An extensive Philips Hue client library for Go with an emphasis on simplicity

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An extensive Philips Hue client library for Go with an emphasis on simplicity. It is designed to be clean, unbloated and extensible. With Huego you can interact with any Philips Hue bridge and its resources including Lights, Groups, Scenes, Sensors, Rules, Schedules, Resourcelinks, Capabilities and Configuration .


Get the package and import it in your code.

go get

You may use New() if you have already created an user and know the IP address to your bridge.

package main

import (

func main() {
  bridge := huego.New("", "username")
  l, err := bridge.GetLights()
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Found %d lights", len(l))

Or discover a bridge on your network with Discover() and create a new user with CreateUser(). To successfully create a user, the link button on your bridge must have been pressed before calling CreateUser() in order to authorise the request.

func main() {
  bridge, _ := huego.Discover()
  user, _ := bridge.CreateUser("my awesome hue app") // Link button needs to be pressed
  bridge = bridge.Login(user)
  light, _ := bridge.GetLight(3)


See for the full package documentation.


All help in any form is highly appreciated and your are welcome participate in developing Huego together. To contribute submit a Pull Request. If you want to provide feedback, open up a Github Issue or contact me personally.

Amir Mofasser
Amir Mofasser
  • Add a new CreateUser function to return CleintKey

    Add a new CreateUser function to return CleintKey

    There were some go format changes, and some test updates. I've also updated CreateUser to not generate a client key, as it doesn't return it, and it's never used.

    Fixes #24

  • Proposal: Please start using Semantic Versioning

    Proposal: Please start using Semantic Versioning

    I found that this project already supports Go modules. But sadly, the tags doesn't follow Semantic Versioning, which means that all tags of this project will be ignored by Go modules and replaced by pseudo-versions, go get acts weirdly when tags are not in that form. It would be great to have the tagged release be named in the format vX.X.X format so that go mod can read it. v0.0.0-20200504200310-b4a8f71aa2e3

    Else the mod file shows something like v0.0.0-20200504200310-b4a8f71aa2e3 which is not very readable and difficult to upgrade. It’s hard to verify which version is in use. This is not conducive to version control

    So, I propose this project to follow Semantic Versioning in future versions. For example, v1.0.1, v2.0.0, v3.1.0-alpha, v3.1.0-beta.2etc.

  • Add context.Context support in APIs

    Add context.Context support in APIs

    First, thanks for this library: the work is outstanding and I really, really love it! Impressive work!

    I am integrating Huego (and many other libraries) into a library for my home-automation hub. My goal is to provide a technology-agnostic REST web-service.

    A very common pattern for web-services, is to handle properly requests lifetime by honoring the status of the context.Context that is attached to *http.Request instances. Since this context automatically expires when the client underlying connection closes (or any other fatal network condition), this allows for circuit-breaking: for instance, if I use the context.Context from the HTTP request and pass it in an underlying "turn this light on" operation, and the initiating request closes early, it gives a chance to the program to avoid doing unnecessary work by also stopping the "turn this light on" operation sooner.

    It is as simple as doing:

    req = req.WithContext(ctx)

    Before issuing a HTTP request.

    The current Huego APIs don't expose a way of passing in a context.Context for each operation. Is that something you'd be interested in? I can probably make a pull-request for it, but I figured I'd discuss it with you first.

    There is a way to do that without breaking the API by "overloading" each operation method with a Ctx suffix. Say:

    // Context creation: can be done in many ways.
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    // Example call.
    light.OnCtx(ctx) // Guaranteed to complete when the operation is over or one second passes by, whichever happens first.

    Please let me know what you think of this.

  • Make the API context.Context aware

    Make the API context.Context aware

    This closes #8 while keeping backwards compatibility with the existing API.

    I took the liberty of correcting a few spelling errors in the process, but added them to the same commit, hope that's ok.

  • CreateUser


    Running the example from the readme I get an error:

    func main() {
      bridge, _ := huego.Discover()
      user, _ := bridge.CreateUser("my awesome hue app") // Link button needs to be pressed
      bridge = bridge.Login(user)
      light, _ := bridge.GetLight(3)
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x8 pc=0x60ab3b]
    goroutine 1 [running]:*Bridge).getAPIPath(0x0, 0xc042089d60, 0x3, 0x3, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x62a740)
            C:/Go/bin/src/ +0x4b*Bridge).SetLightState(0x0, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
            C:/Go/bin/src/ +0x181*Light).Off(0xc0421da0a0, 0x3, 0xc0421da0a0)
            C:/Go/bin/src/ +0xa7
            C:/Users/Julian/Documents/WaterCan/main/main.go:16 +0x126
    exit status 2
  • Adds method that allows to identify a light optically

    Adds method that allows to identify a light optically

    I noticed while experimenting with the library that the function to identify a light is missing. It is very similar to the SetLightState method, but unfortunately the functionality cannot be achieved through it. I think it's mainly because the State always has the "On" property set when serializing to a json object.

  • Feature Request: Utility methods: Convert HEX Color to xy and back

    Feature Request: Utility methods: Convert HEX Color to xy and back

    Hi, on some other SDKs (mainly directly from philips/Signify) there are some utility methods to convert RGB colors into XY. It would be nice, if you can add this to your lib. Some background informations:

  • tags format for Go modules

    tags format for Go modules


    According to the Git tag format should be vX.Y.Z. So the tag for the version 1.2.0 should be v1.2.0 instead of 1.2.0. Currently the versions are not displayed here and all the links to the source code are broken ( is replacing

  • Use default http client

    Use default http client

    I think it's useful to use the default client here, it allows us to instrument our own client if need be. This is just the simplest way to accomplish this. Ideally I would like to pass this in via a struct type field, but didn't wanna deal with the refactor overhead of that.

  • Won't

    Won't "login"

    I'm able to use the "discover -> create user" when I press the button on the bridge, but I'm not able to get the "new" command to work. Each time I run the line it says "ERROR 1 [/lights]: "unauthorized user"

    But I know I've created that user ( by pushing the button and running the other code ) many times! Help.

    bridge := huego.New("", "tyler")

  • Add custom http.Client support.

    Add custom http.Client support.

    - What I did Added the ability to use a custom http.Client when interacting with bridges. My particular use-case comes from all of my lighting being segmented off, this allows for me to use my router as a middle-man via an SSH tunnel. However, I feel there are many, many use-cases.

    - How I did it I created a new function similar to New called NewCustom, it is just about the same except for it allows you to pass in your own http.Client. I then refactored all of the unexported http functions (get, put etc) to be methods of Bridge. This allows them to function using http.DefaultClient during normal operations, but with the custom http.Client otherwise.

    - How to verify it I've not only verified that this works for my use-case, but frankly making the testcases work (I didn't realize how httpmock had worked until today) was more work than the modification itself. So I think CI does a pretty good job of verification :)

    - Description for the CHANGELOG

    ## 1.0.3
    * Added ability to use a custom http.Client
  • Add Hue v2 support for the upcoming v2.0.0 release

    Add Hue v2 support for the upcoming v2.0.0 release

    Adds support for Hue API V2


    • Currently V2 work is under the v2/. Folder structure is not final at this point and is sobject to change
    • Introduces the new Client struct which is the type used to interact with the Hue API. Instead of using the Bridge type. The Bridge type is now just a regular struct that represents the bridge resource in the V2 API.
    • Support for both V1 & V2 API. This is possible because we have 1 client per version. ClientV1 and ClientV2 and in the future ClientVX.
    • Huego Clients uses the new CLIPClient which is a general purpose HTTP client. Sort of like a REST client but for Hue briges specifically.
    • The CLIPClient uses Request & Response types to communicate with Hue briges through a Client type.
    • Users may pass in their own http.Client if they want.


    • [x] light
    • [x] scene
    • [ ] room
    • [ ] zone
    • [ ] bridge_home
    • [ ] grouped_light
    • [ ] device
    • [ ] bridge
    • [ ] device_power
    • [ ] zigbee_connectivity
    • [ ] zgp_connectivity
    • [ ] motion
    • [ ] temperature
    • [ ] light_level
    • [ ] button
    • [ ] behavior_script
    • [ ] behavior_instance
    • [ ] geofence_client
    • [ ] geolocation
    • [ ] entertainment_configuration
    • [ ] entertainment
    • [ ] homekit
  • Cannot update Scene -- parameter not modifiable

    Cannot update Scene -- parameter not modifiable

    Probably related to #45 -- the recycle parameter is marked as bool without any omit directive. It works for creating the scene but not for updating it.

    Steps to reproduce the issue:

    1. Try to update a scene name
    2. Error: parameter, recycle, is not modifiable

    Describe the results you received: I am implementing a terraform provider, this is the JSON: {"name":"Testing","recycle":false}

    │ Error: ERROR 8 [/scenes/jeU0J-6kXNVvnnL/recycle]: "parameter, recycle, is not modifiable"

    Describe the results you expected:

    Hue Bridge Version

    "apiversion": "1.48.0",
    "swversion": "1948086000",

    Can I help?

    I am learning go as I write this provider, if you provide me some pointers I can contribute towards the solution.

    My naive solution would be adding a map to the "update" instead of using the struct so we have fine control over the elements -- but I think the solution from #45 would solve this in a better way.

  • Hue v2 API support?

    Hue v2 API support?

    • [X] This feature/enhancement benefits everyone


    Hi. Really love this library. I was wondering if you have any plans to support the v2 Hue API. I can’t see anything browsing from my mobile. Thanks for any feedback you can provide.

    Additional information

  • Allow to configure bridge

    Allow to configure bridge

    - What I did Current implementation doesn't allow to configure bridge (e.g. its name). More details are in this comment.

    - How I did it I have change the Config type to use pointers which sets nil value by default and gets filtered out by JSON marshaling.

    - How to verify it

    bridge := huego.New("192.168.x.y", "asdfasdf...")
    c := &huego.Config{
        Name: huego.StrPtr("My Bridge"),
    _, err := bridge.UpdateConfig(c)
    if err != nil {

    - Description for the CHANGELOG Added the possibility update bridge's configuration (e.g. its name)

  • `omitempty` on boolean attributes prevents changing them to `false`

    `omitempty` on boolean attributes prevents changing them to `false`

    Some boolean attributes are annotated with json:"attributename,omitempty", which means they are omitted from requests when set to the default value for their type, i.e. false. This means that it is impossible to set a boolean attribute to false using a Create* or Update* method.

    AutoDelete in Schedule is one example of an affected attribute. It defaults to true when not provided, and there currently appears to be no way in huego to set it to false.

    Here's a quick program that reproduces this:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	bridge := huego.New("", "[redacted]")
    	schedule := huego.Schedule{
    		Name: "Test schedule",
    		Command: &huego.Command{
    			Address: "/api/0/lights/4/state",
    			Method: "PUT",
    			Body: map[string]bool{
    				"on": true,
    		LocalTime: "PT00:00:03",
    		AutoDelete: false,
    	schedule_json, err := json.Marshal(schedule)
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
    	fmt.Printf("JSONd schedule looks like this:\n%v\n", string(schedule_json))
    	response, err := bridge.CreateSchedule(&schedule)
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
    	fmt.Printf("response: %v\n", response)

    and here's what it outputs on my machine:

    JSONd schedule looks like this:
    {"name":"Test schedule","description":"","command":{"address":"/api/0/lights/4/state","method":"PUT","body":{"on":true}},"localtime":"PT00:00:03"}
    response: &{map[id:2]}

    Checking the Bridge API manually confirms that this schedule has autodelete: true, and three seconds later it's gone.

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