ZenQ - A low-latency thread-safe queue in golang implemented using a lock-free ringbuffer


A low-latency thread-safe queue in golang implemented using a lock-free ringbuffer


  • Much faster than native channels in both SPSC (single-producer-single-consumer) and MPSC (multi-producer-single-consumer) modes in terms of time/op
  • More resource efficient in terms of memory_allocation/op and num_allocations/op evident while benchmarking large batch size inputs
  • Handles the case where NUM_WRITER_GOROUTINES > NUM_CPU_CORES much better than native channels
  • Selection from multiple ZenQs just like golang's select{} ensuring fair selection and no starvation

Benchmarks to support the above claims here


You need Golang 1.18.x or above since this package uses generics

$ go get github.com/alphadose/[email protected]


  1. Simple Read/Write
package main

import (


type payload struct {
	alpha int
	beta  string

func main() {
	zq := zenq.New[payload]()

	for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
		go func() {
			for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
					alpha: i,
					beta:  fmt.Sprint(i),

	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
        	var data payload = zq.Read()
		fmt.Printf("%+v\n", data)
  1. Selection from multiple ZenQs just like golang's native select{}. The selection process is fair i.e no single ZenQ gets starved
package main

import (


type custom1 struct {
	alpha int
	beta  string

type custom2 struct {
	gamma int

var (
	zq1 = zenq.New[int]()
	zq2 = zenq.New[string]()
	zq3 = zenq.New[custom1]()
	zq4 = zenq.New[*custom2]()

func main() {
	go looper(intProducer)
	go looper(stringProducer)
	go looper(custom1Producer)
	go looper(custom2Producer)

	for i := 0; i < 40; i++ {

		// Selection occurs here
		switch data := zenq.Select(zq1, zq2, zq3, zq4).(type) {
		case int:
			fmt.Printf("Received int %d\n", data)
		case string:
			fmt.Printf("Received string %s\n", data)
		case custom1:
			fmt.Printf("Received custom data type number 1 %#v\n", data)
		case *custom2:
			fmt.Printf("Received pointer %#v\n", data)

func intProducer(ctr int) { zq1.Write(ctr) }

func stringProducer(ctr int) { zq2.Write(fmt.Sprint(ctr * 10)) }

func custom1Producer(ctr int) { zq3.Write(custom1{alpha: ctr, beta: fmt.Sprint(ctr)}) }

func custom2Producer(ctr int) { zq4.Write(&custom2{gamma: 1 << ctr}) }

func looper(producer func(ctr int)) {
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {


Benchmarking code available here

Note that if you run the benchmarks with --race flag then ZenQ will perform slower because the --race flag slows down the atomic operations in golang. Under normal circumstances, ZenQ will outperform golang native channels.

Hardware Specs

❯ neofetch
                    'c.          [email protected]
                 ,xNMM.          ----------------------
               .OMMMMo           OS: macOS 12.3 21E230 arm64
               OMMM0,            Host: MacBookAir10,1
     .;loddo:' loolloddol;.      Kernel: 21.4.0
   cKMMMMMMMMMMNWMMMMMMMMMM0:    Uptime: 6 hours, 41 mins
 .KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWd.    Packages: 86 (brew)
;MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:       Resolution: 1440x900
 .XMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMk   Terminal Font: FiraCodeNerdFontComplete-Medium 16 (normal)
     ;KMMMMMMMWXXWMMMMMMMk.      Memory: 1370MiB / 8192MiB
       .cooc,.    .,coo:.


  • NUM_WRITERS -> The number of goroutines concurrently writing to ZenQ/Channel
  • INPUT_SIZE -> The number of input payloads to be passed through ZenQ/Channel from producers to consumer
Computed from benchstat of 30 benchmarks each via go test -benchmem -bench=. benchmarks/simple/*.go

name                                     time/op
_Chan_NumWriters1_InputSize600-8          23.2µs ± 1%
_ZenQ_NumWriters1_InputSize600-8          18.1µs ± 1%
_Chan_NumWriters3_InputSize60000-8        5.52ms ± 3%
_ZenQ_NumWriters3_InputSize60000-8        2.67ms ± 6%
_Chan_NumWriters8_InputSize6000000-8       680ms ± 1%
_ZenQ_NumWriters8_InputSize6000000-8       308ms ± 4%
_Chan_NumWriters100_InputSize6000000-8     1.56s ± 6%
_ZenQ_NumWriters100_InputSize6000000-8     519ms ± 2%
_Chan_NumWriters1000_InputSize7000000-8    1.98s ± 1%
_ZenQ_NumWriters1000_InputSize7000000-8    441ms ±11%
_Chan_Million_Blocking_Writers-8           10.4s ± 3%
_ZenQ_Million_Blocking_Writers-8           8.56s ±24%

name                                     alloc/op
_Chan_NumWriters1_InputSize600-8           0.00B
_ZenQ_NumWriters1_InputSize600-8           0.00B
_Chan_NumWriters3_InputSize60000-8          110B ±68%
_ZenQ_NumWriters3_InputSize60000-8        23.6B ±107%
_Chan_NumWriters8_InputSize6000000-8       585B ±234%
_ZenQ_NumWriters8_InputSize6000000-8       411B ±299%
_Chan_NumWriters100_InputSize6000000-8    44.7kB ±35%
_ZenQ_NumWriters100_InputSize6000000-8    19.7kB ±78%
_Chan_NumWriters1000_InputSize7000000-8    483kB ±10%
_ZenQ_NumWriters1000_InputSize7000000-8  1.13kB ±602%
_Chan_Million_Blocking_Writers-8           553MB ± 0%
_ZenQ_Million_Blocking_Writers-8          95.5MB ± 0%

name                                     allocs/op
_Chan_NumWriters1_InputSize600-8            0.00
_ZenQ_NumWriters1_InputSize600-8            0.00
_Chan_NumWriters3_InputSize60000-8          0.00
_ZenQ_NumWriters3_InputSize60000-8          0.00
_Chan_NumWriters8_InputSize6000000-8       2.20 ±218%
_ZenQ_NumWriters8_InputSize6000000-8       0.90 ±344%
_Chan_NumWriters100_InputSize6000000-8       163 ±18%
_ZenQ_NumWriters100_InputSize6000000-8      47.0 ±79%
_Chan_NumWriters1000_InputSize7000000-8    1.79k ± 6%
_ZenQ_NumWriters1000_InputSize7000000-8    2.00 ±550%
_Chan_Million_Blocking_Writers-8           2.00M ± 0%
_ZenQ_Million_Blocking_Writers-8            995k ± 0%

The above results show that ZenQ is more efficient than channels in all 3 metrics i.e time/op, mem_alloc/op and num_allocs/op for the following tested cases:-

  1. SPSC

Cherry on the Cake

In SPSC mode ZenQ is faster than channels by 98 seconds in case of input size 6 * 108

❯ go run benchmarks/simple/main.go

With Input Batch Size: 60 and Num Concurrent Writers: 1

Native Channel Runner completed transfer in: 64.875µs
ZenQ Runner completed transfer in: 9µs

With Input Batch Size: 600 and Num Concurrent Writers: 1

Native Channel Runner completed transfer in: 70.958µs
ZenQ Runner completed transfer in: 44.958µs

With Input Batch Size: 6000 and Num Concurrent Writers: 1

Native Channel Runner completed transfer in: 967.417µs
ZenQ Runner completed transfer in: 518.916µs

With Input Batch Size: 6000000 and Num Concurrent Writers: 1

Native Channel Runner completed transfer in: 1.191589458s
ZenQ Runner completed transfer in: 144.895583ms

With Input Batch Size: 600000000 and Num Concurrent Writers: 1

Native Channel Runner completed transfer in: 1m52.671809708s
ZenQ Runner completed transfer in: 14.356517042s

For a select{} based transfer experiment these are the results

❯ go run benchmarks/selector/main.go

Chan Select Runner completed transfer in: 2m42.313942333s
ZenQ Select Runner completed transfer in: 41.938121583s

Code available here

Anish Mukherjee
A wanderer in the world of code
Anish Mukherjee
  • fatal error: casgstatus: waiting for Gwaiting but is Grunnable

    fatal error: casgstatus: waiting for Gwaiting but is Grunnable

    A fatal error occurs during benchmarking

    fatal error: casgstatus: waiting for Gwaiting but is Grunnable

    Benchmark Code: https://github.com/lemon-mint/golang-q-benchmark go version go1.18.4 windows/amd64

    goos: windows
    goarch: amd64
    pkg: github.com/lemon-mint/golang-q-benchmark
    cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
    BenchmarkZenQ-8   	fatal error: casgstatus: waiting for Gwaiting but is Grunnable
    runtime stack:
    runtime.throw({0x930baf?, 0xc000084000?})
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/runtime/panic.go:992 +0x76
    runtime.casgstatus(0xc0002844e0, 0x4, 0x1)
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/runtime/proc.go:978 +0x385
    runtime.ready(0xc0002844e0, 0xc0002844e0?, 0x10?)
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/runtime/proc.go:857 +0x71
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/runtime/proc.go:372 +0x26
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:469 +0x4e
    goroutine 87 [running]:
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:436 fp=0xc0003f1df8 sp=0xc0003f1df0 pc=0x8531e0
    runtime.goready(0x85df1e?, 0xc00040fce0?)
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/runtime/proc.go:371 +0x47 fp=0xc0003f1e28 sp=0xc0003f1df8 pc=0x82a547
    	G:/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alphadose/zenq/[email protected]/lib_runtime_linkage.go:176 +0x54 fp=0xc0003f1e50 sp=0xc0003f1e28 pc=0x8efe54
    	G:/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alphadose/zenq/[email protected]/thread_parker.go:64 +0x95 fp=0xc0003f1eb8 sp=0xc0003f1e50 pc=0x8f1855
    	G:/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alphadose/zenq/[email protected]/zenq.go:188 +0xfa fp=0xc0003f1f20 sp=0xc0003f1eb8 pc=0x8f1a3a
    	g:/work/golang-q-benchmark/main_test.go:24 +0xb8 fp=0xc0003f1f80 sp=0xc0003f1f20 pc=0x8f0958
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/testing/benchmark.go:788 +0xcb fp=0xc0003f1fe0 sp=0xc0003f1f80 pc=0x8ab0cb
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1571 +0x1 fp=0xc0003f1fe8 sp=0xc0003f1fe0 pc=0x855541
    created by testing.(*B).RunParallel
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/testing/benchmark.go:781 +0x105
    goroutine 1 [chan receive]:
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/testing/benchmark.go:285 +0x7f
    testing.(*benchContext).processBench(0xc0000040f0, 0x238?)
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/testing/benchmark.go:589 +0x3aa
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/testing/benchmark.go:276 +0x67
    testing.(*B).Run(0xc00013c000, {0x9280ec?, 0x2f82bb486508?}, 0x932a68)
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/testing/benchmark.go:677 +0x453
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/testing/benchmark.go:550 +0x6e
    testing.(*B).runN(0xc00013c000, 0x1)
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/testing/benchmark.go:193 +0x102
    testing.runBenchmarks({0x92f7db, 0x28}, 0xa69b60?, {0xa0f3e0, 0x4, 0x40?})
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/testing/benchmark.go:559 +0x3f2
    	C:/Program Files/Go/src/testing/testing.go:1726 +0x811
    	_testmain.go:53 +0x1aa


  • Questions regarding struct fields order

    Questions regarding struct fields order

    Could you please explain:

    1. Why there is padding at the beggining of ZenQ structure?
    	// ZenQ is the CPU cache optimized ringbuffer implementation
    	ZenQ[T any] struct {
    		// The padding members 0 to 4 below are here to ensure each item is on a separate cache line.
    		// This prevents false sharing and hence improves performance.
    		_           cacheLinePadding
    		writerIndex atomic.Uint32
    		_           [constants.CacheLinePadSize - unsafe.Sizeof(atomic.Uint32{})]byte
    		readerIndex atomic.Uint32
    		_           [constants.CacheLinePadSize - unsafe.Sizeof(atomic.Uint32{})]byte
    		_ [constants.CacheLinePadSize - unsafe.Sizeof(metaQ{})]byte
    		_ [constants.CacheLinePadSize - unsafe.Sizeof(selectFactory[T]{})]byte
    1. Ordering of the slot type, as I think that on 64 bit system there would be waste of 32 bit in case of item being smaller than 32 bit as 64bit pointer must be 64 aligned. Moving writeParker to the top of the structure would solve the issue.
    slot[T any] struct {
    		writeParker *ThreadParker[T]
    		item        T
  • *zenq.ZenQ.Read() eat 100% CPU

    *zenq.ZenQ.Read() eat 100% CPU

    I have a goroutine read a value from zenq queue in a for loop, but the Read() function use the whole cpu.

    image image

    when I comment these Read() function and recompile the cpu usage drop to zero. image image

    I tried run profile this program , the top10 cum shows image

    Please tell me how to solve this problem, thank you!

  • Running with --race causes a crash although no race conditions were detected

    Running with --race causes a crash although no race conditions were detected

    Most likely due to handling the goroutine pointer (stored as unsafe.Pointer) without

    if race.Enabled {

    but the race internal package cannot be imported as a module

  • More Benchmarks for your feedback

    More Benchmarks for your feedback

    Hi, here is some feedback for you to get results on different architecture Ubuntu 22.04 AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3960X 128 GB RAM


    ~/go/pkg/mod/github.com/alphadose/[email protected]$ go run benchmarks/simple/main.go
    With Input Batch Size: 60 and Num Concurrent Writers: 1
    Native Channel Runner completed transfer in: 11.462µs
    ZenQ Runner completed transfer in: 4.739µs
    With Input Batch Size: 600 and Num Concurrent Writers: 1
    Native Channel Runner completed transfer in: 32.522µs
    ZenQ Runner completed transfer in: 28.795µs
    With Input Batch Size: 6000 and Num Concurrent Writers: 1
    Native Channel Runner completed transfer in: 449.323µs
    ZenQ Runner completed transfer in: 254.583µs
    With Input Batch Size: 6000000 and Num Concurrent Writers: 1
    Native Channel Runner completed transfer in: 365.257669ms
    ZenQ Runner completed transfer in: 447.14544ms
    With Input Batch Size: 600000000 and Num Concurrent Writers: 1
    Native Channel Runner completed transfer in: 38.346896012s
    ZenQ Runner completed transfer in: 48.59434176s


    Chan Select Runner completed transfer in: 4m32.220766401s
    ZenQ Select Runner did not complete transfer after 30min+ (tested both Ubuntu and Windows)
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