a Golang sdk for working with DeFi protocols, and ethereum compatible blockchains

A golang sdk for working with DeFi protocols and general utilities for working with ethereum-compatible blockchains.


  • bclient
  • bindings
  • cli
  • config
  • database
  • sushiswap
  • uniswap
  • testenv
  • utils


Provides a wrapper around the ethclient package


Provides code generated by abigen for working with smart contracts:

  • bindings/erc20 provides generated code for working with ERC20 contracts
  • bindings/oneinch/v2 provides generated code for working with OneInch V2 router contracts
  • bindings/oneinch/v3 provides generated code for working with OneInch V3 router contracts
  • unicrypt/presalefactory provides generated code for working with UniCrypt presale factories
  • uniswap/* provides generated code for working with Uniswap V2 contracts (note these can also be used for working with the corresponding sushiswap contracts)


cli package


configuration management package


database management packlage


Wrapper around go-ethereum's ethclient package for using sushiswap v2.


Wrapper around go-ethereum's ethclient package for using uniswap v2.


Provides a wrapper around the SimulatedBackend allowing for an in-memory blockchain. It is particularly useful for local smart contract development, or developing backend dApps.


Provides utility functions including all goethereum book utils, a helper to make bind.TransactOpts safe for concurrent use, as well as a general Blockchain interface that satisfies all functions provided by simulated backend, as well as ethclient which is useful for drop-in replacement of actual RPC clients, and test environments.


transaction matching

$> /go-defi txm --methods transfer --methods transferFrom --methods buy --contract.address 0x5ade7aE8660293F2ebfcEfaba91d141d72d221e8
you're always in somebody's school
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