Simple in-memory job queue for Golang using worker-based dispatching

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Simple in-memory job queue for Golang using worker-based dispatching

Documentation here:

Cron jobs use the robfig/cron library:

Example Usage

// 10 workers, 100 max in job queue
d := artifex.NewDispatcher(10, 100)

d.Dispatch(func() {
  // do something

err := d.DispatchIn(func() {
  // do something in 500ms
}, time.Millisecond*500)

// Returns a DispatchTicker
dt, err := d.DispatchEvery(func() {
  // do something every 250ms
}, time.Millisecond*250)

// Stop a given DispatchTicker

// Returns a DispatchCron
dc, err := d.DispatchCron(func() {
  // do something every 1s
}, "*/1 * * * * *")

// Stop a given DispatchCron

// Stop a dispatcher and all its workers/tickers
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  • Module path should be

    Module path should be "", not ""


    Module path is inconsistent with go import path. GO111MODULE=on, as doc said, import "", then get this error:

    go: finding module for package
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20191113201913-8ea03c710bd4
    go: found in v0.0.0-20191113201913-8ea03c710bd4
    go: test1 imports
  [email protected]: parsing go.mod:
            module declares its path as:
                    but was required as: 


    Fix the module path:

    1. Rename the module path to "":
    require (
    1. Change the doc document to use import "".
  • Semver tag

    Semver tag


    looks like a very useful module. I tried to pull the latest version but it failed.

    go get -v -u[email protected]
    go get[email protected]: no matching versions for query "v0.4"

    My understanding is that go.mod expects a semver tag and v0.4 doesn't have the patch version. I would assume that tagging v0.4.0 would work without having to change anything.

    For now I can only get v0.3.1 which incidentally follows semver.

  • Throttling


    Awesome library, pretty much exactly what I was looking for! There is one feature I'd still like to have, though.

    I'd like to have the ability to create throttled dispatchers, that is, dispatchers which run no more than X jobs per time (e.g. 5 per minute), regardless of which rate new jobs are created at.

    This could be helpful when sending out large amounts of e-mails, for example. Say, I want to send an e-mail to each of 1,000 users every Friday night, but don't want to send them all at once, but over a period of 30 minutes, to relieve the mail server a bit.

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