An idiomatic Go query builder for ElasticSearch


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A non-obtrusive, idiomatic and easy-to-use query and aggregation builder for the official Go client for ElasticSearch.

Table of Contents


esquery alleviates the need to use extremely nested maps (map[string]interface{}) and serializing queries to JSON manually. It also helps eliminating common mistakes such as misspelling query types, as everything is statically typed.

Using esquery can make your code much easier to write, read and maintain, and significantly reduce the amount of code you write. Wanna know how much code you'll save? just check this project's tests.


This is an early release, API may still change.


esquery is a Go module. To install, simply run this in your project's root directory:

go get


esquery provides a method chaining-style API for building and executing queries and aggregations. It does not wrap the official Go client nor does it require you to change your existing code in order to integrate the library. Queries can be directly built with esquery, and executed by passing an *elasticsearch.Client instance (with optional search parameters). Results are returned as-is from the official client (e.g. *esapi.Response objects).

Getting started is extremely simple:

package main

import (


func main() {
    // connect to an ElasticSearch instance
    es, err := elasticsearch.NewDefaultClient()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed creating client: %s", err)

    // run a boolean search query
    res, err := esquery.Search().
                Must(esquery.Term("title", "Go and Stuff")).
                Filter(esquery.Term("tag", "tech")),
            esquery.Avg("average_score", "score"),
            esquery.Max("max_score", "score"),
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("Failed searching for stuff: %s", err)

    defer res.Body.Close()

    // ...


  • esquery currently supports version 7 of the ElasticSearch Go client.
  • The library cannot currently generate "short queries". For example, whereas ElasticSearch can accept this:
{ "query": { "term": { "user": "Kimchy" } } }

The library will always generate this:

{ "query": { "term": { "user": { "value": "Kimchy" } } } }

This is also true for queries such as "bool", where fields like "must" can either receive one query object, or an array of query objects. esquery will generate an array even if there's only one query object.


Supported Queries

The following queries are currently supported:

ElasticSearch DSL esquery Function
"match" Match()
"match_bool_prefix" MatchBoolPrefix()
"match_phrase" MatchPhrase()
"match_phrase_prefix" MatchPhrasePrefix()
"match_all" MatchAll()
"match_none" MatchNone()
"multi_match" MultiMatch()
"exists" Exists()
"fuzzy" Fuzzy()
"ids" IDs()
"prefix" Prefix()
"range" Range()
"regexp" Regexp()
"term" Term()
"terms" Terms()
"terms_set" TermsSet()
"wildcard" Wildcard()
"bool" Bool()
"boosting" Boosting()
"constant_score" ConstantScore()
"dis_max" DisMax()

Supported Aggregations

The following aggregations are currently supported:

ElasticSearch DSL esquery Function
"avg" Avg()
"weighted_avg" WeightedAvg()
"cardinality" Cardinality()
"max" Max()
"min" Min()
"sum" Sum()
"value_count" ValueCount()
"percentiles" Percentiles()
"stats" Stats()
"string_stats" StringStats()
"top_hits" TopHits()
"terms" TermsAgg()

Supported Top Level Options

The following top level options are currently supported:

ElasticSearch DSL esquery.Search Function
"highlight" Highlight()
"explain" Explain()
"from" From()
"postFilter" PostFilter()
"query" Query()
"aggs" Aggs()
"size" Size()
"sort" Sort()
"source" SourceIncludes(), SourceExcludes()
"timeout" Timeout()

Custom Queries and Aggregations

To execute an arbitrary query or aggregation (including those not yet supported by the library), use the CustomQuery() or CustomAgg() functions, respectively. Both accept any map[string]interface{} value.


This library is distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.

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  • Features: SearchAfter、Term Aggregation Order、Aggregation  Include Filter Values

    Features: SearchAfter、Term Aggregation Order、Aggregation Include Filter Values

    Add some features base on

    SearchAfter: Term Aggregation Order: Aggregation Include Filter:

  • FEATURE: boost support for match statement.

    FEATURE: boost support for match statement.


    I was wondering, why there is no ability to pass boost in match statement, however it is available for bool and term statements. So I decided to add this behavior.


    In this pr I added support for boost inside match statement to omit overcomplicating queries, I also opened related issue and added some examples there.

    Related links

    See related issue by following link.

  • Add support for the

    Add support for the "Delete by Query" API

    This commit adds support for ElasticSearch's Delete by Query API. Usage is very similar to that of Search and Count requests:

        Index("index_1, "index_2").
  • Support _source, sort and post_filter in search requests

    Support _source, sort and post_filter in search requests

    This PR adds the ability to use the "sort", "_source" and "post_filter" attributes in search requests, via the new methods Sort, SourceIncludes and SourceExcludes.

    For example:

                Sort("field_1", esquery.OrderAsc).
                Sort("field_2", esquery.OrderDesc).
                SourceIncludes("field_1", "field_2").
  • Sort support

    Sort support


    First thanks for creating this package. Its coming at a good time because I need a flexible query builder given criteria user's input and I found your package was just released.

    One feature I think I need is the ability to sort fields. Looking at the package docs I don't see how I can do that. Would this be a feature you'd consider adding?

    Here are the ES docs:


  • Add support for Count requests

    Add support for Count requests

    This commit adds initial support for Count requests, which are simple search requests asking to get the number of matches for a query.

    The functionality is provided by the Count() function, which accepts a query object (implementing the Mappable interface), and can be executed just like a search request.

    res, err := esquery.
        Count(esquery.Match("user", "someone")).
  • Add Search() function, two new aggregations

    Add Search() function, two new aggregations

    This commit implements a Search() function, which allow for running search requests with both a query and aggregations. This function is meant to more accurately implement the structure of search requests accepted by ElasticSearch's Search API.

    The Query() and Aggregate() functions are still included by the library, but now simply call Search() internally, making them simple shortcuts.

    Two new aggregations are also added: "terms" and "top_hits". These are implemented a bit differently than previously implemented ones. The structs and methods for ElasticSearch queries and aggregations will eventually be auto-generated from a specification file, and will look more like the new implementations of these new aggregations.

  • Add documentation, fix small bugs, improve CustomQuery

    Add documentation, fix small bugs, improve CustomQuery

    This commit performs the following modifications:

    • The library is properly documented in Godoc format.

    • The CustomQuery function is made to be a bit more versatile by allowing it to also be used standalone (i.e. instead of passing a CustomQuery as a parameter to the Query function, they now have their own Run method).

    • Queries and aggregations can now also be executed using the RunSearch method. This method is the same as the Run method, except that instead of an *elasticSearch.Client value, it accepts an esapi.Search value. This is provided for consuming code that needs to implement mock clients of ElasticSearch (e.g. for test purposes). The ElasticSearch client does not provide an interface type describing its API, so its Search function (which is actually a field of a function type) can be used instead.

    • Bugfix: the CustomAgg function was unusable as it did not accept a name parameter and thus did not implement the Aggregation interface.

    • Bugfix: the enumeration types are rewritten according to Go standards, and the RangeRelation type's default value is now empty.

    • The golint and godox linters are added.

  • Bugfix: Run() fails for queries, add MarshalJSON()

    Bugfix: Run() fails for queries, add MarshalJSON()

    The Run() method on the QueryRequest type would fail, since it would encode the inner body of the query to JSON and not the complete, outer body (i.e. including the "body: {}" portion).

    The commit also adds MarshalJSON() methods to both QueryRequest and AggregationRequest, allowing them to implement the json.Marshaller interface, and providing easier debugging of the library. A test skeleton for this is also added.

  • Support Elasticsearch v8

    Support Elasticsearch v8

    Hello. I propose to support elasticsearch v8. What do you think about renaming module and support tags such as

  • How to use nested query filter?

    How to use nested query filter?

    Hi all,

    how to make nested query filtering parent based on nested child object, also filter the child to, something query like this?

        "query": {
            "bool": {
                "must": [
                        "range": {
                            "date": {
                                "lt": "2018-07-05T10:00:00.000Z"
                        "nested": {
                            "path": "child",
                            "query": {
                                "bool": {
                                    "must_not": {
                                        "term": {
                                            "": 0

    thank in advice

  • Consider support/compatibilty for Opensearch

    Consider support/compatibilty for Opensearch

    This library currently depends on go-elasticsearch to implement some of the Search functionality. Without getting into a discussion on the opensearch/elasticsearch fork, what this libary accomplishes with the the query builder component is amazing! Makes writing queries so much better.

    As a user of opensearch, I'd like to be able to continue to use esquery's Query builder.

    Currently while I can accomplish this (code below) I suspect later updates may break it. I'd like to open a discussion on potentially maintaining this feature. I noticed Query returns a full Search object when it's marshaled into JSON, currently this seems to be overridden by the opensearch client/backend. But it'd be great if the integration was a bit cleaner.

    client, err := opensearch.NewDefaultClient()
    query := esquery.Query(
    searchResponse, err := client.Search(

    Thank you for such a great library.

  • Support query string query

    Support query string query

    Hello, Would it be possible to support a query string query with required must fields? References:

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