This plugin helps you to use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to start and end sessions to your managed instances

Session Manager Plugin

This plugin helps you to use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to start and end sessions to your managed instances. Session Manager is a capability of AWS Systems Manager.


Session Manager is a fully managed AWS Systems Manager capability that lets you manage your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, on-premises instances and virtual machines. Session Manager provides secure and auditable instance management without the need to open inbound ports. When you use the Session Manager plugin with the AWS CLI to start a session, the plugin builds the websocket connection to your managed instances.


Before using Session Manager, make sure your environment meets the following requirements. Complete Session Manager prerequisites.

Starting a session

For information about starting a session using the AWS CLI, see Starting a session (AWS CLI).


For information about troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting Session Manager.

Working with Docker

To build the Session Manager plugin in a Docker container, complete the following steps:

  1. Install docker

  2. Build the docker image

docker build -t session-manager-plugin-image .
  1. Build the plugin
docker run -it --rm --name session-manager-plugin -v `pwd`:/session-manager-plugin session-manager-plugin-image make release

Working with Linux

To build the binaries required to install the Session Manager plugin, complete the following steps.

  1. Install golang

  2. Install rpm-build and rpmdevtools

  3. Install gcc 8.3+ and glibc 2.27+

  4. Run make release to build the plugin for Linux, Debian, macOS and Windows.

  5. Change to the directory of your local machine's operating system architecture and open the session-manager-plugin directory. Then follow the installation procedure that applies to your local machine. For more information, see Install the Session Manager plugin for the AWS CLI. If the machine you're building the plugin on differs from the machine you plan to install the plugin on you will need to copy the session-manager-plugin binary to the appropriate directory for that operating system.

Linux - /usr/local/sessionmanagerplugin/bin/session-manager-plugin

macOS - /usr/local/sessionmanagerplugin/bin/session-manager-plugin

Windows - C:\Program Files\Amazon\SessionManagerPlugin\bin\session-manager-plugin.exe

The ssmcli binary is available for some operating systems for testing purposes only. The following is an example command using this binary.

./ssmcli start-session --instance-id i-1234567890abcdef0 --region us-east-2

Directory structure

Source code

  • sessionmanagerplugin/session contains the source code for core functionalities
  • communicator/ contains the source code for websocket related operations
  • vendor/src contains the vendor package source code
  • packaging/ contains rpm and dpkg artifacts
  • Tools/src contains build scripts


Thank you for helping us to improve the Session Manager plugin. Please send your questions or comments to the Systems Manager Forum


The session-manager-plugin is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

  • Problems with tunnels to RDS

    Problems with tunnels to RDS

    As of some recent version the tunneling experience is really terrible and every query times out with:

    SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected

    In another repo for TablePlus someone commented that they found an issue with a Google SDK, so I suspect this is the same underlying Python package in session-manager-plugin that is causing these issues.

    This did not happen even a few months ago.

  • Does not properly handle 'pause_publication'

    Does not properly handle 'pause_publication'

    The plugin does not properly handle the pause_publication message.

    If connected to an ECS task that is killed while still being connected, the logs show:

    2021-11-05 03:57:33 WARN [OutputMessageHandler @ streaming.go.411] Invalid message type received: %spause_publication
    2021-11-05 03:57:33 DEBUG [func1 @ streaming.go.339] Resend stream data message: 241
    2021-11-05 03:57:33 WARN [OutputMessageHandler @ streaming.go.411] Invalid message type received: %spause_publication
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 DEBUG [func1 @ streaming.go.339] Resend stream data message: 241
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 WARN [OutputMessageHandler @ streaming.go.411] Invalid message type received: %spause_publication
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 DEBUG [func1 @ streaming.go.339] Resend stream data message: 241
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 WARN [OutputMessageHandler @ streaming.go.411] Invalid message type received: %spause_publication
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 DEBUG [func1 @ streaming.go.339] Resend stream data message: 241
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 WARN [OutputMessageHandler @ streaming.go.411] Invalid message type received: %spause_publication
    2021-11-05 03:57:33 DEBUG [func1 @ streaming.go.339] Resend stream data message: 241
    2021-11-05 03:57:33 WARN [OutputMessageHandler @ streaming.go.411] Invalid message type received: %spause_publication
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 DEBUG [func1 @ streaming.go.339] Resend stream data message: 241
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 WARN [OutputMessageHandler @ streaming.go.411] Invalid message type received: %spause_publication
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 DEBUG [func1 @ streaming.go.339] Resend stream data message: 241
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 WARN [OutputMessageHandler @ streaming.go.411] Invalid message type received: %spause_publication
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 DEBUG [func1 @ streaming.go.339] Resend stream data message: 241
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 WARN [OutputMessageHandler @ streaming.go.411] Invalid message type received: %spause_publication
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 DEBUG [func1 @ streaming.go.339] Resend stream data message: 241
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 WARN [OutputMessageHandler @ streaming.go.411] Invalid message type received: %spause_publication
    2021-11-05 03:57:34 DEBUG [func1 @ streaming.go.339] Resend stream data message: 241

    (This is an infinite loop and will just fill up the log file).

    Ideally, the server should have closed the connection (and sent the channel_closed message).

    Since that doesn't appear to be happening, it would be nice if the client could at least handle the pause_publication message.

    In my use case, it would be best if this would exit the plugin.

    Steps to recreate:

    • Enable debug logging (not sure if this is required, but obviously I have it enabled)
    • Start an ECS task where the command is sleep 86400 (you can probably set something lower)
    • run an ExecuteCommand against that task with /bin/bash in interactive mode
    • Wait for the sleep timer to expire
    • plugin will remain running, but does not respond to input.
    • log files will accumulate until you forcibly terminate the plugin.
  • 1.2.323.0 does not respect session timeout when using an older version of the ssm-agent

    1.2.323.0 does not respect session timeout when using an older version of the ssm-agent

    It appears that the change to remove the idle timeout in smux does not respect the regional SSM session timeout if you're using an older version of the agent with some types of SSM documents. Specifically, if you start a StartPortForwardingSession and leave it idle it will close after ~30s, which is far shorter than the default SSM session timeout.

    I'm currently running 3.1.1374 of the ssm-agent since that is the latest version that is available for Debian in the public S3 bucket.

  • BUG: CTRL-D in an SSM session exits the session abruptly

    BUG: CTRL-D in an SSM session exits the session abruptly

    I don't know if this is a feature or a bug... but I regularly use the joe text editor and CTRL-D is one of the standard shortcuts which when used in an SSM SSH session it instantly disconnects with an error...

    Cannot perform start session: read /dev/stdin: resource temporarily unavailable

    On a fresh SSH connection, when I CTRL-D it exits...

    Starting session with SessionId: username-0ed94becce0968820
    $    <-  HERE I HIT CTRL-D
    Exiting session with sessionId: username-0ed94becce0968820.

    I assume/hope this is not a feature or some internal SSM hook to disconnect or something, but incase it is, is there a way to rebind it perhaps to another keystroke? I assume I'm not the only person to hit this issue, as more people transition off of using SSH and onto SSM, imho having an fully-compatible ssh-like tunnel is critical. And having special key combinations that are "caught" by the ssm engine feels like a potential incompatibility with software run in the remote console that may use this hook.

  • An error occurred (TargetNotConnected) when calling the StartSession operation

    An error occurred (TargetNotConnected) when calling the StartSession operation

    I can connect to instance i-123456 in the Console.

    $ cat /etc/lsb-release
    DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS"
    $ aws --version
    aws-cli/2.2.17 Python/3.8.8 Linux/4.4.0-18362-Microsoft exe/x86_64.ubuntu.20 prompt/off
    $ session-manager-plugin --version
    $ aws ssm start-session --target i-123456
    An error occurred (TargetNotConnected) when calling the StartSession operation: i-123456 is not connected.
    $ curl

    Any pointers on what might be causing this?

  • AWS SSO temporary credentials support (Update AWS Go SDK version)

    AWS SSO temporary credentials support (Update AWS Go SDK version)

    We ran into an issue where running the session manager plugin while using temporary credentials obtained through calling:

    aws sso login

    We were getting this error, which appeared at first to be an issue with the plugin being unable to reach the AWS KMS endpoint:

    Encountered error while initiating handshake. Handshake timed out. Please ensure that you have the latest version of the session manager plugin.

    I verified that I was running the latest version of the plugin, and yet still it wasn't working. I turned on logging for the plugin and found this error:

    2021-06-23 15:26:29 ERROR [generateEncryptionKey @ encrypter.go.60] Error generating data key from KMS: Error calling KMS GenerateDataKey API: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated. For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors,

    Based on some searching, it appears to be a result of the AWS Go API not properly supporting the AWS SSO temporary credentials. I verified this by switching over to hardcoded keys copied from the AWS SSO applications page.

    I looked in the repo, and it appears that this project is using a very old version of the AWS Go SDK from early last year. Could we get the Go SDK version updated so get some of the fixes that have occurred in the last 1.5 years? Thank you!

  • Issues with LINES/COLUMNS/keyboard usage

    Issues with LINES/COLUMNS/keyboard usage

    When using the AWS session manager on windows I'm noticing a few issues:

    • If I open any sort of text editor or just type a command, it is limiting to 80 columns, 24 lines, rather than use the window size (same can be confirmed when echoing $COLUMNS or $LINES (ssh works fine)
    • If I open any sort of text editor, the home/end keys no longer work (ssh works fine)

    Seems to be happening on both linux & windows

  • Restructure Repo w/ Go Modules and Add Darwin arm64 support

    Restructure Repo w/ Go Modules and Add Darwin arm64 support

    Issue #, if available:

    Description of changes:

    • Move go src and repo structure to a more conventional and modern go structure
      • Move any main packages to the top-level cmd dir
      • Upgrade go build version to 1.16
      • Use go modules (using the repo as the module name) and remove all checked-in vendor deps
      • Remove unmaintained uuid lib and replace w/ google/uuid
    • Support Darwin arm64 builds and packaging
    • Make bash packaging scripts safer by exiting if an error occurs w/ set -euo pipefail
    • Add proper github PR template w/ correct license
    • Add github actions workflow w/ checkstyle and quick-test targets to check PRs automatically


    • make checkstyle quick-test PASSED
    • make build-darwin-arm64 package-darwin-arm64 PASSED
    • Built binary and tested connecting an ec2-instance. PASSED

    By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, under the terms of your choice.

  • Port forwarding opens a local port only on the IPv6 interface

    Port forwarding opens a local port only on the IPv6 interface


    When trying to forward a port to a remote host using the new feature, I'm able to open the tunnel and even connect to the remote host through it, but the port is only opened, locally, on an IPv6 interface.

    While it's not a problem when running a client directly on my host, it is a problem when trying to run the client inside docker containers, because the docker engine only binds to IPv4 interfaces, so the local port is not available.


    The port is available on both IPv6 and IPv4, and it's possible to connect to the port from a docker container running on the local host.


    The port is only available on IPv6 and not accessible from a docker container.


    I'm on MacOS 11.6.7 (Big sur), with Docker desktop 4.8.2 (I don't think that matters), aws cli 2.7.10 and session-manager-plugin 1.2.339.0.

    Steps to reproduce

    Here's what I do:

    aws --profile experiment ssm start-session \
         --target i-XXXXXXX \
         --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost \
         --parameters '{"host":["YYYYYYYYY"],"portNumber":["3306"], "localPortNumber":["3316"]}'

    When the tunnel is opened, I run lsof -i -P | grep -i "listen" and get only the following (relevant) line:

    session-m 52168 xxxxx   22u  IPv6 0x64bf25a801ab42ab      0t0  TCP localhost:3316 (LISTEN)

    No IPv4 equivalent.

    Using the mysql client from my host on port 3316 connects without issues, but doing the same thing from a docker container (using -h host.docker.internal) does not.

    $> mysql -h ::0 -P 3316 -u admin -p 
    Enter password: 
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    $> mysql -h -P 3316 -u admin -p
    Enter password: 
    ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
    $> docker run -ti --rm mysql:8.0 mysql -h host.docker.internal -P 3316 -u admin -p
    Enter password: 
    ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'host.docker.internal:3316' (111)
  • Improve: Change state name and error wording when LegacyArgumentLength

    Improve: Change state name and error wording when LegacyArgumentLength

    In session-manager-plugin, it is in the state of IsAwsCliUpgradeNeeded with 4 arguments as LegacyArgumentLength.

    At this time, ProcessKMSEncryptionHandshakeAction will display an error, but please consider changing the error wording and state name at this time.

    This is because session-manager-plugin is used in addition to awscli such as copilot-cli and ecspresso, and the error wording "Please upgrade to latest version of AWS CLI" can be misleading.

    Thank you for your consideration.

  • Usage of AWS SDK for Go v2

    Usage of AWS SDK for Go v2

    Current situation

    Currently, this project uses the first version of AWS SDK for Go.


    My proposal is to upgrade to the latest SDK for Go made by AWS (v2):

  • Exit codes are not reported

    Exit codes are not reported

    Sessions opened with the session manager plugin always report an exit code of zero even when the last executed command within the session returns a non-zero value. For example:

    $ aws ssm start-session --target [ec2 instance]
      Starting session with SessionId: [name]-0ac90007f8af508b9
      $ exit 1
      Exiting session with sessionId: [name]-0ac90007f8af508b9.
    $ echo $?

    Compare this to SSH where the exit code is carried over:

    $ ssh [host]
      [host]:~$ exit 1
      Connection to [host] closed.
    $ echo $?

    Not reporting the exit code makes scripting extremely difficult since there's no way to tell if a given command was successful or not. Reporting the exit code of the last command run in the session would be more inline with other standard tools.

  • Support sso-session in a shared config

    Support sso-session in a shared config

    awscli v2.9.0 introduced sso-session section in $HOME/.aws/config. But it seems session-manager-plugin doesn't support it yet, and failed to load the config. In my understanding the root cause is that aws-sdk-go v1 doesn't support it.

    To fix the issue it might be better to migrate aws-sdk-go v1 to v2 since it looks like aws-sdk-go-v2 supports it.

    related issue:


  • Session Manager Plugin built from source code exits unexpectedly

    Session Manager Plugin built from source code exits unexpectedly


    When building the session-manager-plugin binary from source code using Docker, the resulting binary exits unexpectedly when used with the AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost document.

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Clone repo (reproduces on 1.2.398.0 and previous versions)
    2. Follow the Working with Docker instructions to build the binary
      1. Run docker build -t session-manager-plugin-image .
      2. Run docker run -it --rm --name session-manager-plugin -vpwd:/session-manager-plugin session-manager-plugin-image make release
    3. Copy the resulting binary (bin/darwing_amd64_plugin/session-manager-plugin for MacOS) to the installation folder (/usr/local/bin/ for MacOS)
    4. Run AWS CLI against the binary:
      aws ssm start-session \
          --target  <your-target-ec2-instance> \
          --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost \
          --parameters '{"host":["<your-target-host-name>"],"portNumber":["<your-target-port>"], "localPortNumber":["<your-local-port>"]}'
    5. In 2 to 5 minutes, the session will end unexpectedly. (Idle session timeout: 20m, Maximum session duration: 60m are set in the session manager settings in AWS console)


    The session-manager-plugin binary downloaded from the link provided in the installation manual normally works in the same scenario. Looks like the build process used for the installation packages differs from what's described in the readme. Another piece of evidence for this is that the VERSION file in the repository contains while the downloaded package contains the correct version (1.2.398.0 in my case).

    It would be great if properly built binaries were released along with the source code for each release.

    Or maybe my way of using the build artifacts is wrong?

  • Session Manager Plugin in docker container along with AWS CLI on my local machine

    Session Manager Plugin in docker container along with AWS CLI on my local machine

    Hi team,

    I've built the docker image with Session Manager Plugin based on alpine without installing aws cli in the container. Is it possible to use the containerized plugin along with aws cli installed on my local machine?

    For example to execute this command: aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" --instance-ids ${instance_ID}

  • Session Manager connection fail during reboot

    Session Manager connection fail during reboot

    I originally opened this issue on packer-plugin-amazon, but I've realised this might be a session issue.

    Overview of the Issue

    I'm attempting to create an AMI in Amazon EBS that involves a reboot of the mac2.metal instance. I'm attempting to use pause_before after rebooting in shell in the step above. I'm also setting expect_disconnect to true

    This unfortunately fails with Connection to destination port failed, check SSM Agent logs. when the instance reboots and the SSM agent is no longer connected.

    Using this config works on our existing implementation using the vsphere-clone builder.

    Is there a way to retry until the host is back up and for packer not to fail deployment ?

  • Allow setting of the local listener address

    Allow setting of the local listener address

    Issue #, if available: (slightly related)

    Description of changes:

    1. What: This change introduces the ability to change the listener address, under which the port forwarding will listen. The default of localhost is kept.

    2. Why: I am using a PortForwardingSession, which runs inside a GitLab CI Service. This allows me to abstract the forwarding logic away, and have it re-usable. However, since the forwarding session is not running "locally" anymore, it needs to be accessible from outside the service. With a listener address of localhost, this is not possible. I am successfully using akin to whats written in, and this works flawlessly.

    By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, under the terms of your choice.

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