Type-safe Prometheus metrics builder library for golang


A Prometheus metrics builder

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gotoprom offers an easy to use declarative API with type-safe labels for building and using Prometheus metrics. It doesn't replace the official Prometheus client but adds a wrapper on top of it.

gotoprom is built for developers who like type safety, navigating the code using IDEs and using a “find usages” functionality, making refactoring and debugging easier at the cost of performance and writing slightly more verbose code.


Main motivation for this library was to have type-safety on the Prometheus labels, which are just a map[string]string in the original library, and their values can be reported even without mentioning the label name, just relying on the order they were declared in.

For example, it replaces:

httpReqs := prometheus.NewCounterVec(
        Name: "http_requests_total",
        Help: "How many HTTP requests processed, partitioned by status code and HTTP method.",
    []string{"code", "method"},

// ...

httpReqs.WithLabelValues("404", "POST").Add(42)


var metrics = struct{
	Reqs func(labels) prometheus.Counter `name:"requests_total" help:"How many HTTP requests processed, partitioned by status code and HTTP method."`

type labels struct {
	Code   int    `label:"code"`
	Method string `label:"method"`

gotoprom.MustInit(&metrics, "http")

// ...

metrics.Reqs(labels{Code: 404, Method: "POST"}).Inc()

This way it's impossible to mess the call by exchanging the order of "POST" & "404" params.


Define your metrics:

var metrics struct {
	SomeCounter                      func() prometheus.Counter   `name:"some_counter" help:"some counter"`
	SomeHistogram                    func() prometheus.Histogram `name:"some_histogram" help:"Some histogram with default prometheus buckets" buckets:""`
	SomeHistogramWithSpecificBuckets func() prometheus.Histogram `name:"some_histogram_with_buckets" help:"Some histogram with custom buckets" buckets:".01,.05,.1"`
	SomeGauge                        func() prometheus.Gauge     `name:"some_gauge" help:"Some gauge"`
	SomeSummaryWithSpecificMaxAge    func() prometheus.Summary   `name:"some_summary_with_specific_max_age" help:"Some summary with custom max age" max_age:"20m" objectives:"0.50,0.95,0.99"`

	Requests struct {
		Total func(requestLabels) prometheus.Count `name:"total" help:"Total amount of requests served"`
	} `namespace:"requests"`

type requestLabels struct {
	Service    string `label:"service"`
	StatusCode int    `label:"status"`
	Success    bool   `label:"success"`

Initialize them:

func init() {
	gotoprom.MustInit(&metrics, "namespace")

Measure stuff:

metrics.Requests.Total(requestLabels{Service: "google", StatusCode: 404, Success: false}).Inc()

Custom metric types

By default, only some basic metric types are registered when gotoprom is intialized:

  • prometheus.Counter
  • prometheus.Histogram
  • prometheus.Gauge
  • prometheus.Summary

You can extend this by adding more types, for instance, if you want to observe time and want to avoid repetitive code you can create a prometheusx.TimeHistogram:

package prometheusx

import (


var (
	// TimeHistogramType is the reflect.Type of the TimeHistogram interface
	TimeHistogramType = reflect.TypeOf((*TimeHistogram)(nil)).Elem()

func init() {
	gotoprom.MustAddBuilder(TimeHistogramType, RegisterTimeHistogram)

// RegisterTimeHistogram registers a TimeHistogram after registering the underlying prometheus.Histogram in the prometheus.Registerer provided
// The function it returns returns a TimeHistogram type as an interface{}
func RegisterTimeHistogram(name, help, namespace string, labelNames []string, tag reflect.StructTag) (func(prometheus.Labels) interface{}, prometheus.Collector, error) {
	f, collector, err := prometheusvanilla.BuildHistogram(name, help, namespace, labelNames, tag)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	return func(labels prometheus.Labels) interface{} {
		return timeHistogramAdapter{Histogram: f(labels).(prometheus.Histogram)}
	}, collector, nil

// TimeHistogram offers the basic prometheus.Histogram functionality
// with additional time-observing functions
type TimeHistogram interface {
	// Duration observes the duration in seconds
	Duration(duration time.Duration)
	// Since observes the duration in seconds since the time point provided

type timeHistogramAdapter struct {

// Duration observes the duration in seconds
func (to timeHistogramAdapter) Duration(duration time.Duration) {

// Since observes the duration in seconds since the time point provided
func (to timeHistogramAdapter) Since(duration time.Time) {

So you can later define it as:

var metrics struct {
	DurationSeconds func() prometheusx.TimeHistogram `name:"duration_seconds" help:"Duration in seconds" buckets:".001,.005,.01,.025,.05,.1"`

func init() {
	gotoprom.MustInit(&metrics, "requests")

And use it as:

// ...
defer metrics.DurationSeconds().Since(t0)
// ...

Replacing metric builders

If you don't like the default metric builders, you can replace the DefaultInitializer with your own one.


Obviously, there's a performance cost to perform the type-safety mapping magic to the original Prometheus client's API.

In general terms, it takes 3x to increment a counter than with vanilla Prometheus, which is around 600ns (we're talking about a portion of a microsecond, less than a thousandth of a millisecond)

$ go test -bench . -benchtime 3s
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/cabify/gotoprom
BenchmarkVanilla-4    	10000000	       387 ns/op
BenchmarkGotoprom-4   	 5000000	      1049 ns/op
ok  	github.com/cabify/gotoprom	10.611s

In terms of memory, there's a also a 33% increase in terms of space, and 3x increase in allocations:

$ go test -bench . -benchmem
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/cabify/gotoprom
BenchmarkVanilla-4    	 5000000	       381 ns/op	     336 B/op	       2 allocs/op
BenchmarkGotoprom-4   	 1000000	      1030 ns/op	     432 B/op	       6 allocs/op
ok  	github.com/cabify/gotoprom	3.369s

This costs are probably assumable in most of the applications, especially when measuring network accesses, etc. which are magnitudes higher.

  • Remove the default DefaultBuckets, make them configurable

    Remove the default DefaultBuckets, make them configurable

    When buckets for a Histogram are not defined explicitly, we set some DefaultBuckets: https://github.com/cabify/gotoprom/blob/b6bf805c5c9ff2e7dad23c127ef5e9876453c522/prometheusvanilla/builders.go#L123-L125

    Those may fit you or may not, fit you. We actually already changed them once and that was a breaking change for our customers.

    I'd say that there should not be any default values and everyone should provide explicitly the buckets they want.

    OTOH, since there's a clear wish for having default values here, we can make the default values being optional.

    So I think that the solution is a Builder factory, like:

    // HistogramBuilder returns a builder for the `prometheus.Histogram` metric type with the
    // default buckets set to the provided ones.
    // Default buckets will be used if specific ones were not provided through a tag.
    // If default buckets are set to nil and metric does not provide ones, metric building will fail. 
    func HistogramBuilder(defaultBuckets []float64) gotoprom.Builder {

    With default initializer configured as prometheusvanilla.HistogramBuilder(nil)

  • Release v1.0.0

    Release v1.0.0

    We've been stuck to v0.x.y because github.com/prometheus/client_golang was on v0.i.j, but since official prometheus v1.0.0 is out and considered stable, we can release a stable version too (with some breaking changes, see the milestone)

  • Change the builder for prometheus.Observer by a builder for prometheus.Histogram

    Change the builder for prometheus.Observer by a builder for prometheus.Histogram

    Initially we didn't offer a builder for summaries and we used the prometheus.Observer target interface to bind the builder for prometheus.Histogram. That's not exactly correct and the v1.0.0 release is a good moment to fix that.

    This would be a breaking change so we should reduce the pain on this for our customers (since upgrading from v0 to v1 does not change the package).

    I'd propose to rename BuildObserver to BuildHistogram and register that builder for prometheus.Histogram and stop registering it for prometheus.Observer.

    State that in the release notice allowing people to:

    • Change their code to the new type in the builder (otherwise it would not build the metrics)
    • Register BuildHistogram as a builder for prometheus.Observer in init() of their main package if someone depends on a third party code building the metrics which doesn't update.
  • Allow passing summary objectives through the tags

    Allow passing summary objectives through the tags

    Prometheus removed the default 0.5, 0.9 and 0.95 summary objectives in the v1.0.0, so now the summaries this library builds have no objectives at all, and act like an histogram with no buckets (only a sum and a count are exposed).

    We should add the ability of providing those objectives through the tags of the summary when it's defined.

  • Added support of empty values for labels

    Added support of empty values for labels

    Maybe I should call it "default"? We can explicitly report a value if none was set on a string. It can become too repetitive in the code if you have 5 labels in a metric.

  • Use golangci-lint as linter

    Use golangci-lint as linter

    This is faster than goimports and includes more linters.

    Also removed non user-runnable targets from Makefile.

    Finally, applied changes to the code to comply with the code.

  • Summaries: require objectives to be explicit

    Summaries: require objectives to be explicit

    Just like https://github.com/cabify/gotoprom/pull/27 but for Summaries, same reasons apply, TL;DR: explicit is better than implicit.

    Also fixed summary builder not failing when objectives were malformed.

  • Histograms: require buckets to be explicit

    Histograms: require buckets to be explicit

    Default buckets were removed and buckets are now required: writing the buckets is a 5 second effort while forgetting about them and having wrong buckets in production is a lot of work (and maybe even an incident if wrong buckets don't provide enough visibility on an issue)

    So now any code without buckets on the histograms will fail to intialize that metrics.

    Finally, empty buckets tag is now allowed and it builds an empty buckets slice, which will cause prometheus library to use its own default buckets.

    Notice that this change identified an issue in one of our own tests where buckets tag was wrong (metricsbuckets) and it was unnoticed because default buckets where used instead.

    Solves https://github.com/cabify/gotoprom/issues/23

  • Build prometheus.Histogram instead of Observer

    Build prometheus.Histogram instead of Observer

    The unprecise usage of prometheus.Observer instead of prometheus.Histogram may be misleading, since both Histogram and Summary interfaces embed the Observer interface.

    This is a breaking change since previous code won't compile with this version, so there's no better moment (except for v2) for doing this than going v1.

    Solves https://github.com/cabify/gotoprom/issues/21 although without offering a backwards compatible mechanism because of how packages are loaded and initialized.

  • Add objectives to summaries from struct tag

    Add objectives to summaries from struct tag

    Prometheus has deprecated the default values for objectives and they now need to be explicitly specified. Default values are those that client_golang library had before deprecation in v1. If no objectives are specified, default objectives are used.

    Solves https://github.com/cabify/gotoprom/issues/20.

  • Shorten default list of buckets

    Shorten default list of buckets

    From 13 time series to 7 generated in a histogram as a "sensible default" with network requests in mind. These can be overwritten by any metric definition.

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