🎨 The adorable charts library for Golang


🎨 The adorable charts library for Golang.

Build Status Go Report Card Contributions welcome MIT License GoDoc

If a language can be used to build web scrapers, it definitely needs to provide a graceful data visualization library. --- by dongdong.

In the Golang ecosystem, there are not many choices for data visualization libraries. The development of go-echarts aims to provide a simple yet powerful data visualization library for Golang. Apache ECharts is an outstanding charting and visualization library, it supports adorable chart types and various interactive features. There are many language bindings for Echarts, for example, pyecharts. go-echarts learns from pyecharts and has evolved a lot.


🔰 Installation

Classic way to get go-echarts

# this may be a stupid way to use v2 go-echarts without gomod(GO111MODULE=off) because of
# the next generation version management system... 🐶
# if you get a better workaround, please let me know....

$ go get -u github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/...
$ cd $go-echarts-project
$ mkdir v2 && mv charts components datasets opts render templates types v2

Use gomod style

$ go get -u github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/v2/...


# go.mod

require github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/v2


The go-echarts project is being developed under v2 version and the active codebase is on the master branch now.

v1 and v2 are incompatible which means that you cannot upgrade go-echarts from v1 to v2 smoothly. But I think it is worth trying that new version.


  • Clean and comprehensive API.
  • Visualize your data in 25+ different ways.
  • Highly configurable chart options.
  • Detailed documentation and a rich collection of examples.
  • Visualize your geographical data with 400+ maps.

📝 Usage

It's easy to get started with go-echarts. In this example, we create a simple bar chart with only a few lines of code.

package main

import (


// generate random data for bar chart
func generateBarItems() []opts.BarData {
	items := make([]opts.BarData, 0)
	for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
		items = append(items, opts.BarData{Value: rand.Intn(300)})
	return items

func main() {
	// create a new bar instance
	bar := charts.NewBar()
	// set some global options like Title/Legend/ToolTip or anything else
		Title:    "My first bar chart generated by go-echarts",
		Subtitle: "It's extremely easy to use, right?",

	// Put data into instance
	bar.SetXAxis([]string{"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"}).
		AddSeries("Category A", generateBarItems()).
		AddSeries("Category B", generateBarItems())
	// Where the magic happens
	f, _ := os.Create("bar.html")

And the generated bar.html is rendered as below. Isn't that cool!

Of course we can also start a listening web server with net/http.

package main

import (


// generate random data for line chart
func generateLineItems() []opts.LineData {
	items := make([]opts.LineData, 0)
	for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
		items = append(items, opts.LineData{Value: rand.Intn(300)})
	return items

func httpserver(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
	// create a new line instance
	line := charts.NewLine()
	// set some global options like Title/Legend/ToolTip or anything else
		charts.WithInitializationOpts(opts.Initialization{Theme: types.ThemeWesteros}),
			Title:    "Line example in Westeros theme",
			Subtitle: "Line chart rendered by the http server this time",

	// Put data into instance
	line.SetXAxis([]string{"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"}).
		AddSeries("Category A", generateLineItems()).
		AddSeries("Category B", generateLineItems()).
		SetSeriesOptions(charts.WithLineChartOpts(opts.LineChart{Smooth: true}))

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", httpserver)
	http.ListenAndServe(":8081", nil)


🔖 Gallery

bar boxplot effectScatter funnel gague geo graph heatmap kline line liquid map parallel pie radar scatter wordCloud bar3D line3D sankey scatter3D surface3D themeRiver overlap

For more information, please refer to go-echarts/examples and the GoDoc.

💡 Contributing

go-echarts is an open source project and built on the top of other open-source projects, hence we are always very happy to have contributions, whether for typo fix, bug fix or big new features. Please do not ever hesitate to ask a question or send a pull request.

We strongly value documentation and integration with other projects so we are very glad to accept improvements for these aspects.

😉 Authors

Code with ❤️ by chenjiandongx / Koooooo-7 and lovely contributors

📃 License

MIT ©chenjiandongx

go-echarts dev team
  • Candlestick & Bar chart together

    Candlestick & Bar chart together


    Is it possible to make a chart like this one with both the candlestick and a bar chart together ? I cannot find an example using the go library.

    Thanks in advance.

  • TooltipOpts僅提供中文嗎?Are TooltipOpts only available in Chinese?

    TooltipOpts僅提供中文嗎?Are TooltipOpts only available in Chinese?

    ––––– English version below ––––

    你好 !



    的文字疊加層是否僅提供中文? 是否可以將它們配置為使用瀏覽器語言或英語?




    Thank you for the wonderful library, so far I've found it very helpful.


    Are the text overlays for TooltipOpts only available in Chinese? Is it possible to configure them to use the browser language or English?

    If you could point me to the appropriate code, I can look into sending you a pull request to add the feature if it doesn't exist today.

    Thank you!

  • The method name `Scatter.AddYAxis` is misleading.

    The method name `Scatter.AddYAxis` is misleading.

    The method name Scatter.AddYAxis is misleading. It actually adding a data series. For example, one can add (x, y) coordinates as two-element slices

    zs := [][]float64{
    	[]float64{1, 5},
    	[]float64{2, 1},
    	[]float64{8, 2},
    	[]float64{9, 10},
    	[]float64{15, 20},
    scatter.AddYAxis("My Points", zs)


  • How to get e-chart compatitable Options as JSON from chart object ?

    How to get e-chart compatitable Options as JSON from chart object ?

    As I understood from exploring china docs (khe, khe....), the are possibilities to render your chart to the predefined templates.

    In my project I need to get only JSON data that represents whole chart and save it as string.

    I understands that i can rewrite templates, but with current architecture I would need to refactor whole library or write my own.

    Is it possible to get JSON chart representation or not?

  • charts: renderToWriter signature

    charts: renderToWriter signature

    instead of:

    func renderToWriter(chart interface{}, renderName string, removeStr []string, w ...io.Writer) error {...}


    I believe it would be better written as:

    func renderToWriter(w io.Writer, chart interface{}, renderName string, removeStr []string) error

    leaving users to call it with: io.MultiWriter(w1, w2, w3) if they want to.

  • Add support for treemap type graph

    Add support for treemap type graph

    This patch adds support in go-echarts for treemap type graph (already supported in Apache ECharts). https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#series-treemap

    Closes #29

  • [Bug]SetSeriesOptions overwrites for multiple series in one graph

    [Bug]SetSeriesOptions overwrites for multiple series in one graph

    Describe the bug When using multiple series, I tried to color the lines using SetSeriesOptions for each series, but this resulted in both series having the same options.

    using v2.2.1

    To Reproduce: Create an charts project from the line sample, and structure it as follows

            line := charts.NewLine()
    	line.SetXAxis(getDates(d)).AddSeries("series1", getVals(d)).
    				Show: false,
    				Color:   "#0465db",
    				Opacity: 0.3,
    				Smooth: true,
    				Color: "#1cace6",
    	 line.AddSeries("series2", getVals(d2)).
    				Show: false,
    				Smooth: true,
    				Color: "#2EFEF7",

    Expected behavior Using SetSeriesOptions for each series should result in the lineStyle, areaStyle etc. being applied for each line independently in the resulting e-charts html

    Screenshots test

    Also wanted to say thanks again for writing this, as I found this project quite useful and easy to use

  • Working Offline

    Working Offline

    I noticed that the generated html file is have the below 2 lines:

        <script src="https://go-echarts.github.io/go-echarts-assets/assets/echarts.min.js"></script>
        <link href="https://go-echarts.github.io/go-echarts-assets/assets/bulma.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

    So, if I'm working offline, without internet connection, my file will not work properly, is there a way to work it off line, so I download these 2 files, and ask my output file to read the offline copy instead of the online one?

    I noticed it is managed at the header and at base

    package templates
    var HeaderTpl = `
    {{ define "header" }}
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>{{ .PageTitle }}</title>
    {{- range .JSAssets.Values }}
        <script src="{{ . }}"></script>
    {{- end }}
    {{- range .CSSAssets.Values }}
        <link href="{{ . }}" rel="stylesheet">
    {{- end }}
    {{ end }}


    // InitOpts contains options for the canvas.
    type InitOpts struct {
    	// 静态资源 host 地址
    	AssetsHost string `default:"https://go-echarts.github.io/go-echarts-assets/assets/"`
  • Bar chart doesn't render correctly for some reason

    Bar chart doesn't render correctly for some reason

    `package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	accounts := []string{"1111", "2222", "3333", "4444"}
    	resacct := make(map[string]int64)
    	resacct["1111"] = 25
    	resacct["2222"] = 50
    	resacct["3333"] = 10
    	resacct["4444"] = 70
    	bar := charts.NewBar()
    	bar.SetGlobalOptions(charts.TitleOpts{Title: "Resource Counts by AWS Accounts"})
    	for k, v := range resacct {
    		bar.AddXAxis(accounts).AddYAxis(k, []int64{v})
    	f, err := os.Create("bar.html")
    	if err != nil {


    Screen Shot 2020-09-17 at 6 54 55 PM

    It is not very clear why all the bars are grouped by 1111 although the values are being displayed.

  • How to add chart to my template anywhere I want?

    How to add chart to my template anywhere I want?


    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how can I add the generated chart exactly where I want in my html? Without having to generate a HTML file, if possible. The best I found is chart.render(w), but it renders at the top of the page, and I need it inside a specific DIV.


    {{define "Index"}}
    {{template "Navbar"}}
        <div class="main-container">
            <!-- Add the chart here (maybe using {{.}} to call the chart?) -->
    {{template "Footer"}}

    Thanks in advance!

  • possible to add a release number?

    possible to add a release number?

    Hello, When I try to build my project with gitlab CICD pipeline I get a checksum mismatch securty error.

    It seems this problem is recurent for go modules without any release number when using repository managers like artifactory. Could you please add a release number on master branch (ie v1.0.0) ? Thanks a lot

  • How do you have sporadic data?

    How do you have sporadic data?

    Say I want to plot stock orders on a chart. These don't happen every line/row/minute. How do you have a chart with data plotted on some lines but not all. I note that there is an example in the issues for this that does not work because withEncode or whatever it is is no longer part of the library I think.

  • Bar3D uses scatter3D rather than bar3D for type?

    Bar3D uses scatter3D rather than bar3D for type?


    It looks like Bar3D is using scatter3D rather than bar3D?

    c.addSeries(types.ChartScatter3D, name, data, options...)



  • Draw line and kline chart

    Draw line and kline chart

    Hello! Is there any possibility to draw kline chart with line chart below belongs to one zoom on x axis? Like in image image I want to have different y axis for charts but one x axis

  • added mark area to charts series and opts series

    added mark area to charts series and opts series

    impl missing mark areas

    	Name:        "TEST",
    	Coordinate0: []interface{}{"25.02.22 02:30", 1.120},
    	Coordinate1: []interface{}{"25.02.22 10:30", 1.125},
    	ItemStyle: &opts.ItemStyle{
    		Color: "rgba(55, 173, 177, 0.4)",


  • [Showcase] Document Contribution Welcome.

    [Showcase] Document Contribution Welcome.

    Hi lovely folks.

    Although we have some examples located in go-echarts/examples, we haven't covered all configs/opts to users who wanna get more references and makes it more handy. so, let us build it together. Welcome to send your examples to go-echarts/awesome-go-echarts to benefit to more users.

    Thx for using and contributing to go-echarts. 🚀

  • Generic interface that all chart types adhere to

    Generic interface that all chart types adhere to

    I want to create a bunch of functions that work regardless of chart type. I realise I could use Go generics, but hoping there is an interface or something that all charts adhere to so I can just use that? The idea being I can pass any chart type to a function to add a legend or whatever Is there an example potentially? Thanks

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