com/pterm/pterm (from $GOROOT)
    	/Users/thearas/go/src/github.com/pterm/pterm (from $GOPATH)
    make: *** [build] Error 1
  • 与社区项目区别



    社区开源两个项目:https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-capacity https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kube-scheduler-simulator open-simulator跟他们有些功能是相似的,会考虑跟他们协同吗?

  • [Demo]二期实现内容:容器迁移





    容器迁移:将 Pod 从原节点迁移到指定节点

    碎片:如果一个节点上的剩余资源,在任一维度上,不足够再放下一个当前集群内的任何一个 Pod,那么这些剩余资源都是碎片。比如一个节点CPU申请量已经达到 95%,而内存申请量只有 40%,那么该节点存在大量的内存碎片。


    在对集群进行缩容时,下线节点前需将其上的 Pod 进行迁移。本期演示下线节点前的容器迁移。本期暂不演示碎片整理功能。

    • 根据 kube-config 模拟现有集群
    • 预演(Dry Run)
      • 从模拟集群中选择 n 个可下线节点(n可配置)
        • 筛选节点时,支持设置资源过滤名单,比如某个命名空间下的资源不做处理,某个 Label 的 Pods 不做处理等
      • 图形化显示集群缩容前后各个资源变化
    • 容器迁移(Run)
      • 根据预演结果,对集群中的 Pods 按批次迁移到指定 Node 上

    节点下线需支持暴露 SDK 供外部项目使用

    // NodeStatus 结构体包含了 MigrationPlan 的内容,同时多了两个变量
    // isRemovable 表示该节点是否可下线
    // reason 表示节点不可下线的原因
    type NodeStatus struct{
      isRemovable bool
      reason string
    type MigrationResult struct {
      nodeStatus []NodeStatus
    // ScaleDownCluster
    // 参数
    // 1. 由使用方自己生成 cluster
    // 2. nodelist 为用户指定的下线节点列表
    // 返回值
    // 1. error 不为空表示函数执行失败
    // 2. error 为空表示函数执行成功,通过 MigrationResult 信息获取集群缩容模拟信息。其中 UnscheduledPods 表示无法调度的 Pods,若其为空表示模拟调度成功;NodeStatus 会详细记录每个 Node 上的 Pod 情况。
    func ScaleDownCluster(cluster ResourceTypes, nodelist []string, opts ...Option) (*MigrationResult, error) 
  • [Question] Does open-simulator support pod lifecycle management?

    [Question] Does open-simulator support pod lifecycle management?


    Hi, thanks for your great work on this project.

    I have a question about pod lifecycle management. Does it support simulating the pod duration and the termination status, just like https://github.com/k82cn/kubesim/blame/master/doc/design.md#L42?


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