JSONata in Go Package jsonata is a query and transformation language for JSON

JSONata in Go

Package jsonata is a query and transformation language for JSON. It's a Go port of the JavaScript library JSONata.

It currently has feature parity with jsonata-js 1.5.4. As well as a most of the functions added in newer versions. You can see potentially missing functions by looking at the jsonata-js changelog.


go get github.com/blues/jsonata-go


import (

	jsonata "github.com/blues/jsonata-go"

const jsonString = `
        "orders": [
            {"price": 10, "quantity": 3},
            {"price": 0.5, "quantity": 10},
            {"price": 100, "quantity": 1}

func main() {

	var data interface{}

	// Decode JSON.
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &data)
	if err != nil {

	// Create expression.
	e := jsonata.MustCompile("$sum(orders.(price*quantity))")

	// Evaluate.
	res, err := e.Eval(data)
	if err != nil {

	// Output: 135

JSONata Server

A locally hosted version of JSONata Exerciser for testing is available here.

JSONata tests

A CLI tool for running jsonata-go against the JSONata test suite is available here.


We love issues, fixes, and pull requests from everyone. Please run the unit-tests, staticcheck, and goimports prior to submitting your PR. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the Blues Inc code of conduct.

For details on contributions we accept and the process for contributing, see our contribution guide.

In addition to the Go unit tests there is also a test runner that will run against the jsonata-js test suite in the jsonata-test directory. A number of these tests currently fail, but we're working towards feature parity with the jsonata-js reference implementation. Pull requests welcome!

If you would like to contribute to this library a good first issue would be to run the jsonata-test suite, and fix any of the tests not passing.

  • Add 'Clean' function & decimal precision [from another fork]

    Add 'Clean' function & decimal precision [from another fork]

    bit of code taken from the jsonata-test section and modified so that comments (like this one) can be written in the code enables:

    - comments in jsonata code
    - fields with any character in their name i.e 'Field #' or "$ CURRENCY"

    use case:

    import (
    	jsonata "github.com/blues/jsonata-go"
    const jsonString = `
            "orders": [
                {"price": 10, "quantity": 3},
                {"price": 0.5, "quantity": 10},
                {"price": 100, "quantity": 1}
    func main() {
    	var data interface{}
    	// Decode JSON.
    	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &data)
    	if err != nil {
    	jsonataCode := "$sum(orders.(price*quantity)) /* this is an inline comment!*/"
    	cleanCode := jsonata.Clean(jsonataCode)
    	// Create expression.
    	e := jsonata.MustCompile(cleanCode)
    	// Evaluate.
    	res, err := e.Eval(data)
    	if err != nil {
    	// Output: 135
  • add 'Distinct' function

    add 'Distinct' function

    This function will remove exact duplicate objects in a jsonata result. You can't always use $distinct() where you want to (only on top level calls) so this is a go 'distinct' that you can run after you've done jsonata work.

    It's a simple function but saves people having to discover this themselves.

    I figured this would be a useful function to embed in the go package - because then people can run it like this within go:

    	e := jsonata.MustCompile("$sum(orders.(price*quantity))")
    	// Evaluate.
    	res, err := e.Eval(data)
    	if err != nil {
            f, err := jsonata.Distinct(res)
    	if err != nil {
            // f will be a distinct set of results
  • ♻️ float to decimal & set DivisionPrecision = 8

    ♻️ float to decimal & set DivisionPrecision = 8


    • float to decimal
    • setting DivisionPrecision = 8

    PR Type

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    • [ ] Bugfix
    • [ ] Feature
    • [ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
    • [x] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
    • [ ] Build related changes
    • [ ] CI related changes
    • [ ] Documentation content changes
    • [ ] angular.io application / infrastructure changes
    • [ ] Other... Please describe:

    Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

    • [ ] Yes
    • [x] No
  • How to resolve “does not match function signature” in jsonata.Extension

    How to resolve “does not match function signature” in jsonata.Extension

    Excuse. I have defined a jsonata.Extension, for example:

    "mandatory": { Func: func(input string) (string, error) { if input == "" { return input, errors.New(" input is required ") } return input, nil }, }

    If the parameter is not passed to “input”, how can I make jsonata not report an error?

  • Is the *Expr returned from Compile thread-safe?

    Is the *Expr returned from Compile thread-safe?


    First, thanks for the library. I want to cache the compiled expression and use it concurrently across threads. Is this possible?

    See this feature in the .Net version. https://github.com/mikhail-barg/jsonata.net.native


  • merge various branch fixes together

    merge various branch fixes together

    includes commits from https://github.com/ASJadeTech/jsonata-go and https://github.com/xiatechs/jsonata-go


    • add refactored decimal precision logic
    • add ability to include /* comments */ and ability to use $."Fields with spaces"
    • adds a simple join function 0 $sjoin(obj1, obj2, "id", "id) etc
  • add @ operator to blues jsonata

    add @ operator to blues jsonata

    Firstly - excellent work porting jsonata to Golang. Impressive. I have a request:

    In original JSONATA they have # and @ operators which enable JOIN like operations on data (a simplification on top of usage of map and filter) i.e

    $$.new.additionalfeatures @ $T1.$$.old.items @ $T2[$T1.id = $T2.id].{
        "id": $T1.id,
        "color": $T1.colour,
        "name": $T2.name

    and currently you'd need to do something like

        "id": $.id,
        "name": $.name,
        "color": ($filter($$.new.additionalfeatures, function($i){$i.id = $.id})).colour

    It would be useful to have at least the @ operator added to the Go port of jsonata.

    I appreciate this would be a fiddly bit of work - so it's a 'nice to have'.

  • $ != $[]

    $ != $[]

    In try.jsonata.org, the following evaluate identically as a way of demoting the entire source object into a field.

    { "event":$[0] }


    { "event":$[] }

    ...are equivalent to...

    { "event":$ }

    In jsonata-go, $[0] does what one would expect, but the others do not.

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