Query redis with SQL

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reqlite makes it possible to query data in Redis with SQL. Queries are executed client-side with SQLite (not on the redis server). This project is distributed as a SQLite run-time loadable extension and (soon) as a standalone binary (CLI).

This project is experimental for the time being. It's made possible by a great library for building SQLite extensions in go.

The JSON1 extension is also included by default as a convenience.

Use Cases

What can or should I use this for? This project is pretty experimental and part of that is exploring use-cases to understand what's possible and interesting!

A common situation is a task queue in Redis. If you're using a LIST as a queue holding JSON objects, reqlite + the SQLite json1 extension could be used to issue basic "slicing and dicing" queries against your task queue.

-- what are the most common tasks currently in the queue?
SELECT count(*), json_extract(value, '$.task') as task
FROM LRANGE('my-queue', 0, 100)
ORDER BY count(*) DESC

In general, Redis is fairly accessible from many programming languages, and any query using reqlite could probably be implemented in a language of your choice using a Redis client. However, sometimes declarative SQL can be a better choice to express what you're looking for, and that's where this project may be most useful. Since reqlite is distributed as a run-time loadable SQLite extension, it can be loaded into a language using a SQLite driver as well, which would allow you to mix SQL and the "host" language to access data in Redis.

Getting Started

To build a run-time loadable extension, run make in the root of the source tree. The reqlite.so file should be in .build/reqlite.so, which you can use immediately in a SQLite shell:

sqlite> .load .build/reqlite.so
sqlite> SELECT * FROM LRANGE('some-key', 0, 10);

Connecting to Redis

Currently, the Redis connection can only be set via the following env variables:

ENV Default Description
REQLITE_NET tcp Network type - either tcp or udp
REQLITE_ADDR localhost:6379 Network address of the redis instance
REQLITE_USER (none) Redis username
REQLITE_PASS (none) Redis password

TODO - Implement another mechanism (SQLite UDFs?) for setting up the connection information.


Currently, only read operations are targeted to be implemented as SQLite scalar functions or table-valued functions. In the examples below, you'll see how a SQLite scalar or table-valued function maps to a corresponding Redis command, based on the response type. Note that there won't always be an exact correspondence, and currently not all Redis commands are targeted to be implemented (read-only for now).

SELECT * FROM some_table_valued_function('param', 1, 2) -- function that returns a table
SELECT some_scalar_function('param', 1, 2) -- function that returns a scalar value

Available functions are listed below. For a full list of Redis commands and corresponding SQLite functions, see here.


SELECT * FROM LRANGE('some-key', 0, 10)




SELECT BITCOUNT('some-key', 1, 1)


SELECT BITPOS('some-key', 0)
SELECT BITPOS('some-key', 1, 2)




SELECT * FROM CONFIG_GET('*max-*-entries*')




SELECT LLEN('some-list')

RedisJSON (link)


SELECT JSON_GET('my-json-key')
SELECT JSON_GET('my-json-key', 'some.path[2]')


SELECT * FROM JSON_MGET('some.path', 'key1,key2,key3')
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    Missing .load command under SQLite

    I followed the README instruction and try the run following sqlite command:

    SQLite version 3.28.0 2019-04-15 14:49:49
    Enter ".help" for usage hints.
    Connected to a transient in-memory database.
    Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
    sqlite> .load .build/reqlite.so
    Error: unknown command or invalid arguments:  "load". Enter ".help" for help

    The .load command doesn't exist. May I know which version of SQLite did you use?

    Here's my test environment details:

    • Installed SQLite3 using brew on MacOS
    • Verified if.load command exist or not by running the below CLI:
    ajeetraina@Ajeets-MacBook-Pro reqlite % sqlite3
    SQLite version 3.28.0 2019-04-15 14:49:49
    Enter ".help" for usage hints.
    Connected to a transient in-memory database.
    Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
    sqlite> .help
    .auth ON|OFF             Show authorizer callbacks
    .backup ?DB? FILE        Backup DB (default "main") to FILE
    .bail on|off             Stop after hitting an error.  Default OFF
    .binary on|off           Turn binary output on or off.  Default OFF
    .cd DIRECTORY            Change the working directory to DIRECTORY
    .changes on|off          Show number of rows changed by SQL
    .check GLOB              Fail if output since .testcase does not match
    .clone NEWDB             Clone data into NEWDB from the existing database
    .databases               List names and files of attached databases
    .dbconfig ?op? ?val?     List or change sqlite3_db_config() options
    .dbinfo ?DB?             Show status information about the database
    .dump ?TABLE? ...        Render all database content as SQL
    .echo on|off             Turn command echo on or off
    .eqp on|off|full|...     Enable or disable automatic EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN
    .excel                   Display the output of next command in a spreadsheet
    .exit ?CODE?             Exit this program with return-code CODE
    .expert                  EXPERIMENTAL. Suggest indexes for specified queries
    .fullschema ?--indent?   Show schema and the content of sqlite_stat tables
    .headers on|off          Turn display of headers on or off
    .help ?-all? ?PATTERN?   Show help text for PATTERN
    .import FILE TABLE       Import data from FILE into TABLE
    .imposter INDEX TABLE    Create imposter table TABLE on index INDEX
    .indexes ?TABLE?         Show names of indexes
    .limit ?LIMIT? ?VAL?     Display or change the value of an SQLITE_LIMIT
    .lint OPTIONS            Report potential schema issues.
    .log FILE|off            Turn logging on or off.  FILE can be stderr/stdout
    .mode MODE ?TABLE?       Set output mode
    .nullvalue STRING        Use STRING in place of NULL values
    .once (-e|-x|FILE)       Output for the next SQL command only to FILE
    .open ?OPTIONS? ?FILE?   Close existing database and reopen FILE
    .output ?FILE?           Send output to FILE or stdout if FILE is omitted
    .parameter CMD ...       Manage SQL parameter bindings
    .print STRING...         Print literal STRING
    .progress N              Invoke progress handler after every N opcodes
    .prompt MAIN CONTINUE    Replace the standard prompts
    .quit                    Exit this program
    .read FILE               Read input from FILE
    .restore ?DB? FILE       Restore content of DB (default "main") from FILE
    .save FILE               Write in-memory database into FILE
    .scanstats on|off        Turn sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus() metrics on or off
    .schema ?PATTERN?        Show the CREATE statements matching PATTERN
    .selftest ?OPTIONS?      Run tests defined in the SELFTEST table
    .separator COL ?ROW?     Change the column and row separators
    .session ?NAME? CMD ...  Create or control sessions
    .sha3sum ...             Compute a SHA3 hash of database content
    .shell CMD ARGS...       Run CMD ARGS... in a system shell
    .show                    Show the current values for various settings
    .stats ?on|off?          Show stats or turn stats on or off
    .system CMD ARGS...      Run CMD ARGS... in a system shell
    .tables ?TABLE?          List names of tables matching LIKE pattern TABLE
    .testcase NAME           Begin redirecting output to 'testcase-out.txt'
    .timeout MS              Try opening locked tables for MS milliseconds
    .timer on|off            Turn SQL timer on or off
    .trace ?OPTIONS?         Output each SQL statement as it is run
    .vfsinfo ?AUX?           Information about the top-level VFS
    .vfslist                 List all available VFSes
    .vfsname ?AUX?           Print the name of the VFS stack
    .width NUM1 NUM2 ...     Set column widths for "column" mode
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