A High-level Machine Learning Library for Go

GoDoc Go Report Card


Goro is a high-level machine learning library for Go built on Gorgonia. It aims to have the same feel as Keras.


import (
    . "github.com/aunum/goro/pkg/v1/model"

// create the 'x' input e.g. mnist image
x := NewInput("x", []int{1, 28, 28})

// create the 'y' or expect output e.g. labels
y := NewInput("y", []int{10})

// create a new sequential model with the name 'mnist'
model, _ := NewSequential("mnist")

// add layers to the model
    layer.Conv2D{Input: 1, Output: 32, Width: 3, Height: 3},
    layer.Conv2D{Input: 32, Output: 64, Width: 3, Height: 3},
    layer.Conv2D{Input: 64, Output: 128, Width: 3, Height: 3},
    layer.FC{Input: 128 * 3 * 3, Output: 100},
    layer.FC{Input: 100, Output: 10, Activation: layer.Softmax},

// pick an optimizer
optimizer := g.NewRMSPropSolver()

// compile the model with options
model.Compile(xi, yi,

// fit the model
model.Fit(xTrain, yTrain)

// use the model to predict an 'x'
prediction, _ := model.Predict(xTest)

// fit the model with a batch
model.FitBatch(xTrainBatch, yTrainBatch)

// use the model to predict a batch of 'x'
prediction, _ = model.PredictBatch(xTestBatch)


See the examples folder for example implementations.

There are many examples in the reinforcement learning library Gold.


Each package contains a README explaining the usage, also see GoDoc.


Please open an MR for any issues or feature requests.

Feel free to ping @pbarker on Gopher slack.


  • RNN
  • LSTM
  • Summary
  • Visualization
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  • Type Error

    Type Error

    Hi, I am new to using goro and cnns in general so right now I am trying to run the example mnist go file. However, I am running into the following error with WithOptimizer:

    cannot use optimizer (variable of type *gorgonia.RMSPropSolver) as gorgonia.Solver value in argument to m.WithOptimizer: wrong type for method Step (have func(model []gorgonia.org/gorgonia.ValueGrad) (err error), want func([]gorgonia.org/gorgonia.ValueGrad) error)compilerInvalidIfaceAssign

    I haven't changed anything in the example main.go file and I can import the following with no errors:

    import (
    	m "github.com/aunum/goro/pkg/v1/model"
    	g "gorgonia.org/gorgonia"

    I am just confused as to why WithOptimizer is not working for me. Thanks!

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    	return nil, err
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    err = qModel.Compile(in, out,
    if err != nil {
    	return nil, err

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