Sending line notifications using a binary, docker or Drone CI.



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Sending line notifications using a binary, docker or Drone CI.

Register Line BOT API Trial

Please refer to LINE Business Center.


  • Send multiple Message.
  • Send Text Message.
  • Send Video Message.
  • Send Audio Message.
  • Send Sticker Message.
  • Send Location Message.
  • Support prometheus metrics API.
  • Automatically install TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt.
  • Support Localtunnel for webhook tunnel.
  • Support Line Notify.

Localtunnel allows you to easily share a web service on your local development machine without messing with DNS and firewall settings.

Memory Usage:

Memory Usage

Notification Count Usage:

Notification Count Usage

Build or Download a binary

The pre-compiled binaries can be downloaded from release page. Support the following OS type.

  • Windows amd64/386
  • Linux amd64/386
  • Darwin amd64/386

With Go installed

go get -u -v

or build the binary with the following command:

make build


Build the docker image with the following commands:

make docker


There are three ways to send notification.

Usage from binary

Setup Webhook service

Setup Webhook service as default port 8088.

drone-line \
  --secret xxxx \
  --token xxxx \

Change default webhook port to 8089.

drone-line \
  --port 8089 \
  --secret xxxx \
  --token xxxx \

Use localtunnel to tunnel your locally running bot so that Line can reach the webhook.

drone-line \
  -s secret \
  -t token \
  --tunnel \
  --port 2002 \

Use Let's Encrypt. Please make sure you have permission to listen on 443 port.

drone-line \
  -s secret \
  -t token \
  -autotls \
  -host \
  -cache /var/www/.cache \
  --port 443 \

Tips: Another way to use ngrok to tunnel your locally running bot so that Line can reach the webhook.

Send Notification

Setup the --to flag after fetch user id from webhook service.

drone-line \
  --secret xxxx \
  --token xxxx \
  --to xxxx \
  --message "Test Message"

Send LINE Notify

If you connect your service with LINE Notify, LINE users can easily receive notifications from it. See the documentation.

drone-line \
  --token xxxx \
  --message "Test Message" \

Usage from docker

Setup Webhook service as default port 8088.

docker run --rm \
  -e LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET=xxxxxxx \
  -e LINE_CHANNEL_TOKEN=xxxxxxx \
  appleboy/drone-line webhook

Change default webhook port to 8089.

docker run --rm \
  -e LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET=xxxxxxx \
  -e LINE_CHANNEL_TOKEN=xxxxxxx \
  -e LINE_PORT=8089 \
  appleboy/drone-line webhook

Tips: Use ngrok to tunnel your locally running bot so that Line can reach the webhook.

Send Notification

docker run --rm \
  -e LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET=xxxxxxx \
  -e LINE_CHANNEL_TOKEN=xxxxxxx \
  -e LINE_TO=xxxxxxx \
  -e LINE_MESSAGE=test \
  -e LINE_STICKERS=1::1 \
  -e LINE_LOCATIONS=title::address::latitude::longitude \

Usage from drone ci

Execute from the working directory:

docker run --rm \
  -e PLUGIN_TO=xxxxxxx \
  -e PLUGIN_MESSAGE=test \
  -e PLUGIN_LOCATIONS=title::address::latitude::longitude \
  -e DRONE_REPO_OWNER=appleboy \
  -e DRONE_REPO_NAME=go-hello \
  -e DRONE_COMMIT_SHA=e5e82b5eb3737205c25955dcc3dcacc839b7be52 \
  -e DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR=appleboy \
  -e [email protected] \
  -e DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE=Test_Your_Commit \
  -e DRONE_BUILD_STATUS=success \
  -e DRONE_JOB_STARTED=1477550550 \
  -e DRONE_JOB_FINISHED=1477550750 \
  -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
  -w $(pwd) \

You can get more information about how to use scp plugin in drone.


Test the package with the following command:

make test
Bo-Yi Wu
I really believe committing every day on an open source project is the best practice.
Bo-Yi Wu
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    linebot: APIError 400 The property, 'to', in the request body is invalid (line: -, column: -)

    I usw win10 and download drone-line-v1.4.0-windows-386.exe When I get a secret and token I use this command to start webhook drone-line-v1.4.0-windows-386.exe --secret secret_key --token token_key webhook then i use this command to send message

    drone-line-v1.4.0-windows-386.exe --secret secret_key --token token_key --to windgo --message "test" or drone-line-v1.4.0-windows-386.exe --secret secret_key --token token_key --to @nle4159v --message "test"

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