User interface engine and widget library for Ebiten

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Ebiten UI

A user interface engine and widget library for Ebiten

Ebiten UI is an extension to Ebiten that provides an engine to render a complete user interface, with widgets such as buttons, lists, combo boxes, and so on. It uses the retained mode model. All graphics used by Ebiten UI can be fully customized, so you can really make your UI your own.

Documentation on how to use and extend Ebiten UI is available at

Ebiten UI is currently under development and should not yet be used in production.



Ebiten UI is licensed under the MIT license.

Maik Schreiber
Java and Go hacker, general nerd
Maik Schreiber
  • _demo: possible to delete characters even when Text Input widget is disabled

    _demo: possible to delete characters even when Text Input widget is disabled

    In the demo application it is currently possible to delete characters (by pressing the [backspace] or [delete] key) typed into the Text Input widget, even when the widget is disabled.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Navigate to the Text Input widget in the demo application.
    2. Enter text (e.g. "abcd").
    3. Disable the widget.
    4. Now, use the mouse to position the text carret in the Text Input widget.
    5. Press the [backspace] or the [delete] key and notice that a character is deleted from the disabled widget.


  • 一次录入多个字 Input multiple words at one time

    一次录入多个字 Input multiple words at one time

    `func (t *TextInput) idleState(newKeyOrCommand bool) textInputState { ....... chars := input.InputChars() if len(chars) > 0 { return t.charInputState(chars[0]), true //多个字一起传入 return t.charInputState(chars), tru } ......

    func (t *TextInput) doInsert(c []rune) { ..... t.cursorPosition += len(c) //一次加多个字符位 }

    func fontStringIndex(s string, f font.Face, x int) int { start := 0 end := len([]rune(s)) //convert to []rune
    line(528) sub := string([]rune(s)[:p]) 不是有可能会出现out of index `

  • Multiple children in anchored container bug/misunderstanding?

    Multiple children in anchored container bug/misunderstanding?

    Hi, I'm not sure if this is my misunderstanding (probably!) or a layout bug.

    I'm trying to put some content in the top left and bottom left of an anchor layout container (red) inside a FlipBook (blue).

    But what I get is...

    Screenshot 2020-10-17 at 21 34 21

    ...or, if I swap the order of the two children of gameplayPage (red) I get...

    Screenshot 2020-10-17 at 21 36 50

    ...but what I'm expecting is that both cyan and yellow boxes be within the red box. Nothing is expected to be in the blue area.

    It feels like the first child of gameplayPage is affecting the layout of the second child somehow?

    I apologise if I've totally misunderstood how layouts or children are supposed to work, or if I've missed some config from the demo code.

    The simplified repro code (based on cmd/scaffold) is...

    package main
    import (
    	_ "image/png"
    type game struct {
    	ui *ebitenui.UI
    func main() {
    	// load button text font
    	face, err := loadFont("fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf", 20)
    	if err != nil {
    	defer face.Close()
    	// construct a new container that serves as the root of the UI hierarchy
    	rootContainer := widget.NewContainer(
    		// the container will use a plain color as its background
    		widget.ContainerOpts.BackgroundImage(image.NewNineSliceColor(color.RGBA{0x13, 0x1a, 0x22, 0xff})),
    		// the container will use an anchor layout to layout its single child widget
    	flipBook := widget.NewFlipBook(
    			Top:    50,
    			Left:   50,
    			Right:  50,
    			Bottom: 50,
    			widget.ContainerOpts.BackgroundImage(image.NewNineSliceColor(color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff})),
    			// get the flipbook to fill the page
    						StretchHorizontal: true,
    						StretchVertical:   true,
    	playerStatsText := widget.NewText(widget.TextOpts.Text("PLAYER STATS", face, color.Black))
    	playerStatsPanel := widget.NewContainer(
    		widget.ContainerOpts.BackgroundImage(image.NewNineSliceColor(color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff})),
    					HorizontalPosition: widget.AnchorLayoutPositionStart,
    					VerticalPosition:   widget.AnchorLayoutPositionStart,
    	nofityText := widget.NewText(widget.TextOpts.Text("NOTIFY", face, color.Black))
    	notifyPanel := widget.NewContainer(
    		widget.ContainerOpts.BackgroundImage(image.NewNineSliceColor(color.RGBA{0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff})),
    					HorizontalPosition: widget.AnchorLayoutPositionStart,
    					VerticalPosition:   widget.AnchorLayoutPositionEnd,
    	gameplayPage := widget.NewContainer(
    		widget.ContainerOpts.BackgroundImage(image.NewNineSliceColor(color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff})),
    		// this is in an implicit AnchorLayout from FlipBook
    					StretchHorizontal: true,
    					StretchVertical:   true,
    	// NOTE: ****** swap the below two lines order to see a difference in layout, but neither as expected ******
    	// add the button as a child of the container
    	// construct the UI
    	ui := ebitenui.UI{
    		Container: rootContainer,
    	// Ebiten setup
    	ebiten.SetWindowSize(400, 400)
    	ebiten.SetWindowTitle("Ebiten UI Scaffold")
    	game := game{
    		ui: &ui,
    	// run Ebiten main loop
    	if err := ebiten.RunGame(&game); err != nil {
    // Update implements Game.
    func (g *game) Layout(outsideWidth int, outsideHeight int) (int, int) {
    	return outsideWidth, outsideHeight
    // Update implements Game.
    func (g *game) Update() error {
    	// update the UI
    	return nil
    // Draw implements Ebiten's Draw method.
    func (g *game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
    	// draw the UI onto the screen
    func loadFont(path string, size float64) (font.Face, error) {
    	fontData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, err
    	ttfFont, err := truetype.Parse(fontData)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, err
    	return truetype.NewFace(ttfFont, &truetype.Options{
    		Size:    size,
    		DPI:     72,
    		Hinting: font.HintingFull,
    	}), nil
  • Creating nine-slice from cropped images don't work as expected

    Creating nine-slice from cropped images don't work as expected

    Hello I've stumbled upon a problem with the rendered button image, if the input image was cropped before creating the nineslice, then it stops being displayed, while everything is fine with the image itself.

    This is spritesheet for button image: image

    This is my crop function:

    func CropSingle(source *ebiten.Image, x, y, w, h int) *ebiten.Image {
    	return source.SubImage(Rect(x, y, w, h)).(*ebiten.Image)

    This is loading the atlas and the image for the buttons:

    w, h, corner, center := 64, 64, 12, 40
    sheet := load.Wrap(load.Image(static, "images/ui.png"))
    imageA := CropSingle(sheet, 0, 0, w, h)
    imageB := CropSingle(sheet, w, 0, w, h)
    buttonImageA := &widget.ButtonImage{
      Idle: image.NewNineSliceSimple(imageA, corner, center),
    buttonImageB := &widget.ButtonImage{
      Idle: image.NewNineSliceSimple(imageB, corner, center),

    At the moment I am drawing the original image in the corner and a set of buttons based on it

    func Update() error {
    	return nil
    func Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
    	screen.DrawImage(<imageA / imageB>, nil)

    When I use imageA as the basis for the buttons, everything is ok:


    But when I use imageB, the buttons stop rendering, although they are done exactly the same, and the image is cut correctly:


  • What'd be the best way to handle Enter key in a TextInput widget?

    What'd be the best way to handle Enter key in a TextInput widget?


    I'm building a chat for my game using ebitenui and I'm not sure if it's possible to handle the Enter event on a TextInput.

    The ChangedEvent doesn't seem to trigger on Enter in any way, only on content updates.

  • How to center middle a Stretch container

    How to center middle a Stretch container

    Hi, I working in a demo "login" view for my game.

    I struggling to understand how I can center the fields into center of a container, this is possible now? Or I need to use a sized panel to center the inside containers and fix the width and height to control the position of the widgets inside a container?

    The code:

    	// Create the container
    	rootContainer := widget.NewContainer(
    				widget.GridLayoutOpts.Stretch([]bool{true}, []bool{false, true, false}),
    					Top:    20,
    					Bottom: 20,
    					Left:   20,
    					Right:  20,
    				widget.GridLayoutOpts.Spacing(0, 20)),
    	b := widget.NewButton(
    			Stretch: true,
    		widget.ButtonOpts.Text(fmt.Sprintf("Log In"), res.Button.Face, res.Button.Text),
    				HorizontalPosition: widget.AnchorLayoutPositionCenter,
    				VerticalPosition:   widget.AnchorLayoutPositionCenter,
  • modify the directory structure & update .gitignore and del go.sum

    modify the directory structure & update .gitignore and del go.sum

    The demo cannot run in my local environment. After adjusting the directory structure, it runs normally. Local environment: ide:goland go version 1.16.9

  • Q: Can/should I use multiple ebitenui.UIs to represent each UI screen in my game?

    Q: Can/should I use multiple ebitenui.UIs to represent each UI screen in my game?


    I'm just trying out ebitenui and had a question. I have different UIs on different screens and I'm not sure if each screen should be their own separate ebitenui.UIs or if they should all be structured to be within a single ebitenui.UI?

    Thank you <3

  • _demo: dragging outside of application window results in crash.

    _demo: dragging outside of application window results in crash.

    First off, really cool UI project! The demo looks great!

    I was playing around with the various widgets and encountered a crash when dragging outside of the application window. See screenshot below (right before the crash).

    Stack trace is attached below (at rev 466226fd04c39712cd2faba3413dde9685b93ee4).


    $ _demo
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x18 pc=0x673226]
    goroutine 8 [running]:
    main.(*dragContents).Update(0xc00005cc40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x161, 0x15e, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/tmp/ebitenui/_demo/dnd.go:38 +0x26*DragAndDrop).draggingState.func1(0xc00019b080, 0x753690, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/tmp/ebitenui/widget/dnd.go:180 +0x3c9*DragAndDrop).Render(0xc000069c70, 0xc00019b080, 0x753690)
    	/tmp/ebitenui/widget/dnd.go:113 +0x3e
    	/tmp/ebitenui/widget/widget.go:359 +0x84, 0xc0002461b0, 0x3, 0x3)
    	/tmp/ebitenui/widget/widget.go:347 +0x109*UI).render(0xc00015dc20, 0xc00019b080)
    	/tmp/ebitenui/ui.go:140 +0x2a6*UI).Draw(0xc00015dc20, 0xc00019b080)
    	/tmp/ebitenui/ui.go:64 +0x21f
    main.(*game).Draw(0xc000010d00, 0xc00019b080)
    	/tmp/ebitenui/_demo/main.go:376 +0x38*imageDumperGameWithDraw).Draw(0xc000a8a420, 0xc00019b080)
    	/home/u/goget/pkg/mod/[email protected]/run.go:120 +0x48*uiContext).draw(0xaa0640)
    	/home/u/goget/pkg/mod/[email protected]/uicontext.go:214 +0x6e*uiContext).Draw(0xaa0640, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/home/u/goget/pkg/mod/[email protected]/uicontext.go:174 +0xb1*UserInterface).update(0x9271a0, 0x20001, 0x1)
    	/home/u/goget/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/uidriver/glfw/ui.go:871 +0x30d*UserInterface).loop(0x9271a0, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/home/u/goget/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/uidriver/glfw/ui.go:914 +0xcf*UserInterface).run(0x9271a0, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/home/u/goget/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/uidriver/glfw/ui.go:769 +0x2bd*UserInterface).Run.func1(0x9271a0, 0xc000a6cae0)
    	/home/u/goget/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/uidriver/glfw/ui.go:602 +0x72
    created by*UserInterface).Run
    	/home/u/goget/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/uidriver/glfw/ui.go:594 +0x12f
  • TextInput: EnterFunc API

    TextInput: EnterFunc API

    The TextInput seems to be missing one important feature: the ability for user to register a callback when the Enter key is pressed - the user is left the opportunities to react to the Enter event with the currently entered text.

    ebitenui/widget/textinput.go: the EnterFunc support ebitenui/_demo/page.go: example use case for the EnterFunc support

    The changes should be pretty straightforward, please review this PR.

  • [QUESTION] Textinput cannot be

    [QUESTION] Textinput cannot be "clickable" inside Window?

    Hi, I have the following "login" window:

    func setLoginContainerWindow(res *assets.UiResources, ui func() *ebitenui.UI) {
    	var rw ebitenui.RemoveWindowFunc
    	c := widget.NewContainer(
    		widget.TextOpts.Text("Login", res.Text.BigTitleFace, res.Text.IdleColor),
    	tOpts := []widget.TextInputOpt{
    			// instruct the container's anchor layout to center the button
    			// both horizontally and vertically
    				Stretch: true,
    			Left:   13,
    			Right:  13,
    			Top:    7,
    			Bottom: 7,
    			widget.CaretOpts.Size(res.TextInput.Face, 2),
    	usernameInput := widget.NewTextInput(append(
    	passwordInput := widget.NewTextInput(append(
    	c1 := widget.NewContainer(
    		widget.ButtonOpts.Text("Log in", res.Button.Face, res.Button.Text),
    		widget.ButtonOpts.ClickedHandler(func(args *widget.ButtonClickedEventArgs) {
    			// Do login here
    		widget.ButtonOpts.Text("Cancel", res.Button.Face, res.Button.Text),
    		widget.ButtonOpts.ClickedHandler(func(args *widget.ButtonClickedEventArgs) {
    	w := widget.NewWindow(widget.WindowOpts.Modal(), widget.WindowOpts.Contents(c))
    	ww, wh := ebiten.WindowSize()
    	r := image.Rect(0, 0, ww*3/4, wh/3)
    	r = r.Add(image.Point{X: ww / 4 / 2, Y: wh * 2 / 3 / 2})
    	rw = ui().AddWindow(w)

    I notice if I try to click into one of the inputs they not change the status to focused. I have done some wrong or is a common behavior to set focus to true when open an window?

  • UI Scale factor

    UI Scale factor

    It would be great if there was UI scale factor, to enlarge/shrink the entire UI. People can implement it themselves, but it would be nice if the library just took care of it.

  • Changing of List entries not possible after creation?

    Changing of List entries not possible after creation?

    Currently is doe not seem possible to change the entries in a List after creation.

    i.E. a list like this:

    	entries := []interface{}{
    		"Test 1",
    		"Test 2",
    		"Test 3",
    	list := widget.NewList(
    		widget.ListOpts.EntryLabelFunc(func(e interface{}) string {
    			return e.(string)

    When the slice is changed end set again for the given list only the underlying model is changed. The widgets (buttons/labels) are not updated/removed/added.

    For example:

    	entries[0] = "Changed 1"

    Result: Visual change: none Bahaviour change: The changed list entry can no longer be selected

    	entries = append(entries, "Teste New")

    Result: Visual change: none Bahaviour change: none

    	entries = []interface{}{}

    Result: Visual change: none Bahaviour change: Clicking an entry crashes the program because of index out of bounds.

    Am I missing something/doing something wrong? Or is it not possible to change the model of a list after creation?

    Currently the only way I found to update a List is by recreating the entire list, which is quite costly. I also played around with widget.ScrollContainerOpts.Content to set my own container with contents that I could update. But I had no luck to get this to work at all.

    Thanks for the great library!

  • Touch support

    Touch support

    Just managed to build my game for Android (hooray!), but there doesn't appear to be any touch input support in ebintenui?

    I'm happy to take on this issue, internal/input/input.go looks like the right place to start?

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