Superlint is an experimental, language-agnostic framework for lint rules written in Go.


superlint is an experimental, language-agnostic framework for lint rules written in Go.

Go Reference

superlint is designed to be a superset of all possible linters. Rules are

  • codebase-scoped (as opposed to file or block scoped)
  • Defined by arbitary Go code
    • Language-agonstic
    • Fast by default (lazy AST parsing)
    • Capable of using the network, filesystem, etc.

The vast ecosystem of existing linters can be called by a superlint ruleset. For example, a rule can import an AST parser or execute a linting command.

superlint makes it easy to enforce arbitrary codebase-wide rules. For example, you may enforce that:

  • Each Go binary has an accompanying Make entry
  • Each http.Handler has an accompanying test
  • Bash scripts don't exceed 1000 lines of code
  • TypeScript/JS code is only in the site folder
  • The database package never imports the api package

Basic Usage

  1. Create a rules file in your project (e.g example/rules.go)
package main

import (

	. ""

// LoadRules is the symbol loaded by superlint to inject rules.
var LoadRules Loader = func(_ *flog.Logger, r *RuleSet) {
  // `no-dog-files` checks if `dog` exists in the filename.
    Name: "no-dog-files",
    // "Single" here means that the rule does not need codebase-wide state.
    // Omit "Single" to receive all matching files.
    Validator: Single(func(fi *os.File, report ReportFunc) error {
      if strings.Contains(fi.Name(), "dog") {
        report(FileReference{}, "no dogs allowed!")
      return nil

  // `no-md5` shows how language-awareness is possible in this paradigm.
    Name:        "no-md5",
    FileMatcher: regexp.MustCompile(`\.go$`).MatchString,
    // lintgo is a simple wrapper around Go AST parsing.
    Validator: Single(lintgo.Validate(func(ps *lintgo.ParseState, _ *os.File, report ReportFunc) error {
      for _, spec := range ps.File.Imports {
        if spec.Path.Value == "\"crypto/md5\"" {
            Pos: ps.Fset.Position(spec.Path.Pos()).Offset,
            End: ps.Fset.Position(spec.Path.End()).Offset,
          }, "crypto/md5 is insecure")
      return nil
  1. Run the rules
$ go build -buildmode=plugin -o example/rules.go && go run
[18:05:36.552] loaded 2 rules
no-dog-files: example/dogs.go: no dogs allowed!
no-md5: example/dogs.go: crypto/md5 is insecure
        example/dogs.go:3       import "crypto/md5"
[18:05:36.560] 2 violations found
exit status 1


superlint loads your ruleset as a Go plugin. This is the only way superlint can support arbitrary Go lint rules without direct integration with a build toolchain.

Ammar Bandukwala
Co-founder & CEO @ Coder
Ammar Bandukwala
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