generate a chia address by public key, chia公钥生成地址


This repo is a hack way to generate an address from publicKey. So it's not a good enough way to use it in prod, use it just for personal


  1. Generate address from pkBytes
func NewAddressFromPkBytes(pkBytes []byte, prefix string) (string, error)
  1. Generate address from pkHex
func NewAddressFromPKHex(pkHex, prefix string) (string, error)
  1. Generate address from pk
func NewAddressFromPK(pk bls.PublicKey, prefix string) (string, error)
  1. Get address from puzzleHash
GetAddressFromPuzzleHash(ph []byte, prefix string) (string, error)
  1. Get puzzleHash from address
func GetPuzzleHashFromAddress(address string) (string, []byte, error)


  1. use to decode key
  2. modify to decode bech32

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