Drone plugin for trigger Jenkins jobs.



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Drone plugin for trigger Jenkins jobs.

Setup the Jenkins Server

Setup the Jenkins server using the docker command:

$ docker run \
  --name jenkins \
  -d --restart always \
  -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 \
  -v /data/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home \

Please make sure that you create the /data/jenkins before starting the Jenkins. Create the new API token as below:

jenkins token

Build or Download a binary

The pre-compiled binaries can be downloaded from release page. Support the following OS type.

  • Windows amd64/386
  • Linux amd64/386
  • Darwin amd64/386

With Go installed

go get -u -v github.com/appleboy/drone-jenkins

or build the binary with the following command:

make build


Build the docker image with the following commands:

make docker


There are three ways to trigger jenkins jobs.

Usage from binary

trigger single job.

drone-jenkins \
  --host http://jenkins.example.com/ \
  --user appleboy \
  --token XXXXXXXX \
  --job drone-jenkins-plugin

trigger multiple jobs.

drone-jenkins \
  --host http://jenkins.example.com/ \
  --user appleboy \
  --token XXXXXXXX \
  --job drone-jenkins-plugin-1 \
  --job drone-jenkins-plugin-2

Usage from docker

trigger single job.

docker run --rm \
  -e JENKINS_BASE_URL=http://jenkins.example.com/
  -e JENKINS_USER=appleboy
  -e JENKINS_TOKEN=xxxxxxx
  -e JENKINS_JOB=drone-jenkins-plugin

trigger multiple jobs.

docker run --rm \
  -e JENKINS_BASE_URL=http://jenkins.example.com/
  -e JENKINS_USER=appleboy
  -e JENKINS_TOKEN=xxxxxxx
  -e JENKINS_JOB=drone-jenkins-plugin-1,drone-jenkins-plugin-2

Usage from drone ci

Execute from the working directory:

docker run --rm \
  -e PLUGIN_URL=http://example.com \
  -e PLUGIN_USER=xxxxxxx \
  -e PLUGIN_TOKEN=xxxxxxx \
  -e PLUGIN_JOB=xxxxxxx \
  -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
  -w $(pwd) \

You can get more information about how to use scp plugin in drone.


Test the package with the following command:

make test
Bo-Yi Wu
I really believe committing every day on an open source project is the best practice.
Bo-Yi Wu
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    hello we have a Jenkins with XSRF I've allowed myself to add a simple example of how to handle the XSRF token to your client.

    I would be happy if the code or something similar is included in your client

    I've added a few log messages, so you can see what the plugin is doing at work

    Please feel free to change my code, it is just a suggestion

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    hello @appleboy , i will open a PR for feedback.

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