FlashDB is an embeddable, in-memory key/value database in Go



FlashDB is a simple, in-memory, key/value store in pure Go. It persists to disk, is ACID compliant, and uses locking for multiple readers and a single writer. It supports redis like operations for data structures like SET, SORTED SET, HASH and STRING.



FlashDB is made of composable libraries that can be used independently and are easy to understand. The idea is to bridge the learning for anyone new on how to build a simple ACID database.

Getting Started


To start using FlashDB, install Go and run go get:

$ go get -u github.com/arriqaaq/flashdb

This will retrieve the library.

Opening a database

The primary object in FlashDB is a DB. To open or create your database, use the flashdb.New() function:

package main

import (


func main() {
	config := &flashdb.Config{Path:"/tmp", EvictionInterval: 10}
	db, err := flashdb.New(config)
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()


It's also possible to open a database that does not persist to disk by keeping the path in the config empty.

config := &flashdb.Config{Path:"", EvictionInterval: 10}


All reads and writes must be performed from inside a transaction. FlashDB can have one write transaction opened at a time, but can have many concurrent read transactions. Each transaction maintains a stable view of the database. In other words, once a transaction has begun, the data for that transaction cannot be changed by other transactions.

When a transaction fails, it will roll back, and revert all changes that occurred to the database during that transaction. When a read/write transaction succeeds all changes are persisted to disk.

Read-only Transactions

A read-only transaction should be used when you don't need to make changes to the data. The advantage of a read-only transaction is that there can be many running concurrently.

err := db.View(func(tx *flashdb.Tx) error {
	return nil

Read/write Transactions

A read/write transaction is used when you need to make changes to your data. There can only be one read/write transaction running at a time. So make sure you close it as soon as you are done with it.

err := db.Update(func(tx *flashdb.Tx) error {
	return nil

Setting and getting key/values

To set a value you must open a read/write transaction:

err := db.Update(func(tx *flashdb.Tx) error {
	err := tx.Set("mykey", "myvalue")
	return err

To get the value:

err := db.View(func(tx *flashdb.Tx) error {
	val, err := tx.Get("mykey")
	if err != nil{
		return err
	fmt.Printf("value is %s\n", val)
	return nil


String Hash Set ZSet


  • Go Version : go1.11.4 darwin/amd64
  • OS: Mac OS X 10.13.6
  • Architecture: x86_64
  • 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3
  • CPU: 3.1 GHz Intel Core i7
badger 2022/03/09 14:04:44 INFO: All 0 tables opened in 0s
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/arriqaaq/flashbench
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz

BenchmarkBadgerDBPutValue64B-16     	    9940	    141844 ns/op	    2208 B/op	      68 allocs/op
BenchmarkBadgerDBPutValue128B-16    	    7701	    192942 ns/op	    2337 B/op	      68 allocs/op
BenchmarkBadgerDBPutValue256B-16    	    7368	    142600 ns/op	    2637 B/op	      69 allocs/op
BenchmarkBadgerDBPutValue512B-16    	    6980	    148056 ns/op	    3149 B/op	      69 allocs/op
BenchmarkBadgerDBGet-16             	 1000000	      1388 ns/op	     408 B/op	       9 allocs/op

BenchmarkFlashDBPutValue64B-16     	  204318	      5129 ns/op	    1385 B/op	      19 allocs/op
BenchmarkFlashDBPutValue128B-16    	  231177	      5318 ns/op	    1976 B/op	      16 allocs/op
BenchmarkFlashDBPutValue256B-16    	  189516	      6202 ns/op	    3263 B/op	      15 allocs/op
BenchmarkFlashDBPutValue512B-16    	  165580	      8110 ns/op	    5866 B/op	      16 allocs/op
BenchmarkFlashDBGet-16             	 4053836	       295 ns/op	      32 B/op	       2 allocs/op

ok  	github.com/arriqaaq/flashbench	28.947s

With fsync enabled for every update transaction

badger 2022/03/09 14:04:44 INFO: All 0 tables opened in 0s
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/arriqaaq/flashbench
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz

BenchmarkNutsDBPutValue64B-16     	      52	  20301019 ns/op	    1315 B/op	      17 allocs/op
BenchmarkNutsDBPutValue128B-16    	      63	  23496536 ns/op	    1059 B/op	      15 allocs/op
BenchmarkNutsDBPutValue256B-16    	      62	  20037952 ns/op	    1343 B/op	      15 allocs/op
BenchmarkNutsDBPutValue512B-16    	      62	  20090731 ns/op	    1754 B/op	      15 allocs/op

BenchmarkFlashDBPutValue64B-16     	      62	  18364330 ns/op	     692 B/op	      15 allocs/op
BenchmarkFlashDBPutValue128B-16    	      64	  18315903 ns/op	    1015 B/op	      15 allocs/op
BenchmarkFlashDBPutValue256B-16    	      64	  19250441 ns/op	    1694 B/op	      15 allocs/op
BenchmarkFlashDBPutValue512B-16    	      61	  18811900 ns/op	    2976 B/op	      15 allocs/op
BenchmarkFlashDBGet-16			    3599500	     340.7 ns/op	      32 B/op	       2 allocs/op

ok  	github.com/arriqaaq/flashbench	28.947s

The benchmark code can be found here flashdb-bench.


FlashDB is in early stages of development. A couple of to-do tasks listed:

  • Add more comprehensive unit test cases
  • Add explicit documentation on various usecases


FlashDB is inspired by NutsDB and BuntDB.


Farhan Khan @arriqaaq


FlashDB source code is available under the MIT License

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  • Panic occurs after about 10 seconds of inactivity after initialization

    Panic occurs after about 10 seconds of inactivity after initialization

    When I try the setup in the README, panic occurs after about 10 seconds of inactivity after flashDB initialization.

    2022-03-21 0:19:24 ~/p/g/g/a/flashdb (git)-[main]
    % go build -o bin/flashdb-server cmd/server/main.go
    2022-03-21 0:19:39 ~/p/g/g/a/flashdb (git)-[main]
    % ./bin/flashdb-server
    2022/03/21 00:19:40 no config set, using the default config.
    2022/03/21 00:19:40 FlashDB is running, ready to accept connections.
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x8 pc=0x10cfa5c]
    goroutine 20 [running]:
            /Users/matsuyoshi/go/pkg/mod/github.com/arriqaaq/[email protected]/art.go:410
            /Users/matsuyoshi/projects/ghq/github.com/arriqaaq/flashdb/store.go:45 +0x1c
    github.com/arriqaaq/art.(*Tree).each(0x1, 0x0, 0xc00021fdf8)
            /Users/matsuyoshi/go/pkg/mod/github.com/arriqaaq/[email protected]/art.go:811 +0x32
            /Users/matsuyoshi/go/pkg/mod/github.com/arriqaaq/[email protected]/art.go:807
            /Users/matsuyoshi/projects/ghq/github.com/arriqaaq/flashdb/store.go:44 +0x50
    github.com/arriqaaq/flashdb.(*strStore).evict(0xc00009c000, 0xc0000a2018)
            /Users/matsuyoshi/projects/ghq/github.com/arriqaaq/flashdb/store.go:57 +0x96
    github.com/arriqaaq/flashdb.(*sweeper).run(0xc00009c080, 0x0)
            /Users/matsuyoshi/projects/ghq/github.com/arriqaaq/flashdb/evict.go:58 +0x65
    created by github.com/arriqaaq/flashdb.New
            /Users/matsuyoshi/projects/ghq/github.com/arriqaaq/flashdb/flashdb.go:62 +0x857

    The cause is tree.Each() is called for art.Tree (nil) in strStore.

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    @arriqaaq I can refactor the comment lines if you want. Just let me know.

    NOTE: I will continue to add comment lines for methods in other files.

    Signed-off-by: Gökhan Özeloğlu [email protected]

  • Updated README to show correct usage of Set command

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    Issue Set API doesn't returns 3 values as mentioned in the documentation. It just returns an error instance.

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    	e := newRecord([]byte(key), []byte(value), StringRecord, StringSet)
    	return nil

    Changes Updating the documentation to reflect the correct usage of Set API

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