Rolling writer is an IO util for auto rolling write in go.

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RollingWriter is an auto rotate io.Writer implementation. It can works well with logger.

Awesome Go popular log helper

New Version v2.0 is comming out! Much more Powerfull and Efficient. Try it by follow the demo

RollingWriter contains 2 separate patrs:

  • Manager: decide when to rotate the file with policy. RlingPolicy give out the rolling policy

    • WithoutRolling: no rolling will happen
    • TimeRolling: rolling by time
    • VolumeRolling: rolling by file size
  • IOWriter: impement the io.Writer and do the io write

    • Writer: not parallel safe writer
    • LockedWriter: parallel safe garented by lock
    • AsyncWtiter: parallel safe async writer
    • BufferWriter: merge serval write into one file.Write()


  • Auto rotate with multi rotate policies
  • Implement go io.Writer, provide parallel safe writer
  • Max remain rolling files with auto cleanup
  • Easy for user to implement your manager


goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkWrite-4                          300000              5952 ns/op               0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkParallelWrite-4                  200000              7846 ns/op               0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkAsynWrite-4                      200000              7917 ns/op           16324 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkParallelAsynWrite-4              200000              8632 ns/op           12513 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkLockedWrite-4                    200000              5829 ns/op               0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkParallelLockedWrite-4            200000              7796 ns/op               0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkBufferWrite-4                    200000              6943 ns/op            1984 B/op          4 allocs/op
BenchmarkParallelBufferWrite-4           1000000              1026 ns/op            7129 B/op          1 allocs/op
ok   14.867s

Quick Start

	writer, err := rollingwriter.NewWriterFromConfig(&config)
	if err != nil {

	writer.Write([]byte("hello, world"))

Want more? View demo for more details.

Any suggestion or new feature inneed, please put up an issue

  • 请问master代码是否可用?



    config := rollingwriter.Config{
    	LogPath:           "./log",
    	TimeTagFormat:     "060102150405",
    	FileName:          "test",
    	MaxRemain:         5,
    	RollingPolicy:     rollingwriter.VolumeRolling,
    	RollingVolumeSize: "2K",
    	Asynchronous:      true,
    writer, err := rollingwriter.NewWriterFromConfig(&config)
    if err != nil {
    	// 应该处理错误
    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    go func() {
    	for {
    		bf := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("rollingwriter test write gorounter time %v\n", time.Now()))

    运行了一段时间,输出如下,也没有按照2k切分: default 里面的内容也是不可读的

  • 配合 zap 使用,切分时报错

    配合 zap 使用,切分时报错

    在配合 zap 使用时,当要切分时,出现以下错误 write error: rename log/logs.log log/logs.log.201905111642: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

    从提示上看,当要切分时,log 文件被占用了,不能重命名

    我构建 zap logger 代码如下: ` // 基本上与 demo 例子相同的配置进行构建的 RollingWriter 实例 rw, _ := newRollingWriter(&config)

    // 基于 RollingWriter 构建 *zap.Logger
    ws := zapcore.AddSync(rw)
    core := zapcore.NewCore(
    logger = zap.New(core)`

    ps. rollingWriter 代码获取的是 master 分支

  • 更新写入非追加写入!!!


    go env:1.13.1 go.mod:

    require ( v1.1.1 v0.0.1 v1.4.0 v1.7.1 v1.9.1
    replace v1.1.4 => v0.0.0-20190204201341-e444a5086c43
    config := &rollingwriter.Config{
    		LogPath:       "./storage/logs",        //日志路径
    		TimeTagFormat: "20060102", //时间格式串
    		FileName:      "test",         //日志文件名
    		MaxRemain:     5,              //配置日志最大存留数
    		// 目前有2中滚动策略: 按照时间滚动按照大小滚动
    		// - 时间滚动: 配置策略如同 crontable, 例如,每天0:0切分, 则配置 0 0 0 * * *
    		// - 大小滚动: 配置单个日志文件(未压缩)的滚动大小门限, 入1G, 500M
    		RollingPolicy:      rollingwriter.TimeRolling, //配置滚动策略 norolling timerolling volumerolling
    		RollingTimePattern: "* * * * * *",             //配置时间滚动策略
    		RollingVolumeSize:  "2k",                      //配置截断文件下限大小
    		// writer 支持4种不同的 mode:
    		// 1. none 2. lock
    		// 3. async 4. buffer
    		// - 无保护的 writer: 不提供并发安全保障
    		// - lock 保护的 writer: 提供由 mutex 保护的并发安全保障
    		// - 异步 writer: 异步 write, 并发安全. 异步开启后忽略 Lock 选项
    		WriterMode: "lock",
    		// BufferWriterThershould in B
    		BufferWriterThershould: 8 * 1024 * 1024,
    		// Compress will compress log file with gzip
    		Compress: false,
    	writer ,_:= rollingwriter.NewWriterFromConfig(config)
            logger = zerolog.New(writer).With().Timestamp().Logger()
           router.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
    		c.String(200, "pong "+fmt.Sprint(time.Now().Unix()))

    不断刷新 /ping

    {"level":"info","time":"2019-10-30T19:29:14+08:00","message":"test"} //仅有此

    test.log 里只有会一条数据,日志内容的时间戳会不断的更新,判断你写入文件的时候使用的是覆盖

  • data race in manager

    data race in manager

    1. env

    ▶ go version
    go version go1.12.4 darwin/amd64
    GoLand 2019.1.1
    Build #GO-191.6707.68, built on April 17, 2019
    JRE: 1.8.0_202-release-1483-b44 x86_64
    JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
    macOS 10.14.4

    2. 复现步骤

    go run -race demo/writer.go

    3. 结果

    Read at 0x00c00009e0a8 by goroutine 25:*manager).GenLogFileName()
          /Users/chaomai/Documents/workspace/github/rollingWriter/manager.go:140 +0x88
          /Users/chaomai/Documents/workspace/github/rollingWriter/manager.go:43 +0x53
          /Users/chaomai/Documents/workspace/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:92 +0x34*Cron).runWithRecovery()
          /Users/chaomai/Documents/workspace/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:165 +0x68
    Previous write at 0x00c00009e0a8 by goroutine 22:*manager).GenLogFileName()
          /Users/chaomai/Documents/workspace/github/rollingWriter/manager.go:145 +0x243
          /Users/chaomai/Documents/workspace/github/rollingWriter/manager.go:43 +0x53
          /Users/chaomai/Documents/workspace/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:92 +0x34*Cron).runWithRecovery()
          /Users/chaomai/Documents/workspace/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:165 +0x68
    Goroutine 25 (running) created at:*Cron).run()
          /Users/chaomai/Documents/workspace/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:199 +0xa65
    Goroutine 22 (finished) created at:*Cron).run()
          /Users/chaomai/Documents/workspace/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cron.go:199 +0xa65

    4. 分析



    5. 解决

    type manager struct {
    	// ...
    	lock          sync.Mutex
    // ...
    // GenLogFileName generate the new log file name, filename should be absolute path
    func (m *manager) GenLogFileName(c *Config) (filename string) {
    	// ...
    	// reset the start time to now
    	m.startAt = time.Now()
  • Fix operations with open files

    Fix operations with open files

    Found a bug when using it on windows: renaming fails because the file is open. I modified the code to only do renaming and removing operations with closed files to avoid these issues on windows. Also, there are some auto-fixes (just 3 space deletes and moving one defer) by the IDE that are nice IMO :)

    Closes: #40

    Signed-off-by: Guillem Bonet [email protected]

  • fix data race in manager and writer, update writer_test v2

    fix data race in manager and writer, update writer_test v2



    我移除return os.Remove(cmpname + ".tmp") // remove *.log.tmp file后测试,确认了原文件是正常的。


  • Dead lock detected?

    Dead lock detected?

    Thanks for the great package! We use it with zerolog, and it works well, however we met a bug recently, large amount of goroutines hang at writing log, all with the following stack trace:

    (dlv) bt
     0  0x0000000000439405 in runtime.gopark
        at go/src/runtime/proc.go:337
     1  0x000000000044a385 in runtime.goparkunlock
        at go/src/runtime/proc.go:342
     2  0x000000000044a385 in runtime.semacquire1
        at go/src/runtime/sema.go:144
     3  0x0000000000468967 in sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex
        at go/src/runtime/sema.go:71
     4  0x00000000004721e5 in sync.(*Mutex).lockSlow
        at go/src/sync/mutex.go:138
     5  0x0000000000b4ee0b in sync.(*Mutex).Lock
        at go/src/sync/mutex.go:81
     6  0x0000000000b4ee0b in*LockedWriter).Write
        at go-mod-cache/[email protected]/writer.go:254
     7  0x0000000000695703 in
        at go-mod-cache/[email protected]/writer.go:20
     8  0x0000000000695703 in*levelWriterAdapter).WriteLevel
        at <autogenerated>:1
     9  0x0000000000689625 in*Event).write
        at go-mod-cache/[email protected]/event.go:76
    10  0x0000000000689b1b in*Event).msg
        at go-mod-cache/[email protected]/event.go:140
    11  0x0000000000b39f70 in*Event).Msg
        at go-mod-cache/[email protected]/event.go:106

    I'm not familiar with the code, however, after a quick search, I found the following suspicious function:

    func (w *LockedWriter) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
    	select {
    	case filename := <
    		if err := w.Reopen(filename); err != nil {
    			return 0, err                      // <-- here
    	n, err = w.file.Write(b)

    I don't know if there is a chance that the function returns at the comment line, leaves the lock acquired without release. Is this the root cause of the bug above? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

  • Why we need _asyncBufferPool for async writer?

    Why we need _asyncBufferPool for async writer?

    We already have []byte allocated, since the signature of Write([]byte) method, why use _asyncBufferPool? It add additional copy which seems unnecessary?

  • goroutne leak

    goroutne leak


    当 RollingPolicy 为 VolumeRolling 时你启动了一个 goroutine, 然后我没有人关闭它, 调 writer 的 Close() 时不能关闭这个 goroutine

    而且这个 goroutine 中的 timer 就算是 goroutine 退出了,也没有有停止这个 Ticker

  • 当长时间没有写日志操作,就会导致Writer中fire阻塞,后续写日志的时候,容易归档到错误的文件里面


    在基于TimeRolling和VolumeRolling 切割的时候,容易阻塞

    switch c.RollingPolicy {
    	case WithoutRolling:
    		return m, nil
    	case TimeRolling:
    		if err :=, func() { <- m.GenLogFileName(c) // 长时间没有写日志,会阻塞
    		}); err != nil {
    			return nil, err
    	case VolumeRolling:
    		go func() {
    			timer := time.Tick(time.Duration(Precision) * time.Second)
    			filepath := LogFilePath(c)
    			var file *os.File
    			var err error
    			for {
    				select {
    				case <-m.context:
    				case <-timer:
    					if file, err = os.Open(filepath); err != nil {
    					if info, err := file.Stat(); err == nil && info.Size() > m.thresholdSize {
 <- m.GenLogFileName(c) // 长时间没有写日志,会阻塞
    	return m, nil


    func (w *LockedWriter) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
    DoWrite:// 解决fire阻塞带来的文件错位问题
    	select {
    	case filename := <
    		if err := w.Reopen(filename); err != nil {
    			return 0, err
    		goto DoWrite
    	n, err = w.file.Write(b)
  • Buffer writer concurrency unsafe

    Buffer writer concurrency unsafe

    func (w *BufferWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
    	// ...
    	buf := append(*w.buf, b...)
    	atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&w.buf)), (unsafe.Pointer)(&buf))

    Hi,我使用到了贵包rollingwriter的buffer writer,测试时候发现会有丢日志的情况(高并发场景)。初步分析发现应该是这里的buffer append 非并发安全导致的。

    比如buffer里已有 line1,并发两个Write,分别写入 line2、line3,竞争激烈的情况下,StorePointer可能会出现 [line1, line3] 覆盖 [line1, line2],从而导致line2丢失。

    测试时加上了给这行代码加了个mutex or trylock,发现可以解决丢日志的问题。这个问题也希望跟 @arthurkiller 作者大大确认下有无理解上的偏差。


    buf := append(*w.buf, b...)
    atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&w.buf)), (unsafe.Pointer)(&buf))


    *(w.buf) = append(*w.buf, b...)


    type Locker struct {
    	lock uintptr
    func (l *Locker) Lock() {
    	for !atomic.CompareAndSwapUintptr(&l.lock, 0, 1) {
    func (l *Locker) Unlock() {
    	atomic.StoreUintptr(&l.lock, 0)
  • FileName use template string

    FileName use template string

    For FileName, consider using template strings, such as foo-${date}.log.gz, which makes the file suffix reasonable. It's strange to force a TimeTag spliced to the end of FileName. Last, thanks for your components, which helped me a lot~

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