Converts PDF, DOC, DOCX, XML, HTML, RTF, etc to plain text


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A Go wrapper library to convert PDF, DOC, DOCX, XML, HTML, RTF, ODT, Pages documents and images (see optional dependencies below) to plain text.

Note for returning users: the Go import path for this package changed to


If you haven't setup Go before, you first need to install Go.

To fetch and build the code:

$ go get

This will also build the command line tool docd into $GOPATH/bin. Make sure that $GOPATH/bin is in your PATH environment variable.


tidy, wv, popplerutils, unrtf,

Example install of dependencies (not all systems):

$ sudo apt-get install poppler-utils wv unrtf tidy
$ go get

Optional dependencies

To add image support to the docconv library you first need to install and build gosseract.

Now you can add -tags ocr to any go command when building/fetching/testing docconv to include support for processing images:

$ go get -tags ocr

This may complain on macOS, which you can fix by installing tesseract via brew:

$ brew install tesseract

docd tool

The docd tool runs as either:

  1. a service on port 8888 (by default)

    Documents can be sent as a multipart POST request and the plain text (body) and meta information are then returned as a JSON object.

  2. a service exposed from within a Docker container

    This also runs as a service, but from within a Docker container. Official images are published at

    Optionally you can build it yourself:

    cd docd
    docker build -t docd .
  3. via the command line.

    Documents can be sent as an argument, e.g.

    $ docd -input document.pdf

Optional flags

  • addr - the bind address for the HTTP server, default is ":8888"
  • log-level
    • 0: errors & critical info
    • 1: inclues 0 and logs each request as well
    • 2: include 1 and logs the response payloads
  • readability-length-low - sets the readability length low if the ?readability=1 parameter is set
  • readability-length-high - sets the readability length high if the ?readability=1 parameter is set
  • readability-stopwords-low - sets the readability stopwords low if the ?readability=1 parameter is set
  • readability-stopwords-high - sets the readability stopwords high if the ?readability=1 parameter is set
  • readability-max-link-density - sets the readability max link density if the ?readability=1 parameter is set
  • readability-max-heading-distance - sets the readability max heading distance if the ?readability=1 parameter is set
  • readability-use-classes - comma separated list of readability classes to use if the ?readability=1 parameter is set

How to start the service

$ # This will only log errors and critical info
$ docd -log-level 0

$ # This will run on port 8000 and log each request
$ docd -addr :8000 -log-level 1

Example usage (code)

Some basic code is shown below, but normally you would accept the file by HTTP or open it from the file system.

This should be enough to get you started though.

Use case 1: run locally

Note: this assumes you have the dependencies installed.

package main

import (


func main() {
	res, err := docconv.ConvertPath("your-file.pdf")
	if err != nil {

Use case 2: request over the network

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Create a new client, using the default endpoint (localhost:8888)
	c := client.New()

	res, err := client.ConvertPath(c, "your-file.pdf")
	if err != nil {

Alternatively, via a curl:

curl -s -F input=your-file.pdf http://localhost:8888/convert
Enabling every organization to create smart search experiences
  • Compatibility with Windows

    Compatibility with Windows

    Docconv seems to give trouble when running on Windows computer. In doc.go for instance there is a hardcoded path to a tempdir which includes a forward slash (line 17 and 60 e.g.). This is definitely a problem for a Windows OS...

  • issues with deploying to gcloud

    issues with deploying to gcloud

    I tried to deploy it to appengine, and i'm failing.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMOTE BUILD OUTPUT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    starting build "b30eafdb-e2e2-4a5d-b334-6be6535a8773"
    Fetching storage object: gs://
    Copying gs://
    / [1 files][  6.4 MiB/  6.4 MiB]
    Operation completed over 1 objects/6.4 MiB.
    Already have image (with digest):
    Sending build context to Docker daemon  13.49MB
    Step 1/9 : FROM alpine
    latest: Pulling from library/alpine
    Digest: sha256:acd3ca9941a85e8ed16515bfc5328e4e2f8c128caa72959a58a127b7801ee01f
    Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine:latest
     ---> 961769676411
    Step 2/9 : MAINTAINER Hamish Ogilvy
     ---> Running in 1bf83502be90
    Removing intermediate container 1bf83502be90
     ---> 1d609d316173
    Step 3/9 : ENV CC=/usr/bin/gcc
     ---> Running in ebc84ab28e30
    Removing intermediate container ebc84ab28e30
     ---> 857461fa7c94
    Step 4/9 : ENV CXX=/usr/bin/g++
     ---> Running in 7022ffdf3aa6
    Removing intermediate container 7022ffdf3aa6
     ---> e6a37cfd4e07
    Step 5/9 : COPY dependencies/* /
    COPY failed: no source files were specified
    ERROR: build step 0 "" failed: exit status 1
    ERROR: ( Cloud build failed. Check logs at Failure status: UNKNOWN: Error Response: [2] Build failed; check build logs for details
    rm: appengine/dependencies: No such file or directory
  • Fix temporary file creation

    Fix temporary file creation

    The following line throws an error message for me: f, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "/docconv")

    error message: pattern contains path separator

    full error message thrown by docconv.Convert(): error converting data: error creating local file: error creating temporary file: pattern contains path separator

    This can be easily reproduced with go playground, just add and remove the slash to see the difference:

    I suppose it could be fixed by just removing the slash, unless I'm missing the reason it needed to be there in the first place.

  • docconv appears to be out of sync with latest

    docconv appears to be out of sync with latest

    With current docconv at github/sajari/docconv that imports the build on Mac OS terminal results in:

    go get -tags ocr package cannot find package "" in any of: /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT) /Users//go/src/ (from $GOPATH)

    Changing import to reference otiai10's current release (i.e. "") in image_orc.go results in undefined references as follows:

    go get -tags ocr

    /Users//go/src/ undefined: gosseract.Must /Users//go/src/ undefined: gosseract.Params

  • Use as internal go library

    Use as internal go library

    Is there a way to use this as an interal/embedded library in a golang program? I see that I can most likely achieve this with ODT and several other types since it returns a string.

    However, with PDF it returns a BodyResult that is not exported and looks like it is interpreted directly by the command line? Am I missing something?

  • error converting data: exec:

    error converting data: exec: "pdftotext": executable file not found in $PATH

    I'm trying to launch simple code from tutorial in this repo, only with my own PDF file and has this error error converting data: exec: "pdftotext": executable file not found in $PATH.

    Platform MacOS. My PDF file is in go/src/project and in go/bin

    My Go project file path: /User/admin/go/src/project


    export GOPATH=$HOME/go
    export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin


    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	res, err := docconv.ConvertPath("gsl-mit-edu-0to1.pdf")
    	if err != nil {

    What could be the problem ?

  • Convert Images in PDFs

    Convert Images in PDFs

    This is based on the work in Many thanks to @marioidival for getting that started.

    The objective is to enable this tool to perform character recognition on images within PDFs in addition to its current pdftotext capabilities.

    When the project is built with the ocr tag, ConvertPDF will detect images within the document and invoke ConvertImage on each of them.

    Note that our gosseract dependency just released a v2 with a breaking change. In order to preserve the current integration, I've updated the import statement to use gosseract/v1/gosseract as recommended in their current README.

  • go-charset/charset not more hosting in google code

    go-charset/charset not more hosting in google code

    new hosting:

    $ go get
    warning: is shutting down; import path will stop working
  • Possible license inconsistencies

    Possible license inconsistencies


    We were considering using your library as part of our application and discovered one potential license inconsistency:

    Your library is licensed under MIT and has poppler-utils in the dependencies. However, poppler is licensed under GPL 2.

    License information:

    In our understanding, it could make your library obligatory to be licensed under GPL 2. I'm not the license expert and I might be mistaken here. But I hope you find this observation helpful, and you might have already considered it, and there are reasons why it's still fine to use MIT. It'd be great if you can clarify it, and explain us the legal way to use your library and poppler in our app under MIT.

    Thank you in advance!

  • docd: refactor Dockerfile and publish to DockerHub

    docd: refactor Dockerfile and publish to DockerHub

    • Use multi-stage build to compile docd
    • Bring debian variant up to date
    • Deprecate the alpine variant
    • Add GitHub action to publish an official image to DockerHub
    • Use published image as the AppEngine custom runtime


    • [x] add DockerHub credentials for publishing
    • [ ] release v1.1.1
  • enable html output when readability is set to true

    enable html output when readability is set to true

    If html.go > HTMLReadabilityOptionsValues.ReadabilityUseClasses is left as an empty string as initialized, nothing will be included in the output. "good" is probably the very minimum that should be included in the output.

  • use as the default

    use as the default "good" and "neargood" for html when ReadabilityUseClasses is empty

    That are the defaults for docd, but that doesn't apply to library usage generating the problem seen in the issue #78.

    This PR can have a drawback if you intentionally pass an empty list for readabilityUseClasses, but that makes no sense, because the resulting extraction would be an empty body.

    Fixes #78

  • Fix mime type of .tif files

    Fix mime type of .tif files

    .tif files should map to the image/tiff mime type.

    List of official mime types:

    From MDN web docs:

  • system deadlock

    system deadlock

    Line 102 103 in this doc. go causes a system deadlock, mainly because the coroutine implemented above failed to add valid data to the channel

    	body := <-bc
    	meta := <-mc


    ConvertDoc: could not read doc: mscfb: bad signature; 43016997712
    wvText: exit status 255
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