High-performance framework for building redis-protocol compatible TCP servers/services


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The high-performance Swiss Army Knife for building redis-protocol compatible servers/services.


This repository is organised into multiple components:

  • root package contains the framework for building redis-protocol compatible, high-performance servers.
  • resp implements low-level primitives for dealing with RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol), client and server-side. It contains basic wrappers for readers and writers to read/write requests and responses.
  • client contains a minimalist pooled client.

For full documentation and examples, please see the individual packages and the official API documentation: https://godoc.org/github.com/bsm/redeo.


A simple server example with two commands:

package main

import (


func main() {
	srv := redeo.NewServer(nil)

	// Define handlers
	srv.HandleFunc("ping", func(w resp.ResponseWriter, _ *resp.Command) {
	srv.HandleFunc("info", func(w resp.ResponseWriter, _ *resp.Command) {

	// More handlers; demo usage of redeo.WrapperFunc
	srv.Handle("echo", redeo.WrapperFunc(func(c *resp.Command) interface{} {
		if c.ArgN() != 1 {
			return redeo.ErrWrongNumberOfArgs(c.Name)
		return c.Arg(0)

	// Open a new listener
	lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":9736")
	if err != nil {
	defer lis.Close()

	// Start serving (blocking)

More complex handlers:

func main() {
	mu := sync.RWMutex{}
	data := make(map[string]string)
	srv := redeo.NewServer(nil)

	srv.HandleFunc("set", func(w resp.ResponseWriter, c *resp.Command) {
		if c.ArgN() != 2 {

		key := c.Arg(0).String()
		val := c.Arg(1).String()

		data[key] = val


	srv.HandleFunc("get", func(w resp.ResponseWriter, c *resp.Command) {
		if c.ArgN() != 1 {

		key := c.Arg(0).String()
		val, ok := data[key]

		if ok {

Redeo also supports command wrappers:

func main() {
	mu := sync.RWMutex{}
	data := make(map[string]string)
	srv := redeo.NewServer(nil)

	srv.Handle("set", redeo.WrapperFunc(func(c *resp.Command) interface{} {
		if c.ArgN() != 2 {
			return redeo.ErrWrongNumberOfArgs(c.Name)

		key := c.Arg(0).String()
		val := c.Arg(1).String()

		data[key] = val

		return 1

	srv.Handle("get", redeo.WrapperFunc(func(c *resp.Command) interface{} {
		if c.ArgN() != 1 {
			return redeo.ErrWrongNumberOfArgs(c.Name)

		key := c.Arg(0).String()
		val, ok := data[key]

		if ok {
			return val
		return nil
Black Square Media
Black Square Media
  • Double-quoted string shoud be treated as one argument

    Double-quoted string shoud be treated as one argument

    Very sweet library, thanks!

    I found a litte problem when I want use it in my project: If I type echo "hello world", c.ArgN() returns 2 rather then 1, redis do the right thing. Maybe it's better to parse double-quoted string as one argument rather then just split them by blank?

  • Performance much slower than Redis

    Performance much slower than Redis

    Even with empty handlers that basically NOOP the performance of this library is still lacking compared to Redis itself which is doing more work. I wonder if the bottleneck could be removed? I haven't looked into it yet but I thought I would report some benchmarks.


    ./redis-benchmark -t set -n 100000 -q -P 100
    SET: 806451.62 requests per second


    ./redis-benchmark -t set -n 100000 -q -P 100
    SET: 216919.73 requests per second

    Server code is as follows.

        srv := redeo.NewServer(&redeo.Config{Addr: "localhost:6379"})
        srv.HandleFunc("ping", func(out *redeo.Responder, _ *redeo.Request) error {
            return nil
        srv.HandleFunc("set", func(out *redeo.Responder, _ *redeo.Request) error {
            return nil

    Profiling shows the following.

    (pprof) top10
    12.40s of 13.13s total (94.44%)
    Dropped 158 nodes (cum <= 0.07s)
    Showing top 10 nodes out of 113 (cum >= 0.22s)
          flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
         8.13s 61.92% 61.92%      8.15s 62.07%  syscall.Syscall
         1.54s 11.73% 73.65%      1.54s 11.73%  runtime.mach_semaphore_signal
         0.76s  5.79% 79.44%      0.76s  5.79%  runtime.kevent
         0.71s  5.41% 84.84%      0.71s  5.41%  runtime.usleep
         0.64s  4.87% 89.72%      0.64s  4.87%  runtime.mach_semaphore_wait
         0.29s  2.21% 91.93%      0.29s  2.21%  runtime.(*mcentral).grow
         0.11s  0.84% 92.76%      0.11s  0.84%  runtime.mach_semaphore_timedwait
         0.09s  0.69% 93.45%      0.09s  0.69%  nanotime
         0.07s  0.53% 93.98%      0.12s  0.91%  runtime.scanobject
         0.06s  0.46% 94.44%      0.22s  1.68%  runtime.scanstack
  • Allow the client to be set manually

    Allow the client to be set manually

    I'm implementing Redis transactions (https://github.com/tsileo/silokv/blob/master/main.go), so I keep a buffer of request I manually apply on EXEC, but I need a way to set the client (the context) manually.

  • Missing LICENSE File

    Missing LICENSE File

    You have a copy of a license in your README file, but you do not include an actual LICENSE file. A license should typically be it's own file and not included as part of the documentation. Would you be willing to fix this so that I can continue getting this source (ultimately Gitea) into Debian?

  • Fix slice out of bound exception in rare cases.

    Fix slice out of bound exception in rare cases.

    In rare cases, '\n' may not be buffered while '\r' is. This will cause consecutive "slice out of bound" failures of compact() calls due to b.r > b.w by 1.

  • Give example for multi exec commands

    Give example for multi exec commands

    When using multi each command returns the string "QUEUED" exec returns the values of the executed commands how do i fetch that value in the client ?

    for example for this code:

    multi := tx.TxPipeline()
    cmd := multi.RPushX(key, ".")
    cmds, err := multi.Exec()

    i try to use those mocks:

    srv.HandleFunc("multi", func(w resp.ResponseWriter, c *resp.Command) {
    srv.Handle("rpushx", redeo.WrapperFunc(func(c *resp.Command) interface{} {
    		return "QUEUED"
    srv.Handle("exec", redeo.WrapperFunc(func(c *resp.Command) interface{} {
    		return []int{1}

    how can i get the value 1 ? i tried:

    c := cmd.Val() // returns 0


    count = cmds[0].(*redis.IntCmd).Val() //returns 0 too

    Thanks Dan

  • Added Client.Close() method

    Added Client.Close() method

    In order to implement a 'QUIT' method the client now has a Close() method. It's more of a graceful close, where the socket is only closed once the buffer has been send.

  • Return of TotalConnections and TotalCommands

    Return of TotalConnections and TotalCommands

    The number of processed commands and the count of connections made are not available as plain integer values anymore, only as strings in a more general info string. This PR re-introduces them.

    I used them in https://github.com/alicebob/miniredis/blob/master/miniredis.go#L186 and https://github.com/alicebob/miniredis/blob/master/miniredis.go#L202

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