Validates Terraform Plans using TFSEC and OPA

Terraform Plan Validator

Validates Terraform Plans using TFSEC and OPA


go run main.go check "delete-rg-test.json" "azure"


docker build . -t terraform-plan-validator
docker tag terraform-plan-validator bradmccoydev/terraform-plan-validator:latest
docker push bradmccoydev/terraform-plan-validator:latest
docker pull bradmccoydev/terraform-plan-validator:latest

docker run -p 80:80 bradmccoydev/terraform-plan-validator:latest check "delete-rg-test.json" "azure"

variables: OPA_GCP_POLICY: opa-gcp-policy.rego OPA_AZURE_POLICY: opa-azure-policy.rego OPA_AWS_POLICY: opa-aws-policy.rego OPA_REGO_QUERY: data.terraform.analysis.authz

chmod +x ./main ./main check "delete-rg-test.json" "azure"

Brad McCoy
CNCF Ambassador | Head of Cloud Engineering
Brad McCoy
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