Manipulate subtitles in GO (.srt, .ssa/.ass, .stl, .ttml, .vtt (webvtt), teletext, etc.)

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This is a Golang library to manipulate subtitles.

It allows you to manipulate srt, stl, ttml, ssa/ass, webvtt and teletext files for now.

Available operations are parsing, writing, syncing, fragmenting, unfragmenting, merging and optimizing.


To install the library and command line program, use the following:

go get -u

Using the library in your code

WARNING: the code below doesn't handle errors for readibility purposes. However you SHOULD!

// Open subtitles
s1, _ := astisub.OpenFile("/path/to/example.ttml")
s2, _ := astisub.ReadFromSRT(bytes.NewReader([]byte("00:01:00.000 --> 00:02:00.000\nCredits")))

// Add a duration to every subtitles (syncing)

// Fragment the subtitles

// Merge subtitles

// Optimize subtitles

// Unfragment the subtitles

// Write subtitles
var buf = &bytes.Buffer{}

Using the CLI

If astisub has been installed properly you can:

  • convert any type of subtitle to any other type of subtitle:

      astisub convert -i -o example.ttml
  • fragment any type of subtitle:

      astisub fragment -i -f 2s -o
  • merge any type of subtitle into any other type of subtitle:

      astisub merge -i -i example.ttml -o
  • optimize any type of subtitle:

      astisub optimize -i -o
  • unfragment any type of subtitle:

      astisub unfragment -i -o
  • sync any type of subtitle:

      astisub sync -i -s "-2s" -o

Features and roadmap

  • parsing
  • writing
  • syncing
  • fragmenting/unfragmenting
  • merging
  • ordering
  • optimizing
  • .srt
  • .ttml
  • .vtt
  • .stl
  • .ssa/.ass
  • .teletext
  • .smi
Quentin Renard
Freelance | Senior backend developer (GO)
Quentin Renard
  • Support reading of non utf-8 ttml

    Support reading of non utf-8 ttml

    Not sure if you would be interested in this change? I had to deal with some pesky TTML files that were created on windows and were encoded in utf-16le charset (ironically not valid TTML). This was semi annoying to resolve. The problem is explained in here!topic/golang-nuts/tXcECEKC2rs

    The problem lies with encoding/xml's design: in order to use the charset reader the xml library needs to examine the first line of text from the xml file (where the encoding is specified). unfortunately that first line contains invalid UTF-8 already, and libxml barfs before it even figures out what the encoding should be to pass it to our charset reader.

    This change should allow passing in utf-16 or utf-8 encoded files into the reader.

  • stl: have vertical position no lower than 1

    stl: have vertical position no lower than 1

    According to EBU 3264 (

    For teletext subtitles, VP contains a value in the range 1-23 decimal (01h-17h)
    corresponding to theteletext row number of the first subtitle row.
    For in-vision subtitles, VP contains a value in the range 0..NN decimal,
    where NN is the maximumnumber of rows indicated in the MNR field in the GSI block
    (Note: NN cannot be greater than 99 decimal(63h)).
    This VP represents the number of row locations from the top of the screen to the first subtitle row.

    My motivation: some STL subs I encountered had an erroneous zero vertical position.

  • TTML ticks higher than 15 minutes display invalid values

    TTML ticks higher than 15 minutes display invalid values

    Tick values higher than a certain amount will result in incorrect times.

    For instance, take this test TTML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <tt xmlns="" xmlns:tt="" xmlns:ttm="" xmlns:ttp="" xmlns:tts="" ttp:tickRate="10000000" ttp:version="2" xml:lang="ja">
       <initial tts:backgroundColor="transparent" tts:color="white" tts:fontSize="6.000vh"/>
       <style xml:id="style0" tts:textAlign="center"/>
       <style xml:id="style1" tts:textAlign="start"/>
       <style xml:id="style2" tts:ruby="container" tts:rubyPosition="auto"/>
       <style xml:id="style3" tts:ruby="base"/>
       <style xml:id="style4" tts:ruby="text"/>
       <style xml:id="style5" tts:ruby="text"/>
       <region xml:id="region0" tts:displayAlign="after"/>
     <body xml:space="preserve">
       <p xml:id="subtitle1" begin="18637368750t" end="18676157500t" region="region0" style="style0"><span style="style1">テソプ<span style="style2"><span style="style3">の所だ</span><span style="style4">カン食ン</span></span>食おう<br/><span style="style2"><span style="style3">江陵</span><span style="style5">カンヌン</span></span>で刺身でも食おう</span></p>

    The resulting ASS is:

    [Script Info]
    [V4 Styles]
    Format: Name
    Style: italic
    Style: span
    Format: Start, End, Text
    Dialogue: 00:0-8:0-44..48,00:0-8:0-43..02,TEST

    Probably something to do with ticks not being int64 but normal integers, not sure though.

  • add colors to webvtt output

    add colors to webvtt output

    I looked at a TTML to WebVTT converted file from, they used the font attribute, so here it is ... Not sure if it's OK to rely on TTMLColor but at least it has the proper value (for now).

  • ttml to vtt region settings migration

    ttml to vtt region settings migration

    1. WEBVTT: Nil pointer exception when the region doesn't have parent style.
    2. TTML to VTT region settings migrated.
    3. WebVTT read cue settings from parent style if no setting present inline
    4. TTML to VTT cue position settings migrated.
  • I couldn't manage to find

    I couldn't manage to find "Item" components when reading SRT.

    I wanted to get the ID number of a specific item of an SRT file; but it brings nil.

    Tried this code: s1, _ := astisub.OpenFile("")


  • changed stl default chars and rows value to comply with standard

    changed stl default chars and rows value to comply with standard


    I need to have width and height datas formated to standardized values regarding maximum number of characters per line and maximum number of rows in stl file metadatas.

    Currently they are :

    maximumNumberOfDisplayableCharactersInAnyTextRow: 40, maximumNumberOfDisplayableRows: 23,

    which is way too much especially for Rows

    I changed it to

    maximumNumberOfDisplayableCharactersInAnyTextRow: 37, maximumNumberOfDisplayableRows: 2,

    Ideally, it would be nice to be able to edit theses values through flags when converting subtitle.

    As an information on standardized values, please go to this link

    and page 17 under "1.4 conversion strategies" second paragraphe which explain 👍

    Specifically the Teletext format has a line length limit of 40 characters, which includes the control characters to select colours and to activate background display for normal pages (‘Start box’ codes). Teletext pages marked as ‘sub-title’ or newsflash pages within a Teletext service should be displayed as ‘boxed text’ by a receiver.16 The control code overhead required for boxed text has resulted in a ‘common practise’ of using a maximum of 37 (or 36) characters in a subtitle row for text.

    and a number of row set to 2 seems to be the most used number of maximum lines

    thanks a lot

    Best regards


  • TTML: Fixed improper spacing between captions

    TTML: Fixed improper spacing between captions

    1. Fixed improper spacing between captions while converting TTML -> VTT
    2. Converted TTML style attributes to pointers
    3. Fixed Webvtt out not using parent style attributes in the "region" section
  • Cheetah CAP Files?

    Cheetah CAP Files?

    Hello there- I apologize if this is the wrong venue for a simple question.

    Do you plan to support CAP files in this library in the near future?


  • webvtt,srt: Tolerate edge whitespace (and print line numbers on error)

    webvtt,srt: Tolerate edge whitespace (and print line numbers on error)

    Hi! I'm by no means an expert of WebVTT format but this fixed a parsing problem for me. Feel free to reject if it's a bad change, or improve it or whatever you'd like.

    PS. It'd be really helpful to output the line number when an error is encountered. Would you be open to a PR for that?

  • Speaker not included when writing VTT

    Speaker not included when writing VTT

    This is a fantastic module thank you. I've noticed that when I read VTT files that it will set the VoiceName field. However, when I write the file back down it doesn't include the speaker.

    I'm not sure if this effects other formats as I've only tested with VTT.

  • convert ass subtitle contains more than one language to vtt fail

    convert ass subtitle contains more than one language to vtt fail

    cat /tmp/Armageddon.1998.ass

    Title: CNXP
    Original Script: lzqc
    PlayResX: 384
    PlayResY: 288
    Timer: 100.0000
    [V4+ Styles]
    Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
    Style: chs,simhei,20,&H00ffffff,&H0000ffff,&H00000000,&H80000000,1,0,0,0,90,90,0,0.00,1,2,2,2,20,20,17,1
    [V4 Styles]
    Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, TertiaryColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, AlphaLevel, Encoding
    Style: eng,Arial Narrow,12,&H00ffeedd,&H00ffc286,&H00000000,&H80000000,-1,0,1,1,0,2,20,20,4,0,1
    Format: Marked, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
    Dialogue: 0,0:00:53.11,0:00:55.23,*eng,,0000,0000,0000,,This is the Earth at a time...
    Dialogue: 0,0:00:55.36,0:01:00.19,*eng,,0000,0000,0000,,when the dinosaurs roamed a lush and fertile planet.
    Dialogue: 0,0:01:07.58,0:01:11.03,*eng,,0000,0000,0000,,A piece of rock just six miles wide...
    Dialogue: 0,0:00:53.11,0:00:55.23,*chs,,0000,0000,0000,,这是地球
    Dialogue: 0,0:00:55.36,0:01:00.19,*chs,,0000,0000,0000,,那是恐龙称霸的时代 万物滋长 欣欣向荣
    Dialogue: 0,0:01:07.58,0:01:11.03,*chs,,0000,0000,0000,,一块只有六里宽的石头

    reproduct bug

    go install
    astisub convert -i /tmp/Armageddon.1998.ass -o /tmp/out.vtt

    it shows 2022/12/13 21:32:07 astisub: style *eng not found while opening /tmp/Armageddon.1998.ass

  • not support .ass file?

    not support .ass file?

    s1, err := astisub.OpenFile("")
    if err != nil {
    	return nil, err

    // s1.items is nil, why ,if subtitle file is .srt ,it works.

  • Use Items.Index in VTT write method

    Use Items.Index in VTT write method

    currently use array index vs item.index. I think this better :) I add method FixIndex, 4 reindex Items. this useful after call fragments & unfragments

  • add a debug option to astisub to output informations on a subtitle

    add a debug option to astisub to output informations on a subtitle


    This PR adds a "-d" option to the astisub command, which sets a bool in the option struct passed to Open(). On reading a STL file, outputs to stdout:

    • some values of the GSI block
    • subtitle lines with their number, start time, end time, vertical position and number of line (and exclamation marks if something odd in timestamps)
    • the total number of errors encountered

    It is designed for the interactive human user, no concern has been given to automatic parsing of this output.

    STL:  DisplayStandardCode:0x31
    STL:  TotalNumberOfTTIBlocks:959
    STL:  TotalNumberOfSubtitleGroups:1
    STL:  TotalNumberOfSubtitles:959
    STL: #0000   00000.080 - 00002.000   vp=22	lines=1 [*Thème musical de l'émission]
    STL: #0001   00002.200 - 00004.800   vp=22	lines=1 [...]
    STL: #0002   00005.000 - 00008.760   vp=20	lines=2 [-Mais oui ! Mais oui, les petits potes sont là,]
    STL: #0378 ! 00990.560 - 00988.640 ! vp=16	lines=1 [avant celui pour le public belge.]
    STL: #0958   02614.560 - 02618.400   vp=20	lines=2 [Sous-titrage ST' 501]
    STL: 1 error(s)

    Maybe it would be a better idea to do the lines output at the end of subtitles.go:Open, so it would be common to all kinds of subtitles and not clutter stl.go.

    An unoprotected global struct keeps the debug state: debug is not really meant to be enabled when using astisub as a lib.

    Not sure if it's worth being incorporated in astisub, but I keep going back to that debug output when problems are signaled in our subs ;)

  • ssa code

    ssa code

    when i read this line:

    Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.38,0:00:38.84,DX,NTP,0,0,0,!Effect,Even solo players need to\Ntake this more seriously{\fscx300}-{\r}

    the result is nil. I read code :

    and find this func not handle text before {\fscx300}. is this a feature or bug ?

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