Infrastructure testing helper for AWS Resources that uses AWS SSM to remotely execute commands on EC2 machines.


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Infrastructure testing helper for AWS Resources that uses AWS SSM to remotely execute commands on EC2 machines, to enable infrastructure engineering teams to write tests that validate behaviour.

automate infrastructure behaviour testing



Validating infrastructure

  • Manually running commands to validate infrastructure correctness is slow and unreliable.
  • At times access like ssh may not even be possible to all instances in a cloud environment, making validation even harder.
  • This means some behaviour may only get tested when we run an application on the provisioned infrastructure, eg. connectivity to database, connectivity to required internet endpoint etc. This slows the feedback loop and in turn means lower quality. The application delivery team is a consumer/customer of the infrastructure delivery team. Hence an infrastructure delivery team should not have to rely on its customers to validate its code.
  • Additionally some behaviour is hard to validate, and won't get immediate feedback even with an application running functionally correctly on the provisioned infra. Example:
    • Broken connectivity to logging endpoints/service may only be detected if a team member notices missing logs, often these are not even being looked at in lower environments. Or worse it may only be detected when instance in production start falling over since their disks have gone to full from failing to flush logs to a remote logging service.

ssm-tester allows infrastructure delivery teams to write tests that can execute custom commands on ec2 instances and hence validate for otherwise hard to test behaviour.

Testing Behaviour over Configuration

When teams write infrastructure as code - they should not only test against the correct configuration, but also test the infrastructure for behaviour! Specially when writing infrastructure code in a declarative tooling like terraform, tests that validate configuration may have limited value.
For example, validating for configuration:

  • Does this security group have outgoing allowed to the RDS Security group
  • Does this application subnet network ACL have rules allowing outgoing to the RDS Subnet
  • Does this application subnet network ACL have rules allowing ephemeral ports open for return traffic from RDS subnets
  • Does this application subnet have a route table attached with routes to the database subnet

These tests may essentially be a repeat of the configuration specified in our Infrastructure declarative code and do not validate the behaviour we want to guarantee in our infrastructure.
Instead it would be better if we could write tests to validate behaviour:

  • Does the provisioned infrastructure allow my application EC2 instances to connect via TCP to my RDS endpoint
    • This would ideally validate that the configuration for security groups, subnets, NACLs, route tables cumulatively allows this behaviour.
  • Can the provisioned instance pull a required secret from secrets manager
    • This would validate that required networking configuration + IAM Instance Profile + Role configuration cumulatively allows for this behaviour.

ssm-tester enables users to write automated tests that validate behaviour, so infrastructure engineering teams do not have to wait for application teams to report broken infrastructure, or worse, wait for incidents in production.

Quick Start


ssm-tester requires the the EC2 instances to be integrated with AWS Systems Manager. This requires your EC2 instances to all ssm-agent installed( installed by default on Amazon Linux 2), and certain AWS SSM related resources provisioned. You may see this example of a minimum AWS Systems Manager integrated infra, and this AWS Documentation for a more comprehensive guide.
If you already use AWS Systems Manager in your AWS Infrastructure then you should be able to use this out of box. Alternatively you may consider layering on AWS SSM required resources in the test environments.

Using ssm-tester/tester

  1. Import ssm-tester/tester
    	import ""
  2. Initialise the ssm service client - this is used to the AWS SSM API
    	// Initialise AWS SSM client service.
    	ssmClient := tester.NewSSMClientWithDefaultConfig(t)
  3. Initialise retry config - this is used to manage to polling for the test result
    	// create retry configuration for
        retryConfig := tester.NewRetryDefaultConfig()
  4. Write some tests
       t.Run("TestAppInstanceCanConnectToImportantEndpoint", func(t *testing.T) {   
           // 4.1 create a new test with a custom test command
           // this example uses curl, it relies on your target instances having curl installed
           testCase := tester.NewShellTestCase("curl --max-time=2", true)
           // 4.2 specify the ec2 instance to target for the test
           target := tester.NewTagNameTarget(terraform.Output(t, terraformOptions, "app_instance_name_tag"))
           // 4.3 run the test 
           tester.RunTestCaseForTarget(t, ssmClient, testCase, target, retryConfig)   

More examples

Write some tests with built in TcpConnectionTestWithTagName helper

    t.Run("TestAppInstanceConnectivityToDatabase", func(t *testing.T) {
        dbEndpoint := "mydb.privatedns" 
        dbPort := "3306" 
        tag := "app_instance_name_tag" 
        // run the test
        tester.TcpConnectionTestWithTagName(t, ssmClient, tag, dbEndpoint, dbPort, retryConfig)

Write some tests with using terratest, please see examples for working examples

	// this example uses terratest to initialise the terraform stack and get output value
	terraformOptions := terraform.WithDefaultRetryableErrors(t, &terraform.Options{
		TerraformDir: "../terraform",

	// init and apply terraform stack ensuring clean up
	t.Cleanup(func() { terraform.Destroy(t, terraformOptions) })
	terraform.InitAndApply(t, terraformOptions)

    t.Run("TestAppInstanceConnectivityToDatabase", func(t *testing.T) {
        // get the required resource values using terratest's terraform module
        dbEndpoint := terraform.Output(t, terraformOptions, "database_endpoint")
        dbPort := terraform.Output(t, terraformOptions, "database_port")
        tag := terraform.Output(t, terraformOptions, "instance_name_tag")
        // run the test 
        tester.TcpConnectionTestWithTagName(t, ssmClient, tag, dbEndpoint, dbPort, retryConfig)    

Write negative tests

    t.Run("TestAppInstanceShouldNOTHaveConnectivityToPublicInternet", func(t *testing.T) {
          // build a tcp connectivity test case with public endpoint and port, 
          // with condition false, i.e the tests passes if the command fails on all target instances
    	testCase := tester.NewShellTestCase(fmt.Sprintf("timeout 2 bash -c ', "", "443"), false)
          // specify the ec2 instance to target for the test
          target := tester.NewTagNameTarget(terraform.Output(t, terraformOptions, "instance_name_tag"))
          // run the test
          tester.RunTestCaseForTarget(t, ssmClient, testCase, target, retryConfig)

Write tests to validate that app instances can pull secrets that are be required by app, hence validating the IAM instance profile, role, and related networking configuration cumulatively.

    t.Run("TestAppInstanceShouldNOTHaveConnectivityToPublicInternet", func(t *testing.T) {
          // build a testCase command that validates that the instance has networking and IAM access to a secret that will be required by the application 
          // this relies on aws cli being installed on the instance(AMI) being targeted.  
    	testCase := tester.NewShellTestCase(`aws secretsmanager list-secret-version-ids --secret-id "secret-required-by-app"`), true)
          // specify the ec2 instance to target for the test
          target := tester.NewTagNameTarget(terraform.Output(t, terraformOptions, "instance_name_tag"))
          // run the test
          tester.RunTestCaseForTarget(t, ssmClient, testCase, target, retryConfig)
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