A go package to add support for data at rest encryption if you are using the database/sql.


A go package to add support for data at rest encryption if you are using the database/sql to access your database.


In your Golang project, please run:

go get github.com/bartmika/go-lockset


All documentation can be found here.


package main

import (
	// ...


func main() {
	// Before you begin, make sure you have an environment variable set `LOCKSET_ENTRY_KEY` or the following.

    // To encrypt the text "Hello World", wrap it around the `LockString` struct as follows.
	ls := lockset.LockString{Plaintext: "Hello World"}
	var tenantID uint64 = 1

	// Save to the database.

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
	defer cancel()

	query := `
    INSERT INTO bulletin_board_items (
        tenant_id, text
    ) VALUES (
        $1, $2
	stmt, err := r.db.PrepareContext(ctx, query)
	if err != nil {
	defer stmt.Close()

	_, err = stmt.ExecContext(ctx, tenantID, ls)

	// Get from the database

	var newlst lockset.LockString

	query = `
        tenant_id = $1`
	err = r.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, tenant_id).Scan(
	if err != nil {
		// CASE 1 OF 2: Cannot find record with that email.
		if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
			return // Do nothing...
		// CASE 2 OF 2: All other errors.
		return panic(err)

    // You should see the result!


Found a bug? Want a feature to improve your developer experience when dealing with the time package? Please create an issue.


Made with ❤️ by Bartlomiej Mika.
The project is licensed under the ISC License.

Resource used:

Bartlomiej Mika
Technical Consultant
Bartlomiej Mika
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