Words - help with a word finder game, sketches a text-processing utility program

Shell-style text processing in Go

I saw a word game where the puzzle gives you six letters. By means of a clever user interface, you construct words from 3 or more of the letters. You use the words to fill in a cross-word puzzle style, cross-linked arrangement of words.


I wrote a program to help find those words.


I've written backtracking solutions to Knight's Tour N Queens and Sudoku by having a goroutine run a recursive function. When recursion terminates with a solution, the goroutine writes the solution to a channel. The main goroutine reads solutions and possibly eliminates duplicates.

I followed that pattern for this problem. I wrote a program that generated subsets of the letters of the solution words, and wrote them to a channel. Then I wrote a program that alphabetizes those letter subsets, and finds dictionary (/usr/share/dict/words) words that get spelled with a subset. It occurred to me to change those programs to functions that accept a Golang "in" channel and an "out" channel, run the functions in goroutines, and have the main program deduplicate solution words before output. I experienced a bug, and ended up writing a "tee" function that wrote words from its input channel to stdout before writing those words to its output channel. At that point, I had a pattern to follow, so I re-wrote all the functions to have "in" and "out" channels. func main() creates channels of string to link functions, then runs the functions each in their own goroutine.

I ended up with package processing

package processing

package processing // import "words/processing"

func CreateDictionary() map[string]bool
func MatchingDictionary() map[string][]string

func Deduplicate(in, out chan string)
func DictionaryCheck(in, out chan string)
func DictionaryMatches(in, out chan string)
func Sort(in, out chan string)
func WordKey(word string) string
func WordSubsets(word string, out chan string)

func Tee(in, out1, out2 chan string)
func TeeOut(in chan string)

This package makes a very easy main function:

func main() {
    ch1 := make(chan string, 10)
    ch2 := make(chan string, 10)
    ch3 := make(chan string, 10)
    ch4 := make(chan string, 10)

    go processing.WordSubsets(os.Args[1], ch1) // generate subsets of characters
    go processing.DictionaryMatches(ch1, ch2)  // dictionary words from subsets
    go processing.Deduplicate(ch2, ch3)        // remove duplicate dictionary words
    go processing.Sort(ch3, ch4)               // sort dictionary words alphabetically


package processing isn't at all complete. It only hints at a useful set of functions.

A useful package would name an interface for the functions:

type Filter interface {
	Run(in, out chan string, arguments ...interface{})

At this point, I can't tell if naming "source" and "sink" interfaces would help. I wrote such functions, processing.WordSubsets and processing.TeeOut.

The obvious functions missing from the package are named file inputs and outputs, and regular expression matching. Other Unix shell commands suggest further functionality: tr, uniq, and counters like wc.

Once you've got a well-designed text-processing package, the next step is an interpreter that reads and parses interactive input, creates channels as necessary, and strings together goroutines running functions. This sounds rather like a text-processing shell, along the lines of jq, which handles JSON, not plain text, or GNU datamash.

Tenatively, the command language would look a lot like traditional Unix shell "pipelines". It looks like if you don't remember the past, you are doomed to repeat it.

Bruce Ediger
I like to write programs. I like to explore problems. I write all of my programs to run under Linux.
Bruce Ediger
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