A UI-first centralized authentication / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform supporting OAuth 2.0 / OIDC

📦 ⚡️ Casdoor

A UI-first centralized authentication / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform based on OAuth 2.0 / OIDC.

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Online demo

Deployed site: https://door.casbin.com/

Quick Start

Run your own casdoor program in a few minutes.


There are two methods, get code via go subcommand get:

go get github.com/casbin/casdoor

or git:

git clone https://github.com/casbin/casdoor

Finally, change directory:

cd casdoor/

We provide two start up methods for all kinds of users.


Simple configuration

Casdoor requires a running Relational database to be operational.Thus you need to modify configuration to point out the location of database.

Edit conf/app.conf, modify dataSourceName to correct database info, which follows this format:



Casdoor provides two run modes, the difference is binary size and user prompt.

Dev Mode

Edit conf/app.conf, set runmode=dev. Firstly build front-end files:

cd web/ && yarn && yarn run start

A word of caution : Casdoor's front-end is built using yarn. You should use yarn instead of npm. It has a potential failure during building the files if you use npm.

Then build back-end binary file, change directory to root(Relative to casdoor):

go run main.go

That's it! Try to visit 🛩️
But make sure you always request the backend port 8000 when you are using SDKs.

Production Mode

Edit conf/app.conf, set runmode=prod. Firstly build front-end files:

cd web/ && yarn && yarn run build

Then build back-end binary file, change directory to root(Relative to casdoor):

go build main.go && sudo ./main

Notice, you should visit back-end port, default 8000. Now try to visit http://SERVER_IP:8000/


Casdoor provide 2 kinds of image:

  • casbin/casdoor-all-in-one, in which casdoor binary, a mysql database and all necessary configurations are packed up. This image is for new user to have a trial on casdoor quickly. With this image you can start a casdoor immediately with one single command (or two) without any complex configuration. Note: we DO NOT recommend you to use this image in productive environment

  • casbin/casdoor: normal & graceful casdoor image with only casdoor and environment installed.

This method requires docker and docker-compose to be installed first.

Start casdoor with casbin/casdoor-all-in-one

if the image is not pulled, pull it from dockerhub

docker pull casbin/casdoor-all-in-one

Start it with

docker run -p 8000:8000 casbin/casdoor-all-in-one

Now you can visit http://localhost:8000 and have a try. Default account and password is 'admin' and '123'. Go for it!

Start casdoor with casbin/casdoor

modify the configurations

For the convenience of your first attempt, docker-compose.yml contains commands to start a database via docker.

Thus edit conf/app.conf to point out the location of database(db:3306), modify dataSourceName to the fixed content:

dataSourceName = root:123456@tcp(db:3306)/

If you need to modify conf/app.conf, you need to re-run docker-compose up.


docker-compose up

That's it! Try to visit http://localhost:8000/. 🛩️

Detailed documentation

We also provide a complete document as a reference.

Other examples

These all use casdoor as a centralized authentication platform.

  • Casnode: Next-generation forum software based on React + Golang.
  • Casbin-OA: A full-featured OA(Office Assistant) system.
  • ......


For casdoor, if you have any questions, you can give Issues, or you can also directly start Pull Requests(but we recommend giving issues first to communicate with the community).

I18n notice

If you are contributing to casdoor, please note that we use Crowdin as translating platform and i18next as translating tool. When you add some words using i18next in the web/ directory, please remember to add what you have added to the web/src/locales/en/data.json file.



A web-based single-sign-on (SSO) platform and the official client SDKs
  • Grafana Redirect URI error

    Grafana Redirect URI error

    Casdoor Grafana has configured the redirect url, but when logging in, casdoor reports that the url of localhost is not in the redirect list,after add localhost to the redirect url list, it will jump to localhost, change localhost to domain of grafana, it is working , the database record is right


  • localhost dev mode can't access backend api because of cors

    localhost dev mode can't access backend api because of cors

    i follow the https://casdoor.org/docs/basic/server-installation for local dev .then i got this cors error. image image image

    my app.conf file content

    appname = casdoor
    httpport = 8000
    runmode = dev
    copyrequestbody = true
    driverName = mysql
    dataSourceName = root:a123456@tcp(
    dbName = casdoor
    tableNamePrefix =
    showSql = true
    redisEndpoint =
    defaultStorageProvider = 
    isCloudIntranet = false
    authState = "casdoor"
    socks5Proxy = ""
    verificationCodeTimeout = 10
    initScore = 2000
    logPostOnly = false
    origin = "http://localhost:7001"
    staticBaseUrl = "https://cdn.casbin.org"
    isDemoMode = false
    batchSize = 100
    ldapServerPort = 389
    languages = en,zh,es,fr,de,ja,ko,ru
    quota = {"organization": -1, "user": -1, "application": -1, "provider": -1}
  • Retrieve password error: unknown authentication type (not password or provider)

    Retrieve password error: unknown authentication type (not password or provider)

    Hello, everyone!

    I am just a beginner with casdoor. I am trying to test a retrieve password, but received this error:

    unknown authentication type (not password or provider), form = {
    	"type": "login",
    	"organization": "org",
    	"username": "",
    	"password": "",
    	"name": "",
    	"email": "",
    	"phone": "",
    	"affiliation": "",
    	"idCard": "",
    	"region": "",
    	"application": "socbazar",
    	"provider": "",
    	"code": "38316",
    	"state": "",
    	"redirectUri": "",
    	"method": "",
    	"emailCode": "",
    	"phoneCode": "",
    	"phonePrefix": "7",
    	"autoSignin": false,
    	"relayState": "",
    	"samlResponse": ""

    The username is found and the email substituted in the form field, but they are not sent to the server. Email provider is configured and working.

    What I am doing wrong?

  • fix: some minor bugs and make Dockerfile more productive.

    fix: some minor bugs and make Dockerfile more productive.

    These are some very minor changes, so no demos are provided.

    Make Dockerfile more productive.

    • Build all-in-one image:
    docker build --target ALLINONE -t casbin/casdoor-all-in-one:latest .
    • Build standard image:
    docker build --target STANDARD -t casbin/casdoor:latest .

    Solve the problem that the PermissionList page jumped abnormally when clicking the permission name in the list.

    • Insert the owner into the url when jumping to the permissions details page.

    Fix incorrect SignupApplication field value in initBuiltInUser.

    • Wrong SignupApplication value causes exceptions in multiple functions for the first admin user, such as uploading avatars, user detail pages, etc.
  • The certs page is displayed incorrectly

    The certs page is displayed incorrectly

    The contents of the public key field are actually the contents of the certificate, not the public key.

    Consider changing the name of the field to "certificate" or the contents of the field to the public key.

    The Python SDK recently use the certificate to generate public key automaticly, but the PHP SDK still need to convert manually.

  • After updating the user, how to get a token with these updates?

    After updating the user, how to get a token with these updates?

    Hi all!

    I have a small question on using sdk (golang).

    After updating the user, how to get a token with these updates?


    1. Get token
    token, err := auth.GetOAuthToken(code, state)
    1. Parse JWT token
    jwtClaims, err := auth.ParseJwtToken(token.AccessToken)
    1. Change jwtClaims.User

    2. Update user

    ok, err := auth.UpdateUserForColumns(&jwtClaims.User, []string{"properties"})
    1. How to get AccessToken string (JWT token) with an updated user?
  • Docker Compose | Environment variables as config

    Docker Compose | Environment variables as config

    Hello 👋

    I'm using casdoor v1.103.0 with docker compose, and I want to pass the environment variables from the docs to the container.


    version: '3.9'
        image: casbin/casdoor:${CASDOOR_IMAGE_VERSION}
        restart: 'no'
        entrypoint: /bin/sh -c './server --createDatabase=true'
          RUNNING_IN_DOCKER: "true"
          - mysql

    It is possible to make this feature?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Sign in with open_oidc  front return blank in arm

    Sign in with open_oidc front return blank in arm

    in arm ,i use casdoor Administration is ok ,


    but i use open_oidc sign with my app ,the front is blank 图片

    and the log is

    2022/08/09 09:24:06.886 [D]  || 200 |   1.252743ms| nomatch| GET      /login/oauth/authorize

    i use the gitea example, The result is the same

    Same parameter configuration in amd64 is ok 图片

  • Develop a Casdoor plugin for APISIX

    Develop a Casdoor plugin for APISIX

    Here are two plugins can be used as references:

    1. KeyCloak: https://apisix.apache.org/docs/apisix/plugins/authz-keycloak/
    2. Casbin: https://apisix.apache.org/docs/apisix/plugins/authz-casbin

    The new plugin auth-casdoor will be added by making PR to APISIX's repo like how it's done for authz-casbin: https://github.com/apache/apisix/pull/4710

    We can choose to make a casdoor-lua-sdk first or not, based on how the developer decide it.

    There is some existing work to connect APISIX with Casdoor via OIDC: https://github.com/casdoor/casdoor/issues?q=apisix , but plugin is a better and easier solution. So a plugin is also important as well.

  • Act as an OAuth 2.0 + OIDC server

    Act as an OAuth 2.0 + OIDC server

    Currently, Casdoor uses a home-made logging-in mechanism: https://github.com/casbin/casdoor/blob/master/controllers/account.go

    It's not standard and it's unsafe, the password is transmitted over the network.

    Finally, we will move to OAuth 2.0 + OIDC. It means that applications like Casbin OA (both JS client and Go backend) will talk to Casdoor via the OAuth 2.0 + OIDC protocols.

    We can use: https://github.com/go-oauth2/oauth2 to implement our OAuth 2.0 + OIDC server-side.

    The existing code:

    • Casdoor JS client SDK: https://github.com/casbin/casbin-oa/tree/master/web/src/auth (currently for agile development, we put the code inside Casbin-OA, so we don't need to publish to NPM then import it in dependency file. In future, when the API is stablized, we will separate the Casdoor JS client code into a new repo and release to NPM)
    • Casdoor Go SDK: not available yet, because currently Casbin-OA doesn't involve any server-side code to talk to Casdoor, only client does. This is NOT correct. So we will formulate a Go SDK in the Casbin-OA Go code.

    Some reference about this topic: https://github.com/casbin/casdoor/issues/10

  • OIDC endpoint is always https

    OIDC endpoint is always https

    • env: docker with image casdoor-all-in-one
    • OIDC Discovery shows that issuer and other endpoints are start with https not http, not config any tls for this environment and do not find any configuration to change https to http.
    • when use OIDC, it always redirect to https, and it's not work.(http works perfectly)
  • fix: convert line endings to LF on checkout for all envs

    fix: convert line endings to LF on checkout for all envs

    Fix #1447

    The fix is similar to https://github.com/kubernetes-up-and-running/kuard/issues/30

    Fix line endings for windows users. Do not allow user core.autocrlf to change the line endings for *.sh files. This will fix issues building the container by removing the line endings on the shebang of the copied bash files.

    References: https://github.com/kubernetes-up-and-running/kuard/issues/30 https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/getting-started-with-git/configuring-git-to-handle-line-endings#per-repository-settings

  • docker-compose ./build.sh: not found error on Win 10

    docker-compose ./build.sh: not found error on Win 10

    Trying to run docker-compose would result in ./build.sh: not found error on Win 10. Tried it on different windows machines and confirmed that it is a general problem. Have found a solution and I will PR to solve this.


  • docker-compose beego error

    docker-compose beego error

    I try to run casdoor with Makefile and tried also with docker-compose and get always same error:

    casdoor-casdoor-1 exited with code 2 casdoor-casdoor-1 | panic: prefix should has path casdoor-casdoor-1 | casdoor-casdoor-1 | goroutine 1 [running]: casdoor-casdoor-1 | github.com/beego/beego.(*Tree).addtree(0x0, {0x2b42ae0, 0x174ef40, 0xc000a0e4e8}, 0x1, {0x0, 0x0, 0xc000a0e018}, {0x0, 0x0}) casdoor-casdoor-1 | /go/src/casdoor/vendor/github.com/beego/beego/tree.go:58 +0x1185 casdoor-casdoor-1 | github.com/beego/beego.(*Tree).AddTree(0x174ef40, {0x0, 0xc000040430}, 0x3) casdoor-casdoor-1 | /go/src/casdoor/vendor/github.com/beego/beego/tree.go:53 +0x54 casdoor-casdoor-1 | github.com/beego/beego.(*Namespace).Namespace(0xc0000ae828, {0xc00035b278, 0x1, 0x1}) casdoor-casdoor-1 | /go/src/casdoor/vendor/github.com/beego/beego/namespace.go:212 +0x205 casdoor-casdoor-1 | github.com/beego/beego.NSNamespace.func1(0x30) casdoor-casdoor-1 | /go/src/casdoor/vendor/github.com/beego/beego/namespace.go:387 +0x5a casdoor-casdoor-1 | github.com/beego/beego.NewNamespace({0x19eb591, 0x1}, {0xc00035bce0, 0x2, 0x1}) casdoor-casdoor-1 | /go/src/casdoor/vendor/github.com/beego/beego/namespace.go:42 +0x104 casdoor-casdoor-1 | github.com/casdoor/casdoor/routers.initAPI() casdoor-casdoor-1 | /go/src/casdoor/routers/router.go:33 +0x1a7 casdoor-casdoor-1 | github.com/casdoor/casdoor/routers.init.1() casdoor-casdoor-1 | /go/src/casdoor/routers/router.go:29 +0x17

  • fix: destroy session after delete user

    fix: destroy session after delete user

    close: #1141

    1. For delete the specified user's session, we need to maintain a table that store the userId and all the sessionIds. When deleting the user by admin, Casdoor can get the sessionId by userId then destroy the session to implement the function.
    2. Other effect, further study about single logout. For example, if we want to implement multiple device log out in the same time. We also need to maintain a table to store all sessionIds about this user. When user logout, we can get all sessionId of the user by query the table. Then destroy sessions to logout in multiple device.
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