Patch all Go functions for testing



This lib is inspired by, and uses some of the code


Patch all functions without limits, including which are unexported

Warning : please add -l to your gcflags or add //go:noinline to func which you want to patch.

when running in tests

you should run this lib under a go mod project and provide the full project path

Warning : use go test -ldflags="-s=false" -gcflags="-l" to enable symbol table and disable inline.

when running not in tests

patch private function


package main

import (

	sm ""

func main() {
	fmt.Println("original function output:")

	patchGuard := sm.Patch(heyHey, func() {
		fmt.Println("please be polite")
	fmt.Println("after patch, function output:")

	fmt.Println("unpatch, then output:")

func heyHey() {

go run -gcflags="-l" yourfile.go

full symbol name

package main

import (

	sm ""

func main() {
	fmt.Println("original function output:")

	patchGuard := sm.PatchByFullSymbolName("main.heyHeyHey", func() {
		fmt.Println("please be polite")
	fmt.Println("after patch, function output:")

	fmt.Println("unpatch, then output:")

func heyHeyHey() {

go run -gcflags="-l" yourfile.go

patch private instance method


package main

import (

	sm ""

type person struct{ name string }

func (p *person) speak() {
	fmt.Println("my name is ",

func main() {
	var p = person{"Lance"}
	fmt.Println("original function output:")

	patchGuard := sm.Patch((*person).speak, func(*person) {
        fmt.Println("we are all the same")
    fmt.Println("after patch, function output:")

	fmt.Println("unpatch, then output:")

go run -gcflags="-l" yourfile.go

full symbol name

package main

import (

	sm ""

type person struct{ name string }

func (p *person) speak() {
	fmt.Println("my name is ",

func main() {
	var p = person{"Linda"}
	fmt.Println("original function output:")

	patchGuard := sm.PatchByFullSymbolName("main.(*person).speak", func(ptr uintptr) {
		p = (*person)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))
		fmt.Println(, ", we are all the same")
	fmt.Println("after patch, function output:")

	fmt.Println("unpatch, then output:")
package main

import (

	sm ""

type Bar struct {
	Name string

type Foo struct{}

func (*Foo) MyFunc(ctx context.Context) (*Bar, error) {
	return &Bar{"Bar"}, nil

func main() {
	f := &Foo{}
	fmt.Println("original function output:")

	//patchGuard := sm.PatchByFullSymbolName("main.(*Foo).MyFunc", func(_ *Foo, ctx context.Context) (*Bar, error) {
	patchGuard := sm.PatchByFullSymbolName("main.(*Foo).MyFunc", func(_ uintptr, ctx context.Context) (*Bar, error) {
		return &Bar{"Not bar"}, nil

	fmt.Println("after patch, function output:")

	fmt.Println("unpatch, then output:")

go run -gcflags="-l" yourfile.go




If you don't keep moving, you'll quickly fall behind.
  • Failed in Test

    Failed in Test

    Hey thanks for the awesome package!

    I met some problems when using supermonkey in test.

    // main.go
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    func heyHey() {
    // main_test.go
    package main
    import (
    	sm ""
    func Test_HeyHey(t *testing.T) {
    	fmt.Println("original function output:")
    	sm.PatchByFullSymbolName("main.heyHey", func() {
    		fmt.Println("please be polite")
    	fmt.Println("after patch, function output:")
    	fmt.Println("unpatch all, then output:")

    And I run the test like

    $go test -gcflags="-l" ./
    original function output:
    The symbol is main.heyHey, and the patch target addr is 0, there may be 2 possible reasons
            1. the function is inlined, please add //go:noinline to function comment or add -l to gcflags
            2. your input for symbolName or pkg/obj/method is wrong, check by using go tool nm {your_bin_file}
    --- FAIL: Test_HeyHey (0.00s)
    panic:  [recovered]
    goroutine 20 [running]:
    testing.tRunner.func1.1(0x1193940, 0x1222350)
            /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.14.4/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:940 +0x2f5
            /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.14.4/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:943 +0x3f9
    panic(0x1193940, 0x1222350)
            /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.14.4/libexec/src/runtime/panic.go:969 +0x166, 0xb, 0x1191d20, 0x11f4610)
            /Users/kiyon/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/supermonkey.go:33 +0x326
            /Users/kiyon/Code/learn/learn-golang/supermonkey/main_test.go:15 +0xac
    testing.tRunner(0xc0000d0360, 0x11f4618)
            /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.14.4/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:991 +0xdc
    created by testing.(*T).Run
            /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.14.4/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1042 +0x357
    FAIL    learn-golang/supermonkey        0.399s

    Did I miss something?

  • feat: Combine SuperMonkey with Monkey.

    feat: Combine SuperMonkey with Monkey.


    • goobj、nm、objabi、objfile、src、sys、xcoff 都移到了 internal
    • bouk/monkey 代码移入 internal/bouk
    • 兼容 bouk/monkey 原先的 patch 方法
    • 增加PatchByFullSymbolName失败后相似符号提示
    • 修改 examples
    • 更新 readme

    曹大,我又来了,这次斗胆给您提交个pr。 因为 bouk/monkey 之前大家还是使用的比较多,所以是不是可以考虑兼容一下它?加量不加价,更加美滋滋☺

  • Suggestions on how to best integrate with Testify?

    Suggestions on how to best integrate with Testify?

    To my amazement and joy this worked from the outset on an M1 Mac in Goland with Go 1.19.1! Unlike another package I won't name.

    My question now is, where the best place would be to integrate with Testify as the test framework?

    Having to set up the mock in every single package that uses my to-be-monkeyed methods/funcs would be highly annoying (doable, but annoying).

    Unfortunately Testify doesn't have a "super-test-setup" that you can do once and every Suite setup receives. At least as far as I saw in the doco.

    Any ideas?

  • supermonkey seems to not suit the higher version of golang

    supermonkey seems to not suit the higher version of golang

    Now we are using Go 1.14.2. It seems to be okay with Patch function. But when we need to upgrade our golang version to 1.15 or higher, the supermonkey.Patch seems not okay. Mock is ineffective. Do you konw why, or do you have a plan for suiting golang higher version. Thank you.

  • panic: permission denied

    panic: permission denied

    image panic: permission denied [recovered] panic: permission denied

    goroutine 162 [running]: testing.tRunner.func1.2({0x4b819e0, 0x55a90a8}) /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1209 +0x24e testing.tRunner.func1() /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1212 +0x218 panic({0x4b819e0, 0x55a90a8}) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1038 +0x215, 0xc, 0x10) /Users/sangtianyu/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/bouk/replace_unix.go:15 +0xc5, {0xc000651cc4, 0xc, 0xc000384108}) /Users/sangtianyu/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/bouk/replace_unix.go:26 +0x5c, 0x4cf9f08) /Users/sangtianyu/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/bouk/replace.go:29 +0xb2{0x4b4e800, 0x4cf9f08, 0x0}, {0x4b4e800, 0x4cf9c18, 0x13}, 0x0) /Users/sangtianyu/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/bouk/monkey.go:96 +0x2b6{0x4b4e800, 0x4cf9f08}, {0x4b4e800, 0x4cf9c18}) /Users/sangtianyu/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/bouk/monkey.go:50 +0x17a{0x4b4e800, 0x4cf9f08}, {0x4b4e800, 0x4cf9c18}) /Users/sangtianyu/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/supermonkey.go:23 +0x2d

    go env GO111MODULE="on" GOARCH="amd64" GOHOSTARCH="amd64" GOHOSTOS="darwin"

  • Is there any way to call original function by symbol name?

    Is there any way to call original function by symbol name?

            var guard_down *sm.PatchGuard
    	download_hook := "xxx.DownloadPiece"
    	guard_down = sm.PatchByFullSymbolName(download_hook, func(ctx context.Context, pt peer.Task, request *peer.DownloadPieceRequest) (success bool) {
    		// do something
                    // temporary unpatch
    		defer guard_down.Restore()
                    // use forceexport to fetch original function
    		var function func(context.Context, peer.Task, *peer.DownloadPieceRequest) (success bool)
    		err := forceexport.GetFunc(&function, download_hook)
    		if err != nil {
    			log.Panicf("connect target error: %s", err)
                    // call original function
    		success = function(ctx, pt, request)

    If the original function is unexported, and should be called inside the hooked method as above, is supermonkey provide some way to call it by symbol name rather than use forceexport?

  • undefined: JmpToFunctionValue

    undefined: JmpToFunctionValue

    It's not working on ARM architecture

    ../../../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/bouk/replace.go:24:14: undefined: JmpToFunctionValue

  • patch fun after how get origin fun

    patch fun after how get origin fun

    not use UnPatch

    package main
    import (
    	sm ""
    func Now() time.Time {
    	return time.Time{}
    func main() {
    	sm.Patch(time.Now, Now)
    	// how call origin Now fun
siusiu (suite-suite harmonics) a suite used to manage the suite, designed to free penetration testing engineers from learning and using various security tools, reducing the time and effort spent by penetration testing engineers on installing tools, remembering how to use tools.
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siusiu (suite-suite harmonics) a suite used to manage the suite, designed to free penetration testing engineers from learning and using various security tools, reducing the time and effort spent by penetration testing engineers on installing tools, remembering how to use tools.

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