A Simple to use golang masking tool to mask sensitive information from go-lang data-structures

Golang Masking Tool

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Golang Masking Tool is a simple utility of creating a masker tool which you can use to mask sensitive information. You can use a variety of filters with custom masking types to assist you.

Inspired by two repositories -

  1. zlog
  2. Golang Masker

Both libraries were solving similar usecase but didn't cover all use cases I was looking for. Zlog is a libray that focuses more on logging and its filterating features are not exposed to be used separately. While Golang Masker doesn't cover all data types. Hence it didn't solve my use-cases.

So I combined both of them to create this library and sharing the best of both them. Added some more uses cases too.

Getting Started

$ go get -u github.com/anu1097/golang-masking-tool


Basic Example

Create Masking Instance

    var maskingInstance = NewMaskTool()

Filter Sensitive Data

By Specified Field


	type myRecord struct {
		ID    string
		Phone string
	record := myRecord{
		ID:    "userId",
		Phone: "090-0000-0000",

	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.FieldFilter("Phone"))
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId [filtered]}

Custom Mask Type

	type myRecord struct {
		ID         string
		Phone      string
		Url        string
		Email      string
		Name       string
		Address    string
		CreditCard string
	record := myRecord{
		ID:         "userId",
		Phone:      "090-0000-0000",
		Url:        "http://admin:mysecretpassword@localhost:1234/uri",
		Email:      "[email protected]",
		Name:       "John Doe",
		Address:    "1 AB Road, Paradise",
		CreditCard: "4444-4444-4444-4444",

	maskTool := NewMaskTool(
		filter.CustomFieldFilter("Phone", customMasker.MMobile),
		filter.CustomFieldFilter("Email", customMasker.MEmail),
		filter.CustomFieldFilter("Url", customMasker.MURL),
		filter.CustomFieldFilter("Name", customMasker.MName),
		filter.CustomFieldFilter("ID", customMasker.MID),
		filter.CustomFieldFilter("Address", customMasker.MAddress),
		filter.CustomFieldFilter("CreditCard", customMasker.MCreditCard),
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId**** 090-***0-0000 http://admin:xxxxx@localhost:1234/uri dum****@dummy.com J**n D**e 1 AB R****** 4444-4******44-4444}

By Specified Field-Prefix


	type myRecord struct {
		ID          string
		SecurePhone string
	record := myRecord{
		ID:          "userId",
		SecurePhone: "090-0000-0000",

	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.FieldPrefixFilter("Secure"))
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId [filtered]}


	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.CustomFieldPrefixFilter("Secure", customMasker.MMobile))
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId 090-***0-0000}

By Specified Value


	const issuedToken = "abcd1234"
	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.ValueFilter(issuedToken))
	record := "Authorization: Bearer " + issuedToken
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// Authorization: Bearer [filtered]

Custom Mask Type

	const issuedToken = "abcd1234"
	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.CustomValueFilter(issuedToken, customMasker.MPassword))
	record := "Authorization: Bearer " + issuedToken
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// Authorization: Bearer ************

By custom type


	type password string
	type myRecord struct {
		ID       string
		Password password
	record := myRecord{
		ID:       "userId",
		Password: "abcd1234",
	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.CustomTypeFilter(password(""), customMasker.MPassword))
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId [filtered]}

Custom Mask Type

	type password string
	type myRecord struct {
		ID       string
		Password password
	record := myRecord{
		ID:       "userId",
		Password: "abcd1234",

	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.CustomTypeFilter(password(""), customMasker.MPassword))
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId ************}

By struct tag


	type myRecord struct {
		ID    string
		EMail string `mask:"secret"` //Use secret for default filter
	record := myRecord{
		ID:    "userId",
		EMail: "[email protected]",

	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.TagFilter())
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId [filtered]}

Custom Mask Type

	type myRecord struct {
		ID    string
		EMail string `mask:"email"`
		Phone string `mask:"mobile"`
	record := myRecord{
		ID:    "userId",
		EMail: "[email protected]",
		Phone: "9191919191",

	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.TagFilter(customMasker.MEmail, customMasker.MMobile))
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId dum****@dummy.com 9191***191}

By Regex Pattern

Default Phone Filter

	type myRecord struct {
		ID    string
		Phone string
	record := myRecord{
		ID:    "userId",
		Phone: "090-0000-0000",
	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.PhoneFilter())
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId [filtered]}

Custom Phone Filter

	type myRecord struct {
		ID    string
		Phone string
	record := myRecord{
		ID:    "userId",
		Phone: "090-0000-0000",
	maskTool := NewMaskTool((filter.CustomPhoneFilter(customMasker.MMobile)))
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	//{userId 090-***0-0000}

Default Email Filter

	type myRecord struct {
		ID    string
		Email string
	record := myRecord{
		ID:    "userId",
		Email: "[email protected]",
	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.EmailFilter())
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId [filtered]}

Custom Email Filter

	type myRecord struct {
		ID    string
		Email string
	record := myRecord{
		ID:    "userId",
		Email: "[email protected]",
	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.EmailFilter())
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId dum****@dummy.com}

Custom Regex Filter

	customRegex := "^https:\\/\\/(dummy-backend.)[0-9a-z]*.com\\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]*)$"
	type myRecord struct {
		ID   string
		Link string
	record := myRecord{
		ID:   "userId",
		Link: "https://dummy-backend.getsimpl.com/v2/random",
	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.CustomRegexFilter(customRegex))
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId [filtered]}

Custom Regex Filter With Mask Type

	type myRecord struct {
		ID   string
		Link string
	record := myRecord{
		ID:   "userId",
		Link: "https://dummy-backend.getsimpl.com/v2/random",
	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.CustomRegexFilterWithMType(customRegex, customMasker.MPassword))
	filteredData := maskTool.MaskDetails(record)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {userId ************}

By AllFields Filter


	type child struct {
		Data string
	s := "test"
	type myStruct struct {
		Func      func() time.Time
		Chan      chan int
		Bool      bool
		Bytes     []byte
		Strs      []string
		StrsPtr   []*string
		Interface interface{}
		Child     child
		ChildPtr  *child
		Data      string
	data := &myStruct{
		Func:      time.Now,
		Chan:      make(chan int),
		Bool:      true,
		Bytes:     []byte("timeless"),
		Strs:      []string{"aa"},
		StrsPtr:   []*string{&s},
		Interface: &s,
		Child:     child{Data: "x"},
		ChildPtr:  &child{Data: "y"},
		Data:      "data",
	mask := NewMaskingInstance(

	filteredData := mask.MaskDetails(data)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {<nil> <nil> false [] [] [] <nil> {} 0x1400009b180 [filtered]}

With Custom Mask Type

	mask := NewMaskingInstance(
	filteredData := mask.MaskDetails(data)

	// fmt.Println(filteredData)
	// {<nil> <nil> false [] [] [] <nil> {} 0x1400009b180 ************}

Custom Mask Types

Type Const Tag Description
Name MName name mask the second letter and the third letter
Password MPassword password always return ************
Address MAddress addr keep first 6 letters, mask the rest
Email MEmail email keep domain and the first 3 letters
Mobile MMobile mobile mask 3 digits from the 4'th digit
Telephone MTelephone tel remove (, ), , - chart, and mask last 4 digits of telephone number, format to (??)????-????
ID MID id mask last 4 digits of ID number
CreditCard MCreditCard credit mask 6 digits from the 7'th digit
Secret MStruct secret Uses default filtered string. Use only with Struct Tag filter

Customise Masking Tool

Update Default Filter

	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.FieldFilter("Phone"))
	// maskTool.GetFilteredLabel()
    // CustomFilterString

Update Custom Masker Character

	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.FieldFilter("Phone"))

Append More Filter

	maskTool := NewMaskTool(filter.FieldFilter("Phone"))


Anuraag Gupta
Full Stack Developer. React.JS, Angular Framework and Spring Boot, MERN stack enthusiast.
Anuraag Gupta
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