Console progress bar for Golang

Terminal progress bar for Go

Coverage Status


go get

Documentation for v1 bar available here

Quick start

package main

import (

func main() {
	count := 100000
	// create and start new bar
	bar := pb.StartNew(count)
	// start bar from 'default' template
	// bar := pb.Default.Start(count)
	// start bar from 'simple' template
	// bar := pb.Simple.Start(count)
	// start bar from 'full' template
	// bar := pb.Full.Start(count)
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {

Result will be like this:

> go run test.go
37158 / 100000 [================>_______________________________] 37.16% 1m11s


// create bar
bar := pb.New(count)

// refresh info every second (default 200ms)

// force set io.Writer, by default it's os.Stderr

// bar will format numbers as bytes (B, KiB, MiB, etc)
bar.Set(pb.Bytes, true)

// bar use SI bytes prefix names (B, kB) instead of IEC (B, KiB)
bar.Set(pb.SIBytesPrefix, true)

// set custom bar template

// check for error after template set
if err = bar.Err(); err != nil {

// start bar

Progress bar for IO Operations

package main

import (


func main() {

	var limit int64 = 1024 * 1024 * 500
	// we will copy 200 Mb from /dev/rand to /dev/null
	reader := io.LimitReader(rand.Reader, limit)
	writer := ioutil.Discard

	// start new bar
	bar := pb.Full.Start64(limit)
	// create proxy reader
	barReader := bar.NewProxyReader(reader)
	// copy from proxy reader
	io.Copy(writer, barReader)
	// finish bar

Custom Progress Bar templates

Rendering based on builtin text/template package. You can use existing pb's elements or create you own.

All available elements are described in element.go file.

All in one example:

tmpl := `{{ red "With funcs:" }} {{ bar . "<" "-" (cycle . "↖" "↗" "↘" "↙" ) "." ">"}} {{speed . | rndcolor }} {{percent .}} {{string . "my_green_string" | green}} {{string . "my_blue_string" | blue}}`
// start bar based on our template
bar := pb.ProgressBarTemplate(tmpl).Start64(limit)
// set values for string elements
bar.Set("my_green_string", "green").
	Set("my_blue_string", "blue")
Sergey Cherepanov
Sergey Cherepanov
  • How to implement Multiple Progress Bars???

    How to implement Multiple Progress Bars???


    Hi there,

    I have a list of files being downloaded by different go routines...

            for i := 0; i < len(urls); i++ {
                    go func() { c <- download(urls[i])() }()

    I added the pb() implementation and it shows the progress bar, but it only displays in the same line...

    Feature Request

    • Is there a way to control which line the progress bar will be printed?
    • If this is possible, I'd like to suggest the method "SetIndex" to set which line the progress must be printed after the current position on the terminal...
    • Any suggestions to change the Format method to do that?
    // Sets the index of the progress, which gives the line position after the current terminal position.
    func (pb *ProgressBar) SetIndex(index int) {}

    This is similar to Docker's progress bars while pulling images...

    [boot-1.pkg] 3.66 MB / 128.94 MB [==>------------------------------------------------] 2.84 % 759.61 KB/s 2m48s
    [boot-2.pkg] 23.66 MB / 48.94 MB [===================>-------------------] 45.84 % 629.61 KB/s 2m48s
    [boot-3.pkg] 30.00 MB / 300.94 MB [=====>------------------------------------------] 10.84 % 459.61 KB/s 2m48s

    thanks! Marcello

  • Implement io.ReadWriteCloser for the Proxy

    Implement io.ReadWriteCloser for the Proxy

    This is helpful when passing the proxy to things that will call close when the proxy conforms to io.Closer, eg

    "If the provided body is also an io.Closer, the returned Request.Body is set to body and will be closed by the Client methods Do, Post, and PostForm, and Transport.RoundTrip."

  • Add parameter to specify elapsed time precision

    Add parameter to specify elapsed time precision

    db60ccefe5cb616c2f8a1bde35ee059118dce62a (released in v3.0.7) increased the resolution shown on elapsed time from seconds to milliseconds. The behavior prior to v3.0.7 was to truncate the time to the nearest second. This patch allows the user to control the precision. The default is to round to the nearest second, like the pre-v3.0.7 behavior. This patch also switches from truncation to rounding.

    This is an alternative to #180, as suggested in

  • Have ProgressBar implement Read instead of Reader

    Have ProgressBar implement Read instead of Reader

    It might be more natural for ProgressBar to accept a reader (either as an exported member variable or as an unexported member variable and an exported setter), and then implement Read itself instead of having the separate Reader type.

  • exponentially weighted moving average would provide more accurate

    exponentially weighted moving average would provide more accurate "time left"

    Instead of using the global average time per entry to calculate the remaining time, using EWMA would give more weight to recent times per entry and would likely provide a more accurate estimate.

  • Reduce resolution for elapsed time > 1s

    Reduce resolution for elapsed time > 1s

    #177 increased the resolution shown on elapsed time from seconds to milliseconds. This applied regardless of the total duration, so even if the duration was large, a high resolution would be displayed, such as "897.213s". This patch changes the behavior so that milliseconds are only shown if the total time is less than a second, so that example would be displayed as "897s" instead.

  • Allow for initialising a pool without starting it

    Allow for initialising a pool without starting it

    Maybe fixes #123

    It's not perfect however: In the video pb.go is:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	// create bars
    	first := pb.New64(1000).Prefix("one ").SetUnits(pb.U_BYTES)
    	second := pb.New64(1000).Prefix("two ").SetUnits(pb.U_BYTES)
    	first.Output = os.Stderr
    	second.Output = os.Stderr
    	// start pool
    	// pool, err := pb.StartPool(first, second)
    	pool := pb.NewPool()
    	pool.Output = os.Stderr
    	err := pool.Start()
    	if err != nil {
    	// update bars
    	wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
    	for _, bar := range []*pb.ProgressBar{first, second} {
    		go func(cb *pb.ProgressBar) {
    			for n := 0; n < 200; n++ {
    				// cb.Increment()
    				time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)))
    	// close pool
  • fix importing with go mod

    fix importing with go mod

    The repositories and have moved to using go modules; using to import them breaks:

    Let's use the real URLs with hashes.

    Signed-off-by: Tycho Andersen [email protected]

  • Rolling pool of bars

    Rolling pool of bars

    I want to use pb to keep progress bars for an updating set of concurrent uploads, where as one upload finishes another takes its place. Is there a good way to do this? I can't see a way to remove a bar from a Pool - or should I just keep adding to the list?

    I'm also interested in usage patterns for progress bar pools. I can either create a pool and gradually add bars as I make them (StartPool() with an empty list followed by multiple Add() calls), or I can collect a group of bars and add them in bulk (StartPool() with a full list). Which do you recommend? I found that if I used the first and there was some lag before I added my first bar, the cursor moved up a line and started eating the previous text in my terminal.

    I've realised this might be two issues - let me know if you want me to separate them or provide some example code.

  • len out of range issue

    len out of range issue


    when passing a file size of 15762329 (return of fi.Size()) to:

    bar = pb.New64(fi.Size()).SetUnits(pb.U_BYTES).SetRefreshRate(time.Millisecond * 10)

    I get the following panic:

    panic: runtime error: makeslice: len out of range
    goroutine 15727 [running]:
    panic(0x6ee280, 0xc420400250)
    	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:500 +0x1a1
    strings.Repeat(0x74b1d0, 0x1, 0xfffffffffffffffd, 0x7, 0xc4203b00a0)
    	/usr/local/go/src/strings/strings.go:420 +0x49*ProgressBar).write(0xc4200ae000, 0x0)
    	/home/hasan/gocode/src/ +0xa6c*ProgressBar).Update(0xc4200ae000)
    	/home/hasan/gocode/src/ +0x5d*ProgressBar).Start(0xc4200ae000, 0x74db1e)
    	/home/hasan/gocode/src/ +0x95
    ...datastores.(*HTTPDataStore).Write.func1(0xc420100050, 0xc420366380, 0xc42011c040, 0xc4203cc390, 0xc4200ae000, 0xc42011c050, 0xc420400090, 0xc4203062a0)
    	/home/hasan/gocode/src/:127 +0x1a5
    created by ...datastores.(*HTTPDataStore).Write
    	/home/hasan/gocode/src/ +0x4e8
    make: *** [test] Error 2


    I've a program where bar.Increment() is in goroutine.

    I've check program with -race

    WARNING: DATA RACE Read by goroutine 7: /home/julien/go/src/ +0x37 /home/julien/go/src/ +0x72 /home/julien/go/src/ +0x7d /home/julien/go/src/ +0x40 Goroutine 7 (running) created at:*ProgressBar).Start() /home/julien/go/src/ +0x150 /home/julien/go/src/ +0x3c main.main()

    How can I correct this ?

  • Incorrect values of downloaded and percentage

    Incorrect values of downloaded and percentage

    Downloading a large file, result incorrect output of megabytes of downloaded size and current percentage of download. File that I download: image

    Total size of the file in ContentLength is nearly 378 MiB however pb shows that it only downloaded 376.79 MiB where it downloaded 378 MiB and same goes with the percentage, it's didn't reach 100% where it should be.

  • [Question]: How to use more colors?

    [Question]: How to use more colors?

    Some colors are defined in defaultTemplateFuncs, but these are only some of the colors in the color package, how to use more colors quickly?

    // Foreground text colors
    const (
    	FgBlack Attribute = iota + 30
    // Foreground Hi-Intensity text colors
    const (
    	FgHiBlack Attribute = iota + 90
  • feature req: ProxyReadSeeker

    feature req: ProxyReadSeeker

    I'm in need of a ProxyReadSeeker to wrap ReadSeekers (like files) for use with the AWS go SDK. stuff like s3.PutObject() says it takes an io.Reader, but really requires an io.ReadSeeker since it reads the data once to calculate checksums and then again to send it to S3.

    I'm envisioning that the progress bar goes backwards when it seeks back, and then moves forwards again, basically tracking the current read position as it goes. Hopefully shouldn't be too hard to implement. I'm willing to take a stab at it, if you agree to the general design.

  • Progress bars rendering is disturbed when terminal screen size is small

    Progress bars rendering is disturbed when terminal screen size is small


    When the terminal screensize is small and the number of progress bars are more the progress bars rendering fails

    func Example_multiple() {
    	// create bars
    	//first := pb.New(200).Prefix("App1 Deployment Status := Pending")
    	//second := pb.New(200).Prefix("App1 Deployment Status := Pending ")
    	//third := pb.New(200).Prefix("App1 Deployment Status := Pending ")
    	numberOfBars := 100
    	var pbs []*pb.ProgressBar
    	for i:=1 ;i<=numberOfBars ; i++ {
    		bar := pb.New(100).Prefix(fmt.Sprintf("App%d Deployment Status := Pending",i))
    		pbs = append(pbs,bar)
    	// start pool
    	//pool, err := pb.StartPool(first, second, third)
    	pool, err := pb.StartPool(pbs...)
    	if err != nil {
    	// update bars
    	wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
    	for i:=0 ;i<numberOfBars ; i++ {
    		go func(cb *pb.ProgressBar,appName string) {
    			for n := 0; n < int(cb.Total); n++ {
    				time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)))
    				cb.Prefix(fmt.Sprintf("%s Deployment Status := Inprogress",appName))
    	// close pool
    Screenshot 2020-11-07 at 22 23 42
  • How to add break line to Prefix

    How to add break line to Prefix

    I want to add the break line between prefix and the progress bar [1/3]Prefix [2/3]#####################################################--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21/58

    to be like this:


    my code:

    bar.Prefix(fmt.Sprintf("[1/3] Prefix)) // add \n after this won't work
    bar.BarEnd = fmt.Sprintf(

    Many thanks!!

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