Automatic sync from IMDb to Trakt (watchlist, lists, ratings and history) using GitHub actions



GoLang app that can sync IMDb and Trakt user data - watchlist, ratings and lists.
For its data needs, the app is communicating with the IMDb and Trakt APIs directly.
The app can be set up to run on a custom schedule (default: once every 3 hours) through GitHub Actions.


The application can be run automatically, based on a custom schedule (default: once every 3 hours) using GitHub Actions or locally on your machine.
Follow the relevant section below, based on how you want to use the application.

GitHub Actions

  1. Fork this repository to your account
  2. Configure your GitHub repository secrets using the .env.example file as reference:
    1. Retrieve the at-main and ubid-main cookies by logging into your IMDb account and inspecting the cookies using your favourite web browser
    2. Create Trakt API app
    3. Retrieve a Trakt access token:
      1. Get a Trakt code by opening the Trakt API app that you created in the previous step and click the Authorize button
      2. Using the code from the previous step together with your Trakt API app's client id & client secret, replace the values in this request:
      curl --include \
      --request POST \
      --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --data-binary "{
      \"code\": \"fd0847dbb559752d932dd3c1ac34ff98d27b11fe2fea5a864f44740cd7919ad0\",
      \"client_id\": \"9b36d8c0db59eff5038aea7a417d73e69aea75b41aac771816d2ef1b3109cc2f\",
      \"client_secret\": \"d6ea27703957b69939b8104ed4524595e210cd2e79af587744a7eb6e58f5b3d2\",
      \"redirect_uri\": \"urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob\",
      \"grant_type\": \"authorization_code\"
      }" \
    4. Create repository secrets: Settings > Secrets > Actions > New repository secret
  3. Enable GitHub Actions for the fork repository
  4. Enable the sync workflow, as scheduled workflows are disabled by default in fork repositories
  5. The sync workflow can be triggered manually right away to test if it works. Alternatively, wait for GitHub actions to automatically trigger it every 3 hours

Run the application locally

  1. Clone this repo to your machine
  2. Make a copy of the .env.example file and name it .env
  3. Populate all the environment variables in that file using the existing values as reference:
    1. Retrieve the at-main and ubid-main cookies by logging into your IMDb account and inspecting the cookies using your favourite web browser
    2. Create Trakt API app
    3. Retrieve a Trakt access token:
      1. Get a Trakt code by opening the Trakt API app that you created in the previous step and click the Authorize button
      2. Using the code from the previous step together with your Trakt API app's client id & client secret, replace the values in this request:
      curl --include \
      --request POST \
      --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --data-binary "{
      \"code\": \"fd0847dbb559752d932dd3c1ac34ff98d27b11fe2fea5a864f44740cd7919ad0\",
      \"client_id\": \"9b36d8c0db59eff5038aea7a417d73e69aea75b41aac771816d2ef1b3109cc2f\",
      \"client_secret\": \"d6ea27703957b69939b8104ed4524595e210cd2e79af587744a7eb6e58f5b3d2\",
      \"redirect_uri\": \"urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob\",
      \"grant_type\": \"authorization_code\"
      }" \
  4. Make sure you have GoLang installed on your machine
  5. Open a terminal window in the repository folder and run the application using this command go run .
  • Error running sync action:

    Error running sync action: "error scraping trakt pin code: pin code not found"

    I followed the instructions in the README about setting up the environment variables for GitHub Actions in a forked repository. When manually running the "sync" action in GitHub on my forked repository, I get the following output:

    Run go run cmd/imdb-trakt-sync/main.go
    go: downloading v1.4.0
    go: downloading v1.8.0
    go: downloading v1.3.1
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20210916014120-12bc252f5db8
    2022/11/08 19:30:56 error scraping trakt pin code: pin code not found
    exit status 1
    Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
  • Cant get your imdb-trakt sync repo to run

    Cant get your imdb-trakt sync repo to run

    I created the Trakt Api-App with the recommended "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" url and get a Code like one if i'm about to add a new device. I added this code to the Snippet and got an access token which I added in the template of the branch secret action (also I added all other Values from IBMD and Trakt). I'm totally new to github and only got here, because I wanted to sync my imdb records with the one of trakt. :-)

    Im always getting an sync error: Process completed with exit code 1.

    Currently I'm out of options and would kindly ask for some help.

    I'm not sure this is the right way, or place to do so, but i didn't find a "contact" form of any kind.

    Thanks in advance Sky

  • Sync movie ratings and add to watched history

    Sync movie ratings and add to watched history

    Hey, I just stumbled across your project and it works amazing. I only got one little feature request:

    Would it be possible to mark a movie as watched on Trakt when the rating from IMDb is synced? I now only got the rating synced but it's not in the history.

    Best Regards


  • TRAKT_ACCESS_TOKEN retrieval

    TRAKT_ACCESS_TOKEN retrieval

    Could you verify the steps provided in the README?

    I was unable to locate the correct value to use as the TRAKT_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable through their site. I had to resort to this random website to pull the token for me.

  • Sync failing

    Sync failing

    Hello, The repository and many other forks are getting this error while syncing.


    This problem is due to the Trakt website being down. Anyone with this problem can track the Trakt status on

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