Classy web framework for Go

Martini wercker statusGoDoc

NOTE: The martini framework is no longer maintained.

Martini is a powerful package for quickly writing modular web applications/services in Golang.

Language Translations:

Getting Started

After installing Go and setting up your GOPATH, create your first .go file. We'll call it server.go.

package main

import ""

func main() {
  m := martini.Classic()
  m.Get("/", func() string {
    return "Hello world!"

Then install the Martini package (go 1.1 or greater is required):

go get

Then run your server:

go run server.go

You will now have a Martini webserver running on localhost:3000.

Getting Help

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GoDoc documentation


  • Extremely simple to use.
  • Non-intrusive design.
  • Plays nice with other Golang packages.
  • Awesome path matching and routing.
  • Modular design - Easy to add functionality, easy to rip stuff out.
  • Lots of good handlers/middlewares to use.
  • Great 'out of the box' feature set.
  • Fully compatible with the http.HandlerFunc interface.
  • Default document serving (e.g., for serving AngularJS apps in HTML5 mode).

More Middleware

For more middleware and functionality, check out the repositories in the martini-contrib organization.

Table of Contents

Classic Martini

To get up and running quickly, martini.Classic() provides some reasonable defaults that work well for most web applications:

  m := martini.Classic()
  // ... middleware and routing goes here

Below is some of the functionality martini.Classic() pulls in automatically:


Handlers are the heart and soul of Martini. A handler is basically any kind of callable function:

m.Get("/", func() {
  println("hello world")

Return Values

If a handler returns something, Martini will write the result to the current http.ResponseWriter as a string:

m.Get("/", func() string {
  return "hello world" // HTTP 200 : "hello world"

You can also optionally return a status code:

m.Get("/", func() (int, string) {
  return 418, "i'm a teapot" // HTTP 418 : "i'm a teapot"

Service Injection

Handlers are invoked via reflection. Martini makes use of Dependency Injection to resolve dependencies in a Handlers argument list. This makes Martini completely compatible with golang's http.HandlerFunc interface.

If you add an argument to your Handler, Martini will search its list of services and attempt to resolve the dependency via type assertion:

m.Get("/", func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { // res and req are injected by Martini
  res.WriteHeader(200) // HTTP 200

The following services are included with martini.Classic():


In Martini, a route is an HTTP method paired with a URL-matching pattern. Each route can take one or more handler methods:

m.Get("/", func() {
  // show something

m.Patch("/", func() {
  // update something

m.Post("/", func() {
  // create something

m.Put("/", func() {
  // replace something

m.Delete("/", func() {
  // destroy something

m.Options("/", func() {
  // http options

m.NotFound(func() {
  // handle 404

Routes are matched in the order they are defined. The first route that matches the request is invoked.

Route patterns may include named parameters, accessible via the martini.Params service:

m.Get("/hello/:name", func(params martini.Params) string {
  return "Hello " + params["name"]

Routes can be matched with globs:

m.Get("/hello/**", func(params martini.Params) string {
  return "Hello " + params["_1"]

Regular expressions can be used as well:

m.Get("/hello/(?P<name>[a-zA-Z]+)", func(params martini.Params) string {
  return fmt.Sprintf ("Hello %s", params["name"])

Take a look at the Go documentation for more info about regular expressions syntax .

Route handlers can be stacked on top of each other, which is useful for things like authentication and authorization:

m.Get("/secret", authorize, func() {
  // this will execute as long as authorize doesn't write a response

Route groups can be added too using the Group method.

m.Group("/books", func(r martini.Router) {
    r.Get("/:id", GetBooks)
    r.Post("/new", NewBook)
    r.Put("/update/:id", UpdateBook)
    r.Delete("/delete/:id", DeleteBook)

Just like you can pass middlewares to a handler you can pass middlewares to groups.

m.Group("/books", func(r martini.Router) {
    r.Get("/:id", GetBooks)
    r.Post("/new", NewBook)
    r.Put("/update/:id", UpdateBook)
    r.Delete("/delete/:id", DeleteBook)
}, MyMiddleware1, MyMiddleware2)


Services are objects that are available to be injected into a Handler's argument list. You can map a service on a Global or Request level.

Global Mapping

A Martini instance implements the inject.Injector interface, so mapping a service is easy:

db := &MyDatabase{}
m := martini.Classic()
m.Map(db) // the service will be available to all handlers as *MyDatabase
// ...

Request-Level Mapping

Mapping on the request level can be done in a handler via martini.Context:

func MyCustomLoggerHandler(c martini.Context, req *http.Request) {
  logger := &MyCustomLogger{req}
  c.Map(logger) // mapped as *MyCustomLogger

Mapping values to Interfaces

One of the most powerful parts about services is the ability to map a service to an interface. For instance, if you wanted to override the http.ResponseWriter with an object that wrapped it and performed extra operations, you can write the following handler:

func WrapResponseWriter(res http.ResponseWriter, c martini.Context) {
  rw := NewSpecialResponseWriter(res)
  c.MapTo(rw, (*http.ResponseWriter)(nil)) // override ResponseWriter with our wrapper ResponseWriter

Serving Static Files

A martini.Classic() instance automatically serves static files from the "public" directory in the root of your server. You can serve from more directories by adding more martini.Static handlers.

m.Use(martini.Static("assets")) // serve from the "assets" directory as well

Serving a Default Document

You can specify the URL of a local file to serve when the requested URL is not found. You can also specify an exclusion prefix so that certain URLs are ignored. This is useful for servers that serve both static files and have additional handlers defined (e.g., REST API). When doing so, it's useful to define the static handler as a part of the NotFound chain.

The following example serves the /index.html file whenever any URL is requested that does not match any local file and does not start with /api/v:

static := martini.Static("assets", martini.StaticOptions{Fallback: "/index.html", Exclude: "/api/v"})
m.NotFound(static, http.NotFound)

Middleware Handlers

Middleware Handlers sit between the incoming http request and the router. In essence they are no different than any other Handler in Martini. You can add a middleware handler to the stack like so:

m.Use(func() {
  // do some middleware stuff

You can have full control over the middleware stack with the Handlers function. This will replace any handlers that have been previously set:


Middleware Handlers work really well for things like logging, authorization, authentication, sessions, gzipping, error pages and any other operations that must happen before or after an http request:

// validate an api key
m.Use(func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
  if req.Header.Get("X-API-KEY") != "secret123" {


Context.Next() is an optional function that Middleware Handlers can call to yield the until after the other Handlers have been executed. This works really well for any operations that must happen after an http request:

// log before and after a request
m.Use(func(c martini.Context, log *log.Logger){
  log.Println("before a request")


  log.Println("after a request")

Martini Env

Some Martini handlers make use of the martini.Env global variable to provide special functionality for development environments vs production environments. It is recommended that the MARTINI_ENV=production environment variable to be set when deploying a Martini server into a production environment.


Where do I find middleware X?

Start by looking in the martini-contrib projects. If it is not there feel free to contact a martini-contrib team member about adding a new repo to the organization.

  • acceptlang - Handler for parsing the Accept-Language HTTP header.
  • accessflags - Handler to enable Access Control.
  • auth - Handlers for authentication.
  • binding - Handler for mapping/validating a raw request into a structure.
  • cors - Handler that enables CORS support.
  • csrf - CSRF protection for applications
  • encoder - Encoder service for rendering data in several formats and content negotiation.
  • gzip - Handler for adding gzip compress to requests
  • gorelic - NewRelic middleware
  • logstasher - Middleware that prints logstash-compatible JSON
  • method - HTTP method overriding via Header or form fields.
  • oauth2 - Handler that provides OAuth 2.0 login for Martini apps. Google Sign-in, Facebook Connect and Github login is supported.
  • permissions2 - Handler for keeping track of users, login states and permissions.
  • render - Handler that provides a service for easily rendering JSON and HTML templates.
  • secure - Implements a few quick security wins.
  • sessions - Handler that provides a Session service.
  • sessionauth - Handler that provides a simple way to make routes require a login, and to handle user logins in the session
  • strict - Strict Mode
  • strip - URL Prefix stripping.
  • staticbin - Handler for serving static files from binary data
  • throttle - Request rate throttling middleware.
  • vauth - Handlers for vender webhook authentication (currently GitHub and TravisCI)
  • web - hoisie web.go's Context

How do I integrate with existing servers?

A Martini instance implements http.Handler, so it can easily be used to serve subtrees on existing Go servers. For example this is a working Martini app for Google App Engine:

package hello

import (

func init() {
  m := martini.Classic()
  m.Get("/", func() string {
    return "Hello world!"
  http.Handle("/", m)

How do I change the port/host?

Martini's Run function looks for the PORT and HOST environment variables and uses those. Otherwise Martini will default to localhost:3000. To have more flexibility over port and host, use the martini.RunOnAddr function instead.

  m := martini.Classic()
  // ...

Live code reload?

gin and fresh both live reload martini apps.


Martini is meant to be kept tiny and clean. Most contributions should end up in a repository in the martini-contrib organization. If you do have a contribution for the core of Martini feel free to put up a Pull Request.


Martini is distributed by The MIT License, see LICENSE


Inspired by express and sinatra

Martini is obsessively designed by none other than the Code Gangsta

  • add Routes.NotFound method

    add Routes.NotFound method

    called inside a routing handler for passing current request to NotFound handler

    m.Get("/:uri", func(p martini.Params, r martini.Routes) {
        if p["uri"] == "allok" {
        r.NotFound() // from here
    m.NotFound(func() {
        // to here
  • net/http/pprof breaks with Martini

    net/http/pprof breaks with Martini

    It appears that Martini prevents net/http/pprof from working. This can be reproduced by creating a non-Martini app and an equivalent Martini app and examining the "/debug/pprof/" endpoints.

    To reproduce:

    If you create the following non-Martini application:

    // Non-Martini version
    package main
    import (
        _ "net/http/pprof"
    func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hi there, I love %s!", r.URL.Path[1:])
    func main() {
        http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
        http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

    When running this and then navigating to http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/ you'll see the following:

    screen shot 2014-04-09 at 2 48 32 pm

    If you create the equivalent Martini based application:

    // Martini Version
    package main
    import (
        _ "net/http/pprof"
    func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hi there, I love %s!", r.URL.Path[1:])
    func main() {
        m := martini.New()
        r := martini.NewRouter()
        r.Get("/", handler)
        http.ListenAndServe(":8080", m)

    And navigate to the same endpoint, you get a 404.

  • go_version.go does not compile

    go_version.go does not compile

    It seems the following code in go_version.go does not compile:

    package martini
    func MartiniDoesNotSupportGo1Point0() {
            "Martini requires Go 1.1 or greater."
  • Swagger Integration (Feature Request)

    Swagger Integration (Feature Request)


    First of all, nice project. I like it a lot.

    Some feature that would make this project even more attractive is support for swagger.

    Swagger is a specification and complete framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services.

    Website: Example:

    Swagger is already supported by play-framework, scalatra, django, go-restful.

    BR, Rene

  • Added option to disable logging when serving static assets

    Added option to disable logging when serving static assets

    I added an optional parameter to Static(), to disable logging when serving static assets.

    The reason for this is that my current project has a lot of static CSS, JS, etc. files that are served with each GET request. This produces a lot of "spam" that I don't want / need to have in my logfile/stdout.

    The new variadic bool parameter for Static() is called skipLogging. If it is set to true, no logging output will be produced. Since the default for a missing parameter / bool is false, this change is fully backwards compatible.


    //m := martini.Classic()
    r := martini.NewRouter()
    m := martini.New()
    m.Use(martini.Static("public", true)) // skip logging on static content
    m.Use(martini.Logger()) // place Logger after Static
    r.Get("/", index)
    // Output:
    // [martini] listening on port 3000
    // [martini] Started GET /
    // [martini] Completed 200 OK in 615.252us

    vs. before:

    m := martini.Classic()
    m.Get("/", index)
    // Output:
    // [martini] listening on port 3000
    // [martini] Started GET /
    // [martini] Completed 200 OK in 604.306us
    // [martini] Started GET /stylesheets/base.css
    // [martini] [Static] Serving /stylesheets/base.css
    // [martini] Completed 304 Not Modified in 52.72us
    // [martini] Started GET /stylesheets/custom.css
    // [martini] [Static] Serving /stylesheets/custom.css
    // [martini] Completed 304 Not Modified in 36.677us
    // [martini] Started GET /stylesheets/layout.css
    // [martini] [Static] Serving /stylesheets/layout.css
    // [martini] Completed 304 Not Modified in 32.378us
    // [martini] Started GET /stylesheets/skeleton.css
    // [martini] [Static] Serving /stylesheets/skeleton.css
    // [martini] Completed 304 Not Modified in 33.953us
    // [martini] Started GET /images/bg.png
    // [martini] [Static] Serving /images/bg.png
    // [martini] Completed 304 Not Modified in 42.832us
    // [martini] Started GET /images/color.png
    // [martini] [Static] Serving /images/color.png
    // [martini] Completed 304 Not Modified in 37.132us
  • Add Values and Printer to give middleware control over Handler return

    Add Values and Printer to give middleware control over Handler return

    This moves the return handling functionality from Router into a new Printer() middleware by means of a Values type. This allows other middleware to do things with values returned from the previous handler.

    This keeps the functionality of Martini & ClassicMartini functionality identical to the way it is now. Router tests have been updated to reflect the changes, and new tests have been added for Printer().

    Printer() also additionally supports String() from fmt.Stringer and []byte.

  • UrlFor implemented

    UrlFor implemented

    Hi! One common pattern I've seen in multiple web frameworks is the ability to assign a name to a route and generate the url for that route through an UrlFor method, which I think it's very useful. I've noticed Martini didn't have it so here's my attempt to implement it.

    All tests are passing.

    Some examples:

    // Naming a route
    m.Get("/foo", func() {
        // Here be code
    // Generating the url for your route
    fmt.Println(m.UrlFor("my_fancy_route", nil))
    // Outputs /foo
    // Naming a route with params
    m.Get("/foo/:bar/:baz", func() {
        // Here be code
    // Generating the url for your route with params
    fmt.Println(m.UrlFor("my_fancy_route_with_params", "param1", "param2"))
    // Outputs /foo/param1/param2
  • Use a secure comparison in auth middleware

    Use a secure comparison in auth middleware

    Otherwise you might get timing attacks:

    I don't actually know Go. I ran through gofmt at least.

    Also I feel like that SecureCompare would be generally useful in a middleware project (Rack has one in Util ,for example) so I bet it should be extracted from here.

  • Logger RemoteAddr

    Logger RemoteAddr

    For various reasons I am using Nginx as a proxy pass through to my Go servers.

    Nginx config:

    server {
          listen 443 ssl;
          ssl on;
          ssl_certificate /var/www/go/src/pixelrelay/tls/ssl.crt;
          ssl_certificate_key /var/www/go/src/pixelrelay/tls/key.pem;
          location / {
            proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP       $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header    Host            $host;

    However, this ends up giving the following in the logs:

    [martini] Started GET /views/albuminfo.html for

    Obviously, this gives a log entry that means nothing to me if I were to go back and read through the logs.

    So, is there a way to override the header that it is grabbing the req.RemoteAddr value from. So I could instead let it take the value from X-Real-IP?

  • Value not found for type martini.Context

    Value not found for type martini.Context

    On localhost with go1.2.1 darwin/amd64 there is no problem but when i try to deploy on debian with go1.2.1 linux/amd64 error occurred.

    [martini] Started POST /register
    [martini] PANIC: Value not found for type martini.Context
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x433768)
        (*routeContext).run: panic(err)
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x432d04)
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x431d7c)
        (*router).Handle: route.Handle(context, res)
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x401c80) m.Action(router.Handle)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/asm_amd64.s:340 (0x425372)
        call64: CALLFN(call64, 64)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/reflect/value.go:474 (0x551a7b) call(fn, ptr, uint32(size))
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/reflect/value.go:345 (0x550b6d)
        Value.Call: return"Call", in)
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x560844)
        (*injector).Invoke: return reflect.ValueOf(f).Call(in), nil
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x430382)
        (*context).run: _, err := c.Invoke(c.handler())
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x4302db)
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x434166)
        func.004: c.Next()
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/asm_amd64.s:339 (0x425312)
        call32: CALLFN(call32, 32)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/reflect/value.go:474 (0x551a7b) call(fn, ptr, uint32(size))
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/reflect/value.go:345 (0x550b6d)
        Value.Call: return"Call", in)
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x560844)
        (*injector).Invoke: return reflect.ValueOf(f).Call(in), nil
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x430382)
        (*context).run: _, err := c.Invoke(c.handler())
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x4302db)
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x433a78)
        func.001: c.Next()
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/asm_amd64.s:340 (0x425372)
        call64: CALLFN(call64, 64)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/reflect/value.go:474 (0x551a7b) call(fn, ptr, uint32(size))
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/reflect/value.go:345 (0x550b6d)
        Value.Call: return"Call", in)
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x560844)
        (*injector).Invoke: return reflect.ValueOf(f).Call(in), nil
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x430382)
        (*context).run: _, err := c.Invoke(c.handler())
    /home/pkowalczuk/go/src/ (0x42fa93)
        (*Martini).ServeHTTP: m.createContext(res, req).run()
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/http/server.go:1597 (0x4491ee)
        serverHandler.ServeHTTP: handler.ServeHTTP(rw, req)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/http/server.go:1167 (0x4471f7)
        (*conn).serve: serverHandler{c.server}.ServeHTTP(w, w.req)
    /usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:1394 (0x418b00)
        goexit: runtime·goexit(void)
    [martini] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 12.53285ms

  • Value not found for type martini.Context

    Value not found for type martini.Context

    The following request logger appears to be causing Martini to panic:

    func requestLogger() martini.Handler {
        return func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, c martini.Context) {
            start := time.Now()
            rw := res.(martini.ResponseWriter)
            log.Infof("%s %s %v %s", req.Method, req.URL.Path, rw.Status(), time.Since(start))

    The trace is here:

    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: 2014/03/31 16:55:56 http: panic serving Value not found for type martini.Context
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: goroutine 19 [running]:
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: net/http.func·009()
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/.gvm/gos/go1.2/src/pkg/net/http/server.go:1093 +0xae
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: runtime.panic(0x882bc0, 0xc21013ca70)
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/.gvm/gos/go1.2/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:248 +0x106
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]:*context).run(0xc2100e8e10)
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x98
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]:*context).Next(0xc2100e8e10)
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x2b
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: main.func·001(0x7fa26f7f1340, 0xc2100e5dc0, 0xc21015a000, 0x7fa26f7f12d8, 0xc2100e8e10)
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x93
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]:, 0xa6eb68, 0x130, 0x949d40, 0x4, ...)
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/.gvm/gos/go1.2/src/pkg/reflect/value.go:474 +0xe0b
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: reflect.Value.Call(0x857ce0, 0xa6eb68, 0x130, 0xc2100e8e60, 0x3, ...)
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/.gvm/gos/go1.2/src/pkg/reflect/value.go:345 +0x9d
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]:*injector).Invoke(0xc210150a40, 0x857ce0, 0xa6eb68, 0xf518f0, 0x0, ...)
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x304
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]:*context).run(0xc2100e8e10)
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x62
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]:*Martini).ServeHTTP(0xc2100423c0, 0x7fa26f7f11e8, 0xc210152a00, 0xc21015a0
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x53
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP(0xc2100e8550, 0x7fa26f7f11e8, 0xc210152a00, 0xc21015a000)
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/.gvm/gos/go1.2/src/pkg/net/http/server.go:1597 +0x16e
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: net/http.(*conn).serve(0xc210148080)
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/.gvm/gos/go1.2/src/pkg/net/http/server.go:1167 +0x7b7
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: created by net/http.(*Server).Serve
    Mar 31 16:55:56 cdr2 rated[23101]: /home/travis/.gvm/gos/go1.2/src/pkg/net/http/server.go:1644 +0x28b

    For some strange reason I am only getting this from Travis binary builds - I'm not getting this issue running the app from source.

  • Use an interface for logger

    Use an interface for logger

    What this does:

    Moves from a pointer to a log.logger to a logger interface. I leave in the original code that initializes a default log.logger because this is an older repo and theres no reason to break this.

    Why this is necessary

    • I have an older repo (orchestrator) that uses martini and the logs are poluted with martini logs that are in a non standard format and make searching them hard.
    • Also added support for go modules..
  • Problems with # in route matching

    Problems with # in route matching

    LIke: m.Get("/hello/**", func(params martini.Params) string { return "Hello " + params["_1"] })

    Enter when I visit “/hello/test#test”, It's return 404. I want to know # is treated as something else? Thank you ^-^

  • how to break-out of middleware chain using Martini

    how to break-out of middleware chain using Martini

    I put this question on SO and am looking for answers - this question may be based off a false assumption:

    but at the very least I have no idea how martini would know when to keep invoking the middleware chain and when not to? it wouldn't know even if you aleady set the http status code or wrote the response body, you may still want to keep writing in subsequent middleware funcs. someone please explain how to return early out of the chain.

    Perhaps this is the best way to do it?

    m.Use(func(c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter){
        if reqIsMalformed() {
            http.Error(w, "Bad request because xyz", 422)
        c.Next()  // only invoke remaining middleware if the request is valid?
  • How to include auth middleware that handles roles for logged-in users

    How to include auth middleware that handles roles for logged-in users

    We have this right now which works:

    func (ctr *Controller) Routes(m *martini.ClassicMartini) {
       m.Post("/cp/foo", common.AsJson, common.RequestTimer, ctr.Login)
       m.Get("/cp/bar", common.AsJson, common.RequestTimer, ctr.Logout)

    we want to do something like this:

    func (ctr *Controller) Routes(m *martini.ClassicMartini) {
       m.Post("/cp/foo", common.AsJson, common.LoadUser("admin"), common.RequestTimer, ctr.Login)
       m.Get("/cp/bar", common.AsJson, common.LoadUser("admin", "super"), common.RequestTimer, ctr.Logout)

    basically we want some middleware that can load a user from a JWT and ensure that they have the right role (either admin or super or both etc). The above would work fine, but we want to send a 401 back in the middleware if the user doesn't have the right roles or if the JWT cannot be decrypted.

    Is there a way to define middleware for each route, where that middleware can respond, so we don't have to handle that logic at every endpoint?

Golanger Web Framework is a lightweight framework for writing web applications in Go.

/* Copyright 2013 All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except

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