:rocket: Instant live visualization of your Go application runtime statistics (GC, MemStats, etc.) in the browser

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Instant live visualization of your Go application runtime statistics (GC, MemStats, etc.).

  • Import "github.com/arl/statsviz"
  • Register statsviz HTTP handlers
  • Start your program
  • Open your browser at http://host:port/debug/statsviz
  • Enjoy...

How does it work?

What statsviz does is actually quite simple...

It's composed of 2 HTTP handlers.

When the first one is called(by default /debug/statsviz), it serves an html/js user interface showing some plots, initially empty, in your browser.

The browser then connects to statsviz second HTTP handler. The second one upgrades the connection to the websocket protocol and starts a goroutine that periodically calls runtime.ReadMemStats.

Stats are sent, via websocket, to the user interface, which inturn, updates the plots.

Stats are stored in-browser inside a circular buffer which keep tracks of 60 datapoints, so one minute-worth of data by default. You can change the frequency at which stats are sent by passing SendFrequency to Register.


go get -u github.com/arl/statsviz

Either Register statsviz HTTP handlers with the http.ServeMux you're using (preferred method):

mux := http.NewServeMux()

Or register them with the http.DefaultServeMux:


If your application is not already running an HTTP server, you need to start one. Add "net/http" and "log" to your imports and the following code to your main function:

go func() {
    log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil))

By default the handled path is /debug/statsviz/.

Then open your browser at http://localhost:6060/debug/statsviz/


Using http.DefaultServeMux:

Using your own http.ServeMux:

Serve statsviz on /foo/bar instead of default /debug/statsviz:

Serve on https (and wss for websocket):

With gorilla/mux router:

Using labstack/echo router:

With gin-gonic/gin web framework:

With go-chi/chi router:


On the plots where it matters, garbage collections are shown as vertical lines.


Heap plot image

MSpans / MCaches

MSpan/MCache plot image

Size classes heatmap

Size classes heatmap image


Objects plot image


Goroutines plot image

GC/CPU fraction

GC/CPU fraction plot image


Pull-requests are welcome! More details in CONTRIBUTING.md


  • add stop-the-world duration heatmap
  • increase data retention
  • light/dark mode selector
  • plot image export as png
  • save timeseries to disk
  • load from disk previously saved timeseries




Aurélien Rainone
Aurélien Rainone
  • Support fasthttp

    Support fasthttp

    Fixes #12

    The implementation of websocket module for fastthtp is different. So, changing sendStats to public. And added an example of a web framework fiber that uses fasthttp.

  • [go] add Custom metrics

    [go] add Custom metrics

    Thanks for this tool, it's really useful for debug.

    Could it be possible to add custom metrics and not only those expose by runtime?

    I'm developping an application and it exposes a lot of internal metrics.


  • Usage with fasthttp?

    Usage with fasthttp?

    Is it somehow possible to use this package with fasthttp as HTTP wrapper in combination with fasthttp-routing?

    Because I really like the project and really want to integrate it into one of my projects which bases on these packages.

  • [Bug] /debug/statsviz/tippy-bundle.umd.min.js.map 404

    [Bug] /debug/statsviz/tippy-bundle.umd.min.js.map 404

    /debug/statsviz/libs/js/tippy-bundle.umd.min.js.map 404 Not Found /debug/statsviz/libs/js/bootstrap-toggle.min.js.map 404 Not Found /debug/statsviz/libs/js/popper.min.js.map 404 Not Found /debug/statsviz/libs/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js.map 404 Not Found

  • On firefox, all graphs are in-line

    On firefox, all graphs are in-line


    I tested with Firefox (103.0.2 Arch Linux (64 bits)) and Chromium (104.0.5112.79 Arch Linux (64 bits)). It works perfectly with Chromium but in Firefox, the graphs are not "responsive" and end up in-line.

    Left - Firefox Right - Chromium


  • Added fixed go-chi example

    Added fixed go-chi example

    This fixes the example removed in #31

    For static files to be accessible, we need to register a catch-all route in go-chi: /debug/statsviz/*

    The statsviz GUI is now accessible via http://localhost:8080/debug/statsviz/

  • moving default basepath to var, convenience functions to change/creat…

    moving default basepath to var, convenience functions to change/creat…

    …e index

    hey - love the project. so, my own server has quite an extensive list of handlers, and I just want to put this under a deeper directory structure. actually, I just needed the NewIndex function, but i added the RootDir stuff in case it was useful.

  • [webpage] auto re-connect after restart server?

    [webpage] auto re-connect after restart server?

    the main process may be killed and then restarted while developing. but therefore the webpage stopped receiving metrics from the process? so can you please make the webpage reconnect the backend automatically after the restart?

  • server.freq not used

    server.freq not used

    func SendFrequency(freq time.Duration) OptionFunc {
    	return func(s *server) error {
    		s.freq = freq
    		return nil
    func sendStats(conn *websocket.Conn) error {
    	tick := time.NewTicker(defaultSendFrequency)
    	defer tick.Stop()
    	var stats stats
    	for {
    		select {
    		case <-tick.C:
    			stats.NumGoroutine = runtime.NumGoroutine()
    			if err := conn.WriteJSON(stats); err != nil {
    				return err

    sendStats always use defaultSendFrequency, instead of server.freq. so that SendFrequency does nothing.

  • Support custom frequency

    Support custom frequency

    I noticed that server.freq is unused despite the fact there's a special option to set custom frequency. So, I added a function NewWsHandler that accepts send frequency and returns http.HandlerFunc. Old behavior of Ws is preserved.

  • Improve tests

    Improve tests

    Improve testing Reorganize example (one example per directory) Improve the ci step which build all examples Various improvements to README.md and CONTRIBUTING.md RegisterDefault now returns an error instead of calling log.Fatal

  • Add Issues and Pull-request templates

    Add Issues and Pull-request templates

    pretty standard stuff, maybe reuse a template or use a template generator?

    Issue template should thank the user and ask them:

    • to run go env
    • to share Go code
    • to explain what they did
    • what they were expecting
    • what happened instead

    PR template should just thank the user and ask them to link the PR to a specific issue (and possibly to have created that issue first)

  • js error

    js error

        Uncaught ReferenceError: tippy is not defined
        at Plot._installHeatmapTooltip (plot.js:215:26)
        at Plot.createElement (plot.js:203:18)
        at attachPlots (app.js:100:14)
        at ws.onmessage (app.js:57:13)


  • beego run statsviz has a javascript error

    beego run statsviz has a javascript error


    package handler
    import (
    func init() {
    	// web.Router(defaultPprofPrefix, &PprofController{}, "*:Index")
    	web.AutoPrefix(defaultPprofPrefix, &PprofController{})
    	// web.Router(defaultStatsvizPrefix, &PprofController{}, "*:StatIndex")
    	// web.Router(defaultStatsvizPrefix+":path([\\w]+)", &PprofController{}, "*:StatPath")
    	// web.Router(defaultStatsvizPrefix+"ws", &PprofController{}, "*:StatWs")
    	web.Any("/debug/pprof/", func(ctx *context.Context) {
    		pprof.Index(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request)
    	web.Any(defaultStatsvizPrefix, func(ctx *context.Context) {
    		statsviz.Index.ServeHTTP(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request)
    	web.Any(defaultStatsvizPrefix+":path([\\w]+)", func(ctx *context.Context) {
    		statsviz.Index.ServeHTTP(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request)
    	web.Any(defaultStatsvizPrefix+"ws", func(ctx *context.Context) {
    		statsviz.Ws.ServeHTTP(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request)

    错误提示: image

  • [Question] Custom metrics implementation questions

    [Question] Custom metrics implementation questions

    Custom metrics is now easier after new released #75. But it seems that custom metrics like cpu, memory, io and network etc. must be implemented only inside statsviz's plot package which would be too invasive for the lib itself. Maybe we can change statsviz's interface for add-on metrics using http package's middleware pattern?

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