Notifications for Argo CD


Argo CD Notifications

Argo CD Notifications continuously monitors Argo CD applications and provides a flexible way to notify users about important changes in the applications state. The project includes a bundle of useful built-in triggers and notification templates, integrates with various notification services such as Slack, SMTP, Opsgenie, Telegram and anything else using custom webhooks.


Why use Argo CD Notifications?

The Argo CD Notifications is not the only way to monitor Argo CD application. You might leverage Prometheus metrics and Grafana Alerts or projects like bitnami-labs/kubewatch and argo-kube-notifier. The advantage of Argo CD Notifications is that it is focused on Argo CD use cases and ultimately provides a better user experience.


Go to the complete documentation to learn more.

  • notification service 'teams' is not supported

    notification service 'teams' is not supported" Error

    level=info msg="Trigger on-sync-succeeded result: [{[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0 [app-sync-succeeded] true}]" app=argocd/prometheus time="2021-04-08T14:38:31Z" level=info msg="Sending notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' to '{teams channelName}'" app=argocd/prometheus time="2021-04-08T14:38:31Z" level=error msg="Failed to notify recipient {teams channelName} defined in app argocd/prometheus: notification service 'teams' is not supported" app=argocd/prometheus

    I did install the latest release

  • repo.GetAppDetails() is not working with name/fullnameOverride

    repo.GetAppDetails() is not working with name/fullnameOverride


    When used {{(call repo.GetAppDetails).Type}} inside template

    msg="Failed to notify recipient {slack template} defined in app redacted/redacted template: app-sync-running:23:17: executing \"app-sync-running\" at <call .repo.GetAppDetails>: error calling call: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing dial tcp: lookup argocd-repo-server on no such host\"" app=redacted/redacted


    I am deploying argo cd + notifications with helm chart with fullnameOverride. argocd-repo-server exists, but named cd-repo-server

    Message from the maintainers:

    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.

  • Failed to notify recipient for Slack/telegram/email please help me to setup

    Failed to notify recipient for Slack/telegram/email please help me to setup

    1. For Slack I got app token, and have a private channel, but bot is not a member, maybe this is a reason.
    2. For Telegram I created private channel and made my bot an admin. Switched to public - still the same.
    3. not anymore I don't get why * notification service 'email' is not supported* I used the Templates from the catalog

    Install Argo CD Notifications

    kubectl apply -n argocd -f

    Install Triggers and Templates from the catalog

    kubectl apply -n argocd -f

    Register notification services

    $ kubectl -n argocd patch secret argocd-notifications-secret --patch-file argocd-notifications-secret.yaml 
    secret/argocd-notifications-secret patched
    $ kubectl -n argocd patch cm argocd-notifications-cm --patch-file argocd-notifications-cm.yaml 
    configmap/argocd-notifications-cm patched

    Subscribe to notifications

    by adding the annotation to the Argo CD application or project:

    kubectl patch app ppserver -n argocd -p '{"metadata": {"annotations": {"":"Argo Cd Notifications", "":"phoenix-argo"}}}' --type merge
    kubectl patch app ppserver -n argocd -p '{"metadata": {"annotations": {"":"[email protected]"}}}' --type merge


    time="2021-03-09T16:02:21Z" level=info msg="Sending notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' to '{email [email protected]}'" app=argocd/ppserver
    time="2021-03-09T16:02:21Z" level=error msg="Failed to notify recipient {email [email protected]} defined in app argocd/ppserver: notification service 'email' is not supported" app=argocd/ppserver
    time="2021-03-09T16:02:21Z" level=info msg="Sending notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' to '{slack phoenix-argo}'" app=argocd/ppserver
    time="2021-03-09T16:02:21Z" level=error msg="Failed to notify recipient {slack phoenix-argo} defined in app argocd/ppserver: channel_not_found" app=argocd/ppserver
    time="2021-03-09T16:02:21Z" level=info msg="Sending notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' to '{telegram Argo Cd Notifications}'" app=argocd/ppserver
    time="2021-03-09T16:02:21Z" level=error msg="Failed to notify recipient {telegram Argo Cd Notifications} defined in app argocd/ppserver: Bad Request: chat not found" app=argocd/ppserver

    UPD 2021-mar-10 I go with default-subscriptions

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: argocd-notifications-cm
      service.slack: |
        token: $slack-token
        username: Argo CD # optional username
        icon: # optional icon for the message (supports both emoij and url notation)
      service.telegram: |
        token: $telegram-token |
        username: $email-username
        password: $email-password
        port: 465
        from: $email-username
      subscriptions: |
        - recipients:
          - slack:phoenix-argo
          - email:[email protected]
          - telegram:Argo Cd Notifications
          - on-sync-status-unknown
          - on-sync-failed
          - on-health-degraded
          - on-deployed
          - on-sync-succeeded


    time="2021-03-10T15:22:45Z" level=error msg="Failed to notify recipient {slack phoenix-argo} defined in app argocd/ingress-controller: channel_not_found" app=argocd/ingress-controller
    time="2021-03-10T15:22:45Z" level=error msg="Failed to notify recipient {email [email protected]} defined in app argocd/ingress-controller: 534 5.7.9 Application-specific password required. Learn more at\n5.7.9 XXXXXXXXXX- gsmtp" app=argocd/ingress-controller
    time="2021-03-10T15:22:45Z" level=error msg="Failed to notify recipient {telegram Argo Cd Notifications} defined in app argocd/ingress-controller: Bad Request: chat not found" app=argocd/ingress-controller

    what to do next?

    • gmail 2FA not let me send, ok
    • slack: I am not an admin, TL installed bot @phoenixargo in this channel. As I can see message is added an integration to this channel: phoenix-argo. @phoenixargo has chat:write, chat:write.customize scopes.
    • phoenix-argo is private
    • telegram - same chat not found by its name "Argo Cd Notifications"
    • Argo Cd Notifications is public channel, bot is admin there.
  • Slack notifications with ApplicationSet controller

    Slack notifications with ApplicationSet controller


    I've added the notification platform-activity to the template section of the ApplicationSet definition. On sync it started bombing my Slack with duplicated notifications. On the ArgoCD GUI I noticed the annotations for the selected Application been updated all the time with something like notification already sent, then this notification disappeared, then another Slack nmessage arrived, annotation updated and disappeared again and again.

    The AppSet config looks like

    kind: ApplicationSet
      name: the-cluster
        - git:
            repoURL: [email protected]:company/the-cluster.git
            revision: HEAD
              - path: apps/*
          name: "{{path.basename}}"
          project: default
            repoURL: [email protected]:company/the-cluster.git
            targetRevision: HEAD
            path: "{{path}}"
            server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
            namespace: "{{path.basename}}"


    What Kubernetes provider are you using?

    • Latest available on Azure AKS

    What version of Argo CD and Argo CD Notifications are you running?

    • Argo CD 2.0
    • Argo CD Notifications v1.0.2
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Trigger on-sync-succeeded result: [{[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0 [app-sync-succeeded] true}]" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Sending notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' to '{slack platform-activity}'" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Processing completed" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Start processing" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Trigger on-sync-succeeded result: [{[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0 [app-sync-succeeded] true}]" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Sending notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' to '{slack platform-activity}'" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Processing completed" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Start processing" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Trigger on-sync-succeeded result: [{[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0 [app-sync-succeeded] true}]" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' already sent to '{slack platform-activity}'" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Processing completed" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Start processing" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Trigger on-sync-succeeded result: [{[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0 [app-sync-succeeded] true}]" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' already sent to '{slack platform-activity}'" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:28:58Z" level=info msg="Processing completed" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Start processing" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Trigger on-sync-succeeded result: [{[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0 [app-sync-succeeded] true}]" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Sending notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' to '{slack platform-activity}'" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Processing completed" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Start processing" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Trigger on-sync-succeeded result: [{[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0 [app-sync-succeeded] true}]" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Sending notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' to '{slack platform-activity}'" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Processing completed" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Start processing" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Trigger on-sync-succeeded result: [{[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0 [app-sync-succeeded] true}]" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' already sent to '{slack platform-activity}'" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Processing completed" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Start processing" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Trigger on-sync-succeeded result: [{[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0 [app-sync-succeeded] true}]" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' already sent to '{slack platform-activity}'" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:00Z" level=info msg="Processing completed" app=argocd/queuemeter
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:03Z" level=info msg="Start processing" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:03Z" level=info msg="Trigger on-sync-succeeded result: [{[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0 [app-sync-succeeded] true}]" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:03Z" level=info msg="Notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' already sent to '{slack platform-activity}'" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:03Z" level=info msg="Processing completed" app=argocd/ops
    time="2021-04-28T16:29:03Z" level=info msg="Start processing" app=argocd/ops

    Message from the maintainers:

    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.

  • fix : support HTTP proxy

    fix : support HTTP proxy

    Fixes #42

    Configure the http client in the slackNotifier with the default transport settings.

    It's better not to lose the default transport settings when configuring http.Client, because, without default transport settings, we cannot use a proxy to post messages to slack.

    Thanks :)

  • Support sending the generic webhook request.

    Support sending the generic webhook request.

    Support sending the generic HTTP request with the ability to generate request body using a template. This feature allows provides a way to quickly integrate notification service that does not have first-class support.

    The notification service is not necessary to send messages to a human. It might be Jenkins webhook that triggers a post-deployment test.

    The argocd-notifications-secret allows defining named webhooks under new webhooks field. Each webhook has the url and optional list of headers.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: argocd-notifications-secret
      notifiers.yaml: |
          - name: jenkins
            url: https://my-jenkins/webhook
              - name: Authorization
                value: <secret-value-here>
    type: Opaque

    The webhook can be referenced using webhook:<name> in annotation:

      annotations: webhook:jenkins

    The notification template should have the webhook field that allows specifying request method and body.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: argocd-notifications-cm
          - name: jenkins-webhook
                method: POST # optional, POST is default value
                body: | {
                      "test": "test"
  • Annotation greater than 63 characters

    Annotation greater than 63 characters


    I've created a webhook that seems to surpassed the 63 char limit on annotations.

    How do I go about referencing my template without breaking Kubernetes?

    I find it interesting as even would break this.

    Is there a different way to specify this in the Application CRD?

  • I get this log message: `notification service 'slack' is not supported`

    I get this log message: `notification service 'slack' is not supported`

    Hi, I hope you are doing well. I am experimenting argocd-notification on an EKS cluster. I use argocd v1.8.7+eb3d1fb and argocd-notification v1.0.2

    I am trying to get notification sent to my company's slack workspace I have registered a slack application according to and the app is registered to my targeted channel

    I have then configured the argocd-notifications-cm config map and the argocd-notifications-secret and registered my argo application to send notification when on-sync-succeeded.

    When I sync my app, I don't get notification in slack. Looking at the log of the pod argocd-notifications-controller-***** I see this message:

    time="2021-03-31T08:02:07Z" level=info msg="Sending notification about condition 'on-sync-succeeded.[0].zxM90Et6k4Elb1-fHdjtDJq0xR0' to '{slack tc-jenkins-aws}'" app=argocd/cloudy-emily-dev
    time="2021-03-31T08:02:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to notify recipient {slack tc-jenkins-aws} defined in app argocd/cloudy-emily-dev: notification service 'slack' is not supported" app=argocd/cloudy-emily-dev

    If I execute this command on the pod: argocd-notifications-controller, I get an error, but I check my yaml files for the ConfigMap and the Secret and they look valid.

    $kubectl -n argocd  exec -it argocd-notifications-controller-84ccc64f96-pf42v \
    >   /app/argocd-notifications trigger get
    kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead.
    failed to parse config: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 2: did not find expected '-' indicator

    Can you help me figure out what I did wrong? Thanks in advance for your help

  • I have a question about setting up slack in argocd-notifications-secret's notifiers.yaml.

    I have a question about setting up slack in argocd-notifications-secret's notifiers.yaml.

    Hello! 😃

    I am very interested in your work. I've been waiting for the notification feature on the Argo CD. Thank you for your works!

    Back to the point, so I tried to test your project right away. Back to the point So I tried to test your project right away.

    But setting up Slack is too difficult. I'm wonder that what tokens does mean in the documentation? How can I find this token?

    Please Let me know. Thank you.

  • Could not create directory '/home/argocd/.ssh' when using .repo.GetCommitMetadata

    Could not create directory '/home/argocd/.ssh' when using .repo.GetCommitMetadata


    I'm unable to produce notifications using repo calls (like .repo.GetCommitMetadata e.g) - it worked single time (and once only) and since then every other try ends with error:

    argocd-notifications-controller-7df6c975f5-qlcm7 argocd-notifications-controller time="2021-11-25T19:58:17Z" level=error msg="Failed to notify recipient {slack argocd-all-alerts} defined in resource argocd/argo-config: template: app-deployed:18:18: executing \"app-deployed\" at <call .repo.GetCommitMetadata .app.status.sync.revision>: error calling call: rpc error: code = Internal desc = Failed to fetch 54bbb5a4c68cabd9f5162179a5512edbb241affb:git fetch origin --tags --forcefailed exit status 128: Could not create directory '/home/argocd/.ssh' (Read-only file system).\r\nFailed to add the ECDSA host key for IP address '51.68.x.xx' to the list of known hosts (/home/argocd/.ssh/known_hosts).\r\[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey).\r\nfatal: Could not read from remote repository.\n\nPlease make sure you have the correct access rights\nand the repository exists." resource=argocd/argo-config

    I've added our private gitlab instance ssh certs by: ssh-keyscan | argocd cert add-ssh --batch

    and cert are there which I can view by: argocd cert list --cert-type ssh

    Before I did that (add certs) other error was present - about host being not know. After certs were added I was able to successfully produce notification using .repo calls once (pic) and that's it - every other try ends with above error.



    What Kubernetes provider are you using? GCP GKE - v1.21.5-gke.1802

    What version of Argo CD and Argo CD Notifications are you running? Argo CD v2.1.7+a408e2 Argo CD notifications: v.1.2.0

    # Paste the logs from the notification controller
    already pasted above
    <!-- Issue Author: Don't delete this message to encourage other users to support your issue! -->
    **Message from the maintainers**:
    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.
  • oncePer option bug

    oncePer option bug

    Hi,All, i have issue with duplicate notifications, i am getting for each commit notification twice I am using oncePer option, but i have no affect to problem. Also this my configuration of trigger

      trigger.on-sync-running: |
        - when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Running']
          oncePer: app.status.sync.revision
          description: Application is being synced
          send: [app-sync-running]
      trigger.on-sync-succeeded: |
        - description: Application syncing has succeeded
          oncePer: app.status.sync.revision
          - app-sync-succeeded
          when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Succeeded'] and == 'Healthy'

    And for debug i changed template to

          Debug: {{html}}  {{html .app.status.operationState.syncResult.revision}} {{html .app.status.sync.revision}}

    And i received this messages 2 notifications in telegram for on-sync-running, as i see oncePer option wasnt worked

    Debug: develop-devops-loki  <no value> 35f3d95bdfe235ebfc9e736fa2ebb0945d6edfa9
    Debug: develop-devops-loki  <no value> 35f3d95bdfe235ebfc9e736fa2ebb0945d6edfa9

    And duplicate message for on-sync-succeeded

    Debug: develop-devops-loki  35f3d95bdfe235ebfc9e736fa2ebb0945d6edfa9 35f3d95bdfe235ebfc9e736fa2ebb0945d6edfa9
    Debug: develop-devops-loki  35f3d95bdfe235ebfc9e736fa2ebb0945d6edfa9 35f3d95bdfe235ebfc9e736fa2ebb0945d6edfa9
  • Should make argocd-notifications-secret to an optional argument

    Should make argocd-notifications-secret to an optional argument


    For webhooks that do not use secrets(like discord), the notification controller should not detect the existence of argocd-notifications-secret


    My environment: EKS 1.22 Argocd v2.4.11+3d9e9f2 Argocd notifications v1.2.1

    This is the log without argocd-notifications-secret applied

    time="2022-09-08T14:01:23Z" level=info msg="Start processing" resource=argocd/app
    time="2022-09-08T14:01:23Z" level=error msg="Failed to process: secret \"argocd-notifications-secret\" not found" resource=argocd/app

    After adding a empty secret

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: argocd-notifications-secret
    type: Opaque

    The controller is available immediately

    time="2022-09-08T14:01:23Z" level=info msg="Start processing" resource=argocd/app
    time="2022-09-08T14:01:23Z" level=info msg="Processing skipped: sync status out of date" resource=argocd/app

    I have just used argocd for a short time, so please correct me if my description is technically incorrect.

    Message from the maintainers:

    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.

  • get triggerName in template

    get triggerName in template


    I'm configuring a webhook-forwarder layer for multiple sources and multiple targets.

    so, I made all triggers use same template like this. |
            method: POST
            body: |-
                "app": {
                  "metadata": {
                    "name": "{{}}"
                  "status": {
                    "health": {
                      "status": "{{}}"
                    "operationState": {
                      "operation": {
                        "sync": {
                          "revision": "{{.app.status.operationState.operation.sync.revision}}"
                      "finishedAt": "{{.app.status.operationState.finishedAt}}",
                      "message": "{{.app.status.operationState.message}}",
                      "phase": "{{.app.status.operationState.phase}}"
                    "sync": {
                      "status": "{{.app.status.sync.status}}",
                      "revision": "{{.app.status.sync.revision}}"
                    "conditions": [
                      {{range $index, $c := .app.status.conditions}}
                      {{if ne $index 0}},{{end}}
                        "type": "{{$c.type}}",
                        "message": "{{$c.message}}"
                "context": {
                  "argocdUrl": "{{.context.argocdUrl}}"
      trigger.on-deployed:  |
        - when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Succeeded'] and == 'Healthy'
          oncePer: app.status.sync.revision
          send: [app-common]
      trigger.on-health-degraded: |
        - when: == 'Degraded'
          send: [app-common]
      trigger.on-sync-failed: |
        - when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Error', 'Failed']
          send: [app-common]
      trigger.on-sync-running: |
        - when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Running']
          send: [app-common]
      trigger.on-sync-status-unknown: |
        - when: app.status.sync.status == 'Unknown'
          send: [app-common]
      trigger.on-sync-succeeded: |
        - when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Succeeded']
          send: [app-common]

    but, in template cannot figure out that what trigger is triggering the webhook.

    I want to get trigger name in template something like this.. |
            method: POST
            body: |-
                "app": {
                  "metadata": {
                    "name": "{{}}",
                    "trigger": "{{.triggerName}}" // on-sync-failed, on-sync-succeeded ....

    Use Cases

    this feature will be useful when managing a custom webhook template.

    Message from the maintainers:

    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.

  • ArgoCD Email on-health-degraded does not work

    ArgoCD Email on-health-degraded does not work


    Hi team, argocd does not send an email when the health of the application degrades. However it can still send an email on sync success.


    What Kubernetes provider are you using? Google Cloud Platform

    What version of Argo CD and Argo CD Notifications are you running?

    argocd: v2.3.4+ac8b7df
      BuildDate: 2022-05-18T13:06:25Z
      GitCommit: ac8b7df9467ffcc0920b826c62c4b603a7bfed24
      GitTreeState: clean
      GoVersion: go1.17.9
      Compiler: gc
      Platform: linux/amd64
    argocd-server: v2.4.0+91aefab
      BuildDate: 2022-06-10T17:23:37Z
      GitCommit: 91aefabc5b213a258ddcfe04b8e69bb4a2dd2566
      GitTreeState: clean
      GoVersion: go1.18.3
      Compiler: gc
      Platform: linux/amd64
      Kustomize Version: v4.4.1 2021-11-11T23:36:27Z
      Helm Version: v3.8.1+g5cb9af4
      Kubectl Version: v0.23.1
      Jsonnet Version: v0.18.0

    Config map

     trigger.on-health-degraded: |
        - description: Application has degraded
          - app-health-degraded
          when: == 'Degraded'
    // No output
    kubectl logs argocd-notifications-controller-69bf646f87-mzmqc -n argocd | grep 'Degraded'
    argo app list
    NAME                      CLUSTER                         NAMESPACE  PROJECT  STATUS   HEALTH    SYNCPOLICY  CONDITIONS  REPO                     PATH                                         TARGET
    sgdecoding-online-scaled  https://kubernetes.default.svc  production  default  Synced  Degraded  Auto-Prune  <none>      [email protected]:kaikiat/argo-project.git  /helm/sgdecoding-online-scaled  HEAD

    The health is degraded but no email is sent. I am wondering if anyone have any insights / solutions on this issue. Thank you !

    Message from the maintainers:

    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.

  • chore(deps): bump from 2.1.7 to 2.1.16

    chore(deps): bump from 2.1.7 to 2.1.16

    Bumps from 2.1.7 to 2.1.16.

    Release notes

    Sourced from's releases.


    Quick Start


    kubectl create namespace argocd
    kubectl apply -n argocd -f


    kubectl create namespace argocd
    kubectl apply -n argocd -f

    Security fixes

    Note: This will be the last security fix release in the 2.1.x series. Please upgrade to a newer minor version to continue to get security fixes.

    Potentially-breaking changes

    From the GHSA-2m7h-86qq-fp4v description:

    The patch introduces a new config parameter, which you should tune before upgrading in production. It caps the maximum total file size of .yaml/.yml/.json files in directory-type (raw manifest) Applications. The default max is 10M per Application. This max is designed to keep any single app from consuming more than 3G of memory in the repo-server (manifests consume more space in memory than on disk). The 300x ratio assumes a maliciously-crafted manifest file. If you only want to protect against accidental excessive memory use, it is probably safe to use a smaller ratio.

    If your organization uses directory-type Applications with very many manifests or very large manifests then check the size of those manifests and tune the config parameter before deploying this change to production. When testing, make sure to do a "hard refresh" in either the CLI or UI to test your directory-type App. That will make sure you're using the new max logic instead of relying on cached manifest responses from Redis.

    Bug fixes


    • test: directory app manifest generation (#9503)
    • test: fix erroneous test change
    • chore: eliminate go-mpatch dependency (#9045)
    • chore: Make unit tests run on platforms other than amd64 (#8995)
    • chore: remove obsolete repo-server unit test (#9559)
    • chore: upgrade golangci-lint to v1.46.2 (#9448)
    • chore: update golangci-lint (#8988)
    • test: fix ErrorContains (#9445)


    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from's changelog.


    v2.4.0 (Unreleased)

    Web Terminal In Argo CD UI

    Feature enables engineers to start a shell in the running application container without leaving the web interface. Just find the required Kubernetes Pod using the Application Details page, click on it and select the Terminal tab. The shell starts automatically and enables you to execute the required commands, and helps to troubleshoot the application state.

    Access Control For Pod Logs & Web Terminal

    Argo CD is used to manage the critical infrastructure of multiple organizations, which makes security the top priority of the project. We've listened to your feedback and introduced additional access control settings that control access to Kubernetes Pod logs and the new Web Terminal feature.

    Known UI Issue for Pod Logs Access

    Currently, upon pressing the "LOGS" tab in pod view by users who don't have an explicit allow get logs policy, the red "unable to load data: Internal error" is received in the bottom of the screen, and "Failed to load data, please try again" is displayed.

    OpenTelemetry Tracing Integration

    The new feature allows emitting richer telemetry data that might make identifying performance bottlenecks easier. The new feature is available for argocd-server and argocd-repo-server components and can be enabled using the --otlp-address flag.

    Power PC and IBM Z Support

    The list of supported architectures has been expanded, and now includes IBM Z (s390x) and PowerPC (ppc64le). Starting with the v2.4 release the official repository is going to have images for amd64, arm64, ppc64le, and s390x architectures.

    Other Notable Changes

    Overall v2.4 release includes more than 300 hundred commits from nearly 90 contributors. Here is a short sample of the contributions:

    • Enforce the deployment to remote clusters only
    • Native support of GCP authentication for GKE
    • Secured Redis connection
    • ApplicationSet Gitea support

    v2.3.3 (2022-03-29)

    • fix: prevent excessive repo-server disk usage for large repos (#8845) (#8897)
    • fix: Set QPS and burst rate for resource ops client (#8915)

    v2.3.2 (2022-03-22)

    • fix: application resource APIs must enforce project restrictions

    v2.3.1 (2022-03-10)

    ... (truncated)

    • 903db5f Bump version to 2.1.16
    • 1d26f44 Bump version to 2.1.16
    • e577e25 chore: fix docs gen
    • a92a153 Merge pull request from GHSA-jhqp-vf4w-rpwq
    • 45ddd05 Merge pull request from GHSA-q4w5-4gq2-98vm
    • 947bdd9 Merge pull request from GHSA-2m7h-86qq-fp4v
    • 4fd50ce Merge pull request from GHSA-h4w9-6x78-8vrj
    • 3fab7de fix: missing Helm params (#9565) (#9566)
    • 5e6b788 test: directory app manifest generation (#9503)
    • 26ac321 test: fix erroneous test change
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot use these labels will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use these reviewers will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use these assignees will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use this milestone will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language

    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

Argo CD ApplicationSet Controller

The ApplicationSet controller manages multiple Argo CD Applications as a single ApplicationSet unit, supporting deployments to large numbers of clusters, deployments of large monorepos, and enabling secure Application self-service.

Dec 14, 2022
Automatic container image update for Argo CD

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Dec 25, 2022
A Kubernetes operator for managing Argo CD clusters.

Argo CD Operator A Kubernetes operator for managing Argo CD clusters. Documentation See the documentation for installation and usage of the operator.

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Support for extending Argo CD

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Argo-CD Autopilot
Argo-CD Autopilot

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Jan 6, 2023
Hera is a Python framework for constructing and submitting Argo Workflows.

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A series of controllers for configuring namespaces to accomodate Argo

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Notifications for Argo CD
Notifications for Argo CD

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May 11, 2023
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A plugin for argo which behaves like I'd like

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Simple example using Git actions + Argo CD + K8S + Docker and GO lang

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Oct 28, 2021
Argo CD ApplicationSet Controller

The ApplicationSet controller manages multiple Argo CD Applications as a single ApplicationSet unit, supporting deployments to large numbers of clusters, deployments of large monorepos, and enabling secure Application self-service.

Dec 14, 2022
Automatic container image update for Argo CD

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Dec 25, 2022
A Kubernetes operator for managing Argo CD clusters.

Argo CD Operator A Kubernetes operator for managing Argo CD clusters. Documentation See the documentation for installation and usage of the operator.

Dec 14, 2022
Support for extending Argo CD

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Dec 20, 2022
Argo-CD Autopilot
Argo-CD Autopilot

Introduction New users to GitOps and Argo CD are not often sure how they should structure their repos, add applications, promote apps across environme

Jan 6, 2023
Hera is a Python framework for constructing and submitting Argo Workflows.

Hera is an Argo Workflows Python SDK. Hera aims to make workflow construction and submission easy and accessible to everyone! Hera abstracts away workflow setup details while still maintaining a consistent vocabulary with Argo Workflows.

Dec 31, 2022