BBEdit package for Go development

BBEdit package for Go development


  • Full language syntax highlighting
  • Support for code folding func
  • Language defaults
  • Full set of clippings
  • Go tool scripts
  • Completion data for Go standard library

The package is a collection of BBEdit supporting elements for developing Go applications. The Resources directory contains the toolset for supporting the scripting and integration.


The following are required for using Go.bbpackage:

  • BBEdit 12.0 or greater
  • Go 1.8 or greater
  • Xcode 6 or greater (particularly the command line tools package)


Download the latest release and install with BBEdit.


The package should be cloned into a working directory. The Makefile will build the sources. The install task will install the package to the correct Application Support directory (either Dropbox, iCloud Drive, or ~/Library).

    git clone
    cd Go-bbpackage
    make install

To update, pull changes and run make install again:

    cd Go-bbpackage
    git pull
    make clean install


The best way to use BBEdit with a Go project is to simply launch BBEdit from the project root.

    cd ~/Projects/workspace/src/<username>/<my cool project>
    bbedit .

Go version update

For new versions of Go, the package should generally work. The standard library tags can be updated by using the script stdlib/Update ctags

Andrew Carter
Principal Software Engineer @microsoft @Azure
Andrew Carter
  • gotags does not take an --exclude option

    gotags does not take an --exclude option

    I installed gotags v1.3.0 with go get -u, per the README.

    When I try to build, I get a gotags failure because gotags does not take an --exclude option. The sodlib tags are then dumped to stdout instead of to a file. Here is the output of make:

    $ make clean install
    rm -rf ./Go.bbpackage
    mkdir -p ./Go.bbpackage/Contents
    cp ./Go.bbpackage/.
    cp LICENSE ./Go.bbpackage/.
    cp -R ./src/* ./Go.bbpackage/Contents/.
    mkdir -p ./Go.bbpackage/Contents/Completion\ Data/Go
    gotags -R \
            --exclude="*_test.go" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/src/*/*/testdata/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/src/*/*/testdata/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/src/*/*/testdata/*/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/src/*/*/testdata/*/*/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/src/*/*/testdata/*/*/*/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/src/*/*/testdata/*/*/*/*/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/src/*/*/testdata/*/*/*/*/*/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/src/*/*/*/testdata/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/src/internal/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/src/internal/*/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/*/internal/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/*/internal/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/*/internal/*/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/*/internal/*/*/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/*/*/internal/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/*/*/internal/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/*/*/internal/*/*/*" \
            --exclude="/usr/local/go/*/*/internal/*/*/*/*" \
            -f=./Go.bbpackage/Contents/Completion\ Data/Go/Go\ Standard\ Library.tags --exclude-private=true /usr/local/go/src
    flag provided but not defined: -exclude
    gotags version 1.3.0
    Usage: gotags [options] file(s)
  • make install error, BBEdit app bundle ctags dir non-existent

    make install error, BBEdit app bundle ctags dir non-existent

    I get this error:

    $ make install
    mkdir -p ./Go.bbpackage/Contents
    cp ./Go.bbpackage/.
    cp LICENSE ./Go.bbpackage/.
    cp -R ./src/* ./Go.bbpackage/Contents/.
    /Applications/ --recurse --extra=+p+q+r --fields=+a+m+n+S --excmd=number --tag-relative=no --sort=no --exclude=.git --exclude="*_test.go" --exclude="**/testdata/**" --exclude="**/internal/**" -f - /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.12/libexec/src | grep -v -E '^(\w+[.])?[^A-Z]\w+\s+\S+\s\d+[;]["]\s+[cfimstv]' > ./gostdlib.tags
    /bin/sh: /Applications/ No such file or directory
    make: *** [Go.bbpackage/Contents/Completion Data/Go/Go Standard Library.tags] Error 1

    So there's no Resources/ctags in the app bundle. (Should I make the dir?) 🤔 Installing by double-clicking the resulting Go.bbpackage seems to work, though. Not sure if I should copy gostdlib.tags somewhere. 😄

  • Install requires homebrew version of ctags, update readme?

    Install requires homebrew version of ctags, update readme?

    I have go, xcode and bbedit installed, but got this with make install:

    mkdir -p ./Go.bbpackage/Contents
    cp ./Go.bbpackage/.
    cp LICENSE ./Go.bbpackage/.
    cp -R ./src/* ./Go.bbpackage/Contents/.
    ctags --recurse --extra=+p+q+r --fields=+a+m+n+S --excmd=number --tag-relative=no --sort=no --exclude=.git --exclude="*_test.go" --exclude="**/testdata/**" --exclude="**/internal/**" -f - /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.8.3/libexec/src | grep -v -E '^(\w+[.])?[^A-Z]\w+\s+\S+\s\d+[;]["]\s+[cfimstv]' > ./gostdlib.tags
    /Applications/ illegal option -- -
    usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ...
    make: *** [Go.bbpackage/Contents/Completion Data/Go/Go Standard Library.tags] Error 1

    Running this on the 10.12.6 Beta, Xcode is Version 8.3.2 (8E2002) and Go is go version go1.8.3 darwin/amd64.

    Any suggestions?

  • Go workspace missing

    Go workspace missing

    Whenever I try to use any of the builtin scripts, I get the error "Go workspace missing." I have attempted to traced this back through the shell scripts but can only figure out that _gows_switch() is failing but not why.

  • Relative links in scripts are one level too short

    Relative links in scripts are one level too short

    For scripts installed in:

    ~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Packages/Go.bbpackage/Contents/Scripts/go tool

    such as

    PATH="$(dirname "$0")/../Resources":$PATH
    (gorunner goimports -w "$BB_DOC_PATH" 2>&1) | bbr -t "goimports"

    doesn't work, but:

    PATH="$(dirname "$0")/../../Resources":$PATH
    (gorunner goimports -w "$BB_DOC_PATH" 2>&1) | bbr -t "goimports"

    does. Note the extra ../ in there.

  • Update for BBEdit 12+

    Update for BBEdit 12+

    Overdue update to work with BBEdit 12+. The package likely will not work for versions older than BBEdit 12

    Also add better support for building and release automation.

  • go test script should filter before calling bbresults

    go test script should filter before calling bbresults

    bbresults is a general tool for showing build results in a results browser. The output from go test should run through a filter first before calling bbresults to normalize the output to be appropriate.


    • Put notes for failures
    • Fix up file paths to match the package path
  • Bundle Go dependencies

    Bundle Go dependencies

    When building the Go.bbpackage bundle, should build go tools like gotags into the bundle so that it is not fragile when running the helper scripts.


    • Create a workspace
    • go get dependencies (or vendor the go code)
    • go install to resources/bin in the bundle
    • Update scripts to use these binaries instead of trying to figure them out from user's environment

    Downside of this would be that it can't take advantage of any existing tools. Alternative could be to pre-flight when building and inform the user.

    Another option - support a default go workspace (like ~/.go) and add it to the GOPATH if it is found. This would let the user either install there or override the built-in tools

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