Bxd redis benchmark - Redis benchmark tool for golang

使用 redis benchmark 工具, 测试 10 20 50 100 200 1k 5k 字节 value 大小,redis get set 性能。

redis-benchmark -d 10 -t get,set


- 执行次数和耗时 每秒请求次数
10 100000 requests completed in 3.79 seconds 26420.08 requests per second
20 100000 requests completed in 3.78 seconds 26455.03 requests per second
50 100000 requests completed in 3.91 seconds 25549.31 requests per second
100 100000 requests completed in 3.98 seconds 25138.26 requests per second
200 100000 requests completed in 3.80 seconds 26288.12 requests per second
1k 100000 requests completed in 3.99 seconds 25056.38 requests per second
5k 100000 requests completed in 4.94 seconds 20230.63 requests per second


- 执行次数和耗时 每秒请求次数
10 100000 requests completed in 3.74 seconds 26737.97 requests per second
20 100000 requests completed in 3.98 seconds 25125.63 requests per second
50 100000 requests completed in 3.87 seconds 25866.53 requests per second
100 100000 requests completed in 3.89 seconds 25706.94 requests per second
200 100000 requests completed in 3.88 seconds 25799.79 requests per second
1k 100000 requests completed in 4.00 seconds 25025.03 requests per second
5k 100000 requests completed in 4.79 seconds 20859.41 requests per second
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