convert sql to elasticsearch DSL in golang(go)

 _____ _         _     ____ _____ ___  ____  ____   ___   _
| ____| |       / \   / ___|_   _|_ _|/ ___|/ ___| / _ \ | |
|  _| | |      / _ \  \___ \ | |  | || |    \___ \| | | || |
| |___| |___  / ___ \  ___) || |  | || |___  ___) | |_| || |___
|_____|_____|/_/   \_\|____/ |_| |___|\____||____/ \__\_\|_____|


Build Status Go Documentation Coverage Status Go Report Card

This tool converts sql to elasticsearch dsl

Currently support:

  • sql and expression
  • sql or expression
  • equal(=) support
  • not equal(!=) support
  • gt(>) support
  • gte(>=) support
  • lt(<) support
  • lte(<=) support
  • sql in (eg. id in (1,2,3) ) expression
  • sql not in (eg. id not in (1,2,3) ) expression
  • paren bool support (eg. where (a=1 or b=1) and (c=1 or d=1))
  • sql like expression (currently use match phrase, perhaps will change to wildcard in the future)
  • sql order by support
  • sql limit support
  • sql not like expression
  • field missing check
  • support aggregation like count(*), count(field), min(field), max(field), avg(field)
  • support aggregation like stats(field), extended_stats(field), percentiles(field) which are not standard sql function
  • null check expression(is null/is not null)
  • join expression
  • having support


go get -u

Demo :

package main

import (


var sql = `
select * from aaa
where a=1 and x = '三个男人'
and create_time between '2015-01-01T00:00:00+0800' and '2016-01-01T00:00:00+0800'
and process_id > 1 order by id desc limit 100,10

func main() {
    dsl, esType, _ := elasticsql.Convert(sql)

will produce :

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "match": {
                        "a": {
                            "query": "1",
                            "type": "phrase"
                    "match": {
                        "x": {
                            "query": "三个男人",
                            "type": "phrase"
                    "range": {
                        "create_time": {
                            "from": "2015-01-01T00:00:00+0800",
                            "to": "2016-01-01T00:00:00+0800"
                    "range": {
                        "process_id": {
                            "gt": "1"
    "from": 100,
    "size": 10,
    "sort": [
            "id": "desc"


If your sql contains some keywords, eg. order, timestamp, don't forget to escape these fields as follows:

select * from `order` where `timestamp` = 1 and `desc`.id > 0


To use this tool, you need to understand the term query and match phrase query of elasticsearch.

Setting a field to analyzed or not analyzed will get different results.


For more details of convertion, please refer to the wiki

Other info

When writing this tool, I tried to avoid the deprecated dsl filters and aggregations, so it is compatible with most versions of the elasticsearch

If you have any advices or ideas, welcome to submit an issue or Pull Request!



If you don't keep moving, you'll quickly fall behind.
  • 简单查询语句报错


    select * from aaa where remote_addr="" limit 10; 转换为: {"query" : {"bool" : {"must" : [{"match" : {"remote_addr" : {"query" : "", "type" : "phrase"}}}]}},"from" : 0,"size" : 10}

    用该dsl语句查询的时候: { "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "parsing_exception", "reason": "[match] query does not support [type]", "line": 1, "col": 84 } ], "type": "parsing_exception", "reason": "[match] query does not support [type]", "line": 1, "col": 84 }, "status": 400 }

    必须要删除 "type" : "phrase" 才行

  • 能否支持escape?



        (`admin` LIKE '%v!_xxx%' ESCAPE '!')
        `updateTime` DESC

    其中要对admin字段双侧LIKE字符串v_xxx。 输出的结果:

        "query": {
            "bool": {
                "must": [
                        "match_phrase": {
                            "admin": {
                                "query": "v!_xxx"
        "from": 0,
        "size": 10,
        "sort": [
                "updateTime": "desc"

    其中query.bool.must[0].match_phrase.admin.query字段的值中,! 没有去掉。

  • Large Query

    Large Query

    Hello i need to know when we make it large query have alot of join inside SQL possible to make by your Go solution to Elastic Query match ?

    Thanks, George

  • Is the example correct?

    Is the example correct?

    First of all thanks for the great work!

    The functionality check-list mentions that like operator is implemented for phrase search.

    However, in the example, although the strict equality = is used, the generated elasticsearch query is a phrase match. In that case, as far as I understood, shouldn't it generate a term search instead?

    If the example is correct, what is the way to generate a term search query?

  • 建议在Convert的时候,可以加入json pretty输出

    建议在Convert的时候,可以加入json pretty输出

    	if Pretty {
    		var prettyJSON bytes.Buffer
    		err = json.Indent(&prettyJSON, []byte(dsl), "", "  ")
    		if err != nil {
    			dsl = ""
    		} else {
    			dsl = string(prettyJSON.Bytes())
  • is it possible to make group by every 5 minutes or somethings?

    is it possible to make group by every 5 minutes or somethings?

    elaticsearch sql have below dsl, { "aggs" : { "articles_over_time" : { "date_histogram" : { "field" : "date", "interval" : "1.5h" } } } }

    is it possible?

  • date_histogram转换DSL有问题?


    select * from table_name group by date_histogram(field='create_time', interval='1h') 报错 syntax error at position 81


  • convert error : nend convert select sql fields to json fields like `

    convert error : nend convert select sql fields to json fields like `"_source":["title", "price"]`

    original SQL :

    select title, price from products where title = '%A%'

    expect like that :

        "_source": [
        "query": {
            "bool": {
                "must": [
                        "match_phrase": {
                            "title": {
                                "query": "%A%"
        "from": 0,
        "size": 1

    actually, elasticsql.Convert(sql) didn't generate "_source":["title", "price"]

  • Multiple Group by errors

    Multiple Group by errors

    sql like : select count(id) from A where > 5 group by A.a, A.b; because of innerMap["terms"] = msi{ "field": colName.Name.String(), "size": 0, } will gen the dsl like: "terms":{"field":"field2","size":0} and then make a error: "reason":"[size] must be greater than 0 using es7.X

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