A simple and useful goroutine concurrent library.


A simple and useful goroutine concurrent library.


go get github.com/anthhub/taskgroup


	count := 100
	// create a taskgroup
	// set max error count to 1
	g := New(&Option{MaxErrorCount:1})

	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		g.Go(func() (interface{}, error) {
			// your work function
			return worker()

	// g.Fed() declare the end of tasks producing
	// g.Result() will receive a message when a task of the group return an error or
	// till all tasks finish.
	if p := <-g.Fed().Result(); p.Err != nil {
	// ...

Advanced Usage

Useful Options

	count := 100
	// configure group timeout
	ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
	// create a taskgroup with context
	g, ctx = WithContext(ctx, &Option{
		// limit the count of goroutine workers; default is infinity
		Limit: 5,
		// set max error count to 5; default is infinity
		MaxErrorCount: 5,
		// disable recover panic; default will recover panic
		DisableRecover: true,

	// the loop need be wrapped by a goroutine when the limit less than your tasks count,
	// else dead lock will be created.
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
			g.Go(func() (interface{}, error) {
				// your work function that return data and error
				// panic will be recover and just return a error
				return worker(ctx)

		// it is to tell consumer that consuming the all tasks and then close itself.
		// it is very important else the consuming never end without g.Fed() when all 
		// tasks have finished.

	// you can directly for-range g.Result(), it will break the loop when all tasks id finished
	// or error count is to 5.
	for p := range g.Result() {
		if p.Err != nil {
		// you can cancel the group and break the loop in advanced when you want.
		if [condition] {
		data := p.Data
		// consume data from worker
		// ...
	// ...

Producer & Consumer Mode

	func main() {
		g := provider()


		// some logic ...

		// cancel provider and consumer

	func provider() Group {
		g := New(&Option{MaxErrorCount: 1})

		go func() {
			for {
				select {
				case <-g.Ctx().Done():
					g.Go(func() (interface{}, error) {
						// get group inner ctx
						return worker(g.Ctx())

		return g

	func consumer(g Group) {	
		go func() {	
			for p := range g.Result() {	
				// it is just consuming all message from provider till provider want to stop, so	
				// g.Fed() is not necessary	
				if p.Err != nil {
				// consume data from provider

If you want to learn more about taskgroup, you can read test cases and source code.

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