Readline is a pure go(golang) implementation for GNU-Readline kind library

  • Dynamic autocompletion

    Dynamic autocompletion

    I implemented dynamic autocompletion mechanism.

    Now there is a new item type "PcItemDynamic" which takes function as parameter.

    When it comes to autocomplete at this position, the function is called, the whole line is given to it (for example if autocompletion depend on previous autocompleted field) and functio should return possible strings how to continue.

    Example usage:

    • listing some dynamic key-value storage
    • listing files in directory
  • Tab-selection of completions looks wrong when options span multiple lines

    Tab-selection of completions looks wrong when options span multiple lines

    If the suggested completions are long enough to take up more than one terminal line, pressing tab to move the highlight causes more lines to be printed. Here some example code:

    package main
    import ""
    var completer = readline.NewPrefixCompleter(
    func main() {
        rl, err := readline.NewEx(&readline.Config{
            Prompt:       "> ",
            AutoComplete: completer,
        if err != nil {
        defer rl.Close()
        for {
            line, err := rl.Readline()
            if err != nil {

    If I run this snippet and press Tab five times, this is what I see: result

    It looks like only the current line is being redrawn, and since there are two lines drawn it keeps moving down each time. The re-draw process should redraw all the lines, not just the last. With shorter option texts, this doesn't happen.

    This definitely happens in a windows 7 command prompt, I haven't tried it out on any other terminals yet.

  • Recursive dynamic completer?

    Recursive dynamic completer?

    Is it possible for dynamic completers to be called 'recursively' to build up a path?

    To clarify by referring to listFiles() in the example code - if the first listFiles() returned a directory, could it indicate it should be called again with the chosen completion as the input, so that it could then list files in that directory, and so on, until a complete path was formed?

  • No carriage return after command line

    No carriage return after command line

    When autocompleting or after completing command (after hitting enter), the next line after command line is indented. It starts on the same position as the old one ends, ilustration:

    » say 
          hello   bye 


    » test test
               2016/07/21 09:55:19 you said: "test test"

    Tested on two Linux machines, one of them was Debian 5.4.0-6 (Linux version 4.6.0-1-amd64) with pure installation of Go:

    sudo apt install golang
    export GOPATH=$HOME/go
    go get
    go run go/src/

    This bug is probably caused by some changes in external packages, because when I was using older version of all packages (e.q. one month), all works as expected.

  • Checking password strength

    Checking password strength

    Hello @chzyer, thanks for this nifty library.

    I hit a little problem when using it though: I want a user to enter a password (in plaintext) and check it's strength using the zxcvbn library. Depending on the strength I would color the Password: prompt in a friendlier color. For this I modified the Autorefresh example of yours, so that the refresh would fetch the current input, check the strength and do a fitting SetPrompt().

    However, when using rl.Operation.Runes() directly all sort of weird behaviour appears. This appears due to the fact that it does not only fetch the current runes, but also does some IO. For testing I exposed the buf *RuneBuffer in readline.Operation to the outside and used it's Runes() method directly.

    Despite being an awful hack, it seems to work - am I doing something awfully wrong, or would the addition of another method that just fetches the current buffer contents appropiate?

    Here's my current (working) attempt:


  • AIX support

    AIX support

    This commit adds support for AIX operating system.

    • move term_solaris.go to term_nosyscall6.go. AIX like solaris doesn't provide syscall.Syscall6 and must rely on x/sys/unix in order to perform syscalls.

    • This patch won't work with versions prior to 1.13 because it needs some constants added by

  • Fix panic for ReadPassword

    Fix panic for ReadPassword

    An issue on ishell made me dig into this. I realized the panic is due to nil Painter for Config generated during ReadPassword.

  • Race condition between SetPrompt and ioloop

    Race condition between SetPrompt and ioloop

    Found in*RuneBuffer).PromptLen()
          /go/src/ +0x5c
  // where SetPrompt() is called
         /go/src/ +0x2b9

    The SetPrompt method should protect the prompt variable with a mutex.

  • "Home" and "End" keys not working

    As documented in the Changelog this features was supposed to be implemented in but I don't see any code handling HOME and END (only DEL in this PR).

    Does HOME and END works for anyone?

  • Add ClearScreen operation on Ctrl+L

    Add ClearScreen operation on Ctrl+L

    Regarding issue #55, I implemented clear screen and bound it to Ctrl+L. I have tested it on Linux , but not on Windows as I have no access to a Windows machine atm.

  • add SetChildren for prefix completer interface

    add SetChildren for prefix completer interface

    In my case, I need update prefix completer in background, so I need this SetChildren method for prefix completer interface.

    See the codes below, I need get server list first and then update the completer:

    func updateServerList() {
        svrList, err := getServers()
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Fprintf(tty.Stderr(), "\r\nconnect to %s err: %s\r\n",
                color.Bold(framer), err)
        if svrList == nil {
    func updateCompleter(svrList []string) {
        var tcServersCompleter []readline.PrefixCompleterInterface
        for _, host := range svrList {
            tcServersCompleter = append(tcServersCompleter, readline.PcItem(host))
        for _, child := range completer.GetChildren() {
            childName := string(child.GetName())
            switch childName {
            case "setmaster ",
                "serveradd ",
                "serverstat ",
                "serverdel ",
                "serveroffline ",
  • change of color (ANSI color code unchaged) when calling `log.SetOutput(l.Stderr())`

    change of color (ANSI color code unchaged) when calling `log.SetOutput(l.Stderr())`

    example code:

    package main
    import (
    const (
    	COLOR_RESET = "\033[0m"
    	COLOR_GREEN = "\033[32m"
    func main() {
    	go logger()
    	time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
    	fmt.Println("calling log.SetOutput() inside GetInput() which changes color")
    	go GetInput()
    func logger() {
    	for {
    		log.Printf("%scolor%s\n", COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_RESET)
    		time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
    // GetInput is used to read input from user.
    // [goroutine]
    func GetInput() {
    	l, err := readline.NewEx(
    			Prompt: "» ",
    			AutoComplete: readline.NewPrefixCompleter(
    			FuncFilterInputRune: func(r rune) (rune, bool) {
    				switch r {
    				case readline.CharCtrlZ: // block CtrlZ feature
    					return r, false
    				return r, true
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Println("error while starting readline: %s", err.Error())
    	defer l.Close()
    	log.SetOutput(l.Stderr()) // autorefresh prompt line
    	for {
    		line, err := l.Readline()
    		switch err {
    		case nil:
    		case io.EOF, readline.ErrInterrupt:
    		fmt.Println("user input: %s", line)

    powershell && cmd

    first 4 are dark green, last 4 are light green

    2022/12/26 19:00:32 color
    2022/12/26 19:00:32 color
    2022/12/26 19:00:33 color
    2022/12/26 19:00:34 color
    calling log.SetOutput() inside GetInput() which changes color
    2022/12/26 19:00:34 color
    2022/12/26 19:00:35 color
    2022/12/26 19:00:35 color
    2022/12/26 19:00:36 color

    git bash

    2022/12/26 19:05:44 ←[32mcolor←[0m
    2022/12/26 19:05:45 ←[32mcolor←[0m
    2022/12/26 19:05:45 ←[32mcolor←[0m
    2022/12/26 19:05:46 ←[32mcolor←[0m
    calling log.SetOutput() inside GetInput() which changes color
    2022/12/26 19:05:46 color
    2022/12/26 19:05:47 color
    2022/12/26 19:05:47 color
    2022/12/26 19:05:48 color


    • windows 10
    • amd64
    • using vscode


    • what can I use instead of log.SetOutput(l.Stderr()) to autorefresh the prompt line and having it always at the bottom?
    • is it correct to use log.SetOutput(l.Stdout())?
    • what can I do to avoid the unwanted color change?
  • the serial terminal key is invalid or stuck

    the serial terminal key is invalid or stuck

    When the tty is /dev/ttyS0, readline gets the term width as 0 (stty size output is 0 0), resulting in invalid tab and infinite loop of arrow keys

    w return is 0

  • data race warning

    data race warning

    WARNING: DATA RACE Write at 0x00c0000ce1f0 by goroutine 35:*opSearch).OnWidthChange() /home/archie/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/search.go:46 +0xc9 /home/archie/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/operation.go:85 +0x9d /home/archie/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/utils_unix.go:79 +0x41

    Previous write at 0x00c0000ce1f0 by goroutine 132: /home/archie/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/search.go:36 +0x3f7*Operation).SetConfig() /home/archie/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/operation.go:477 +0x34c /home/archie/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/operation.go:78 +0x315*Terminal).Readline() /home/archie/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/terminal.go:95 +0x5b /home/archie/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/readline.go:169 +0x41 /home/archie/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/readline.go:181 +0xee jasmgo/app.handleReadLine()

  • Support multi-line edit

    Support multi-line edit

    Would be useful to implementing something similar to how quotes works in sh/bash. That is to be able to open a quote, write some lines and then close to quote. This currently work but once you go back in history to edit a multi-line input things go wrong.

    The behaviour can be reproduced using the multiline example and this patch:

    diff --git a/example/readline-multiline/readline-multiline.go b/example/readline-multiline/readline-multiline.go
    index 2192cf6..090753f 100644
    --- a/example/readline-multiline/readline-multiline.go
    +++ b/example/readline-multiline/readline-multiline.go
    @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func main() {
                            rl.SetPrompt(">>> ")
    -               cmd := strings.Join(cmds, " ")
    +               cmd := strings.Join(cmds, "\n")
                    cmds = cmds[:0]
                    rl.SetPrompt("> ")

    And then run:

    $ go run example/readline-multiline/readline-multiline.go
    > line1
    >>> line2
    >>> line3;
    # press arrow up and you get multiple lines as input
    # press arrow left to try to go back into the multiline input
    # the lines start to scroll up

    Related to this is also #85

  • Tab Completion Candidate Pager for when candidates don't fit on a single page

    Tab Completion Candidate Pager for when candidates don't fit on a single page

    NB: This PR includes PR202 ( which is not yet merged. PR202 addressed various redraw issues with wide characters, edge of screen, multiple lines, masking etc. The main feature of the pager builds on these changes and redraw code so, I had to include them in this PR.

    Main Features:

    • If there are too many candidates returned by the completer, completeMode and completeSelectMode did not work properly. Similar to the bash completion pager, list candidates and offer "--More--" on the end of each page. User can select " ", "y" or "Y" to keep listing or "q", "Q", "n", "N" to stop listing. When paging completes, we also exit out of completionMode.
    • Added aggregate completion when entering completeSelectMode where the candidates dwindle down sharing a larger common prefix. This makes typing a little faster than having to select. It's a more bash-like behaviour.

    Other Fixes:

    • Fix various crashes where candidates are too wide for the width of the screen and causes division by zero.
    • Fix crash with wide (Asian characters) in completion.
    • Streamline redrawing as CompleteRefresh was called too often.
    • Fix crashes around ctrl-a and ctrl-e in select mode when candidates don't fit on a line
    • Fix prev/next candidates in select mode when candidates don't fit on a line
    • Fix crash when ctrl-k was pressed in select mode. This caused us to exit completeSelectMode which cleaned up all the data but left us in completeMode such that if CompleteRefresh was called directly, the data was not initialised.
    • Fix complete and select mode redraw issues when candidates did not fit on one line.
    • Fix cursor position issues after CompleteRefresh especially if the prompt and buffer also went over 1 line.
    • Fix redraw issue where exiting completion mode using certain key presses leaves candidates on the screen.

    Fixes for Windows:

    • Use window size for visible height/width instead of buffer size
    • Adjust for Window's EOL behaviour.


    • Added Height info to different structures as the decision to page or not required height information.
    • Added OnSizeChange(). Didn't know if I could get rid of the OnWidthChange()? Would be nice to remove the Width stuff and just have Size (width + height info).

    I tested this patch on Linux and Window and it seems to work well.

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