A push notification server written in Go (Golang).


A push notification micro server using Gin framework written in Go (Golang) and see the demo app.

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Buy Me A Coffee

Support Platform

A live demo on Netlify.


  • Support Firebase Cloud Messaging using go-fcm library for Android.
  • Support HTTP/2 Apple Push Notification Service using apns2 library.
  • Support HMS Push Service using go-hms-push library for Huawei Devices.
  • Support YAML configuration.
  • Support command line to send single Android or iOS notification.
  • Support Web API to send push notification.
  • Support HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1 protocol.
  • Support notification queue and multiple workers.
  • Support /api/stat/app show notification success and failure counts.
  • Support /api/config show your YAML config.
  • Support store app stat to memory, Redis, BoltDB, BuntDB, LevelDB or BadgerDB.
  • Support p8, p12 or pem format of iOS certificate file.
  • Support /sys/stats show response time, status code count, etc.
  • Support for HTTP, HTTPS or SOCKS5 proxy.
  • Support retry send notification if server response is fail.
  • Support expose prometheus metrics.
  • Support install TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt automatically.
  • Support send notification through RPC protocol, we use gRPC as default framework.
  • Support running in Docker, Kubernetes or AWS Lambda (Native Support in Golang)
  • Support graceful shutdown that workers and queue have been sent to APNs/FCM before shutdown service.

See the default YAML config example:

  enabled: true # enable httpd server
  address: "" # ip address to bind (default: any)
  shutdown_timeout: 30 # default is 30 second
  port: "8088" # ignore this port number if auto_tls is enabled (listen 443).
  worker_num: 0 # default worker number is runtime.NumCPU()
  queue_num: 0 # default queue number is 8192
  max_notification: 100
  sync: false # set true if you need get error message from fail push notification in API response.
  feedback_hook_url: "" # set a hook url if you need get error message asynchronously from fail push notification in API response.
  feedback_timeout: 10 # default is 10 second
  mode: "release"
  ssl: false
  cert_path: "cert.pem"
  key_path: "key.pem"
  cert_base64: ""
  key_base64: ""
  http_proxy: ""
    enabled: false
    path: "gorush.pid"
    override: true
    enabled: false # Automatically install TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt.
    folder: ".cache" # folder for storing TLS certificates
    host: "" # which domains the Let's Encrypt will attempt

  enabled: false # enable gRPC server
  port: 9000

  push_uri: "/api/push"
  stat_go_uri: "/api/stat/go"
  stat_app_uri: "/api/stat/app"
  config_uri: "/api/config"
  sys_stat_uri: "/sys/stats"
  metric_uri: "/metrics"
  health_uri: "/healthz"

  enabled: true
  apikey: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  max_retry: 0 # resend fail notification, default value zero is disabled

  enabled: true
  apikey: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  appid: "YOUR_APP_ID"
  max_retry: 0 # resend fail notification, default value zero is disabled

  enabled: false
  key_path: "key.pem"
  key_base64: "" # load iOS key from base64 input
  key_type: "pem" # could be pem, p12 or p8 type
  password: "" # certificate password, default as empty string.
  production: false
  max_concurrent_pushes: 100 # just for push ios notification
  max_retry: 0 # resend fail notification, default value zero is disabled
  key_id: "" # KeyID from developer account (Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles -> Keys)
  team_id: "" # TeamID from developer account (View Account -> Membership)

  format: "string" # string or json
  access_log: "stdout" # stdout: output to console, or define log path like "log/access_log"
  access_level: "debug"
  error_log: "stderr" # stderr: output to console, or define log path like "log/error_log"
  error_level: "error"
  hide_token: true

  engine: "memory" # support memory, redis, boltdb, buntdb or leveldb
    addr: "localhost:6379"
    password: ""
    db: 0
    path: "bolt.db"
    bucket: "gorush"
    path: "bunt.db"
    path: "level.db"
    path: "badger.db"

Memory Usage

Memory average usage: 28Mb (the total bytes of memory obtained from the OS.)

memory usage

Test Command (We use bat as default cli tool.):

for i in {1..9999999}; do bat -b.N=1000 -b.C=100 POST localhost:8088/api/push notifications:[email protected]; sleep 1;  done

Basic Usage

How to send push notification using gorush command? (Android or iOS)

Download a binary

The pre-compiled binaries can be downloaded from release page.

With Go installed

go get -u -v github.com/appleboy/gorush

On linux

wget https://github.com/appleboy/gorush/releases/download/v1.13.0/gorush-v1.13.0-linux-amd64 -O gorush


wget https://github.com/appleboy/gorush/releases/download/v1.13.0/gorush-v1.13.0-darwin-amd64 -O gorush

On Windows

wget https://github.com/appleboy/gorush/releases/download/v1.13.0/gorush-v1.13.0-windows-amd64.exe -O gorush.exe

On macOS, use Homebrew.

brew install --HEAD https://github.com/appleboy/gorush/raw/master/HomebrewFormula/gorush.rb

Install from source

Prerequisite Tools

Fetch from GitHub

Gorush uses the Go Modules support built into Go 1.11 to build. The easiest way to get started is to clone Gorush in a directory outside of the GOPATH, as in the following example:

mkdir $HOME/src
cd $HOME/src
git clone https://github.com/appleboy/gorush.git
cd gorush
go install

Command Usage

  ________                              .__
 /  _____/   ____ _______  __ __  ______|  |__
/   \  ___  /  _ \\_  __ \|  |  \/  ___/|  |  \
\    \_\  \(  <_> )|  | \/|  |  /\___ \ |   Y  \
 \______  / \____/ |__|   |____//____  >|___|  /
        \/                           \/      \/

Usage: gorush [options]

Server Options:
    -A, --address <address>          Address to bind (default: any)
    -p, --port <port>                Use port for clients (default: 8088)
    -c, --config <file>              Configuration file path
    -m, --message <message>          Notification message
    -t, --token <token>              Notification token
    -e, --engine <engine>            Storage engine (memory, redis ...)
    --title <title>                  Notification title
    --proxy <proxy>                  Proxy URL (support http, https, or socks5)
    --pid <pid path>                 Process identifier path
    --redis-addr <redis addr>        Redis addr (default: localhost:6379)
iOS Options:
    -i, --key <file>                 certificate key file path
    -P, --password <password>        certificate key password
    --ios                            enabled iOS (default: false)
    --production                     iOS production mode (default: false)
Android Options:
    -k, --apikey <api_key>           Android API Key
    --android                        enabled android (default: false)
Huawei Options:
    -hk, --hmskey <hms_key>          HMS API Key
    -hid, --hmsid <hms_id>           HMS APP Id
    --huawei                         enabled huawei (default: false)
Common Options:
    --topic <topic>                  iOS or Android topic message
    -h, --help                       Show this message
    -v, --version                    Show version

Send Android notification

Send single notification with the following command.

gorush -android -m "your message" -k "API Key" -t "Device token"

Send messages to topics.

gorush --android --topic "/topics/foo-bar" \
  -m "This is a Firebase Cloud Messaging Topic Message" \
  -k your_api_key
  • -m: Notification message.
  • -k: Firebase Cloud Messaging api key
  • -t: Device token.
  • --title: Notification title.
  • --topic: Send messages to topics. note: don't add device token.
  • --proxy: Set http, https or socks5 proxy url.

Send Huawei (HMS) notification

Send single notification with the following command.

gorush -huawei -title "Gorush with HMS" -m "your message" -hk "API Key" -hid "APP Id" -t "Device token"

Send messages to topics.

gorush --huawei --topic "foo-bar" \
  -title "Gorush with HMS" \
  -m "This is a Huawei Mobile Services Topic Message" \
  -hk "API Key" \
  -hid "APP Id"
  • -m: Notification message.
  • -hk: Huawei Mobile Services api secret key
  • -t: Device token.
  • --title: Notification title.
  • --topic: Send messages to topics. note: don't add device token.
  • --proxy: Set http, https or socks5 proxy url.

Send iOS notification

Send single notification with the following command.

$ gorush -ios -m "your message" -i "your certificate path" \
  -t "device token" --topic "apns topic"
  • -m: Notification message.
  • -i: Apple Push Notification Certificate path (pem or p12 file).
  • -t: Device token.
  • --title: Notification title.
  • --topic: The topic of the remote notification.
  • --password: The certificate password.

The default endpoint is APNs development. Please add -production flag for APNs production push endpoint.

$ gorush -ios -m "your message" -i "your certificate path" \
  -t "device token" \

Send Android or iOS notifications using Firebase

Send single notification with the following command:

gorush -android -m "your message" -k "API key" -t "Device token"

Run gorush web server

Please make sure your config.yml exist. Default port is 8088.

# for default config
$ gorush
# for custom config file
$ gorush -c config.yml

Get go status of api server using httpie tool:

http -v --verify=no --json GET http://localhost:8088/api/stat/go


Gorush support the following API.

  • GET /api/stat/go Golang cpu, memory, gc, etc information. Thanks for golang-stats-api-handler.
  • GET /api/stat/app show notification success and failure counts.
  • GET /api/config show server yml config file.
  • POST /api/push push ios, android or huawei notifications.

GET /api/stat/go

Golang cpu, memory, gc, etc information. Response with 200 http status code.

  "time": 1460686815848046600,
  "go_version": "go1.6.1",
  "go_os": "darwin",
  "go_arch": "amd64",
  "cpu_num": 4,
  "goroutine_num": 15,
  "gomaxprocs": 4,
  "cgo_call_num": 1,
  "memory_alloc": 7455192,
  "memory_total_alloc": 8935464,
  "memory_sys": 12560632,
  "memory_lookups": 17,
  "memory_mallocs": 31426,
  "memory_frees": 11772,
  "memory_stack": 524288,
  "heap_alloc": 7455192,
  "heap_sys": 8912896,
  "heap_idle": 909312,
  "heap_inuse": 8003584,
  "heap_released": 0,
  "heap_objects": 19654,
  "gc_next": 9754725,
  "gc_last": 1460686815762559700,
  "gc_num": 2,
  "gc_per_second": 0,
  "gc_pause_per_second": 0,
  "gc_pause": [

GET /api/stat/app

Show success or failure counts information of notification.

  "version": "v1.6.2",
  "queue_max": 8192,
  "queue_usage": 0,
  "total_count": 77,
  "ios": {
    "push_success": 19,
    "push_error": 38
  "android": {
    "push_success": 10,
    "push_error": 10
  "huawei": {
    "push_success": 3,
    "push_error": 1

GET /sys/stats

Show response time, status code count, etc.

  "pid": 80332,
  "uptime": "1m42.428010614s",
  "uptime_sec": 102.428010614,
  "time": "2016-06-26 12:27:11.675973571 +0800 CST",
  "unixtime": 1466915231,
  "status_code_count": { },
  "total_status_code_count": {
    "200": 5
  "count": 0,
  "total_count": 5,
  "total_response_time": "10.422441ms",
  "total_response_time_sec": 0.010422441000000001,
  "average_response_time": "2.084488ms",
  "average_response_time_sec": 0.0020844880000000002

GET /metrics

Support expose prometheus metrics.

metrics screenshot

POST /api/push

Simple send iOS notification example, the platform value is 1:

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 1,
      "message": "Hello World iOS!"

Simple send Android notification example, the platform value is 2:

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 2,
      "message": "Hello World Android!"

Simple send Huawei notification example, the platform value is 3:

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 3,
      "title": "Gorush with HMS",
      "message": "Hello World Huawei!"

Simple send notification on Android and iOS devices using Firebase, the platform value is 2:

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 2,
      "message": "This notification will go to iOS and Android platform via Firebase!"

Send multiple notifications as below:

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 1,
      "message": "Hello World iOS!"
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 2,
      "message": "Hello World Android!"
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 3,
      "message": "Hello World Huawei!",
      "title": "Gorush with HMS"

See more example about iOS, Android or Huawei

Request body

The Request body must have a notifications array. The following is a parameter table for each notification.

name type description required note
notif_id string A unique string that identifies the notification for async feedback -
tokens string array device tokens o
platform int platform(iOS,Android) o 1=iOS, 2=Android (Firebase), 3=Huawei (HMS)
message string message for notification -
title string notification title -
priority string Sets the priority of the message. - normal or high
content_available bool data messages wake the app by default. -
sound interface{} sound type -
data string array extensible partition - only Android and IOS
huawei_data string JSON object as string to extensible partition partition - only Huawei. See the detail
retry int retry send notification if fail response from server. Value must be small than max_retry field. -
topic string send messages to topics
image string image url to show in notification - only Android and Huawei
api_key string api key for firebase cloud message - only Android
to string The value must be a registration token, notification key, or topic. - only Android
collapse_key string a key for collapsing notifications - only Android
huawei_collapse_key int a key integer for collapsing notifications - only Huawei See the detail
delay_while_idle bool a flag for device idling - only Android
time_to_live uint expiration of message kept on FCM storage - only Android
huawei_ttl string expiration of message kept on HMS storage - only Huawei See the detail
restricted_package_name string the package name of the application - only Android
dry_run bool allows developers to test a request without actually sending a message - only Android
notification string array payload of a FCM message - only Android. See the detail
huawei_notification string array payload of a HMS message - only Huawei. See the detail
app_id string hms app id - only Huawei. See the detail
bi_tag string Tag of a message in a batch delivery task - only Huawei. See the detail
fast_app_target int State of a mini program when a quick app sends a data message. - only Huawei. See the detail
expiration int expiration for notification - only iOS
apns_id string A canonical UUID that identifies the notification - only iOS
collapse_id string An identifier you use to coalesce multiple notifications into a single notification for the user - only iOS
push_type string The type of the notification. The value of this header is alert or background. - only iOS
badge int badge count - only iOS
category string the UIMutableUserNotificationCategory object - only iOS
alert string array payload of a iOS message - only iOS. See the detail
mutable_content bool enable Notification Service app extension. - only iOS(10.0+).
name string sets the name value on the aps sound dictionary. - only iOS
volume float32 sets the volume value on the aps sound dictionary. - only iOS

iOS alert payload

name type description required note
title string Apple Watch & Safari display this string as part of the notification interface. -
body string The text of the alert message. -
subtitle string Apple Watch & Safari display this string as part of the notification interface. -
action string The label of the action button. This one is required for Safari Push Notifications. -
action-loc-key string If a string is specified, the system displays an alert that includes the Close and View buttons. -
launch-image string The filename of an image file in the app bundle, with or without the filename extension. -
loc-args array of strings Variable string values to appear in place of the format specifiers in loc-key. -
loc-key string A key to an alert-message string in a Localizable.strings file for the current localization. -
title-loc-args array of strings Variable string values to appear in place of the format specifiers in title-loc-key. -
title-loc-key string The key to a title string in the Localizable.strings file for the current localization. -

See more detail about APNs Remote Notification Payload.

iOS sound payload

name type description required note
name string sets the name value on the aps sound dictionary. -
volume float32 sets the volume value on the aps sound dictionary. -
critical int sets the critical value on the aps sound dictionary. -

request format:

  "sound": {
    "critical": 1,
    "name": "default",
    "volume": 2.0

Android notification payload

name type description required note
icon string Indicates notification icon. -
tag string Indicates whether each notification message results in a new entry on the notification center on Android. -
color string Indicates color of the icon, expressed in #rrggbb format -
click_action string The action associated with a user click on the notification. -
body_loc_key string Indicates the key to the body string for localization. -
body_loc_args string Indicates the string value to replace format specifiers in body string for localization. -
title_loc_key string Indicates the key to the title string for localization. -
title_loc_args string Indicates the string value to replace format specifiers in title string for localization. -

See more detail about Firebase Cloud Messaging HTTP Protocol reference.

Huawei notification

  • app_id: app id from huawei developer console
  • huawei_data: mapped to data
  • huawei_notification: mapped to notification
  • huawei_ttl: mapped to ttl
  • huawei_collapse_key: mapped to collapse_key
  • bi_tag:
  • fast_app_target:

See more detail about Huawei Mobulse Services Push API reference.

iOS Example

Send normal notification.

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 1,
      "message": "Hello World iOS!"

The following payload asks the system to display an alert with a Close button and a single action button.The title and body keys provide the contents of the alert. The “PLAY” string is used to retrieve a localized string from the appropriate Localizable.strings file of the app. The resulting string is used by the alert as the title of an action button. This payload also asks the system to badge the app’s icon with the number 5.

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 1,
      "badge": 5,
      "alert": {
        "title" : "Game Request",
        "body" : "Bob wants to play poker",
        "action-loc-key" : "PLAY"

The following payload specifies that the device should display an alert message, plays a sound, and badges the app’s icon.

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 1,
      "message": "You got your emails.",
      "badge": 9,
      "sound": {
        "critical": 1,
        "name": "default",
        "volume": 1.0

Add other fields which user defined via data field.

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 1,
      "message": "Hello World iOS!",
      "data": {
        "key1": "welcome",
        "key2": 2

Support send notification from different environment. See the detail of issue.

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 1,
+     "production": true,
      "message": "Hello World iOS Production!"
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 1,
+     "development": true,
      "message": "Hello World iOS Sandbox!"

Android Example

Send normal notification.

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 2,
      "message": "Hello World Android!",
      "title": "You got message"

Add notification payload.

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 2,
      "message": "Hello World Android!",
      "title": "You got message",
      "notification" : {
        "icon": "myicon",
        "color": "#112244"

Add other fields which user defined via data field.

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 2,
      "message": "Hello World Android!",
      "title": "You got message",
      "data": {
       "Nick" : "Mario",
       "body" : "great match!",
       "Room" : "PortugalVSDenmark"

Send messages to topics

  "notifications": [
      "to": "/topics/foo-bar",
      "platform": 2,
      "message": "This is a Firebase Cloud Messaging Topic Message"

Huawei Example

Send normal notification.

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 3,
      "message": "Hello World Huawei!",
      "title": "You got message"

Add notification payload.

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 3,
      "message": "Hello World Huawei!",
      "title": "You got message",
      "huawei_notification" : {
        "icon": "myicon",
        "color": "#112244"

Add other fields which user defined via huawei_data field.

  "notifications": [
      "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
      "platform": 3,
      "huawei_data": "{'title' : 'Mario','message' : 'great match!', 'Room' : 'PortugalVSDenmark'}"

Send messages to topics

  "notifications": [
      "topic": "foo-bar",
      "platform": 3,
      "message": "This is a Huawei Mobile Services Topic Message",
      "title": "You got message"

Response body

Error response message table:

status code message
400 Missing notifications field.
400 Notifications field is empty.
400 Number of notifications(50) over limit(10)

Success response:

  "counts": 60,
  "logs": [],
  "success": "ok"

If you need error logs from sending fail notifications, please set a feedback_hook_url. The server with send the failing logs asynchronously to your API as POST requests.

  port: "8088" # ignore this port number if auto_tls is enabled (listen 443).
  worker_num: 0 # default worker number is runtime.NumCPU()
  queue_num: 0 # default queue number is 8192
  max_notification: 100
  sync: false
- feedback_hook_url: ""
+ feedback_hook_url: "https://exemple.com/api/hook"

You can also switch to sync mode by setting the sync value as true on yaml config.

  port: "8088" # ignore this port number if auto_tls is enabled (listen 443).
  worker_num: 0 # default worker number is runtime.NumCPU()
  queue_num: 0 # default queue number is 8192
  max_notification: 100
- sync: false
+ sync: true

See the following error format.

  "counts": 60,
  "logs": [
      "type": "failed-push",
      "platform": "android",
      "token": "*******",
      "message": "Hello World Android!",
      "error": "InvalidRegistration"
      "type": "failed-push",
      "platform": "ios",
      "token": "*****",
      "message": "Hello World iOS1111!",
      "error": "Post https://api.push.apple.com/3/device/bbbbb: remote error: tls: revoked certificate"
      "type": "failed-push",
      "platform": "ios",
      "token": "*******",
      "message": "Hello World iOS222!",
      "error": "Post https://api.push.apple.com/3/device/token_b: remote error: tls: revoked certificate"
  "success": "ok"

Run gRPC service

Gorush support gRPC service. You can enable the gRPC in config.yml, default as disabled. Enable the gRPC server:


The following example code to send single notification in Go.

package main

import (


	structpb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct"

const (
	address = "localhost:9000"

func main() {
	// Set up a connection to the server.
	conn, err := grpc.Dial(address, grpc.WithInsecure())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("did not connect: %v", err)
	defer conn.Close()
	c := proto.NewGorushClient(conn)

	r, err := c.Send(context.Background(), &proto.NotificationRequest{
		Platform: 2,
		Tokens:   []string{"1234567890"},
		Message:  "test message",
		Badge:    1,
		Category: "test",
		Sound:    "test",
		Priority: proto.Priority_High,
		Alert: &proto.Alert{
			Title:    "Test Title",
			Body:     "Test Alert Body",
			Subtitle: "Test Alert Sub Title",
			LocKey:   "Test loc key",
			LocArgs:  []string{"test", "test"},
		Data: &structpb.Struct{
			Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{
				"key1": {
					Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "welcome"},
				"key2": {
					Kind: &structpb.Value_NumberValue{NumberValue: 2},
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("could not greet: %v", err)
	log.Printf("Success: %t\n", r.Success)
	log.Printf("Count: %d\n", r.Counts)

See the Node.js example and see more detail frome README:

var messages = require('./gorush_pb');
var services = require('./gorush_grpc_pb');

var grpc = require('grpc');

function main() {
  var client = new services.GorushClient('localhost:9000',
  var request = new messages.NotificationRequest();
  var alert = new messages.Alert();
  client.send(request, function (err, response) {
    if(err) {
    } else {
      console.log("Success:", response.getSuccess());
      console.log("Counts:", response.getCounts());


GRPC Health Checking example: See document.

package main

import (


	structpb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct"

const (
	address = "localhost:9000"

func main() {
	// Set up a connection to the server.
	conn, err := grpc.Dial(address, grpc.WithInsecure())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("did not connect: %v", err)
	defer conn.Close()
	c := proto.NewGorushClient(conn)

	r, err := c.Send(context.Background(), &proto.NotificationRequest{
		Platform: 2,
		Tokens:   []string{"1234567890"},
		Message:  "test message",
		Badge:    1,
		Category: "test",
		Sound:    "test",
		Priority: proto.Priority_High,
		Alert: &proto.Alert{
			Title:    "Test Title",
			Body:     "Test Alert Body",
			Subtitle: "Test Alert Sub Title",
			LocKey:   "Test loc key",
			LocArgs:  []string{"test", "test"},
		Data: &structpb.Struct{
			Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{
				"key1": {
					Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "welcome"},
				"key2": {
					Kind: &structpb.Value_NumberValue{NumberValue: 2},
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("could not greet: %v", err)
	log.Printf("Success: %t\n", r.Success)
	log.Printf("Count: %d\n", r.Counts)

Run gorush in Docker

Set up gorush in the cloud in under 5 minutes with zero knowledge of Golang or Linux shell using our gorush Docker image.

docker pull appleboy/gorush
docker run --name gorush -p 80:8088 appleboy/gorush

Run gorush with your own config file.

docker pull appleboy/gorush
docker run --name gorush -v ${PWD}/config.yml:/config.yml -p 80:8088 appleboy/gorush

Testing your gorush server using httpie command.

http -v --verify=no --json GET http://your.docker.host/api/stat/go

statue screenshot

Run gorush in Kubernetes

Quick Start

Create namespace as gorush as gorush and then your configuration map:

kubectl create -f k8s/gorush-namespace.yaml
kubectl create -f k8s/gorush-configmap.yaml

Create redis service:

kubectl create -f k8s/gorush-redis-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f k8s/gorush-redis-service.yaml

Create gorush deployment controller provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets:

kubectl create -f k8s/gorush-deployment.yaml

Create the Service Controller for AWS ELB

kubectl create -f k8s/gorush-service.yaml

Ingress Controller for AWS ALB

Update the following in k8s/gorush-service.yaml

-  type: LoadBalancer
-  # type: NodePort
+  # type: LoadBalancer
+  type: NodePort

Then start the AWS ALB by the follwong command.

kubectl create -f k8s/gorush-service.yaml
kubectl create -f k8s/gorush-aws-alb-ingress.yaml

Clean up the gorush:

kubectl delete -f k8s

Run gorush in AWS Lambda


AWS excited to announce Go as a supported language for AWS Lambda. You’re going to create an application that uses an API Gateway event source to create a simple Hello World RESTful API.

Build gorush binary

Download source code first.

git clone https://github.com/appleboy/gorush.git
cd gorush && make build_linux_lambda

you can see the binary file in release/linux/lambda/ folder

Deploy gorush application

we need to build a binary that will run on Linux, and ZIP it up into a deployment package.

zip deployment.zip release/linux/lambda/gorush

Upload the deployment.zip via web UI or you can try the drone-lambda as the following command. it will zip your binary file and upload to AWS Lambda automatically.

  drone-lambda --region ap-southeast-1 \
  --function-name gorush \
  --source release/linux/lambda/gorush

Without an AWS account

Or you can deploy gorush to alternative solution like netlify functions. Netlify lets you deploy serverless Lambda functions without an AWS account, and with function management handled directly within Netlify. Please see the netlify.toml file:

  command = "./build.sh"
  functions = "release/linux/lambda"

  GO_IMPORT_PATH = "github.com/appleboy/gorush"
  GO111MODULE = "on"

  from = "/*"
  to = "/.netlify/functions/gorush/:splat"
  status = 200

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


Copyright 2019 Bo-Yi Wu @appleboy.

Licensed under the MIT License.

Bo-Yi Wu
I really believe committing every day on an open source project is the best practice.
Bo-Yi Wu
  • ios notification is not working with title.

    ios notification is not working with title.

      "notifications": [
          "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
          "platform": 1,
          "message": "Hello World iOS!"

    This is working.

    "notifications": [
          "tokens": ["token_a", "token_b"],
          "platform": 1,
          "message": "Hello World iOS!",
          "title": "You got message"

    but this is not working with title.

    Merry Xmas! Thanks for your support again

  • Failed pushes never dispatch to the hook URL

    Failed pushes never dispatch to the hook URL

    Hey, I did have some failed push notifications:

    time="2019/12/21 - 02:40:12" level=error msg="| failed-push | android [**********Y:xxxxxxxxxx.....**********] | <MESSAGE> | Error Message: unregistered device"

    And I did set the env vars GORUSH_CORE_SYNC as false and the GORUSH_CORE_FEEDBACK_HOOK_URL with the API hook URL, but the failed event is never dispatched to my hook API. Do I need to configure another stuff?

  • Error on init, not respecting enable option

    Error on init, not respecting enable option


    I'm new to the program but I was trying to setup a simple POC. I'm using docker and mounting the config file from the host. I grabbed the config file from the example showed in this repo, but I'm getting this error: gorush | {"level":"fatal","msg":"Missing Huawei API Key","time":"2021-05-09T16:30:29Z"}

    I thought... okay fair enough I didn't configure any API Key for Huawei, so I went to my config file and disable huawei:

      enabled: false
      appsecret: "1234"
      appid: "1234"
      max_retry: 0 # resend fail notification, default value zero is disabled

    Re-create the container and still getting same problem. I have the feeling that it ignored completely the enabled option. I also tried to remove completely the section without much luck.

    Any help will be appreciated if this is not a bug (which I believe it is) 🙃

  • POST api/push result success but no push notification send

    POST api/push result success but no push notification send

    i was test with command : gorush -ios -m="xx" -t="xxx" -i="xxx" push notificaiton was sent success and display on device DEBU[2017/03/01 - 07:22:14] Start push notification for iOS INFO[2017/03/01 - 07:22:14] | succeeded-push | ios [5441204dd930405440733e8821d425262e16414dc7d8] test

    but when i try to use web api. it result success but do not got any notificaiton on device. { "success": "ok" }

    log: INFO[2017/03/01 - 07:27:42] | header | POST /api/push application/x-www-form-urlencoded Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36 [GIN] 2017/03/01 - 07:27:42 | 200 | 215.432µs | | POST /api/push

  • Sudden drop in throughput

    Sudden drop in throughput

    Hi. We just started testing the Gorush, and faced with a weird issue: sometimes it works well and sends about 5.000 pushes. Then it drops the speed to the about 50-80 messages/sec. Any ideas why this can happen? Logs are clear (only the BadDevideToken happens, but that's from Apple and seems to be a "valid error"). The same history using any redis or memory backends.


  • Android Notifications

    Android Notifications

    When using the cli tool I get

    GCM server error: error sending request to GCM HTTP server: error unmarshaling json from body: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value

    Does anybody has the same issue?

  • Concurrent ios pushes

    Concurrent ios pushes

    Runs client.Push concurrently for iOS pushes, drastically increases performance of gorush. I have tested this along with ensuring logs are return in sync mode and that retries are made. It all seems ok. (Although maybe Im missing something??)

    Resolves (hopefully) #470

  • Expand environment variables in yaml

    Expand environment variables in yaml

    We meet again @appleboy 😄 Thanks for writing this server!

    This PR adds the capability to expand environment variables in the YAML config e.g

      port: "${GORUSH_PORT}"

    This is similar to how docker-compose allows it This should also address the request at #180

  • Not working IOS push notifications when failed push

    Not working IOS push notifications when failed push

    When sending a push notification to IOS, the request hangs and there is no response, it does not write logs and does not help in sync: true. In v1.11.2 release it is OK!

  • Always response count is 0 in latest verison

    Always response count is 0 in latest verison

    Hi, @appleboy I am trying to use latest version. but it is not working fine as like older version.

      "notifications": [
          "tokens": ["11671c2e7da3***********e37ba5d3e6a617be"],
          "platform": 1,
          "message": "Hello World",

    Response is always like this.

        "counts": 0,
        "logs": [],
        "success": "ok"

    I set already "sync" by "true" in config.yml. I checked latest version(Mac&Windows version) with latest config.yml style. but as you can see it is not working correctly, My test older version(1.7.4) is working fine. What is the issue?

  • Segmentation fault in boltdb

    Segmentation fault in boltdb

    It seems like my gorush instance fails with a segmentation fault in boltdb related code. It happens right after I trigger a notification to a iOS device. I suspect it's happening because the permissions to access the bolt.db database file are not correct. When I change the permissions back I am able to send notifications correctly.

    Here is the stacktrace of the error:

    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x40 pc=0x9eb916]
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: goroutine 13 [running]:
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: github.com/appleboy/gorush/vendor/github.com/asdine/storm.(*DB).Get(0x0, 0xc4201b70da, 0x6, 0xb7b660, 0xc4209873b0, 0xb52bc0, 0xc4209873a0, 0xc420988ba0, 0xc4201191d8)
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: /srv/app/src/github.com/appleboy/gorush/vendor/github.com/asdine/storm/storm.go:142 +0x26
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: github.com/appleboy/gorush/storage/boltdb.(*Storage).getBoltDB(0xc4201778c0, 0xcc47ef, 0x18, 0xc4209873a0)
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: /srv/app/src/github.com/appleboy/gorush/storage/boltdb/boltdb.go:51 +0x10d
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: github.com/appleboy/gorush/storage/boltdb.(*Storage).GetIosSuccess(0xc4201778c0, 0xc42097ec40)
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: /srv/app/src/github.com/appleboy/gorush/storage/boltdb/boltdb.go:96 +0x66
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: github.com/appleboy/gorush/storage/boltdb.(*Storage).AddIosSuccess(0xc4201778c0, 0x1)
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: /srv/app/src/github.com/appleboy/gorush/storage/boltdb/boltdb.go:63 +0x2b
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: github.com/appleboy/gorush/gorush.PushToIOS(0xc42003c780, 0x1, 0x4, 0x1, 0xc4200ec760, 0x14, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: /srv/app/src/github.com/appleboy/gorush/gorush/notification.go:442 +0x76a
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: github.com/appleboy/gorush/gorush.startWorker()
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: /srv/app/src/github.com/appleboy/gorush/gorush/notification.go:231 +0x104
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: created by github.com/appleboy/gorush/gorush.InitWorkers
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify gorush[3824]: /srv/app/src/github.com/appleboy/gorush/gorush/notification.go:222 +0x1da
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify systemd[1]: gorush.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
    Jun 22 15:06:48 notify systemd[1]: Unit gorush.service entered failed state.
  • chore(deps): Bump github.com/mattn/go-isatty from 0.0.16 to 0.0.17

    chore(deps): Bump github.com/mattn/go-isatty from 0.0.16 to 0.0.17

    Bumps github.com/mattn/go-isatty from 0.0.16 to 0.0.17.


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • Impact of the increasing core.worker_num

    Impact of the increasing core.worker_num

    Hello, @appleboy as you know that by default core.worker_num is equal to runtime.NumCPU(). What is the impact on performance and cpu usage if we increase this more.

  • How to use gorush on AWS Lambda with custom environment configuration

    How to use gorush on AWS Lambda with custom environment configuration

    Hi Appleboy ,

    I already deploy go lambda function to AWS, but I cannot send iOS push and Android push with my Android_API_Key and iOS certificate, Can you share Lambda how to use custom environment configuration. 截圖 2022-08-24 14 31 40

  • Web hook security issue

    Web hook security issue

    Webhooks need to have some kind of protection otherwise, anyone on the internet can call them.

    It would be great if the server when triggering the hook could send a custom header with a custom value, so we know that the hook is triggered by the real server.

  • Notification Issue

    Notification Issue


    My Development System is Apple M1 chip.

    I have a react native application which supports both Android & IOS notification. Currently I am using firebase to send notification to my device android & IOS device.

    Now I am willing to integrate your code, So I have followed the steps you provided on the document

    1. git clone https://github.com/appleboy/gorush.git
    2. cd gorush
    3. go install

    Added PATH variables also to run "go"

    After the steps, I ran the command to check the server is working or not .


    And check the default api in safari browser

    Screenshot 2022-05-19 at 4 17 10 PM

    Now, I wan to change config.yml file with my API KEY android, so I modified the file (project directory/config/testdata/config.yml).

    Close all the terminal, Reopen the server and checking status in browser. Finally I ran the push api in postman with body content.

    Screenshot 2022-05-19 at 4 20 56 PM

    But notification is not received on my device, if I am using firebase to send push, it will receive.

    Can you please help to move further.

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