Timeouts for popular Go packages

Go Timeouts

An unresponsive service can be worse than a down one. It can tie up your entire system if not handled properly. All network requests should have a timeout.

Here’s how to add timeouts for popular Go packages. All have been tested. The default is no timeout, unless otherwise specified. Enjoy!

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Standard library



Standard Library


conn, err := net.DialTimeout(network, address, time.Second)
if err != nil {
    // handle error
err = conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second))


client := http.Client{
    Timeout: time.Second,


conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", address, time.Second)
if err != nil {
    // handle error
err = conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second))
if err != nil {
    // handle error
client, err = smtp.NewClient(conn, host)


ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
defer cancel()
err := exec.CommandContext(ctx, cmd).Run()



sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
    HTTPClient: &http.Client{Timeout: time.Second},


cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(),
    config.WithHTTPClient(&http.Client{Timeout: time.Second}),


mc := memcache.New(host)
mc.Timeout = time.Second


cluster, err := gocb.Connect(connStr, gocb.ClusterOptions{
    TimeoutsConfig: gocb.TimeoutsConfig{
        ConnectTimeout:    time.Second,
        KVTimeout:         time.Second,
        ViewTimeout:       time.Second,
        QueryTimeout:      time.Second,
        AnalyticsTimeout:  time.Second,
        SearchTimeout:     time.Second,
        ManagementTimeout: time.Second,

See the docs for defaults


cfg := elasticsearch.Config{
    Transport: &http.Transport{
        DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
            Timeout: time.Second,
        ResponseHeaderTimeout: time.Second,
es, err := elasticsearch.NewClient(cfg)


conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", address, time.Second)
if err != nil {
    // handle error
err = conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second))
if err != nil {
    // handle error
client, err = smtp.NewClient(conn, host)


cluster := gocql.NewCluster(host)
cluster.ConnectTimeout = time.Second
cluster.Timeout = time.Second

Default: 600ms connect timeout, 600ms read timeout


db := pg.Connect(&pg.Options{
    DialTimeout:  time.Second,
    ReadTimeout:  time.Second,
    WriteTimeout: time.Second,


rdb := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
    DialTimeout:  time.Second,
    ReadTimeout:  time.Second,
    WriteTimeout: time.Second,


cfg := mysql.Config{
    Timeout:      time.Second,
    ReadTimeout:  time.Second,
    WriteTimeout: time.Second,
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", cfg.FormatDSN())


cfg := opensearch.Config{
    Transport: &http.Transport{
        DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
            Timeout: time.Second,
        ResponseHeaderTimeout: time.Second,
client, err := opensearch.NewClient(cfg)



ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
defer cancel()
client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI(uri))

Don’t see a library you use?

Let us know. Even better, create a pull request for it.

Running the Tests

git clone https://github.com/ankane/go-timeouts.git
cd go-timeouts
go mod tidy

To run all tests, use:

go test ./... -v

To run individual tests, use:

go test test/helper_test.go test/net_http_test.go -v
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