Kubernetes operator for the Azure DevOps pipe-line agents


Kubernetes operator for the Azure DevOps pipe-line agents



# docker and github repo username
export USERNAME='bartvanbenthem'
# image and bundle version
export VERSION=1.0.1
# operator repo and name
export OPERATOR_NAME='adoagent-operator'
export OPERATOR_GROUP='ado'
export OPERATOR_KIND='Agent'
export OPERATOR_DOMAIN='gofound.nl'

# scaffold operator
operator-sdk init --domain $OPERATOR_DOMAIN --repo github.com/$USERNAME/$OPERATOR_NAME --skip-go-version-check
operator-sdk create api --group $OPERATOR_GROUP --version v1alpha1 --kind $OPERATOR_KIND --resource --controller

# always run make after changing *_types.go and *_controller.go
make generate
make manifests

# Build the operator
make manifests
make docker-build docker-push IMG=docker.io/$USERNAME/$OPERATOR_NAME:v$VERSION

# test and deploy the operator
make deploy IMG=docker.io/$USERNAME/$OPERATOR_NAME:v$VERSION
kubectl create ns test
kubectl -n test apply -f config/samples/ado_v1alpha1_agent.yaml
kubectl -n test get agent agent-sample
kubectl -n test get pods
# cleanup deployment
make undeploy
kubectl delete ns test

# Operator Lifecycle Manager - create and install bundle
operator-sdk olm install
operator-sdk olm status

# set env vars for creating the bundle

# make the olm bundle
make bundle
# build and push the bundle image:
make bundle-build bundle-push
# verify bundle
operator-sdk bundle validate docker.io/$USERNAME/$OPERATOR_NAME-bundle:v$VERSION

# installing the bundle
operator-sdk run bundle docker.io/$USERNAME/$OPERATOR_NAME-bundle:v$VERSION --timeout 15m

# apply custom resource example
kubectl create ns test
kubectl -n test apply -f config/samples/ado_v1alpha1_agent.yaml
kubectl -n test get agent agent-sample

# Cleaning up your cluster
k -n test get operators
operator-sdk cleanup adoagent-operator
# If your bundle is in a bad state, you can clean up all the OLM and OLM-dependent 
# resources by running the following command:
operator-sdk olm uninstall

# Redeploying from scratch
operator-sdk olm install

operator-sdk run bundle docker.io/$USERNAME/$OPERATOR_NAME-bundle:v1.0.0
kubectl apply -f config/sample/ado_v1alpha1_agent.yaml

Agent Sample

apiVersion: ado.gofound.nl/v1alpha1
kind: Agent
  name: agent-sample
  size: 2
  configStringData: {}
  secretData: {}
        agent_cr: agent-sample
    - Egress
    - to:
      - ipBlock:
      - protocol: TCP
        port: 80
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